July - Update 5
Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.
I guess by now many of your dear selves would have felt at your core the very essence of the transformation energies.
It would seem to me that after October 28, say around January 2012 we would have found out about Elenin/Nibiru, whether some Unity Conscious has pervaded the planet.
It would be in my view to keep on alerting people to the underhand dirty tricks, because the clarity of mind should, might or be awakening.
In the Light of the heightened energies one should be or have strategies which David Icke suggest this week [09-07-11], there are already m any such things in place on the net; doasone.com, globalcoherence.org, HeartMath, and many others in You Tube.
However what David has to say is interesting and thanks to him here is some words;
"We have the power, more than the power, to bring down the vibrational prison walls if we understand even the basics of how it all works. The Control System is not structured by accident to generate incoherent heart energy and low vibrational thought and emotion such as fear, stress, anger, frustration and depression. This is done to maintain humanity in a low-vibrational, incoherent state, that generates the energy they want, enslaves people in close-minded ignorance and … here's the big one … projects a constant supply of imbalanced and chaotic low-vibrational electromagnetic energy into the Earth's atmosphere.The collective unconscious is embedded deep within the human mind, the psyche and becomes the rote of every day life and thinking. I feel the archetypal hierarchical kind of deep unconscious subliminal feelings, those from time gone by and burned into the mind an indelible under surface prompt, that is like a compulsion, a habit and hard to break, so imprisoning the individual and the collective, unable to think outside the box and tethered to political agendas, religious dogma, cultural acceptance and then educated into reductionism science, compartmentalising isolation.
HAARP and connecting radiation technologies are also being used to further suppress and imbalance the resonance of that energy 'sea' and therefore manipulate the fish – humans – into those same low-vibrational states. This creates a feedback loop as people are influenced by the energy 'sea' into incoherent states and then feed these patterns back into the 'sea' to further empower its negative influence. We have to break that circuit and transform the individual and collective energy field from the incoherence that the Control System depends upon to the coherence and harmony that will set us individually and collectively free. We can manifest energetic harmony from the manipulated chaos. We will do this if enough people get involved with Awakening the World – Every Heart Makes A Difference.
We want millions, tens of millions and more.
People would be amazed if they knew the impact that humans are having on the Earth energy field minute by minute. Technology can now measure this and great spikes occur in the Earth's energetic state when there is a global reaction to something such as 9/11. Obviously, the fear and emotion generated by the 9/11 attacks would have suited the goals of the conspirators, but we can have an incredible impact on opening the Earth's energy field to the love, peace and harmony that will bring down the house of cards that depends on imbalance and incoherence for its very survival."
Today's technology as in the David Icke and my back blogs, see the last update, can then stigmatise, dope, cause lethargy in order to dumb down the alert open unprejudiced mind and so open a gateway into the unconscious to implant through digital, bottled water laced with lithium and leeched plastic material, food with mind altering additives and pesticides, media advertising by sheer repetition[like those who chant their religious dogmas from an early age with body swaying to deeply implant a programme that is nigh impossible to alter, and any attempts to do so produces guilt, shame and violence towards the individual by self harm. 'Oh God forgive me I have sinned' or the devil is in the opposite creed, despise and exterminate]. This is why a strong leader seems to have the 'saviour' of the dogma chosen or programmed into one. The leader epitomises or is the Knight In Shining White Armour, come to save us all, a mere shunning of the responsibility and disempowering one, again one is captivated in the net, like a spiders prey. If you do not conform the 'spider will get you. Who is the spider, the elite, politicians, bankers, priests, Big Pharma and the like?
This is where false scientific reports by the medical, oil, chemical, political agendas are cast on the masses that do not think or feel for themselves and so the state; religious [now losing ground] have their power. They instil the creeds into the matrix of humanity and so most follow me leader and then is lost in the programme and most all lost to oneself.

