November - Post 3
Is It Really Happening?
Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.
Dear Friends and Colleagues
Please take a look at the following three links:
- I am still checking out the authenticity of the bases and their elimination.
- August 23rd 2011 was almost beginning of the Mayan Calendar 5th Night.
- Those of you who remember my UFO workshops will remember I said’ ET will not help us, WE HAVE TO HELP OURSELVES, there are no shining Knights in White Armour.
- The only TIME ET will do something is if the PLANET IS THREATENED with a breakage.
- They are not interested in us; we could perish as long as the planet is kept intact. THE UFO STORY MY BLOG MAY 2005.
- In more recent updates in energygrid from March 2011 onwards I mentioned the the various wars, cyber (in news now), mind wars (digital network), Psychic (very prevalent if bases are destroyed with their mind bending equipment----see diagrams in updates on how the use of electronics and the black helicopters work), So if the equipment is destroyed then they will use HUMAN PSYCHICS. This if the bases are destroyed is the last deployment.
- Telepathy wars will be on the level of advanced psychics from either side, one attacking, one neutralising.
- I MENTIONED IN updates that the ‘elite’ may be considering a fake UFO attack, a holocaust caused by HAARP like mechanisms, either at October 28 2011 or more likely Dec.21.2012.
- DID ET get wind of a fake extreme event and decided to INTERVENE?
- Even if the bases are destroyed THEN WE HAVE STILL, STILL, STILL have to change our ways. We can still DAMAGE THE Earth by pollution, GM foods and the like. REMEMBER ET IS NOT INTERESTED IN A WAR LIKE SELFISH RACE. As long, as long, as we do not break the earth or irreparably damage the planet they will let us war and exterminate ourselves.
- We are the people we are waiting for; we are our own shining knights in white armour.
- All of this said in Blog as above May 2005 and more. Those of you who attended my UFO workshops from 1975 onwards till 1998 will have heard this and more. There is a lot, lot more.
- I have the full transcript of 300 odd pages of the ET and the Nurse from the Roswell Incident which is absolutely authentic and this bears out exactly what I have said in May 2005 and before.
- The Old Empire(Melchedekans) still have bases on Earth in secluded and inaccessible places, with old UFO (see model in HANGAR 18 old edition—banned after a few weeks although highly successful box office and the HUMAN ALIENS and not the greys or almond eyes), they are the ET behind the elite(not serpents or reptilian), they know they are being monitored see May 2005 UFO STORY energygrid blog.
- Many top officials from the Scandinavian Countries and Canada, along with Russian top Brass have openly admitted now with some Astronauts, Technical Bods who air brushed photographs that ET in form and Craft exist which are not look a likes made to fool and hoax people.
- A WORD OF CAUSION: A) BECAUSE OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE FINANCES AND THE WALL STREET AND OTHER COUNTRIES PROTEST AND SIT INS. B) BECAUSE OF THE DELIBERATE BREAK UPS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. C) BECAUSE OF THE THREAT TO RUSSIA, CHINA AND IRAN ( I found Russia today ON Channel 85 TV or far less biased and free from censorship than Murdoch TV which is still handling Western News. Russia today has presenters from all over the world, not only Russian.
- This like 9/11, 7/9, Falkland’s war, Dr. Kelly, Iran intended assassination of Saudi Ambassador in the USA, and the like is always done as a distraction from embarrassing and damaging news to the so called elite and their minions the world governments and banks with multi corporations, the medical profession in particular.
- Many Doctors, bless them, nurses angels in disguise, are secretly waking up. We will need Doctors, Hospitals, nurses and so forth until the new ways are fully implemented(see numerous blogs, updates and so forth on the new free energy apparatus, air cars and others, miracle techno medical cures (Phantom Wave etc.).
- As I say this can happen and lets hope all the above is authentic. My feeling is we are on the way. October 28 2011 opened the gate, the frequencies are now at the top of their vibrations and this can cause a tumbling down of structures if used en masse for the greater good that is "A world that works lovingly, respectfully for every one every where."
Be Well and Take Care. Geoff

Copyright © 2011 Geoff Freed