Thursday 4 October 2012

Born Free Series — Post 4 / Oct 2012

Born Free Series — Post 4 / Oct

Geoff Freed — October 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hi Folks

Hope you survived the last post.

This 12 min video gives one the insider's view of Drones and their deadly employment in Pakistan.
  • The health dangers of genetically engineered (GE) foods are masterfully presented in this documentary by Jeffrey Smith, one of the world's leading authorities on GE foods
  • Americans get sick more often than Europeans or people from any other industrialized nation, and scientific evidence suggests a significant factor may be the genetic engineering of our food supply
  • Despite claims by government regulators and the food industry that GE foods are safe, scientific studies continue to show the opposite; GE foods have been linked with allergies, reproductive problems and infertility, birth defects, bizarre mutations, cancer, and now an unidentified mystery organism causing an epidemic of livestock deaths, "Sudden Death Syndrome"
  • GE foods trigger immune attack because they appear to your body as foreign invaders rather than food; this immune response can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn raises your risk for multiple additional health problems
  • The two main types of GE foods are herbicide-tolerant crops and pesticide-producing crops; both are imprecise processes that are riddled with unexpected consequences, such as hundreds to thousands of genetic mutations that have unknown effects on human health Courtesy Dr J Mercola
Please make sure this does not happen in the EU !!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  • This rare gem study highlights the interrelatedness of humans with the environment, pointing out that most epidemics, such as AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, SARS, and Lyme disease, just to name a few, are a direct result of man's failure to live in harmony with nature. By severely disrupting our environment, we create our own demise.
  • A new project called Predict, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, aims to determine where new diseases are likely to emerge, based on how the landscape is altered by human activities. The project will also study forest-, wildlife- and livestock management to prevent the spread of pandemic disease
  • According to experts, the answer to preventing pandemics lies in understanding how leaving nature intact can offer built-in protection against such emergence
  • In order to maintain ecological balance and health, you must understand how that system works as a whole. Any time you change one part of that system, you change the interaction of all the other components, because they work together.
  • It is simply impossible to change just one minor aspect without altering the entire system, and this is why genetically engineered crops pose such a dire threat not just to the environment, but also to wildlife, livestock, and humans, and does so in more ways than one
From article called The Ecology of Disease – How Environmental Sustainability Can Make or Break Animal and Human Health
A project financed by the United States Agency for International Development has made its goal to determine the ecology of disease – a project that, if successful, will aid health officials in determining where the next disease outbreak may occur. While lack of food sources, water and sanitation play a key part in disease, they know that in developing countries disease also hinges heavily on the types of wildlife in an area, destruction of wildlife and forest areas, and the diseases and bacteria the wildlife may be carrying.

As reported by the New York Times:

"There's a term biologists and economists use these days – ecosystem services – which refers to the many ways nature supports the human endeavor. Forests filter the water we drink, for example, and birds and bees pollinate crops, both of which have substantial economic as well as biological value.

…By mapping encroachment into the forest you can predict where the next disease could emerge, So we're going to the edge of villages, we're going to places where mines have just opened up, areas where new roads are being built. We are going to talk to people who live within these zones and saying, 'what you are doing is potentially a risk.'"


Our modern lifestyle has largely separated us from nature, and few stop to consider the immense impact environmental destruction has on our individual health. We simply cannot extricate ourselves from the symbiotic relationship we have with nature, and that includes both the environment and wildlife, big and small.

According to the featured article, some 60 percent of emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in the animal kingdom, and environmental destruction promotes this animal-to-human transfer of disease.

From Dr J MERCOLA Newsletter.
Was the Discovery of Higgs Boson God Particle Actually the World's Most Successful Conscious Intention Experiment?
fig01The recent discovery of the Higgs particle — the "God" particle — will go down in the history of science as one of the greatest discoveries ever made. But what was discovered, exactly? Was it a discovery of a "particle" that grants mass to other elements of matter, or was it the discovery that thousands of scientists focusing on a large data set of seemingly random events can successfully skew the results of the data into a 5-sigma level of apparent statistical significance?

In other words, was the Higgs discovery actually the greatest intention experiment ever conducted? This is not a casual question. It reaches into the very nature of science itself and begs the question: Can human-run science ever truly be conducted independent from an observer? The answer, of course, is no. The subsequent question then becomes critical: Do observers alter the outcomes of scientific experiments even without any intention of doing so?

By Mike Adams, Founder of
Absolutely see back blogs where I say they will go under more of France and Switzerland to find?---how far down the Rabbit hole? Also read last blog on the separatism, the divide.

Story at-a-glance
  • Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 "swine flu," compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot
  • While the initial findings were largely discounted, new research confirms the link between the flu vaccination and an increased risk of more serious bouts of pandemic illness
  • There are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. With vaccination, you are creating an antibody, but as recent research has confirmed, unvaccinated children naturally build up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than vaccinated children
  • Vaccines are never 100 percent protective because they provide only temporary, typically inferior immunity compared to that your body would receive from naturally contracting and recovering from a disease Courtesy Dr J Mercola
  • An article in the latest newsletter from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) berates vaccine exemption options and parents who use personal belief exemptions to opt-out of vaccines for their children, inciting parents to support the elimination of vaccine exemptions
  • Across the US, people are fighting for their right not to be injected with vaccines against their will, as vaccine exemptions are under constant attack. The Gates Foundation is even funding surveillance of anti-vaccine groups, aimed at "finding, analyzing and counteracting misinformation communication campaigns regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts"
  • While recent outbreaks of pertussis, measles, and mumps have officially been blamed on those who are unvaccinated, published studies into the outbreaks have confirmed that the vast majority of those affected were vaccinated, and place the blame on ineffective vaccines – NOT insufficient vaccination rates
  • The differences between naturally-acquired and vaccine-induced immunity are explained, along with details of why the concept of vaccine-induced herd immunity is seriously flawed. Dr J Mercola. JM Collects articles and freely distributes them in a newsletter.
With the tyrannical EU posing as the benign benefactor, they are hinting at mandatory vaccinations, statins, GM, herbs and supplement restrictions [believe it not two herbal powders I used to get from the Aim companies, a few remedies from friends who run health food businesses have told me of the visits, emails, telephone calls from government agencies and yes even Nag Champa original soap]. These are usually best sellers and of course do the chemicals out of business.