Figure 1 The matrix a computation that can be engineered out of its countless relations and computations. This can be digitally engineered and imprinted on the collective unconscious.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/09/why-do-dieticians-believe-sugar-fluoride-artificial-colors-are-safe-for-children.aspx WHEN MANY WISE WRITERS ARE SAYING WE DEFINTELY LIVE IN A MAD, MAD WORLD, THIS HAS TO BE ONE OF THEM ABOVE.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/09/what-state-uses-more-antibiotics-on-livestock-than-entire-us-on-humans.aspx You can see where the e-coli is likely to next crop up from [excuse pun on crop].
Incredible silhouette dancing. Thanks Maurice for sending.
Are you on a low-fat diet or a statin? Then you're yet another victim of "the greatest scam in the history of medicine"
Do you always make sure you buy low-fat foods and drinks, such as milk? Are you taking a statin drug, on the advice of your doctor and possibly because you've reached a certain age?
Then you can count yourself among the millions of victims of a medical myth – or, as one leading researchers calls it, "the greatest scam in the history of medicine".
The myth is that high-fat foods raise levels of 'bad' LDL cholesterol, which clogs our arteries, leading to heart attack and heart disease.
It's a myth because it has never been proven, as the latest What Doctors Don't Tell You (WDDTY) special report reveals.
In fact, LDL cholesterol plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy body and mind – and you can't get too much of it.
Returning to Matrix and the unified field of the collective unconscious, just as the GCI
http://www.glcoherence.org/monitoring-system/commentaries.html YES IT IS VERY LONG, MOST OF IT YOU HAVE READ IN EARLIER BLOGS, THE FIRST FEW PARAGRAPHS ARE NEW. They contain Global Coherence monitoring system – A case example from the Middle East and their monitoring site in Saudi Arabia [this is a set of instruments].
Just as the Global Coherence and related graphs can pick up 'the collective unconscious' and record it i.e, I have heard from whistle blowers that the Bilderberg groups and their boffins can tell when their 'matrix' digital and psychic [next step] is being 'attacked' in the sense that the collective reacts to the 'foreign invasions of energies' and smoothes out, gets more peaceful. The 'elite' boffins then use 'carrier waves' to launch an attack.

