Thursday 1 December 2005

The Gaia Theory - December 2005

A WONDERFUL and fulfilling year to you and apologies for being late with the articles, I was late sending them to Michael and he was on holiday and then a technical problem arose which has now been sorted. Articles will now be two monthly, so the next lot will appear in March. The Gaia or Gaea theory (the name derived from the goddess of the Earth, who bore and married Uranus and became the mother of the Titans and the Cyclops. Greek Gaia, personification of the Earth, ge, Earth)more recently theorised by James Lovelock (who I understand has reneged on some of his data), however this is my take on the subject.

The Earth is a living being and is as intelligent as the Cosmic forces and information supplied or channelled through her. Gaia has ley lines, power points and chakra nodes, which the human form has too, along with Aura and etheric sheathes. The latest study of energy as frequencies which carry information seems to corroborate the above.

I mentioned earlier (scroll back) that sunlight is not just random frequencies or quantum packets of chaotic energy, that research had found that the frequencies contained information which is vital to health and well being. The magnetic and refracted colour (research colour therapy)is most beneficial (see Medicine of the Future by Dr Jacob Liberman, which also exposes the myth regarding the dangers of sunlight). In the world of computers, electronics and so forth, animals, plants, insects, they all have their communication ' language '. Computers read files (this was the hitch that we faced as above), water reads thoughts, pictures and words as crystal formations (see Dr Emoto). Cells read chemicals that have been generated by thoughts and Cosmic imprints from Etheric emanations in the form of neuropeptides. In the same way sunlight actually has a language that the thalamus understands and convert to messages that the brain, pituitary and pineal glands, similar processes are involved when thoughts are converted to neuropeptides (the brain manufactures over one trillion neuropeptides a second).

There are some who postulate sunlight is not as dangerous as is made out. A study of outside workers such as farmers, road worker, gardeners, found that they had very few skin cancers, however those that were mainly indoors, poor diets, especially those that sat under fluorescent lighting, used mobile phones excessively, used computers, watched TV a lot were more likely to get skin problems of a cancer nature. There has been a shift in some medical teams as to vitamin D and sunlight. Then the other camp who denigrate homeopathy and sunlight. There is this theory that because of the ozone layer and hole in the ' sky ' caused by polution that dangerous frequencies are interacting with our cells and causing melanomas, to counter this there is a theory which suggests that the beauty creams with unnatural ingredients, chlorine and water additives, food pesticides are the real cause of the trouble. We look here to see that the Earth and Sun are not the trouble, but humans interfering with the Sun and the life giving sustainable propensities of Gaia Smoking, drugs, pornography, violent movies, halogen lighting may deprive the brain of vital life giving messages and be fed with violent cell disruptive information. However, do not leave off your barrier creams and exposure times, but research and come to your own conclusions.

A fascinating insight is that tectonic plates of Gaia are like our skull bones, and like cranial therapists that gently pulpate the fontanelle and can feel the rhythms of the hydraulics and the flow of energy in the body, likewise perhaps the tectonic plates are ' moved or manipulated ' by human thought and or Cosmic information via sunlight. The Earth has an average frequency of 7.8 hertz, brain frequency as 7.8, 7 chakras (in the body so as to speak see scroll back, one connected to the sun ultra violet, the halo, and the Earth one, between thighs), and when also the potential voltage between Earth surface and Ionosphere is 7.8 hertz then we can see our communication network is this ' broadcasting carrier wave (a carrier wave is a non modulating frequency that is modified by information imprinted upon it) so the collective unconscious (scroll back to REG and critical mass, (Rupert Sheldrake, and Harold Saxton- Burr), would influence the ' Hydraulics ' of Earth and although say an Earthquake would happen its severity could be exacerbated. I've seen miracles through cranial therapy. A settling down time, the healing crisis is sometimes experienced and can be fatiguing and uncomfortable for a while, perhaps the turmoil we are experiencing is a shift through the nineteen Earthquakes and four tsunamis we have been through recently (some have been briefly mentioned and have been massive, such as the two in December near Fiji at 6.8 and 7.1 fortunately under the sea. We are experiencing the shift into Aquarian energies (scroll back) and the ' physical ' adjustments are taking place in our Earth Being as it is in us. This is being adjusted in proportion and location where it needs to be done.

Taking a closer look at the brains pacemaker, the thalamus. Brain waves vary in frequency from momemnt to moment. The system is the thalamic rhythm generator or pacemaker. Research shows as to the cellular basis is that calcium ions slowly trickle into single thalamocortical neurons, which oscillate for 1.5 to 28 seconds which trigger and entrain brain waves, which then spread throughout the brain. When the thalamic oscillations slow down and cease, the reason being because an excess calcium build up in the thalamus neurons, during this quiet period or phase, lasting 5 to 25 seconds the brain waves 'run free'. It is then the brain can be entrained to external fields, for instance the Schumann resonance (scroll back) and so forth. The cycle reverts to fully up cycle. The waves spread throughout the nervous system via the perineural system into every part of the body, so that brain waves regulate the overall sensitivity and activity of the nervous system. (Research Anderson and Anderson 1965 --Pestexhe1993, ---Wallenstein 1994----Becker 1990a and 199b).

There is a fierce debate as to whether biological clocks are timed by internal or external influences or clocks. Do planets, the sun, moon and other celestial bodies affect us? Some scientist say that celestial bodies are to weak to entrain us, others say not. The moon affects tides, our cerebral spinal fluids, our moods (scroll back). (Laboratory work by Geoff Freed 1984 'Moon Cycles' and Pentagrams 2004/05) has shown that the entrainment not only works by so called gravitational bodies on each other, but by thought and magnetic entrainment as well. Taken from a holistic and quantum view it is all a interdependent, interrelating body. The entire Cosmos being a complete being in itself, does not have a central focal point like an ego, it a being like us, and as such is an information network. Like a wave in the sea, we rise and fall back to calm sea and for that moment as a wave we appeared to be separate, but our infrastructure the calm sea, the zero potential field, the void, space, the canvas we are painted on, has all the information, the collective actions of all units, all waves, in it, the experiences, feelings of all and so an action billions of light years away may affect us, and we the cosmos. Maybe as is coming to light, distance is relative, it is said that the distance between atoms as great as interstellar ones. Maybe its all in the mind anyway. So internal and external clocks are not valid, it is the knockon effect that information through the network has on us, (take Avian Flu, flu through fear or Hysteria flu, see what happens to mass media influences, fear caused the ' clocks ' to race, alter our body chemicals and so forth, scroll back to Crtical Mass and Dutch Elm Disease Syndrome, how many trees died of the symptom not the virus) (See the case of Mr.Wright ' What the Doctors Don't Tell You ' Jan.06 and Deepak Chopra ' the diagnosis Kills ').

Please feel free to phone me 0208 449 2213 which is a fax, answerphone, I have a mobile, not very often on 07947060667. Take care see you in in next article. Addendum;- what we call light years does not make sense in one way. Space in which all is contained maybe consciousness Itself,being that It is aware of Itself as a complete entity, It is all in Its own mind as it were, so distance has no meaning for Itself. The sea is complete and all is happening IN THE NOW, however, the wave may not see it this because it is created and feels separate, and so distance becomes relevant for it, on subsiding to the infrastructure it regains its NOWNESS.

Tuesday 1 November 2005

Pre-Life Agreements and Reincarnation - November 2005

THE FIRST TOUCH of pre-life agreements occurred when I experienced a near death event in 1942 (scroll back), then with my Japanese and Chinese teachers with Tibetan and American Native contacts. In some instances I had flash backs which were verified in actuality.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodal) translated by Evans Wentz desribes the Bardo. The Bardo being the states of consciousness after physically dying. There are mini deaths while being corporeal, for instance, relationship break ups, different phases of our life, traumatic events, leaving a phase of life due to a spiritual and or psychological awakening and so on. An example was the experiences of the summer and autumn 2004 concerning the St. John of the Cross (scroll back).

The work of Dr Helen Wombach in her book ' Life between Lives ' inspired by Dr Richard Moody's book 'Life After Death' mentions briefly that regressed patients from all walks of life and religions when taken to the 'space or place' between lives were similar in nature and similar to the Bardo.

Commencing with the metaphysical aspect, the following may shed some light into the process. The explanations are taken from my own experiences, the patients I have worked with (I do not do regressions, however during hospice work, counselling, psychotherapy, seminars with workshops a plethora of information was collated). Depending on the AWARENESS the dying person they may begin to feel a floating, a gradual leaving the body, some from specific parts of the body. People present at the bedside may see or sense which part of the body the leaving one is departing from. There are various ways of assisting one to move on, however, one should seek permission to do so. Unconscious persons can be assisted with certain verbal or silent prayers and tuned visulisations. Passing through a tunnel. floating, free falling, similar to the near death experience and such like may occur. The most important aspect is often by passed, a very bright light may appear, so bright as to be dazzling or ignored as not significant, this is the light of pure consciousness and is the goal of enlightenment. Many are seduced or lured to other scenarios, especially earthly haunts and delights, bright colours and in some rare instances fantasy and gruesome realms. There is a theory that the minor colours resembling the spectrum array maybe the chakra colour that is determined at the pre- life stage (see further on).

Those that retain their AWARENESS to a certain degree may find themselves in a sort of reception centre, where a panel of wise beings are present, there purpose to assist the soul. A series of highlights are viewed on a kind of screen, the screen of consciousness of the souls departed life, from this the soul (a personality that has left the body — some say the soul is a splinter of the Divine Being and so does not reincarnate in the usual sense--- here I use it as a departed one) will glean the unfinished business or karma that is to be cleared up in the next incarnation. The panel will discuss the best life to enter into, the parent higher selves or souls gather to enter the discussion and see which is mutually beneficial to both parties in order to expedite their karma in a shared life. This can cause stormy relationships and turbulent agonising lives, also very easy and pleasant incarnations. Usually at the turn of an evolutionary Cosmic cycle (scroll back Aquarian) the lives can be difficult as the incoming one has a 'path' to follow. Upon a mutual agreement a pre-life contract is drawn up so to speak, it is a loose and loving contract, there are many get out clauses due to the nature of free will, although a tough Karmic role may cause restrictions and possessiveness.