Yes I am labouring the point with these cartoons, figures, because this is in my view where it is AT. The divide, the separation. To reiterate a quote from above 'In other words, was the Higgs discovery actually the greatest intention experiment ever conducted' When will the egoist mind wake up to consciousness, that spirit if you like is at 'the back of' of all. That Cosmic intelligence is all pervading and so on.

As long as the materialistic view pervades alone in its statements then the Earth is viewed as money making machine to milk for profits of its minerals, wood, land, rivers and seas, and us to be dominated by ruthless barons of industry, banking and politics. Very interesting comments; 'Most Libyan's don't want democracy' see the video in the link above [2 mins], and it bears out what my friends in Libya repeatedly tell me. You will hear that the late Gaddafi was a tyrant yet a benign one to a point. Hear about his health care, housing and so on. This is a report by Oxford University. How the west wish to bring in the one world order by destroying the Middle East in the video about NATO and yes Tony Blair.


I can well remember when at a few conferences I went too that top scientists talked about the interaction, the observer, the consciousness aspect and that in fact some of them suggested that experimentation merely proved the point of consciousness proceeding 'the outcome of the experiment'. I then witnessed a 'split' in a many faceted outcome.

Firstly there was those who freaked out [as described in back blog], and walked way, and not kidding, had breakdowns and to this day still have not recovered. Then some went into denial and became reductionism bods, who want a unifying theory, a mathematical solution, then those who want the particle, the field, the ultimate accolade, 'I AM MORE INTELLIGENT THAN THE UNIVERSE, I AM CREATOR AND LORD OF IT ALL.'

It sickened me when I saw these bearded [some of them] academics having champagne and haughty female scientists having Boson orgasms at CERN. When the euphoria had died down, many newspapers remarked
'Higgs boson: A cause for celebration. But will it be our last great discovery?

It will take more than last week's scientific breakthrough to secure the continued quest for the cosmos's secrets'

The Guardian Newspaper.
The lavish lifestyles and money spent on this could have helped so many starving and needy people, rather than feed the ever ravenous egos of these often pompous academics.


Will they experiment with consciousness, psychic abilities, telepathy, healing, let free energy abound, let the phantom wave heal all and everything, let the slash, burn and poison be the only treatment for cancer?

You see the third element in the split was 'WELL IF IT IS ALL CONSCIOUSNESS THERE AINT NO DOUGH IN IT, MONEY, MONEY, and MONEY' Keep on down the rabbit hole [looking and manifesting particles, it's all out there not in here, its in the brain mind, its out there deep in the quantum field which is separate from us]. If we admit we are the creators of the particles by intentionising them, where the Nobel Prize, the inflated buzz for my ego, I am a Professor, a PH.D, a somebody, a celebrity. Do I care about the suffering about my fellow man?


Figure 1 Part under Switzerland and part under France. How much more to find that which created Higgs. Next intention----? Keeps them employed and a darn good living.

Well yes I do the spin offs will be great. I can then sell this to industry. I realise I am generalising and be totally judgemental and unfair; I am probably doing a great injustice to many of these fine folk.

However I have suffered greatly at the abject dismissal of those not willing to even consider subjects I have proposed to them and merely cast it off as stupid, not worth the effort, abject nonsense without even looking at the proof or taking time for serious discussion and debate. The trap of the ego is immense and this is exactly what we need to break, dissolve. The same attitude becomes apparent in local councils, governments, politics, this stubborn reluctance to listen, to police forces, in fact neighbours, families, relationships. ' I'm all right Jack pull up the gangplank', [old English Naval Expression]'.

Yet the very breakdown of the world scenarios we are witnessing is forcing issues to the surface, and the egoists try to bury the truths, force free expression and protest, shut down the internet, as the mass ruthless ego fights for its life. The beast is dying and its death throes it would rather take everyone and thing down with it.
US and China Caught Secretly Testing GMO Rice on Children

'Instead of putting genetically modified foods through proper trials as consumers have been demanding for years, it appears the United States Department of Agriculture in alliance with the Chinese government have instead chosen to secretly test their latest GMO rice on young Chinese children. What's particularly interesting is the fact that the agencies decided they even needed to test the rice, after claiming that GMO rice and all other GM creations are virtually identical to natural foods.

Currently under investigation by Chinese health officials, the research project was cracked wide open after Greenpeace reportedly corresponded with the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to expose the ongoing research. Currently, Greenpeace is calling for a stop to the trials which are reportedly continuing in the field. Citing health and environmental risks, Greenpeace says that the studies are taking place on roughly 24 children aged between six and eight years old. It has also been said that the parents likely were completely unaware or misinformed.