They can use HAARP, OR DUE TO THE Earth's diminishing magnetic field, magnetic pole drift, sun activity resulting in climate change, exacerbate the energy pulses and give it a negative bias. They can use the Schumann resonance and so forth and especially the eddy harmonics as in long article above, to further disrupt the heart and circadian rhythms. [And digitalise it to use eddy harmonics, in other words capture these frequencies then broadcast them as explained in update July Update 4. Also use in conjunction with diagram at end of May 2011 update 3].
This seems to be a better clearer version of the above.
VERY INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH Author Stephen Knapp.[6 mins].
Why is this so important? In back blogs it was discussed about the bible and UFO or ancient warfare, Sitchin, what is now being found and revealed such as Giants, Pyramids throughout the world and their technology, satellite energy signatures arising from them and so forth, and what is more it is being discovered world wide.
THE MOST significant point is to my view this ancient altering of our genetic structure, followed by us a hybrid race, then the memories held genetically of our ancient past, whether as an alien of pure descent or a hybrid, THEN THE IMPLICATION that THROUGH CELLULAR MEMORY we may repeat this war like atomic like destruction and yet there is this other Divine side as well. Stephen Knapp gives a very interesting view on this, in my view I differ from his consciousness soul explanation. There is always space for opinions as long as we respect one another's view as well.
'7.1-Mag. Quake Hits Off East CoastI wonder how long Japan will survive or keep afloat.
Of Japan - Tsunami Warnings In Effect
'An earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale jolted off the east coast of Honshu, Japan at 09:57 a.m. local time (0057 GMT) on Sunday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. Tsunami warnings or advisories are currently in effect.'
The quake hit at a depth of 10 kilometres under the seabed and the epicentre is some 200 kilometres from the coast of Miyagi Prefecture, Japan's meteorological agency said.
The earthquake was clearly felt in Tokyo and many eastern cities and the bullet train service were temporarily halted in north-eastern Japan, local media reports said.'
Latest Alert: Jul 10 0432 UTC WARNING: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse expectedGreat to see new phrases appear CH [Coronal Hole] and HSS [High speed stream] with sudden impulse; this describes itself and vindicates my view and theory, that there is a constant more energetic output in various forms from the Sun and elsewhere, and not as thought a solar constant.
Last Advisory Bulletin: None in last 7 days.
Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels for the next two days (10-11 July) as a CH HSS continues to be geoeffective. On day three (12 July), coupled with the arrival of another CH HSS, the CME, observed earlier today, is expected to impact Earth. Since this CME was only a partial-halo and is not travelling at great speed, only unsettled to active levels are expected.
In my view these 'pulses' are more frequent and some scientists believe as is my contention they 'rock' the Earth causing a more pronounced wobble. This combined with the EARTHQUAKE/TSUNAMI syndrome which altered the Earths' axis is part of the transformative energies, maybe that is why so many are feeling disorientated and have balance difficulties.[Check with health professional if not sure].
Geoeffective is when the sun rotates and a CH 'faces' earthwards. It can be viewed by going to
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/index.html In fact this site will provide all the indexes needed.
'Former drug company scientist Helen Ratajczak recently created a firestorm of debate from all sides of the vaccine-autism issue when she published her comprehensive review of autism research. This is a massively important study, for more than one reason. One element brought to light that has managed to stay well below the radar is the use of aborted embryonic cells in vaccine production.Well although one can alter ones genetic input as seen in 'THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF' by Dr Bruce Lipton, nevertheless human biological traits such as looking like Mum and Dad and so forth are generally fixed, so taking human embryonic tissue could well bring over a trait from donor or the mixture of inherent genetic material mixed in with donor material. This is another one of those Frankenstein scientific adventures that could backfire and DOES IT RAISE the spectre of what the ANCIENTS DID as above. Are we repeating the Babylonian, Sumerian Melchedekans stuff again?
CBS News recently reported:
"Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue.
Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked."
This is another part of the collective gene pool unconscious that is within the matrix and part we have to escape from.
Some week's back I POSTED a Koreans boy singer and it was amazing. How about the Taiwanese boy then. Then there was a young American girl who had at twelve the voice of an operatic soprano. These young people are amazing.
'On June 29, 2011 Cornwall had a tsunami. Though minor, there was no explanation for this, so the establishment scientists concluded a landslide must have occurred somewhere off coast. There was no evidence for such a landslide, but to refer to the ZetaTalk prediction re the spreading Atlantic is forbidden. What else is left, then, to the cover-up as an explanation?'

This prediction by Zeta talk is said to come from the New Madrid fault line. To quote:
'The Zetas have described the 7 of 10 scenarios that will result from the north Atlantic Rift ripping open after the New Madrid adjustment. Termed the European tsunami, this will result in tidal waves 200 feet tall assaulting the UK coastline, rising to 300 feet up the Bristol Channel due to tidal bore. This area, at Cornwall, thus takes the brunt of this tsunami, which is described by the Zetas to affect the Atlantic coastline north and south of this point to a much lesser extent.'This is from http://zetatalk.com/
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/12-held-ahead-bethlehem-visit-152010780.html This smacks of the USA and arrests made at monuments, airport personal searches and so forth, more erosion of human rights. Mind you human rights can also be used for nefarious purposes as well by the individual.
I type this on the 10 July 2011 and it is near the Mayan 4th night on the 12th and the Full Moon on the 15th. . Many folk have shared of the intense head pressure, being spaced out, stumbling, memory distortion, intense neck pressure and digestive symptoms. Check with a health professional if unsure.
My view it is the radioactivity falling from clouds as' dry' or rain wet particles, the increasing transformation energies, plus the continuing CH HSS and Pulses as above.
As usual all my love and best wishes and thank you for being you. Geoff.

Figure 3 A world that works for everyone everywhere. One Humanity, One Divinity, One Destiny.
An old popular song from my youth 'I love the Sunshine of Your Smile'
I added a line' Don't let the frown get you down'

Take Care and Lots of Love. Geoff

Copyright © 2011 Geoff Freed
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