Working with children and babies I have witnessed Karma being dissolved in early deaths, car accidents and the like. The next best life is not necessarily an easy one, if the advice of the panel is taken a hard one may be best, a few are on offer and for the more AWARE the panel may say less, the more AWARE the less the panel advise, and when a soul is suffieciently AWARE then the panel are not present, one has free choice and is sufficiently intuitive to tune in to the appropriate decision. The ultimate aim is to merge with the light of pure consciousness and not be seduced by glamorous scenarios. There are many 'panel' experiences, permutations in proportion to the awareness of the soul. The KEY factor here is the level of AWARENESS which in turn Governs the level of Intuitiveness. The agreements are sealed as it were when conception takes place. Miscarriages are often reneged contracts. There is a kind of formula, 'in proportion to the Amount of AWARENESS is the amount of UNFINISHED business remaining'. Some souls maybe of the degree of AWARENESS that they become eligible to become members of the panel. Some become teachers and according to the Bhagvad Gita some go on journeys around the solar system to various planets and experience themselves in other life forms (see UFO). There are those that remain in psychic realms as in mediumship, some go to extraterrestrial families from whence they may have originally came, a kind of reverse of the Gita as above. There are a group of souls who volunteer to experience earth life in order to pass on their experience to the group thereby saving multiple incarnations. There is a joke which can describe this 'How many Californians does it take to change a light bulb? Ten, one to change it and nine to experience it'. Helen Wombach found many people in regression had experiences of the future and that many were rushing into incarnation now (Over population?) in order to finish up Karma as a new era was evolving and old mind patterns (scroll back to a collage of our times) would not 'fit' the new agreements being sought. I have used pre-life agreements with childless couples with a small degree of success and with those wishing to rescind their contract or natural abortion. The ultimate physical incarnation is to be an Avatar or Messiah.

Turning now to the corporeal we can examine the works of Dr Graham Farrant a psychiatrist from Australia whose main work is with Cellular Consciousness and C ception which show a remarkable counterpart and resemblance with the metaphysical (scroll back to who are we ?). Dr Willis Harman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences gave me permission to quote from an interview with Dr Farrant in 1985. Quote 1 "If you really spend enough time exploring you own psyche, the experiences seem to naturally progress to dealing with cellular memories of your own conception". Dr Farrant noticed certain specific movements in patients and himself while in regression in order to experience what it is like to be an egg or sperm, and to his amazement on viewing a film taken by an electron scanning microscope or some such device of conception, filmed by the Karolinska Institute in Malmo Sweden, seemed to show these similar specific movements and seemed to suggest that there was choice involved in sperm to egg selection,almost a recognition, (scroll back to see how consciousness shapes synaptic pathways and causes the cascades of neuropeptides which in turn feed cells with chemicals, also see 'What the Bleep Do we Know' Dr. Candice Pert and her book ' The Molecules of Emotion).

Quote 2 " Cellular Memory is a proverbial ------a body memory within our cells, of our experiences as a sperm and our experiences as an egg." Quote 3 "Conception is a trilogy, not a duality. It's a threesome: body, mind, and spirit, the egg, the sperm and soul come together and unite. The preconception consciousness of the gametes has the predominant quality of Spirit".

There is a ground breaking evidence that the brain cuts out every twenty-five seconds and links in with the Schumann Resonance in the calcium thalamus cycles and takes place through the media of microtubles which interfaces with Earth consciousness and then to Cosmic consciousness, similar to particles popping in and out of the void. The link being somewhere in space, the many parallel universes (consciousnesses, frequencies, energies) may be the 'place' where pre-life agreements are contracted. Further back it was mentioned how our chakra colour maybe determined at our pre-life contract. Dr Percy Seymour a well known astronomer late of the Portsmouth Observatory writes about the astrological implications of the planets through weak gravitational energies that influence people at birth. There are numerous lists which link planets to peoples birth signs. (Look up Dr Seymour's book on the net) There are colours and planets, foods, precious stones, notes of music which relates to birth signs, chakra and the like. This begs the question, 'What happens in Caesarean and induced births?' My research has shown either it was arranged at contract, or there is a kind of catch up process. When conception takes place the essential self or soul does not take root in the foetus or baby until a year has gone by, visits are made temporary stays in which some contracts can be nullified with the least amount of Karmic damage (scroll back to Chakra article).

BBC 2 40 minutes showed a film of a boy of 8 who lived in a village outside Agra in India. The boy claimed he had a wife and children who lived and owned an electrical shop in Agra. He said he was the lady owners husband, he knew her intimacies, where the accounts and monies were, he knew the children's names and nick names with some presents he gave them. The first meeting was filmed, the look of embarrassment could not have been rehearsed or primed. There were other precautions which prevented fraud and pre knowledge. He had a birthmark and from my knowledge of forensics looked like an ingress bullet mark. At 54yrs the husband was accidentally shot by a ricocheting bullet, there are many accounts similar to this. Sometimes a birthmark can be indicative of a previous incarnation. The boy was conceived almost at the time of the husbands death, some people of low awareness factors may reincarnate quickly or wander the old haunts as ghosts, or not realise they have passed on.

A very powerful tycoon came to visit the clinic and I became his therapist. He was fed up with many court cases which involved hard executive male elderly despots. Every time he had a confrontation he would come out in a strange mark on his chest. Looking at this mark it seemed he had been impaled on a spike, he said he had not been. I then inspected his back and there was a mark as to an entry wound, he had not been aware of that. It was suggested he had regression, he reluctantly agreed and we arranged a date for the session with a regression therapist. This sceptical man with moments in regression found himself riding on a horse behind a man he felt was his father, he was a young boy about 11. The horse reared up the boy fell off, the boy felt a sharp pain and something passing through him, he felt it was a spear or an arrow which fell out from his fathers quiver. As he lay dying he looked up at his father and said "Father why have you killed me" (in a faltering voice). Before his father could reply he died. We did some psychotherapy and karma resolving things (true forgiveness), he then won a huge court case and several other clear ups, which had eluded and blocked him.

A lady scientist came to see me for help over a matter concerning six abortions she had, and felt nothing, and on the seventh one she felt guilty and remorse, she had herself sterilised and her husband had a vasectomy, she also felt the last abortion was a male foetus, and she kept getting dreams of a little boy who said 'I will come to you again', they did not want to adopt so why this dream, no amount of therapy seemed to release it. Over the road from their house was open ground, and eventually a house was being built by a young couple. The neighbours were aloof and did not communicate, the young women kept looking at the scientist and one day plucked up courage a spoke to her. The young women said 'I hope you will not think I'm mad I am a lawyer and my husband a chartered architect and I am pregnant, I keep getting a dream in which a little boy appears and says you might give me a body but I am that lady's child'. Both ladies after long sessions with me over the phone have agreed to bring the child up between them, the fathers are bewildered and in consternation.

I could go on and on, there are people who work out karma in dreams, one I know of is a teacher who dreamed of being tortured only to find out he had tortured in a previous life and so on the list is endless, nations, groups, religions can find history repeating itself and it could be karmic.

Further research ;- Reincarnation and the Cathars (Dr Arthur Guirdham) The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (Sogyal Riponche) Death the Great Adventure (Lucis Trust).

Do you know that reincarnation is making a comeback'''''????????

Due to technical difficulties the article will be bimonthly. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Thank you for your support and have a wonderful break, a great rest a wonderful New Year. Hopefully this will be available before the end of December.

Thank you for your support. Lots of Love and take care.

Saturday 1 October 2005

The Collage Of Our Times - October 2005

HEARKENING BACK to the 1967 writings it referred the following period of 1967 to 1999, this would be the precursors years with a steady build up of incremental energies culminating in the middle to late 2000's, should the outcome not be partially resolved by 2009 another opportunity would present itself in 2012, after that a holding period and awaiting another window of possibilities. During this 2000 year period the governments, the multinationals, the the large global consortiums would be forced into the following;- a) Draconian Measures (it did not specify what about) b) huge earth changes that would occur naturally, although exacerbated by human intervention and ill thought out scientific, medical, agriculture, deforestation and political reasoning and planning. c) Mammon becoming the false God of Humankind. d) a clash of ideologies and religious confrontations. e) however the large corporate empires and their governmental lackeys would reluctantly turn to care for the planet and her Life Forms, this would be brought about by the threat of extinction, where even the powerful elite would not find a safe haven on Earth. Reluctantly, discontentedly, fretful with childish tantrums, churlish and begrudging, to eventually with great dissent give way and start to introduce with less profit margins, fair trade and a genuine care, releasing power and control, free energy devices, anti gravitation appliances, complimentary medicine and light therapies, new technologies that will be in harmony with the Earth Being.

Perhaps you would care to join me in a visualisation and imagery, I call this the' The Collage of our Times'. We sit comfortably in a theatre and the actors play to a backdrop, scenery which is static, the movement is created by the actors, lighting and music. The end of the Act brings about a move of the backdrop and scenery by the scene shifters and we adjust to the new tableau unfolding. We can either be caught up in the play, lose our awareness and become totally immersed in the drama or we can sit back and quietly watch ourselves watching the drama. comedy, tragedy. We then leave the theatre and return to our own familiar scenery of our homes, retirement, jobs, thoughts and the like.

Many of us grow up with a steady backdrop, a tableau vivant, it is our base, our referral data programme, our conditioning, and like the play we can relate to the scenery, however unlike the play we are exposed and indoctrinated over many years and so the programme sinks in to deep cellular levels. The programme covers our awareness and life becomes a mere shadow of the spontaneous creativity we could enjoy. When we prescribe to this programme, we relate to the backdrop, the theme of our life is worked through our network of conditioned thought brought about by pathways of beliefs and so stultifying the creative originality of spontaneity and a carefree life. The world backdrop is being challenged, our beliefs, our credibility, our values, our politics, our religious, moral our very so called reality is being stretched, the fabric of our concrete view of our so called solid world is being torn apart by the new physics, world events and the internet, exposing all of us to experiences that stretch us to a point of tension that eventually can rupture our mind world. Many can cope with this, many seek distraction in drugs, going back to childhood coping mechanisms, or adopting a defensive, narrow minded posture and attitude. Many feel this undercurrent and simply call it stress. There is the stress of job, home, relationships and world news, climate and weather changed, electromagnetic pollution, however there is a deeper more fundamental 'push' that of the Aquarian energy push, the urge or impulse of a new era, a Cosmic Evolutionary Urge, an urge to expand to be a true Child of the Cosmos, not a mini minded fear driven, anxious being. This energy is the driving force behind and in the infrastructure emerging from the depths and vault of the Space which is spewing forth New Paradigms for Living.