The USDA seeks to examine the effects of the GMO rice on the young children, also known as genetically modified 'golden rice'

Courtesy of Health Freedom Alliance'

Stunning NASA footage and interviews with Astronauts on UFO'S. [Total 20 mins. A stunning admission from Dr Edgar Mitchell].


AUTUMN LIGHTS: Northern autumn is only two days away--and that means it's aurora season. For reasons researchers don't fully understand, the days around equinoxes are the best times to see Northern Lights. Indeed, the Arctic Circle is glowing. Last night, Ole C. Salomonsen photographed the ongoing display from Tromsø, Norway: Courtesy of Ole C. Salomonsen.

People across the UK have reported seeing a large meteor shooting across the night sky.

It was seen breaking up into pieces last night, with sightings reported across northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report the sightings, posting photos and video. Many people described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail. The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. Nice pressy for Equinox.


Figure 2 I Love you Mum

1 min video of meteor over UK. A lot of 'f' words by photographer.

10 sec one but shows building in relationship, speed from stationary object.

There is speculation that this maybe a 'Sign' of the forthcoming 'dip' and change of consciousness.

Telenoid an amazing Japanese Robot. 2 min.

One of the best factors in the days we are in? 14 mins. A great point on ideas and so on so related to link below. Part of article underneath.
Evidence of Impending Tipping Point for Earth

ScienceDaily (June 6, 2012) — A group of scientists from around the world is warning that population growth, widespread destruction of natural ecosystems, and climate change may be driving Earth toward an irreversible change in the biosphere, a planet-wide tipping point that would have destructive consequences absent adequate preparation and mitigation.

"There really will be a new world, biologically, at that point," warns Anthony Barnosky, professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and lead author of a review paper appearing in the June 7 issue of the journal Nature. "The data suggests that there will be a reduction in biodiversity and severe impacts on much of what we depend on to sustain our quality of life, including, for example, fisheries, agriculture, forest products and clean water. This could happen within just a few generations.

The result of such a major shift in the biosphere would be mixed, Barnosky noted, with some plant and animal species disappearing, new mixes of remaining species and major disruptions in terms of which agricultural crops can grow where-------.
Remember my inverted V, the Tipping point and Prigogne, in way back blogs? Does this relate to the valley prophesised or rather calculated by Webbot?

Coauthor Elizabeth Hadly from Stanford University said "we may already be past these tipping points in particular regions of the world. I just returned from a trip to the high Himalayas in Nepal, where I witnessed families fighting each other with machetes for wood -- wood that they would burn to cook their food in one evening. In places where governments are lacking basic infrastructure, people fend for themselves, and biodiversity suffers. We desperately need global leadership for planet Earth."

This is astonishing; you would think they would form a collective. Someone give them Hay Boxes, Solar and wind turbines?

A fascinating 10 mins of how we are motivated.

Uri Geller in his younger years and amazing experiments at CIA Stanford University Psychic research. [33 mins].


Figure 3 A young Uri Geller with radio presenter Jimmy Young after metal bending.

Osho defined the core of these meditations in his autobiography, Glimpses of a Golden Childhood:
My way is simple: to be silent, to experience in oneself that which is always the observer and not the observed. To know the knower and forget the known.

Hey Listen to the Planet Earth singing.[4 mins].

A remarkable 4 part video titled 'doing time, doing vipassna' about dramatic change in some Indian prisons and some in the USA.


Help us fight the bully boys

What Doctors Don't Tell You has just launched a 100-page glossy version in UK stores – and already it's being targeted by the bully boys who want the title banned. They've even contacted our distributors, asking them to stop supplying the title.

These champions of free speech include Simon Singh (co-author with Edzard Ernst of the book 'Trick or Treatment') and his chums, including 'paranormal researcher' Hayley Stevens.

Singh has written to our distributors, Comag, to get them to stop supplying the title, while Singh, Stevens and fellow trolls are busy complaining about the title to retailers who stock it. Singh inspired the Nightingale Collaboration, which seeks to stop all alternative practitioners from making any claims whatsoever on their websites.

Please support WDDTY and help ensure it remains on the shelves for everyone to read. Let the retailers know they are doing the right thing in stocking it:

WH Smith



We need your support today. Don't let the bully boys suppress every non-Pharma voice.

Thank you

Bryan Hubbard

Speaks for Itself.

This like AIDS exposes another MYTH. Please do look at this 10 min video on the MYTH of Over Population. Thanks.


Figure 4 My, My fancy that! Gannet in North Atlantic. Flourishing in colonies.


Survivor: Alfie Green and mother Stacey. His heart stopped three times after three heart attacks

Read more:

Doctors say it seems the brain may have repaired itself!

We have lots of evidence coming forward of the regeneration. Lovely Alfie Green above, Anita Moorjani and many others. I have a sneaky feeling we are on the threshold of the new energies or 'the next step in evolution'. Perhaps in the passage of time, the upgrading or reconfiguring is occurring? I know there are a number of other amazing 'recoveries' and complete rehabilitation. My NDE in 1942 was not spectacular from the recovery point of view, but unsusal for the year and place.

As we talk about stem cell research, cloning, spare part surgery, amazing atheletes who are disabled, and countless other research, genomes and so forth, we are talking and taking this into the collective, which talks to the DNA[see back blogs on DNA being responsive to thoughts, music, sound] so we are creating new pathways and genetic mutation by these ideas, new synaptic responses and so forth.