The world today presents fast confusing images, rapidly changing scenarios (like pop videos, violent films noisy, speedy grotesque monsters) weirdness, that challenge our dearly held beliefs, standards and values, fast changing political correctness and laws, human rights, racial rights, pornography, hoodies, mobile phone happy slapping and the like, the scene shifters are working overtime, like the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the flooding the droughts, the laptops, the satellite, the information flood, new technological updates, as soon as a gadget is made an update or upgrade is available, new and improved tempting the consumer, and then the obsolete gizmo is dumped, more precious materials removed from Earth, few recycled, and where are we in the middle of this? (Earthquakes are the result of Tectonic Plate Movement, there is however some proof that global warming is causing more hurricanes, floods, rising sea temperatures, droughts and so on).

When the base causal reality, the initial mind set programme is initiated, this is usually introduced by parents, family and the like, there is this package of 'filling the empty innocent spontaneous native mind' with the cultural political religious moral overlay this then is cover over the 'factory setting'. My answer phone comes with a factory setting, I have to programme it to my name, date, time and so forth. This overlay is acceptable until it clashes with some other overlay and fear of change or acceptance can cause war, hostility and genocide. This then is our dilemma and our solution. This overlay will influence our experiences and endeavour to fit them in to our belief programme, which can be modify, reject, ignore, attack, defend, counter strategy. This then chemically through synaptic pathways, condition the neuropeptides which feed the cells and so shape our genes, which now have the hand me downs of family traits. (Perhaps this is the scientific definition of Karma).

When we are continually bombarded to repetitive images, ideas, chants, subliminal patterns, brain washing, the first reaction is resistance, conflict, confusion and anguish, guilt and fear. Depending on the technique or offer of safety and security, an offer or happiness, then we maybe persuaded to adopt another reality. It is clear that with media hype and fear restraints tactics employed to control us especially over health issues, there is mass confusion, suspicion and lack of trust. No wonder our youths are rebellious, our governments losing the peoples confidence, outworn policies, the same old tired rhetorical words, lamb dressed up as mutton. The Aquarian Energies are like a hose pipe in a clear stream. they churn up the mud from the bottom, they are detoxing the grime, the sludge of the ages, they are causing all this dark faecal stuff in the guts to be removed. The energies are transmitting new ideas to the awakening peoples, this then alters the chemicals to the body, this in turn causes the alchemy the transition and so the eliminative organs of the body are being overtaxed at this time, especially the liver. Adding to this additives to food, dirty air, electromagnetic, climate change, planetary line ups, ending of cycles then we need to support these organs and assist the cleansing process. (See your health professional for herbs, tonics and supports) for the mind we need to find the quiet centre, the eye in the middle of the storm. We need to find an awareness not an opiate. Krishnamurti once quoted 'if you want a mantra I give you one Coca-Cola, say that enough times and you become dull inert and stupid, you become like a vegetable, you think you enlightened but your actually asleep'. Real Meditation is an alertness, like an animal watching its prey, a dynamic, a clarity. This mind is empty and yet vividly alive, it can be intuitive and not to be confused with wanton impulses. This is the mind that pervades the Cosmos, of which we are 'a chip off the old Block', a fragment of the whole, a part of the hologram. We are then the individual in the audience who enjoys the performance in a serene and non grasping manner.

Two anecdotes. An American spy ship was caught by the North Korean. The Officer and Crew of the Pueblo were exposed to brain washing. Most of the officers capitulated within a few weeks, and on return home some were never brought back to their original selves. They continued to believe their new beliefs. Some never recovered their sanity. Some were alright. Those that were back to normal so as to speak, were those that were easy going and relatively free in themselves, those that could not adjust were either instituted or became rebels. The crew who 'were less' educated in relative terms to the officers 'appeared to give in almost straight away, however on return to home, they laughed and said' well we got drink, smokes, food and the good life, so what the hell' they all were fine and went about life as before.

The second of the anecdotes. The early pilgrim Fathers that left England for the Americas encountered native Americans. When the Fathers observed the natives dancing around the totem pole they said 'You must not worship a lump of wood, you must worship the living God whose son came to Earth as Jesus'. The natives were found next day dancing around the totem pole chanting Jesus, Jesus. The Chief was asked why are you dancing around the pole chanting Jesus, Jesus'? The Chief replied' You don't think we are so stupid as to think that the great spirit of Creation is a pole, like your cross it is a symbol of God's presence'. Again the simple direct dance of celebration, not sin, guilt and punishment. May I add a third anecdote, it has just come to me. I was in Cape Breton, the year 2000 a beautiful part of Canada, the local native people were called the Mik Ma, their tradition is that a chief is for Life. Ron was the Chief and the local Government insist that a new Chief must be elected every two years. So when the big man from Halifax comes down to oversee the election, the red carpet is put down, the new chief shakes hands with the 'man' the local press take pictures, and the man goes away, and Ron returns again to take charge.' Ron has a shop which sells all sorts of things for fishing and hunting (they only take what they need) I asked 'is it possible to meet Ron and when does he open?' The reply was 'He opens when he is there'. Nearly every non native finds him not open, the Mik Ma always find him open. One Mik Ma said to me 'You have to feel when he is open not go by time and thinking.'

Our World needs love, not a slushy sentimental, emotional indulgence. True love cannot be taught, it can be encouraged by example. The world has to become quieter, slower,plant lots of trees, build beautiful safe parks, remove ugliness from TV, books, buildings, give our youth honest role models, share wealth, eliminate violent videos and children's destructive cartoons with horrendous special effects. We should try and listen to what our Earth Mother is telling us, above learn to listen. Listen to ourselves. In the words of the Natives. When we come and join you in your prayer we sit quietly and listen and feel the great spirit.

I do hope that my sharings are not too pushy. They merely reflect what I have experienced and feel. It is not meant come from self-righteousness, it is what I am striving for and learning. It is a sharing and hopefully taken in that spirit. Sorry the articles are late, I got them to Michael at the wrong date.

Until next time, take care and lots of fun and love, best wishes. GEOFF.

ADDENDUM. Scroll back to Hopi prophesy.

It would seem that the native mind of crew and Mik Ma have a childish but wise through life approach. Psychological tests have shown that people who deal in logic and concepts are in their heads and not in contact with their 'guts' can more easily become brain washed, of course a young innocent mind can be conditioned very easily, and babies feel, so us adults have a responsibility to feel wholesome feelings, to shower goodwill on older kids, to smile and yet to be wise to the ways of the world that can imprison us in hate and malice. Krishnamurti states 'can we tend our children like flowers, to guide them and allow their inherent beauty and creativeness to shine through'. I had the great honour of two one hour sessions alone with Krishnamurti, one was a spontaneous meeting in Alresford in a small country lane.

Thursday 1 September 2005

Who Are We? - September 2005

HOW DO YOU DESCRIBE the indescribable, the indefinable, the eternal infinite in a finite world of the known? The Zen Buddhist saying 'the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon, to experience the moon is the experience of the moon'. How do you describe the experience of eating fruit cake, the taste, the nuance, only by eating it. Do we know that someone else's experience is the same as ours?

In the realm of sub atomic particles, the quantum realm, the seemingly chaotic randomness, yet two particles can appear simultaneously at different locations, seeming order at the so called solid form level and yet apparently chaotic at the sub atomic level, a wave in appearance and then sometimes a particle, when measured it changes the location and other propensities. Postulating on this could it be that the sub atomic realms are the under the influence of consciousness (early experiments seem to bear this out, see Tao of Physics by Fritzoff Capra) and that Cosmic Consciousness (God or whatever name you are comfortable with, the Creative force and so on) arranges the natural Cosmos and our planet and life forms, and is an ever evolving process, slow to our limited life time. Many scientists are now suggesting albeit tentatively that there 'maybe' an intelligence involved in creation. What an insult to be believe we are an accident. Some experts state that chaos has a self ordering process, well in duality it takes light to dark, male to female and so on, it seems chaos has its counter part as order. The midpoint between the duality's is the point of emergence and is the zero energy field that generates the dual aspects, in Qi Gong it is stated that from Wu (emptiness) comes Yin and Yang. In the realms of consciousness, in deep meditation there is a feeling of quietness a cessation of thought, one is alone in total peace and a feeling of expansion with sense of a joining, merging to a vast mind. This experience of the one who is the witness the observer, is this who we really are? Is your nameless, our nameless observer one and the same, we are one? In this experience there is a no named being, we are indeed being without doing. Perhaps what the world needs most now at this critical change over period is those who can do from their being, not do from their doing.

Many of us are so busy in our lives, not spending time in quietness or in nature. We try to get fit by gyms, supplements, travelling to holiday venues, workshops, books on various theories and yet missing the contact with the Creators Life Force, that nourishment which emanates from deep within ourselves. In this deep contact in the quietness of ourselves we can sometimes feel / hear the still small voice within and there lies the wisdom and intuitive knowledge we need to restore the noisy chaotic mad outside world of modern advanced civilised so called age to the simple harmony of being, The state of being is a dynamic which dances, sings, lives in harmony with the natural order of the Cosmic Pattern.

360 Billion (some experts say more or less) galaxies with a mixture of billions of stars and planets, our galaxy and relatively small one (takes seven trillion years to cross ours (don't leave your lights on you'll have a huge electric bill when you return) all created by an accident some 13 billion oops or was it 15 billion years ago. Can we contain this in a formulae, a theory of everything? A mind is a small or large as the beliefs and logic held or contained in it. We can see in these sub realms where we try to measure we lose location and where we try to locate we lose measurement, where it might appear solid it can appear wave like, is anything solid anyway? This appears to be a paradox, and in Zen we know the koan (a seemingly unintelligible, illogical saying that when contemplated intensely for a time, can lead one to a intuitive 'understanding'), I was given one by my Sensei (Teacher, actually a Zen Roshi) and when it 'flashed' like a deep AH HA it awakened another 'area' of consciousness within me. I rushed to my sensei and tried in vain to describe the indescribable, he laughed for a long time then said 'You should see your face, now your troubles really begin, you have some tea, he then explained that I would not see the ' world as others see', it would not make sense, this would not mean I would be enlightened, without pain or illness, but it would mean I would see the senseless craving for material things, the rape of nature, the cruelty of war, the lusts and vices of avarice and greed, that the world was a passing dream and so on. Perhaps many see this intellectually (some conspiracy people see this) however this experience allows one to live without the anger and frustration that intellectually understanding on its can engender. It can lead to religious cultural battles, intellectual dichotomies and so on. So maybe who we really are is the realm beyond duality and paradox.

The Quantum fluctuations blip in and out of seemingly nowhere, appearing and disappearing in a random chaotic fashion, so it would seem to an observer, and yet maybe it has a 'plan' a blueprint and intelligence that we as yet do not comprehend. The natural universe has its emanation from this 'nowhere' point and It Creates this in Order to Experience Itself, we / us, the one unnamed collective witness is the flip side of the emptiness of the womb of creation, and the Zen saying that the Universe was created out of the spirit of eternal loneliness would seem apt. A religious view could hint at 'God Created us to share in His Creation and to delight us with His delight'. Perhaps we have overlaid the Comic Blueprint and made our own separate Blueprints that are out of harmony and have distorted the Cosmic Order. This interpretation of the Cosmic Blueprint by our own understanding has led to a separatist and divisive society, we can witness how different interpretations of religious holy books have led to the horrors of wars gone and are now. So who are we? Are we merely puppets that follow the sects, parties, extremists, fence sitters, conspiracy buffs, political gurus, new age proponents or are we something beyond and not caught up in isms ? Would we become wild, untamed, a vegetable, a gratifist, a hedonistic unlawful marauder? Is there a consciousness beyond and behind all Creation that we can reach when we lay aside the above? If there is then would this not be the Quiet Empty, yet joyfully peaceful inner bliss, dynamic creative and yet in step, in tandem with Cosmic Being? I know I exist by my conscious awareness and observation of myself. I celebrate the beautiful expression of Life you are, I celebrate the beautiful expression of Life I am, I celebrate the beautiful expression of Life Creation is. Do we feel the precious surge of Life energy, the joy, the connection? Those who do not are angry, ego power seekers, for when the connection with Life is apparent then we become natives of earth, human beings, we have no religion other than goodwill, care, respect, we have no political affiliation, we are custodians of the earth, we love and delight in Nature, we uphold and respect our neighbour because they are as we are. The most radical of thinkers are still trapped in the net of conditioning, in the limited realm of ideas and concepts merely juxtaposing the chess pieces of intellectual thought and conjecture, often delighting in their eloquence and arrogant and feel they are a cut above the native mind. These are the think tanks of academic gobbledy gook. Conspiracy addicts are often alone, isolated and sometimes are as angry and aggressive as those they accuse of the perpetration of the conspiracy, they disempower themselves, create their own lack of self worth or become envious of those they campaign against, so are we more than the above?

At the cellular level we all share the air molecules we breath pass around the earth and there is a calculation which works out the time it take for people in China to breath in the molecules that the western countries have used and passed on (see Deepak Chopra's books on our commonalty) and vice versa around the globe. There is a gradual awakening among governments and huge awakening among peoples of the world of our coexistence, our commonalty, our shared humanity, this is now known intellectually by many, we now know that we are killing the planet with our greedy lust for power, wasteful energy usage, yes it has to go beyond the known intellect, it has to be a deep felt (not angry or indignant, nor intellectual logical factual diatribe) it has to be the deep recognition and experience of the joining of the minds of individuals who have felt the 'touch' of the divine, not a religious doctrine or political gambit.

Tesla, Shauberger,Benveniste, Riess suffered scientific much opprobrium from orthodox science as did countless others and in other fields, yet these people have solutions as does complimentary medicine (not a gimmick form) to save our world. Yet power, lust for success. Ego arrogance stifles the natural law, blinds the experts, blinkers their view (see experts challenged in court) political cover ups to save face, yet there is a restlessness, a pushing from a deep level, the Aquarian (for the want of a better word) a infrastructure push as evolution pushes us to a new era, not back to the plough and yet back to the plough, a plough that is technologically able to live a dance with nature to the tango, the foxtrot, the waltz of life, the wu lei the dancing particles (term in Chinese for subatomics) and as the quote from 'What the Bleep' a feeling that our brains are being rewired. So who are we? We are a fragment of Cosmic Consciousness, we need to feel this, we need to hear it from our being, not hear it from our doing. It is time for an intellectual revolution, not a bloody one, to give credit to those that feel we need a world that works for everyone everywhere. Isn't that what nature does anyway?

Until next time keep well and lots of love, take care, Geoff.

Addendum :- The weather patterns have been erratic and here are some facts that may be of interest. The electromagnetic, weather and allergic reactions can be similar to the Aquarian frequencies and upgraded Sun frequencies. Many people are weather sensitive (See Schienle 1998 review in Journal of Scientific Exploration in atmospherics in humans), this can cause sudden onsets of headaches,sleepiness, indigestion, phantom limb pain, asthma, sleep disorders, fatigue, confusion. These happen often PRIOR to weather changes. We need about 1800 or so lightening events per day (this does happen globally) to create the Schumann resonance and so on (a bone of contention with some experts), however, these events can swerve off in various directions which can leave a puzzled weather sensitive person wondering why they experienced as above and some emotional and behavioural changes such as increase in crime rates, suicides, memory loss, lack of concentration, prolonged reaction times, car and industrial accidents.

Many people are developing sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (See Smith and Best1989, Choy 1987 Monro Electrical Sensitivities in allergy patients - Clinical Ecology. Many persons are allergic or hypersensitive or develop hypersensitivity to frequencies of 50 to 60 Hz electromagnetic fields, some of these are sensitive transformers, refrigerators, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens and other appliances (mobile phones and masts, computers, lump this together this together with perfumes, car exhausts, chemicals, food additives, some carpets and so on. When the regulatory mechanism of the body is assaulted by the first exposure it sets off a trigger mechanism which recognisee the 'signal' and sets off the reaction, which an upset regulatory or off balance to the system, and more insidious can make one more sensitive to other unnatural frequencies and substances, in truth all things are composed in essence of frequencies, vibrations. Unfortunately few doctors or physicians recognise or can diagnose or treat these symptoms. There are ways of shielding and protection, and as one become more natural its down side is we become sensitive to the unnatural. Another reason why we need a revolution in science and institutions that promote unnatural products and frequencies. The News papers are having a go at unnatural frequencies and support change and at the same time knocking natural therapies and solutions, they want hunt with the hounds and run with the foxes. (See back article on the double and confusing standards). Thanks for reading and supporting. GEOFF.

PS. Smith and Best and Choy 1987 and 1989 with colleagues developed a way of combating these harmful frequencies. A signal generator was 'played' or activated near the patient this triggered the reaction, obviously several frequencies were attempted in to ascertain the trigger vibration and then other frequencies were tried in order to neutralise the harmful one, then a vial, or bottle of water were potentized (a type of homeopathic procedure) and by holding the bottle in the hand it abated the reaction. It would seem chemical and electrical allergies can be helped in this manner. (see Smith and Best 1989 Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment. J M Dent London. Further studies can be perused by Wever 1968 on externally driven biological clocks, and ELF micropulsations reaction time from approaching thunder storms by Reiter 1953, Moore-Ede 1992 (A review of this work can be found by Konig 1974 in Behavioural changes in human subjects associated with ELF fields, also Persinger ELF and VLF electromagnetic field effects. Plenum Press, New York, also see Moore-Ede.

Monday 1 August 2005

Crop Circles and Phenomena - August 2005

GLASTONBURY JULY 23rd and weekend was the Crop Circle Symposium organised by Andy Thomas. I was one of the several guest speakers. The event was well attended and in the one hour slot allotted to me I approached the crop circle subject in the following synopsis, as requested by several people.

Many people are confused or in anguish as to who made the beautiful patters of the crop circles. Was it ET? Were they made by military lasers or some sonic device? Did people make them in the night and are they an Earth-Being Planetary phenomena? I know forensic experts who have found no intervention by human or devices that they could detect. That established there were many experts at the symposium that knew far more technical details than I did and they are readily accessible on websites.

The synopsis is as follows: I came to Glastonbury on the 21 st July 2005 which was a full moon day on which an attempted terrorist tube and bus incident took place in London (the first on the 777 day in July and I was alerted to a possible 26 July incident which was the Lion Gate when Sirius alights with the Sun in a certain way which the Mayans and Egyptians held ceremonies to commemorate this, lasts until the end of August 05 and also Mars is large and near in the sky until 27 th August 05 first seen 60000 years ago). The coincidences of attacks on high energy days is remarkable and demonstrates how energy can be used for the good and for the destructive and is concomitant and commensurate to the belief system held by nations and individuals. This led into the fact all is energy and frequencies generated by the thoughts of people and what was needed in the world today was beauty, compassion and true love.

I then went on to say this was not a technical talk as other speakers will be following with show slides and so on. I then said that I would like to demonstrate that the water bottle I held up was from Dr. Emoto (see his website) and that by playing beautiful music, writing loving works, showing photographs of nature of water it changed the Crystal forms to harmonious forms, prayers and so on had the same influence. The opposite happened when harsh sounds, words or pictures were shown to water — the crystal were ugly and distorted. It was then suggested that we went into a visualisation exercise in which we chose our favourite crop pattern, leave trying to analyse what the pictograms were, the technical details, and whether they were made by as above? Relax let go and put beautiful feelings and thoughts into the formation, then lay down in the middle or chosen place and let the pattern bring the joy and peace of its energy to us. I suggested we came back to a grounded state and with a smile on our faces and that we looked around at the sunshine of faces, felt the warmth and human contact this generates.

Then the input was about energy in a simple way, something changes the water, something changes when we think and feel beauty, harmony, creativity, peace from an anxious state, from panic, fear, when we reach this consciousness of inner harmony. The energy is encapsulated in a symbol, which can be a crop pattern, a drawing, music and the like. The symbol is like a seed, an acorn, it has the potential and blueprint of the whole and unfolds in space time from infinity. Then I mentioned that around the Earth many healing springs were presenting themselves, one was in South America the Tlacote water (see website) and in Poland, Germany as well, another phenomena were large bore holds (I know only of the Swiss ones but there are others elsewhere), I felt the Earth, the Cosmos was reaching out to us and that we are in the midst of huge change and that we are transformers, and I mentioned the film and book, 'What the Bleep Do We Know' in which it stated that our brains are being rewired from Dr. Joseph Dispenza, and in my opinion we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves the crop pattern and the world.