A feeling is growing that although the 'Bardo' is sacred and beautiful, that there has been a turn on the spiral, a sort of a more sense of awareness, that on the passing from the body, one is more alert to what is going on, and if reminded of the light may not have to go through the 49 days of the Bardo. My work over 36 years with prelife agreements, reincarnation, have led me to feel that there are many more meditators, self growth groups, exploration of spiritual matters, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga psychics on the TV, mediums, Channellers and so forth that the 'collective Unconscious' is being given this information in order to bring it to 'mainstream' awareness. Perhaps in a few years or at Magical Dec.21/23 this year, a switch in consciousness may have been reached. Perhaps we will have reached tip over, 100th monkey, Prigigone, my inverted V and the dip described in earlier blogs, the valley of no predictions will be because of this culmination and pinnacle to a climaxic, orgasimic overspill?

Maybe all the violence, murders and wars, the financial injustices, the austerity crap will have peaked and that sort of hits its peak and subsides and topples over?

Let us now look to redemption. I would like to refer you back to my model of the inverted V as mentioned in so many back blogs.


On the left side we have mega crisis and Patrick Geryl and pollution and so forth fit the bill and very near to the top. So what have we on the right hand side to counter balance this as mega solution? [From October 2010 blog].

Mega solution can be the raising of consciousness. The Patrick Geryl [see interview by Camelot] , Cliff High of as interviewed by Jeff Rense and to some extent Graham Hancock, seem to suggest this December or shortly afterwards, a cataclysm, the Earth Crust Rotation, perhaps a huge CME. So the left side of the V mega crises could be this scenario, however the right side could be counterbalanced by the raising of Awareness where the two again cancel one another out. The immovable force meets the unstoppable force.

There again the Universe has a way of bringing all things to a close. No thing is forever, Stars, planets, Comets, life forms all have a 'life span' dying is part of the Universal Energy. Birth, sustainment, death, the natural cycles.

It has been estimated the Earth has gone through some 40 such 'almost wipe outs'. My Earthly body will have a wipe out one day. That's OK s all I really know and am certain of, and it's a kind of joy to take that on board because that's the destiny of everything of form, be it physical or mental. So it is a natural event, the death of form, the awareness remains if held onto in conscious dying, and not getting sucked into scenarios of the past.

So if there is a wipe out, be prepared to stay alert, if possible remain centred, breathe, be the light and know it. For awareness is the light.

In this scenario one could find oneself in a parallel Earth in a wonder Earth, regenerated and clean again. I have long felt that switches in consciousness take us through portals, black/white holes, stargates, wormholes, and so the climax of these two enormous polarity energies, as the converge, impact and meet, cause a whirlwind, a cyclone and cancel each other out at the singularity, this being the centre of the hurricane, peace, calm. The spinning V which is half of the event stargate [black hole] then sends or propels us a great speed down the helter skelter to the singularity through the matrix of the quantum field and out to the into the other spinning V at a reverse spin, the white hole and hey presto one arrives at the probability and possibility of one's predilection, hopefully trusting the light.

So all is well, it is determined by the outcomes of one's dreams, attachments, fears, and hopefully accrued awareness. For Diagrams go to this blog.

However, the mass mind may choose to drag on with the same old, same old and we eventually become the dread we manifest. However, there is an awakening------so the jury is out--------?

Hey Cheer Up. It could get worse. So they cheered up and it got worse. Remember to be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil Finds out your dead.

Cheers me Dears. Lots of Love. Geoff

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Oct 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Oct

Geoff Freed — October 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.


We are getting near to some interesting themes arriving on the net and emails to me and chat with whistle blowers.

That 9/11 will not go away, and still more and more scientists, lawyers, military people are shouting for the truth to be revealed and it is so obvious in these lengthy videos it was an inside job.

One that caught my eye is a 9 min video by an academic and its going to force some explanations and issues.

The gentleman presenting this is: Morgan O. Reynolds was a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX.

He served as chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001-2002, George W. Bush's first term. In 2005, he gained public attention as the first prominent government official to publicly claim that 9/11 was an inside job, and is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Courtesy of Forbidden Knowledge.

If you want to see the truth about 9/11 then with patience over 1hr.30.mins.

WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? Another long one. Amazing revelations.

I appreciate the above is old news however we will be facing some very large issues, one of the proposed TPP, a global Monster please look this up and faint after the shock of the proposal. I will follow this up in a heading below.


I do not know for sure about Atlantis, Mu and so forth and the Garden of Eden [Gun Aden in Hebrew] Egypt and the pyramids world wide as well. For sure something happened and it may be akin to the Fall. The Fall from Grace, from Spirit to Materialism. Hasten to say that spirit, energy, consciousness was not eradicated but clouded, blocked out, in denial and form, which is congealed energy spirit, particles held together by intentioned concentration in the case of hedonism, the abject worship of things 'concrete', fleshly, sensually, touchable and feely. While the spirit lay aback so to speak. This the split from the local mind encased in the capsule of the brain as distinct from the non local mind of spirit.

Are there many 'Gardens of Eden's' so to speak? I feel so and perhaps a little 'tour Le Jardin' is appropriate.


Figure 1 Most people will have read or know about the story about Adam and Eve. I am not sure if the animals as depicted are correct, never mind it is only a portrait of an event clouded in mystery and possibly allegory. [No offence to any belief or religion, this is my view and a truly open person can accept, not tolerate, quietly angered and yet reluctantly accepting another point of view while still holding to one's own different views and ideas].