In conclusion I suggested an imagery from the book by Pierre Pradervant 'The Gentle Art of Blessing', in the light of the attacks in London and elsewhere, that we imagine the terrorists standing before us and they have come to bless us, and we let the blessings in, we then bless them, I felt a resistance to this idea explained that the work of Rupert Sheldrake demonstrated the hundredth money phenomena or critical mass theory and that fields of thought resonant energy or frequencies could cover the globe or be localised (I've found pervading energies in families, sort of a dynamic energy field, subtle yet powerful in my psychotherapy and counselling work, also see later article on pre-life contact and agreements). We have a choice… do we want to join the hate of terrorists by hating them? Or do we feel the power of blessings are greater and so transform the negative hate field?

(There are some who feel we energise the hate, evil, malice, and so forth by sending energy to a situation, this to me would mean we have no power anywhere that is transformative, and so the battle between dark is forever and we stand always in conflict or battle, to ignore the issue is to be a fence sitter, sometimes people who sit on the fence call it unconditional love, in a dual world we have choice, in deep meditation transformation takes place, even there we become CO-creators. To say that sending love, light to places of turmoil is saying distant healing is wrong and indeed healing is damaging too, in a way those who feel that light sending is harmful are negative and maybe in denial. How about Jesus was he a light give or fence sitter?)

This more or less concluded the talk.

A few points of interest on page 96 in volume 2 of Masaru Emoto's book Messages from Water. Water exposed to a photograph of a crop circle and then photographed showed a crystal similar to a UFO, well what do you make of that? And from an article David Long a British Geological Survey Marine Geologist, New Seismic data reveals that the Indian Ocean Tsunami cause the ground all over the world to move 1.016 cm, and that the ground trembled for weeks after the original quake and oscillated like a bell every 17 minutes. The estimated magnitude of 9.1 to 9.3 of the Sumatra-Andaman quake was the most powerful for over 40 years and the amount of energy released was equivalent to a 100-gigaton bomb, the amount of water displaced form the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea cause sea levels to rise by 0.01cm. A typical quake lasts around 30 seconds, the Indian Ocean even shook the sea floor for a record breaking 10 minutes along the longest fault rupture ever seen around 720 to 780 miles. That is a huge length to go at one time; they tend to go in shorter sections. That part of the world is 'safer' — that pent-up energy in the northern Edge of Sumatra has now been released. There are however now concerns over the next section — the Southern part of Indonesia is still facing stresses. There were 80 after-shocks, four smaller Tsunami, and three minor earthquakes as follow ups over the last 8 months. This has an effect on the Schumann Resonance, the climate, and people who are sensitive to moon, planetary, earth and Aquarian energies, the earth has speeded up a small fraction as mentioned a few pages back along with centripetal and centrifugal forces. As we go through our inner and outer (one a more subtle form of the other) we parallel the Earth's cleansing, a turmoil, a detox, as the Earth so we are. We are one; we are all the same at a deep level; there is a consecutiveness (my next article on 'who are we?' will go deeper into this).

Until then take care and lots of love and best wishes.

p.S. The area around the Tsunami has to be recalibrated as some of the islands moved 200 meters and some marine fish and mammals found their echo location and internal radar affected. I am still getting report so people picking up the energies and 'rewiring' their brain as it were and peculiar bodily sensations such as eye focusing, inner ear balance, and other realignments occurring. Should these sensations be acute people check up with your health professional as not all symptoms may be down to the DNA changes and detox energies cause by the incoming new evolutionary energies.

Friday 1 July 2005

Chakras - July 2005

ONE OF THE CONTROVERSIAL subjects in the self growth/spiritual spheres is Chakras.

There are so many different perspectives on Chakras: some see them on the front of the body in the etheric field hovering over the endocrinal glands and feeding them with vital energy. Another view is that the Chi — Life Force or subtle energy — is in a loop starting with the point between the genitals and anus, then going up the spine to the crown point, and then down the forehead to the nose before returning to the original point. In this view the front of the body contains energy fields named Dantien's (from Qi Gong) without a precise point of origination (although in some oriental Arts it is stated that the Hara is the point of origination — three inches below the navel and slightly lower for women). In my view it is a field of designated energy contained within a greater field and so on. In other systems, there are different energy channels. Others hold that Chakras are diabolo-type energy cones centred in the body that protrude out from the back and front of the body. Many believe that these Chakras are in the spine. Then there is the huge subject of auric sheaths, colours, their interpretation and so forth.

The number of Chakra range from seven, nine and twelve. My view is that each atom is a spinning vortex of energy, and in the etheric, each acupuncture point and each of our sixty billion cells are charkas. This quote from a leading source may emphasise the idea: "Ingrained and controlled cultural perceptions have led the way to a concrete view of the material world, rather than the more accurate vista that depicts an enormous energy field composed of tiny particles in motion." In fact, cosmic spiral galaxies may be large charkas, and here we may glimpse the holographic universe.

Colours of the Aura are generally accepted as per the spectrum, although there are differing views. Take a prism, shine white light through it, and we see it split into a rainbow. The apex is violet and the base red. The apex is the head and the base the sacrum. My view is that above the head similar to a magnifying glass is the halo, and the ultra-violet etheric charka. And between the thighs is the infra-red Earth Field, both of which are collecting fields that complete the circuit through the Earth Core to Space and return. I feel that there are nine subtle body charkas that become more gross in the form of glands, then even more subtle the acupuncture points, the cells, the atoms, sub atomic particles all emanating from the zero potential, the void or the mind of God.

Furthermore, I feel the auric colours are a cocktail or a kaleidoscope, modified by the events of the day, planetary influences, past lives, cultural, religious, political programming, conditioning and brain washing, environmental Earth influences such as the Schumann Resonance's, weather sensitivity, genetics and so on, the emphasis being that all vibrations, every frequency contains information. The Universe is an internet, an information disseminator, as a famous scientist once said, "The more I study the Universe I feel it is a thought-form Universe, that thoughts hold together form in an intelligent co-operative manner."

Research has shown that the passing of the planets or procession of the planets in their daily orbit influence the glands, interacting with the trace minerals by the process of ionisation, hence a possible control of hormones, glandular excretions by planetary influences and magnetic effects (there is lots of research on this) and so we see the colours are mixed, the primary chakra, say Green for Venus then a stream of connections, heart chakra, not of music F, Thymus gland, lower creative, and so forth. Others give different lists, and indeed there may be as many as several hundred for each chakra. Take your pick should you want to get that involved. My feelings are that a cultivation of deep inner peace, not a soporific deadening stultifying process that can be cultivated by repetitive rote, but a sharp awareness without bias which enables clear intuition not to be confused with a quicksilver intellect (fools intuition like fools gold) then one will know, not by words but by a deep, deep inner feel. A first rate diet enriched with trace and full spectrum minerals along with exercise to suite the individual's unique requirements and a simple life will evolve us to become compatible and compliant for the incoming Aquarian energies.

In life's process, the grand journey terminates in the body with a passing of awareness from the body to the finer energy states of 'bardo'. That is why we need to develop awareness so as not to be seduced by the gravity of programming. Some are so heavily indoctrinated that they are magnetically or gravitationally pulled or lured back. Perhaps a future article can be on pre-life contracts or agreements.

Perhaps the most contentious deliberation is to whether it is possible to balance charkas? Yes and no. I feel our charkas are 'set' at our pre-life agreement contract. Like the makers handbook we come in with "factory settings", default settings as it were, they then become modified by the total environmental cultural scenarios. I feel that Chakra's are like the sun, which is always shinning and there, it is only the clouds that obscure it, so chakra balancing to my mind is removing the clouds and so revealing or reinstating the energy which has been filtered by the clouds. The charak's are never affected, merely overlaid, they are part of the subtle body, and at death spin away with the essential self, and if blocked by 'stuff' or unfinished business they imprint or subtly influence the next incarnation. Once again awareness is the key to change Each incarnation is an opportunity for growth, each problem has the seed within it for resolve. Each life a learning curve.

Until next time, keep well, be aware of awareness, take care and lots of love. Next time perhaps pre-life agreements. Do email if you have any questions or a different view, and those who know me telephone for a chat, and those new acquaintances might like that number depending on serious dialogue and not 'force' the issue. There is an old saying, "everyone is entitled to their opinion, not every body will agree with it." Here is a forum for interaction and sharing. I will endeavour to answer questions or view in the online so that others may share in the debate.

Wednesday 1 June 2005

The Year of Experiences - June 2005

IT IS A YEAR since one of the most eventful aspects of my spiritual "life" came to manifestation in the experiential realms. Following are the highlights of this uncanny period. The dates of the planetary alignments and portents did not come to be known until I was told about them after they had occurred. It was then I realized that these experiences bore an alignment to the events. It was at this time that so many telephone calls and faxes came in from peoples who had similar or identical experiences.

The first of these experiences occurred around June till August 2004 with a huge physical detoxing (I do detox with juicing, chi machine, rebounding, diet, tai chi, qui gong, meditation and so on). This was in the form of nausea, dizziness and diarrhoea. In the process I lost two stone in weight, and no health professionals could fine any evidence for viral or bacterial infection.

Around this time, Venus crossed the disc of the sun and the precursors of the pentagrams with Saturn and Mars being closest to the Earth in 5000 years. In hindsight, I was probably feeling the aftershocks from the Harmonic Concordance of 2003 going through to 2004. There was another Harmonic Event way back in August 1987 in which, as I prophesized in my '67 writings, the collapse of the Berlin Wall, culminating in the Huge Star of David Alignment in November 2004. Other portents included the Grand Planetary Cross alignment in 1999, recent huge solar flares and rare eclipses and comets. The stage was set for the big act to follow: the alignment of planets into a pentagon or pentagram

Little did I realize I was fulfilling my '67 writings. Some may believe that I am doing this subconsciously or that they are just the product of a fertile imagination, or that I was picking up and tuning into the collective unconscious or perhaps causing a "hundredth monkey effect or morphogenic field-type phenomena. I can only state that it is my truth and I can discern the 'pick up' from information that is vicariously picked up.

During the middle of September 2004, I began to feel as through part of me was dying, and I even came to believe that this might be the real death of myself. I felt my life had been played out and it was time to leave the planet, and a kind of deep depression set in — very intense and dark. I've never been depressed like this before, as has been corroborated by others who went through similar experiences. What was going on? I felt this darkness, and all I could conclude was that I was feeling the energies of some sort and part of the change.

Then came a transforming experience, in a lucid dream. I found myself on my back under a pool of very still water. It was calm and serene. A hand appeared through the water holding a tuning fork which produced a note which caused ripples in the water. An androgynous being appeared and said, "This is the new note and frequency of Aquarius and you were born for this age." In that moment and for many days later, I was relieved, for this being also had answer for me regarding relationships, sexuality, money and the like — I am heterosexual but have always felt quite androgynous. Later, I discovered this experience occurred at the first of the pentagrams (scroll down or access other websites on pentagrams).

A huge mini death came about the middle of October 2004 through to the second week of November. This culminated in a massive experience: I found myself sitting outside a very old Pickwickian or Sherlock Holmes type shop in that period, with old glass bubble windows and faded wooden brown frames. The street was cobbled and dimly lit, and I was cold, hungry, unloved and out of sorts. Then I saw a sign that read 'To the Chapels'. So I followed it into the shop and down some rickety open backed stairs, with a loose and wobbly handrail, into the basement. The room smelt of faeces, urine, stale food, rat and mouse droppings and cobwebs, and the cold seeped into my tired and aching bones. I looked up at the wall under the stairs where I crouched and huddled, and there was a faded sign which read, 'This is the Chapel of St. John of the Cross.' I wondered who he was. Then the floor began to revolve like a helter-skelter, a vortex, and I was propelled down a spiral. At the bottom of this spiral, I saw myself lying in my bed and as I looked at my body, there was a pear-shaped luminous beautiful crystal which followed the contours of my solar plexus abdominal groin areas. I then heard these words: "This is the diamond lotus crystal of the Buddha."

Afterwards, I felt well and elated — clear — for many days. Then followed many phone calls from people in distress: some very well known healers, counsellors, workshop presenters, all going through the darkness.

Curiosity as to whom St. John of the Cross was took over, and I rang a dear friend who is a deaconess to ask her about it and she informed me that St. John had written a book named 'The Dark Night of the Soul', and suggested I purchase it. She told me the staggering fact that he had written it some 570 years ago, at a time when the first recorded view and knowledge of the pentagrams were documented. I obtained the book and found it to be very relevant to my experiences of the mini deaths, and I recommended it to other who also found it to be useful.

Last November until mid December 2004, I tried to get out of bed. I couldn't. Everything went dark and the room spun round (friend who have experienced vertigo told me it was that). I fell back several times and gradually got up. I then heard news on the Tsunami later on and knew I had picked that up intuitively (I have been able to pick up full and New Moon and Earth changes before the event since childhood). I was rocking and unbalanced for several months after that. Huge numbers of people contacted me also feeling dizzy and unfocused in a similar manner. To some extent, this felling is still with me now, and just in the last few days a repeat of the mini deaths in a very mild form has occurred, although this is probably due to the massive inputs of energies with the approach of the Summer equinox on June 21 st, and the three high festivals that are explained by the theosophical and Lucis Trust Societies. The phenomenal amount of fold from around the globe who phoned and faxed me saying that they, like me, picked up the 80 or so after shocks, the two small tsunamis and the four further earthquakes in that area, and we swayed with the Earth. People who never felt they were sensitive to those movements found that they were. Scrolling down there are some references to the earth changes. Even now the scientists are finding the massive changes to the tsunami area and the 'rocking wavering earth', since we are all interconnected in the web of life, like the animals, we can pick up the precursors and premonitions which are the same difference in levels of sensitivity.

Dear friends then connected me to websites of a similar ilk which I have mentioned in earlier postings, websites which are putting out some great information. I would like to thank many people for sharing and physically helping me to do mundane things when my balance had gone. Incidentally, many people not of this thinking, I would say epidemically especially in my area, parts of North Germany, Denmark, Australia and the USA had huge 'dizzy' people incidents. Some people are convinced it is HAARP (log on), others feel it is the new TETRA security forces frequency channels piped through masts, some are saying it is climatic, whilst some say it can be medically explained, or it is food additives, or it is stress from fear about the world condition. And of course it could be a combination of these. My gut feeling and dowsing have confirmed to me that it is the incoming powerful frequencies. I feel it is more of a zero quantum movement of a Cosmic nature, as the universe expands and our understanding of it changes, our beliefs no longer fit the new discoveries (see August 2005 section — So Who Are We), and also the film and book, "What the Bleep Do We Know?"

To end this saga, I would add a special note on a particular symptom and its relevance to the '67 writings. The Medulla Oblongata (plural Medulla Obiongatas or Medullae Oblongatae) — said to be the nervious tissue at the bottom of base of the brain that controls respiration, circulation and other bodily functions. The point of reference is the neck at the base of the skull and indentation. This point in Yogic terms is known as the 'Mouth of God', the yamen, yuzhen centres of Do In and Qi Gong. Many, many people have stated their stiff necks and particularly left ear, shoulder-neck syndrome. I've heard osteopaths, chiropractors and other therapists talk about this strange apparent mass world-wide phenomena. There are many explanations given (one of them was that right-hand car drivers get the cold current of their air vents on them, drafts and the like; however, my research showed it happened to left-hand car drivers too).

In the '67 notes it stated that the spine would atler its angel of entry to the pelvis and that there would be a pelvis tilt which would cause the configuration of the neck, low back hip, knee, and arch of the foot to alter. There are accounts of Yogis and other adepts who feed through the Medulla area on pranic energies. This is the point where the brain is getting 'rewired' and the synaptic alignments realigned. The huge solar flares contain information (there are references of this kind done by various scientists) and their magnetic impulses come through the eyes (and elsewhere), hit the optic nerves, are then sent to the thalamus where it then proceeds to the pineal and pituitary glands, then to the nervous hormone system and so on. And the cellular DNA/RNA then gets fed new neuropeptides and from the subatomic level the MESSAGE of the underlying Cosmic Intelligence co-ordinates and synchronises the whole organism. This is why the eyes are 'getting it' and the brain fuzzy and the balance affected. (See UFO last month and the spine of alien as in Lloyd Pye website.)

The Earth going through her transformation (see crop circles) is affecting the base energy point and coccyx area. Of course, we also sit more, get less exercise, wear different shoes which also affect our posture. These energies at the lower level can affect the colon, solar plexus, groin, genital configuration, and as the Schumann resonance, ionosphere, tectonic plate configuration can affect the kidney areas. All these are being realigned and so some discomfort may be felt. Please check out with your health care professional as you may have a medical complaint. Make sure you are hydrated; these energies have a huge detox effect, purging and burning. You can try meditation in a moving form in order to help rebalance, a rebounder, the Chi Machine, Tai Chi and/or Yoga. Rest well and enjoy deep breathing in Nature. Resting will allow the body to absorb the new frequencies and the fatigue experienced by many is the mind/body interface being adjusted and the awareness to acclimatise itself to a new vista — another spiral in the history of the Cosmos.

So until July, which is on charkas and is a bit controversial, hope to see many of you at Glastonbury for the Crop Circle Conference. Keep well, lots of Love, Take Care.

I Celebrate the beautiful Expression of Life that YOU ARE, I Celebrate the beautiful Expression of Life Everything is, I Celebrate the beautiful Expression of Life I Am.

Sunday 1 May 2005

The UFO Story - May 2005

WAS REQUESTED to research 1800 cases of ET encounters. These incidents were conducted by a five person team of which I was a participant. The research was carried out in Europe and the UK. The notes were then shared with other teams worldwide and a synopsis hopefully leading to a consensus of data and opinion sought. Following is my précis extracted from a huge amount of information.

The categories of findings were termed, in those years, as: artefacts and traces of ETs; sightings and appearances of ETs; and interviews and personal interactions with ETs. During all the team's research there were no incidents of abductions, harmful medical or intrusive/invasive procedures; instead, there seemed to be only compliant procedures of a pleasant and reassuring nature. Painful and horrific procedures seem to be carried out by other sources. Genuine ETs will not telepathically contact humans, nor do they come through in channelling. It was found that spirits and psychic entities often mimic ETs (although in a way, non-corporeal beings are a kind of ET).

ETs will contact certain individuals, but not as one might expect, highly spiritual, intelligent or open-minded individuals, rather it would very often be very sceptical and ordinary humans, probably so that when they were convinced of the authenticity of the contact — it added more weight to the encounter. In specific cases, Angelic and hierarchical channels could even prompt or arrange a contact.

ETs will not take on the role of saviours or "Knights in Shining Armour", spiritual mentors or any other form of rescue. It was found that they had a definite belief and position, and this will be outlined below. The evolution of humanity into the Aquarian form will, however, precipitate open contact, or should Earth (and not its life-forms) be in dire trouble — such as the breaking up of the planet which would cause a major upset to the solar system and beyond — then a rescue mission to save Earth would ensue (although not one for life forms and humans).

What follows are brief facts as gathered from the research and interviews, and may or may not be similar to other research. I accept that no one has the entire story or truth, however it will give the intuitive and discerning reader a useful overview. Each piece of information is like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

Way back in Earth's history there was a planet called Melchedek (not to be confused with a channelled writing und the same name), which was positioned roughly where the asteroid belt is today. The beings on this planet looked very similar to us as we are now. Lust, avarice, war-like tendencies, power games and the like were prevalent, coupled with high technological advance, space travel, sophisticated weaponry fuelled by sonic and nuclear fusion, made them a formidable force.

Unfortunately, like we see today, they had not worked on themselves spiritually or morally, so that they faced ecological disasters, power and border disputes (sounds familiar?). Then a horrific war broke out and a weapon of mass destruction was activated, which caused the planet to split.

There were approximately five thousand who survived because they had been on Earth to see the primitive life forms as a holiday. However, the debris from this disaster even caused upheaval on Earth, with huge chunks of Melchedek hitting our planet and causing calamity. So the Melchedekens set up a temporary camp on the Moon, which was rocking with shock waves as well.

Meanwhile, the Earth's spiritual Hierarchy, who are ascended energy intelligences, highly evolved beings over-lighting the Earth, contacted the headquarters or parliament for this sector of the galaxy, on Sirius, and a plan was devised as to the future of the Earth. A mistake had been made but there was no going back; the Golden Rule of the Cosmos had been breached which states that there can be no interference with another planet's evolution without Hierarchical consent or Siriun approval. They decided to send a monitoring group of beings to report back to Sirius and the Hierarchy to see if the Melchedekens would make good, and perhaps speed up the Earth's life forms and make this an opportunity for growth — a learning curve. Any threat of another planetary break up would necessitate intervention as one planet break up is all that this solar system can tolerate.