Many writers, books, blogs and websites refer to a period back in history when there was an 'interference' and the time scales seem to vary, however, some of them are 26,000, 11500, 12,000 and some into millions and billions of years [this in itself stating years is at the most dubious, did the Earth always do its 365 day 'tour de solar', whose calendar do we follow and so on?] so perhaps a nebulous 'sometime long ago in the galaxy' something happened and this happening repeats itself cyclically and rhythmically.

Maybe we can rely on star and constellations as indicators and record keepers of our relative positions and our 'proof' of it all happened before, history is to repeat itself. A good book is Adrian Gilbert's Signs in the Sky, one of many etc..

OK so in the dim aeons of the murky past, a cycle long ago the Great Spirit, God, Source of Life, Consciousness without form, empty before the big bang, Nothingness, the source, Life or whatever is your predilection.


Figure 2 The Cosmic Plan, our small galaxy----small its massive, just small figuratively speaking amongst the teeming billions of galaxies.

From this explosion of consciousness [Atheist's, scientists not into consciousness, the big bang, something came out of nothing, so on this premise we are all nothing, in fact this is true if we are an illusion and held together by thought], so we all maybe saying the same thing another way round.

Onward and upward so they say, we came out of the womb of creation, however it happened and presumably we were pure energy or consciousness and it began to solidify [although we know no thing in its essence is solid, it appears so because the belief, the thought holds it together, or the strong, weak sub atomic energy, gravity does its thing, or again whatever holds your fancy. This is the illusion IT SEEMS SOLID, so it must be real; however if we LOOK only at THE OUTER FORM, and that which created it, the Thought, Consciousness is ignored and so the first Divide or Separation occurred.

However it might be postulated that the Original Consciousness, Pristine and Primordial where no thing existed, the void, the Awareness without form, pure mind, potential, had an AH HA, an Intuitive Burst and The Source began to Create Its Dream, and the TOOLS it used were waves, particle, atoms, molecules and eventually galaxies, stars, planets and all are LIFE FORMS, THERE IS NO DEAD MATTER.

The waves were thoughts of the Divine, creating standing and interference patterns all containing information, patterns, blueprints, ideas, schemes, scenarios and so on. These in fact are the synapses, the neurones of the Cosmos, the great Super Waves, the conductors of the Cosmic Orchestra. Each containing the baton to bring in the correct part of the orchestra in a Cosmic Symphony which is constantly playing itself out until the chords and notes go to and up the scale to an everlasting Concert of Performances.

We take the performances as real, we learnt to look outward from our consciousnesses to the orchestra not realising it was composed by a mind, a consciousness and this is the inward part we have mostly covered up and explained away as merely electrical influences created by the division of the cells in the embryonic uterine foetus and when we die that's the end, dead matter. Yet still teeming with particles, yes even bone and skeleton, apart from the cells which on death instruct the entities within to decompose the body, again an intelligent function. Death and decay are very much an intelligent stratagem. Rotting carcases are part of the recycling many of us fail to understand and the throw away society, denies or is in denial of the value of recycling.

Looking at the Garden of Eden, I got fired across my bows by many religious and researchers and believers of myths as reality and not symbolic. In my view Adam and Eve were the original inhabitants of Earth, there were many at that period, the tree represented the Genome [genetic code of the Earthlings], the apple the formulae which altered their original genome to that of the hybrids we are now, and the snake the DNA. I describe this in my UFO story. , I do not claim this to be the complete true facts of our evolution, only my research has led to me to these conclusions. I feel every writer on our evolution has a piece of the cake, jig saw puzzle and a synopsis of them all would probably make a better picture.

Something and someone altered our DNA. Lloyd Pye and others will give more details on this, I know from the Forensic work I did to me this is factual.


Figure 3 Mystical city and some say civilisation of Atlantis


Figure 4 Some say MU and Atlantis were the same?

Who or whatever did this manipulated a natural species and as said in UFO Story it goes against Comic Law of non interference in the Galactic process, the Prime Directive of Star Trek, alteration of time lines and so forth. My point being, A Divide occurred, the natural order of things, the consciousness ripening in the crucible of Mother Earth, the natural ripening of the fruit, as in contrast of fruit being hastened in Ultra Violet or Infra Red to make speedy merchandise. Here we have the divide between nature and ego, consciousness and materialism. Call me old fashioned if you like. Progress? Some say if the interference had not occurred we would have still be in the bronze or stone age. Be it so that is how things, in my view should have been.

When fruit, people, organisms ripen naturally, and manure ah la naturale, mature in natures good time, the energies, the lattices of connectiveness cause the whole fruit, organism, the person to benefit from whole nutrition and so be what nature intended, not the additive laden, polluted mutation we are forced to eat and its corresponding ill health and mental craze. Here we see the divide between consciousness and ego.

In my view the Garden of Eden and Atlantis were about the invasion as in the UFO STORY, and also the time the pyramids were set up world wide. Maybe the split as described by Sitchin [I feel he had a piece of the puzzle, despite internet pooh poohas, and yes they have the right to their views as well, it is in the debate not the outright 'rubbish' that we might learn should we be open to it.

I feel the Melchidekans as I call them were the giants [see back blogs] and the split which Sitchin describes and myself [Sitchin and I do not agree on everything as you will read in the UFO STORY], goes on to say the good guys built the Pyramids to alert us to this DIVIDE, this separation and that it occurs cyclically. Also to WARN US that technology ALONE is destructive, it gives the ego power to dominate all things materially and destroy in many cases NATURE and so the war as in Sitchin [Twelfth Planet book] and my bit of the warning from the Sirius Council that made the bad guys lay low and are still working behind the scenes as the ancient blood lines described brilliantly by David Icke in his Video London Rome and Beltane. I felt this on my many visits to Rome and my work there once a year for several weeks in the UN FAO.

David Icke—London Rome and Beltane.

These blood lines came also in at the Moses and Aaron when the Golden Calf scenario was played out. Moses represents the Spirit coming down from on high and Aaron seduced by materialism and yet knows its against his better understanding, never the less feels powerless, and so another DIVIDE, and we see this repeated many times in many religions, cults, sects. The gurus coming out of India some of them seduced by materialism, hedonism, corruption and the rest. Good people setting up cults, turns into sex exploitation and other dark arts. Starting off pure and idyllic and then seduced, hypnotised and the like. HERE we see the Temptation of the Devil with Jesus. Jesus journeys to cast off and prepare him for the ascension, Buddha leaving huge golden materialism to become the wandering ascetic to cast of temptation and the like. The cops and robbers, Robin Hood and Price John, duality and chances to make the breakthrough. Some will argue this will continue for eternity. This is part of the plan, others would argue these are chances to become whole and at one with source.

The choices are there, however, have we the know how and the clarity to make clear decisions?


At the Roswell incident and a nearby event a captured alien was nursed by Matilda O' Donnell MacElroy [copy available as attachment, email me if you wish and request 'Alien Interview'] states that there is some of the old empire flying machines and some of the original 'old empire' who are influencing the present generation. This is indeed what I stated in then UFO story way back in the late 60's.

It is my view that those who warned the Melchidekens to lay low or get off, as some did when they abdicated the Earth, and reminding us that the 'wrath of the ages' can befall us. It my contention that we were warned off the moon [Buzz Aldrin has officially stated that they were followed part of the way by glowing lights, in the video made of the Apollo 11 and commemoration of the death Neil Armstrong, my late Mother recorded from the Radio the moon landing and a conversation between Neil and Buzz with HQ which was altered on second time round].

There are so many Divides that you can fill millions of pages. However the splitting of the atom


Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson
This led to the first experiment to split the nucleus in a fully controlled manner, performed by two students working under his direction, John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton, in 1932. After his death in 1937, he was honoured by being interred with the greatest scientists of the United Kingdom, near Sir Isaac Newton's tomb in Westminster Abbey. The chemical element rutherfordium (element 104) was named after him in 1997.
My late cousin Prof.Cyril Woolf went to the USA after studying with Cockcroft and Walton and he then worked with Oppenheimer on the bomb, when he realised how dangerous this was he went into industry and made quick setting glue for dolls and the like.
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft OM KCB CBE FRS (27 May 1897 – 18 September 1967) was a British physicist. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for splitting the atomic nucleus with Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton (6 October 1903 – 25 June 1995) was an Irish physicist and Nobel laureate for his work with John Cockcroft with "atom-smashing" experiments done at Cambridge University in the early 1930s, and so became the first person in history to artificially split the atom, thus ushering the nuclear age. Walton is the only Irishman to have won a Nobel Prize in science Ernest Walton, and was instrumental in the development of nuclear power.
When Von Braun started up in the USA, Cyril joined his team and was an early member of the embryonic NASA. This is the connection I have for years with whistle blowers at this institution, Cyril pointed me in that direction.

You may wonder why I am labouring the above. Well as we have seen from Capra the insert below are from a previous blog brought in to illustrate the blog and add to its flavour.


Figure 7 TO BE A PARTICLE OR NOT TO BE A PARTICLE? sung TO THE TUNE OF 'where ARE ALL THE PARTICLES gone' long, long, time ago'


Figure 8 So much land. The next Collider will take up all of Switzerland and half of France to find something that is manifested.


Figure 9 Now you see it now you don't.

Many years back a book came out in a simple form before it became complicated and revised named 'THE TAO OF PHYSICS' by Fritzof Capra.


Figure 10 That's right bull s—t


Figure 11 Looks like the original

Any road to carry on with the narrative, in this book it said scientists had not long split the atom and that they found a connection with their minds and the experiments and they could affect the interactions. This blew their minds away and Capra suggested doing meditation as this would facilitate and understanding of 'emptiness and consciousness' as in Eastern Philosophy and practice. I introduced SAM Sub Atomic Mediation to groups of boffins getting haemorrhoidal over this to say the least. It was just a name for meditation; you have to dress the name to make the geeks interested.

This is the last DIVIDE I wish to discuss. These scientists who could not take the emptiness of what is and at the quantum field so to speak, either went away in confusion and some I know are still dazed, some had breakdowns, others went into 'there must be a way we can put all of this into a mathematical formulae, the unified theory, the Higgs Bosun. Once again the denial of consciousness/spirit, the divide. Other scientist's have been castigated and rubbished in their pursuit of and in consciousness.

The power of the egocentric mind is great and so the knowledge of the ingredients of the cake of life were laid bare and exposed. This has led to radiation hazards, tampering with nature such as GM foods, horrible drugs that have deformed people such thalidomide, statins, added chemicals to vaccines, awful mutational diseases, electronic fog, chemtrails and you know the rest. Political cover ups, corrupt bankers, corrupt politicians, doctors, and lawyers everywhere and anywhere. There is no spirit or consciousness apparent, they have blocked and denied and so become ruthless psychopaths, this is what happens when the ego is not balanced by consciousness.