Meanwhile, the Melchedekens landed after the dust had settled and set up cities. They set up a massive DNA programme on the primitive beings on Earth, and began to mate with the Earth peoples to produce a hybrid race of which we are descended from. The time in history is vague and much history is inferred: the great flood, the meteorite that was supposed to have eliminated the dinosaurs, Atlantis, the story of Noah and the Ark, Mu and other similar hypotheses could all be linked here, including the way that the continents were formed and broke up into their tectonic plates, caused by the impact of the debris from above, and that the Melchedkens could have once lived on a lush and green Mars.

The Plan as devised by the hierarchy and Siriun Parliament was as follows: they elected five races of ET to monitor Earth from the first of the Melchedken colonisation of Terra until the date that is equivalent to December 2012 (see articles before). This is because of the alignment of planetary energies, the position of the solar system in relationship to the Milky Way and hopefully by then the raised energies (see articles before) will make it comfortable for the ET to live and stay for short intervals in the Earth environment, and that humans maybe less aggressive and greedy so as not to give the ETs our mind viruses. (ETs usually keep humans 300 feet away to avoid mental infection.)

In previous articles, I mentioned that the astral sheaths and so on would be "burnt off" so we would be more sensitive to vibrations and frequencies. This would mean that the Aquarian evolving human would be transmuting into the very ETs who are monitoring us, albeit not altogether physically alike, but sharing DNA similarities and understandable psychological and spiritual traits. This is why the powers to be felt it appropriate to ask the volunteering races to accept this mission.

The five races are: firstly, beings that are bipedal and are about 8-11 feet tall and weigh from 19 to 33 stone. They have been seen in many places, and even their "coffins" have been found in deep caves. Tibetan Lamas have told me that they are the senior race on Earth and originally known as Els. Their brief is to gather information from the other four races and inform the Hierarchy and Sirius.

The next race is the so-called "blondies" or the Scandinavian type with weight and height similar to us. Their diet is mainly microbial, they are telepaths (as the other races are), and their brief is to monitor commerce, business, money, stock markets, and nuclear and armament facilities — all these being "barometers" for our development. They then report back to the Els.

The third race is very similar to Speilberg's depiction of aliens in "Close Encounters": they are spindly muse-like beings, about 5 to 6 feet in height, again telepaths (no voice box as such as the others), weight unknown and diet as above. Their brief is to monitor theatre, films, spiritual practices, poetry, literature and the media. Again, they report back to the Els.

The fourth race is the so-called "almond-eyed beings" mostly defined as abductors. They are between 3 and 4 feet tall, unknown weight, and diet semi solid and vegetation. They monitor ethnic races and their plight in the "modern" world. Again, the information is collated and sent to the Els.

The last race are the ET type similar to "ET" depicted by Speilberg. They are 2 to 4 feet heigh and their brief is to monitor children's welfare, education, child abuse, and children's response to the rising Aquarian energies. They also monitor pollution frequencies such as mobile phones and masts, tetra and other waveband frequencies, and radiation due to the horrendous dumping and disposal of "spent" nuclear fuels (low levels are as dangerous as high). Also in their remit is genetic engineering, medical and recreational drugs, violent crime and war.

The Melchidkens are aware of the Cosmic Rule of non-interference: they know they have breached this, they also know that unless they split the planet again, or come near to it, that the Siriun parliament will not intervene, and so the Melchedkens keep a low profile and hope to pollute us while they, the so-called elite or illuminated, rule the world and make most of us slaves to the hedonistic tendencies of TV, video, CD, DVD and other multi-media formats, and also to allopathic medicine. They work on curtailing human rights and banning natural remedies and so forth. The name of their game is power, money and control; they live the life of so-called affluence. They are trying to pollute, seduce and denigrate the human race and the natural world before the Aquarian Energies begin a mass take-over or transforming effect on human consciousness.

There have been reports that older type UFO craft have been seen coming out of remote places. These are old Melchedeken craft that have been kept in secret locations by those Melchedekens who have refused to integrate. I have been disseminating information on this since 1967, and it is corroborated by information from films such as Hangar 18, Lloyd Pye's website, and the books Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin and anything by Timothy Good. The other five races have very superior craft which use anti-gravity with induction-loop wormhole technology. (Black hole impedance telemetry is also employed).

The ETs are hoping that a significant portion of the human race will be evolved enough by 2012 to enable some sort of open contact. Indeed, I have seen newspaper and internet reports that China and India are preparing a contact space for this. A report by a scientist named Popp showed that research into cells found that they emitted a weak light, termed "biophotons", and in the magazine Focus it should that an area of the brain lights up in deep meditation. It is said in encounters with ETs that they emit a weak translucent glow, and that they are just the next step up the evolutionary ladder before they, themselves (just as we will after them), become hierarchical beings and ascent to an energy form more pure than departed souls with a Karmic Debt, such as those found in psychic readings and contact (no offence intended).

It has been found that light contains information (see Jacobsen's "Light as the Medicine of the Future and The Field by Lynn McTaggart; research by Robert O. Becker, James C. Oschman, and various books with references to energy medicine and appliances). This new research is heralding a new era in science and many well explain the weak glow often seen emanating from ETs.

So the UFOs that we observe are the vehicles of one of the above five races as they monitor and assess the evolutionary progress of humanity and designate actual "official" landing time and place.

Certain parties, however, are using the UFO/ET scenario to cover up certain nefarious activities and blame it on the ETs. At the same time, they will disseminate subtle disinformation, a smoke screen — yes they do exist, no they don't.

In the, it mentions that the spine of the being went in centrally to the skull. Well, in the 1967 writing it was tated that among the many evolutionary transformations that are happening to us, the spine would alter its angle to the pelvis. Other alchemic changes would bring in certain other physiological enhancements, hence some of the symptoms as in previous pages (you can find more information on Karen Bishop's website I've kept away from too many symptoms or transformation/growing pains so as not to get too attached to that area. It is best to keep meditating and observe the process dispassionately, and know all is well. We are becoming closer in vibration to our space cousins and and as we lose the astral/logic/memory placement fields, we shall communicate telepathically and so avoid the trap of semantics and language innuendo.

Finally, there is a theory of time dilation that states that if an astronaut travels vast distances to far-off stars and planets, five years from his or her point of view in the craft going away from Earth might be equivalent to 150 years back on Earth. Unless someone kept a record then nobody on Earth would know that the astronaut had left in the first place and so might mistake a returning "human" as an ET. So perhaps some of the ETs are humans that went so far out into space and at such high speeds that they are returning before they left; in other words, some ETs could be our future selves!!!??

The latest Hopi prophesy ends in "We are the Ones we have been waiting for." Ireland has always been noted for its humour and so, "May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil finds out you're dead."

Take care and lots of love. Next month I would like to take the liberty of sharing with you some profound experiences that took place from July last year up until now. That you for reading the above and please feel free to email the editor with questions and remarks and we can then make a month write up with something from you.

Friday 1 April 2005

The Psychology of Fear - April 2005

THIS MONTH we look into the psychology of fear. I am basing this information on my 1967 writings along with a mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops — in total 1300 over 39 years and seeing some 3000 patients, mostly in a voluntary capacity. There is enough material regarding these experiences to fill many hundreds of pages. We seem to be living in a climate of negativity and fear engendered by this stage of evolution, by politico-religious environment, by the media, and by multinational hype and greed.

When we enter into a pre-life agreement contract, generally it is to clear up unfinished business, which is another term for karma. It can seem sometimes that we have been drawn here without choice, magnetically or gravitationally as it were. In our chosen (or seemingly non-chosen) incarnation we are often lured and seduced by the cultural, religious, family indoctrination and brainwashing programme, and so we forget the real business that life designated for us, which is to clear the slate and return to enlightenment. In other words, we suffer the delusion of a loss of awareness and choice. It is awareness that is the key to change. We need to become aware of the impulse of the auto programme, the rote, and making the individual and the group auto men and women, robotic and soporific. Conditioning is the opiate of humanity. When the false pulse is recognized, we have the chance to claim our freedom and be who we truly are.

It is clear, as the media is so instant — in your face so as to speak — that world politics, ideologies are dramatically being worked out. Each facet of these above are fighting for the centre spot on stage, and no end of deplorable corrupt means will be employed to bring world domination. The world is being dominated by fear. Fear of natural disasters, fear of suicide bombings, super bugs, climate change, muggings, old age, food poisoning and so on. Tight governmental bodies are seemingly set up for our benefit whilst eroding freedom, and terrorism and other fears are enlisted to imprison us and engender hate, loss of self worth and feelings of powerlessness. This can turn us into control freaks as we reflect the climate of the world.

We can become fearful of moving out of the safety net of our prison programme, away from our tablets (see doctors over prescribing), remedies, hundreds of advice websites that each offer the panacea to Life. We build up personal and nation-wide defence systems with a tightening grip on life. We peep over the wall of defences and so who we are in reality is lost and the programmed self comes to the fore. The market place offers a way out of this pain by allowing us to lose ourselves, offering us alcohol, drugs, videos, CDs, DVDs and thrill-packed distraction. As a result, we build up a reliance on the outside world in order to numb the pain of fear, boredom, loneliness and isolation. This then drives our energy consumption, the noise in the world, the glamour, and the desire for an ever-bigger thrill as the old become worn out. In the process we further lose any sense of self, we can no longer find our essential quite inner centre.

The outside world perishes with the passage of time, whilst our adherence to this reality breeds fear. Meanwhile, the inner realm of sharp clear-mindedness harbours inner peace and intuitive knowing. We lose ourselves to the screenplay, the illusion of reality. We need to remind ourselves we are the viewer, the observer of Life, the silent witness within, and that the screen, the film, is a distraction, and becoming quiet we can still enjoy the movie, knowing it is a movie, an illusion of graphics, special effects, and a magicians performance, apparently real in reality a trick, a sleigh of hand. The various administrations, the marketing and advertising media feed on our insecurity and try to fill the gap of the missing self.

Fear is the super glue of the ego. Some programmes seem large, giving the sense of freedom, yet in the end they only slightly more pliable or elastic than the constrained ones. We may then try a discipline to break the stranglehold of the "prison of conditioning", only to find in the long run, after the honeymoon is over, that the technique, the discipline, becomes just another "enveloping stifling boring routine" and stagnation and disillusionment ensues. Guilt, jealously, anger through early years of conditioning, and the later subjection to tyranny, all produce a lack of self worth, a feeling that we are unworthy to be loved or give love. Sometimes what we call love is just an emotive response.

We may blame ourselves for breaking the early code of total obedience. I am not suggesting that we become mindless impulsive thugs --- many of us were brought up culturally in some religion, mind set, political environmental ethos --- we were loved by law and not by love. Some of us were told that God will punish us if we break the code: when I asked when young "if God is Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, if God is one of those, why doesn't He destroy the others?" the answer was "He is giving us time to change our minds to one of the above of your sect of family's choice". Then I heard about religious wars and asked whose side was God on, especially as the two sides were often the same religion, and politics too.

The Universe is exact: nature keeps to its ecological cycles, rhythms, interrelationships and symbiosis. Its intelligence gives away everything free of charge. Ethnic indigenous people know that the forest, the land the animals provide, is not theirs. So why do we rape the land, charge tax, use force, dominate all species, all in the name of progress?

What then can break this grip, this fear, this cancer of materialism, this commercial hoarding? I feel it needs a deep eruption, a volcanic deep seated upset, a tsunami in consciousness. As the energy of change state in previous pages powers in, we will see this new turn of the spiral break the deadlock of the past 2500 years; that vice-like grip of a mindset loosen. We are in the Armageddon, a world holocaust where everything that is filthy, vile, corrupt, rancid, sordid and devastating is coming up to the surface to be purged. This is a fast detox, a cleansing; the boil has burst, the abscess is weeping, the last out workings of darkness and hidden agendas are being expunged.

The wounded healer, Chiron is now in Aquarius (see Eric Francis' A Bridge to the Core) and we are in a healing crisis right now. The Aquarian energies are taking us to the Inner Realms of our Soul and we are purging the dross of the psychical levels of the past. We have to play our part in accordance with our deep inner guidance which whispers in the stillness of our being.

In conclusion, the attitude of blame must be looked at in earnest. We make ourselves victim if we blame. We give another power over us in the following manner: "I blame so and so, they make me feel this or that". We shelve our responsibility as long as we hold that blame in place; we give the blame factor the energy to give the person, situation etc. the power over us, the power to define how we feel. We might switch blame from them to ourselves: I will blame myself, it must be something I am doing, or am, and it's my fault. But then we become a victim to ourselves, we self sabotage, we become guilt ridden and vindictive.

How about I am a child of Life? Life gives to all Life, what we make of it is our choice. We can change. We all have access to food, water, and if greed is abandoned, maybe the differences in politics, religions, and the divisive elements of different cultures can be dissolved. Life's supply would be inclusive. Nature gives all freely, and if we respect and cultivate nature, we will find ourselves in a world that works for everyone everywhere. We find out who we truly are, which is of paramount importance for when we leave this earth plane.

Fear is based in the past projected into the future, whether it is past-life subtle innuendo or our full-blown present incarnate experience. Fear is yesterday's videos, films and makeovers shown over and over again. We should release the past in order to free the future so that we can experience the real now, not a now conditioned by an overlay of the past.

Next time I will write a short account (would take hundreds of pages) on ET's and UFOs, and I will include a touch of conspiracy. I will be covering the emergence of our connection with ET's and their random appearances that are building up to open contact. Until then lots of love and take care.

Tuesday 1 March 2005

Why Now? - March 2005

WHY NOW? This is a question frequently asked. This complex subject has fascinating aspects. The turn or spiral of evolution has arrived and powerful energies are impacting on the Earth and its life forms. To quote The Daily Telegraph Editor in July 1995, "American and Japanese scientists have found that normally measured [cosmic] rays are in millions of electron volts, but over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts — something out there, no one knows what, is hurling high energy particles around the universe, in this case, the most energetic ever observed by scientists. Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed, conventional theory says such particles should not exist." This seems to back up the 1967 transmission. A visit to several astrological web sites including those of Jonathan Cainer and Eric Francis confirm the previous views.

Following on from February, the theme continues: many are aware of the dwindling sperm count among many men. Some say it is nature's way to check over-population; others feel it cause by environmental pollutants such as pesticides, or too much heat around the scrotum, like laptops, or sitting long hours in artificial fabric underwear, or the effect of deodorants, additives in washing powder and oestrogen leaching from plastics. There is a trend for people to live singly: celibacy, even in partnered couples, is becoming more prevalent. Be that as it may, populations are still increasing and resources are being stretched.

Looking far ahead, the Aquarian evolutionary energies will produce a "new human being", an androgynous being that will retain their individual female and male procreative organs. The sexual energies, like the logic, memory, astral and emotional sheaves, will be "moved and refined" (see previous pages) and relocated with a higher definition, enabling the procreative process to take place less by lust, emotional relief, instinct and so on, and more by the linking to and union with Divine Will or the Spiritual Intuitive Energy. Couples, indeed group souls, are starting to tune into the "place" where pre-life agreements are contracted. Children will be birthed facilitated by the Great Source of Life, the Divine Will. Many women are having difficulty becoming pregnant and men are less fertile.

The energy of the Aquarian Age now fast approaching and impacting, and people are feeling and reacting to them in a myriad of ways — I do not want to dwell on the physical experiences which I have outlined in a previous posting, but more can be found on web sites such as Truthout, What's up on planet Earth?) In my 1967 transmission it stated that about 10,000 people had received a similar transmission and that each one or group would have a piece of the puzzle. Many more would then follow, especially with the rise of electronic communication. Each group or individual would not vie for gain in ego forms — such as popularity, or being the sole source and authority — but in true Aquarian ethos they would promote a spirit of sharing with a complimentary element which would appeal to the vibratory frequencies of the readers.

The new ways will cause some confusion like withdrawal symptoms. Then a period of purging, adjustment which precipitates feelings of stress and despondency, may follow. This does not apply to everyone (see previous postings on pre-life agreements): many of us are going through this now in order to help those who follow; there are some tough times ahead. The Aquarians will be sensitive to the Cosmic Plan, and as the purging, cleansing "fires" do their job, a proportion of the clearing will make a "space" for the "plan" to be received. The more cleared the more received. Among the animal kingdom, there is a facility that can allow a pregnancy to be kept on "hold" should there not be enough food or climate change. The foetus is held at any particular pointing gestation relating to the resources available. Similarly, this will happen to the advancing Aquarians, the difference being that pregnancy will not take place at all. However, the similarity in both is in accord with Nature, which is the physical form of the Divine Will at that level. This then is a solution other than pollution, war, disaster and disease to the world over population. The fully evolved Aquarian will be evident in 150 years from now, and yet, there have been arriving now and for 12 years past an early "prototype" Aquarian, evolving gradually. (The symptoms mentioned above are the transformation into the prototype being as.)

The shift in auric sheaths will produce a Divine Link. Culturally it will be accepted that we all pay homage and worship the One Creatory Source, God Almighty, The Great Source of Life. And although we may pray, reflect, ruminate, contemplate or meditate in different ways, like the spokes of a wheel that recognize the hub as the Divine Source we will understand that we are all at the same point on the spokes to anyone else, and that "One Life is common to us all". Politically, we will shift from jealous, possessive, greedy introvertism to "A World That Works for Everyone Everywhere". Technologically, new and natural energies will be discovered which, although hi tech, are in tune with nature. And as our greed subsides along with our boredom and the need for entertainment and distraction, we will need less gadgets and demand less energy resources. We will be more relaxed, the need for drugs will subside, craziness and madness will abate, and the inner peace of deep meditation will flow which is the hallmark of the Aquarian populace. Medically, illness will eventually become extinct, although, in the interim period, new instruments will and have already arrived that can alleviate the present malaise. As the old Piscean reluctance recedes, gradually what is termed complimentary medicine will ensue.

At this time, strange polarities are apparent: for example, the European Commission and similar bodies in other countries are banning the use of herbal and natural supplements. Paradoxically, at the same time, universities and non-governmental bodies have proved the advantage of alternatives to chemical drugs. Another example is that the UK it has been approved to introduce fluoride into our drinking water, whereas other countries which have researched this issue have found this element to be one of the deadliest poisons on the planet. At the same time, the UK is encouraging some complimentary holistic therapies into hospitals, and there are trials being done to introduce some revolutionary magnetic diagnostic and healing instruments into general practice. Even the Royal Family extol the virtues of homeopathy while some of the "experts" decry this stance. Others feel it is worthy. So this is the overlapping energies between the old and the new.

The old 2500 year dominance of the receding Piscean age, with its emphasis on the strong leader or group now seen as fundamentalism, is giving way to the intuitive and compassion-led Aquarian energy. In the meantime, the two are present at the same time, setting up a strong polarisation. However, the choice of which energy is life-affirming is clear, and as we have free will, until the intuition is fully active, we can make our choices. (May I make it clear that birth sign Pisceans are not in the same category as above; the age of Pisces is not the same as a Piscean born person, no offence intended or indeed implied. The same applies to Aquarians as well.)

A word about confusion: the media have this "trick" of subtle deception, which is sometimes not so subtle. MRSA, a super bug resistant to antibiotics (probably caused by over prescription of antibiotics which destroy gut flora, and by food that is "sticking" to the intestines and is a breeding ground for bacteria) can be cured, according to Australian research, by the application of colloidal silver, tea tree and garlic in a certain procedure. The media, as they did with the promising herbal replacement for dangerous HRT treatment, hailed this as a money saving, life saving blessing. The next day, however, it was rubbished by another set of experts, and then upheld by another set of experts as the best natural remedies. How does one make choices with such conflicting expert opinion?

It can only be done by carefully researching the internet and by increasingly using home remedies. The statistics in the UK show some 40,000 people die of misdiagnosis, hospital bugs, surgical malpractice, side effects of drugs and so on, and yet one, yes one mistake by a complimentary practitioner brings howls of condemnation and angry baying by the establishment. These are the battles ahead and as the new paradigm flows in the old will lose its power. Remember that a wounded creature fights harder to survive, and the fear of losing power and prestige is causing a strong resistance to change, and the illusory safety of the known.

Next rambling will look at the psychology and what is the cause of this fear and the next steps we may have to take, plus the impending landing of ETs. Until then, take care and lots of Love.