Now we have another view as in WEBBOT and Cliff High who endorses Patrick Geryl's view and says he has mathematical proof of 2012 December 21 and what it heralds. This below is Camelot interview with Patrick Geryl

This Cliff High with Jeff Rense

There are 8 parts. It creates a very untimely end-------however, we have seen from at the end of the long technical but very understandable article is this:
'Another area to be explored in a future GCI commentaries will be whether we are not only affected by the sun and earth's geomagnetic activity, but if we as human beings, with our consciousness, might actually cause or influence the sun's activity?

Edgar Cayce, the famous of the 20th century clairvoyant, once gave a reading about sun spots in which he said:

Sunspots, as well as earth changes, are reflections of our own state of consciousness, a result of our own actions, the boomerang of divine law. Sunspots are reflections of the "turmoil and strife" that we ourselves have created, and our own mind is "the builder." The responsibility for earth changes lies squarely on our shoulders, and how we conduct our relationships with others has everything to do with the changing face of the earth. Earth changes are "adjustments" that have to be made because something is out of alignment. Just as we create chaotic conditions by our own out-of-alignment behavior, so we can create positive transformation by our loving attitudes and actions." (Reading #5757-1)

Finally, we'll explore at greater length the effects of changes in geomagnetism and sun-Earth interactions on natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes and violent storms in an upcoming commentary.

With loving care,

Annette Deyhle, Ph.D. and GCMS Research Team'
So there we have it, some people stated that when they split the atom, they rent part of the veil that is between materialism and spirit, actually one is the denser part of the other, and so its denseness appears solid, and the ego loves solid, something safe to stand on, concrete and hoard able, anything nebulous, causes some reductionism scientists to scoff and say this is indeed fanciful, whimsical and not logical, measurable or calculating definitive. We missed the chance en masse to embrace the spirit, the quantum beings we are. Yet there is a growing awareness of the 'emptiness' and it is not a scary desolate place. It is indeed something else and wonderful.


Figure 12 Or the beginning over the next few years to the end?


Figure 13 One of the many scenarios postulated by Cliff High.

Cliff High presents the mathematics as does Geryl, Edgar Cayce offers another solution that can change the devastation of the 'sun winding up' in tension and squeezing Itself until it belches out its constipated mass and hurls Earthwards. All this is postulated by Rense and High.

Then there is my idea as in Stargate

That as we speed up, mainly the Sun, remembering there is a link between the two, all resonances in the Universe work on each other, we whirl so fast, certainly consciousness wise, that we create our own STARGATE, Black hole, vortex, so forming a matrix [the mechanics of magnetic memory stick explained in blog] and as we are given THE CHANCE OF THE DIVIDE, we spin off into a separate Earth, one identical to the Earth as we KNEW IT. The difference being the SPIN throws off the denser ego forms and leaves the old paradigm of the Earth for those of the denser frequency, and they will have their One World Government, Lordship over the populace, people in bondage and servitude, just slaves to the elite as I have described in back blogs, with an alternative to this

fig14  fig14b

Figure 14 We could reach a cut off point, see below

At a certain point the authorities will offer the following; since you are trading amongst yourself we will give a cut off point, either you submit to chemicalisation, GM food, Chemtrails and become docile, we will live in protected domes and some of you brain chipped and be our privileged slaves and spare parts, the rest will not be exterminated as you can live in this desolate desert we leave you in and see if your organics, meditation can leave you alive and well. This was a synopsis of a script I tendered to Spielberg, TV and Cinema in the early, no one would touch it.

Having gone through the Stargate those coming through would find the Earth beautiful, green, clean smelling, fresh, smiling strong people, animals very much as we know them. People wound seem androgynous, there would be peaceful interactions and a kind of telepathy that cannot conceal lies and deceit, yet the individual would have their own mind space.

Maybe this lies ahead and we may have to work towards in this Earth scenario with all its faults and divisions.

Cliff High makes a point maybe there are solar systems like ours that go through this devastation, he feels this maybe the nature of things that the Cosmos does.

My take is that the Cosmos does a wipe out in order that the next step or humanity, or life forms may choose the spiritual and not just the material, choose to share and not hoard for power and domination. To find the balance between the poles of spirit/materialism, that they are not polarities but complimentary.

And maybe nothing of the above will happen at all, the Universe has a strange way of doing the 'expect the unexpected.

Wherever you end up, down, or sideways.

Be Well Geoff

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Oct 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Oct

Geoff Freed — October 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Friends

This a short clip of Carl Johan Calleman, very profound [4 mins].

Fantastic Fungi: The Spirit of Good. 2 mins. Compare in October 2012. Post 1 [Voicemail Discovered in Nature: Insects Receive Soil Messages from the Past]
Cosmic Rays at Voyager 1
Credit: Voyager Project, NASA

Explanation: Launched on a grand tour of the outer planets in 1977, by good fortune the twin Voyager spacecraft were also headed in the general direction of the Sun's motion relative to nearby stars. Thirty five years later, Voyager 1 appears to be nearing the boundary of the Sun's heliosphere and interstellar space. Of course the heliosphere is the realm of the Sun defined by the influence of the solar wind and the Sun's magnetic field. But how can you tell when your spacecraft crosses the boundary into interstellar space? One clue would be a sudden increase in the detection of energetic cosmic rays. The high energy particles stream through interstellar space accelerated by distant supernovae in our galaxy, but are normally deflected or slowed by the heliosphere. Covering a 12 month period (September 2011 to 2012), this plot does show a dramatic increase in the rate of cosmic ray particle detection in past months by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Voyager 1 is now 18 billion kilometres (17 light hours, 122 Astronomical Units) from the Sun and may soon be the first spacecraft from Earth to enter the realm of the stars.
I have blogged that the that the accelerated high energy particles have been very much less as we have no known comparison before Voyager 1 reached its September 2011 destination. I still maintain that the Sun's position to the Central Black Hole at the Milky Way is causing a resonance so activating the Sun even more so in its 11 year prolific active cycle. Now Voyager 1 is picking up particles which before were considerably less.

It is also my view that the Sun's heliosphere is as the magnetosphere and Ionosphere gets 'squashed' to the familiar squid shape and like the distortion to our Schumann Resonance and the effect on our biology [never mentioned by NASA, all but a brief mention--- giving them the benefit of the doubt, they do not want to panic the general population], so the extra 'extra high speed particle, yes by supernovae and the alignment to the position of the sun to the centre Milky Way and its unique positioning astrologically and astronomically in the 26,000 year cycle in the procession of the constellations, gives an entrainment, resonance which 'stirs' up more magnetic activity in the Sun and its surface magnetic activity i.e. HSS, CME, Solar Flares, Coronal Holes and so on.

The Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation
  • The ionosphere is important for radio wave (AM only) propagation....
  • ionosphere is composed of the D, E, and F layers
  • the D layer is good at absorbing AM radio waves
  • D layer dissapears at night.... the E and F layers bounce the waves back to the earth
  • this explains why radio stations adjust their power output at sunset and sunrise




Figure 1 Brain Schumann Resonances


Figure 2 Sun's Heliosphere

It may seem I laboured the point of the Sun's activity and reiterated many things from back blogs. However many people have been in touch saying how they now feel the weather and sun's effects[plus all the stuff we do--- chemtrails, GM muck, side effects from medical drugs and so forth] however I do feel this is a crucial aspect to our survival and 'how to live with a star' and its intelligence is vital. Please refer to these article in back blogs;

What can one do; well deep meditation as distinct from imagery, visualisations, affirmations, mantra, yantra, positive/negative thinking, hypnosis, contemplation, suppression and so forth[have described this in many blogs], obtaining Helmholtz Coils and Schumann Resonance Simulators.

See footnote further down.


Figure 3 Bow shock wave--- quid like referred to above.
Weathering geomagnetic storms

The Russians have a new take on preventative medicine. In a room at the Georgian Techni-cal University (GTU) in Tbilisi, three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted about the place bathe the room in a powerful magnetic field. The plan is to begin using this set-up for cardiovas-cular patients, particularly those in intensive care, with the coils offering compensatory shielding against an invisible threat—a killer that is more potent than diet, lifestyle or even genes.

We all live on what is essentially a giant magnet, with its North and South Poles—the two poles of the magnet—surrounded by a donut-shaped mag-netic field. This ambient geomagnetic field, or magnetosphere, is constantly in flux, as it's affected by the weather and any geological changes on earth— but, most particularly, by volatile changes of the weather in space, largely caused by the furious activity of the sun. [Courtesy of WDDTY]
This is a footnote and is a snippet in the link from energygrid above.

We are getting very near to the climaxes of several important events. So I have done the above and see that the Intelligent Being our Sun is sending out information in its Plasma and magnetic fields in a language that is commensurate and concomitant to the resonance frequencies our Solar System family and Cosmic Family share in common.

This language Interpreted into our language is picked up in the stillness of meditation and known to us if 'needed' by the intuition [Intuition is often faked, mimicked, by the ego and is very quick and deceiving, many years off sitting in the silence of inner peace stillness, or naturally gifted sensitives [not psychics] and sensitives who are not swayed by emotions, not detached by will, but are natural easy witnesses, will be in tune and aligned with then shifting frequencies and 'THE SHIFT'.

These 'messages' also affect the DNA and thereby the cells as described in many, many back blogs, details of the chemistry, the brain functions and so much more. It is therefore vital to understand the relationships that we are in, as a holistic eco one Life shared togetherness and what this means. Want to live to be 200 year of age? Right on. What a thrilling 2 mins of huge power-------title NASA/ Magnificent Eruption on the SUN. Oh Boy.


BLOWN BY THE WIND ONE OF THE WAYS AHEAD Of a scenario--- 2 MIN PREVIEWS not my choice.
Financial crisis is "fuelling populism and extremism" in Europe, a top European Union official has said. Jose Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, said EU countries need to realise they are in the crisis together, and that they must work together to get out of it. "Europe needs a new direction," Mr Barroso said in his annual State of the Union address. "Old ideas" will not work any more and greater political union is needed in order to save the euro currency, he said. Mr Barroso said the EU needs to "move toward a federation of nation states" that involves shared sovereignty, drawing a distinction between that and a "superstate". "Pooled sovereignty means more power, not less," he argued. He said the Commission would continue to pursue a financial transaction tax, so that taxpayers can benefit from the financial services industry, instead of only having the sector benefiting from taxpayers.

He also said the EU should have the capability to intervene militarily in conflicts when needed. ANOTHER SCENARIO. Perhaps leading to 'one world dictaorship government'. Deliberate unrest caused by austerity measures to force one option 'WE CAN SAVE YOU IF YOU SURRENDER YOUR SOVERIEGN RIGHTS'. THIS WOULD MEAN YOUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AS WELL.
The civil unrest caused by austerity measures would cause the authorities to mark everyone as in the USA who quietly protests as 'enemies of the state' or terrorists. This a ploy to deliberately cause unrest, bring in lethal vaccinations due to hunger, homeless people, no sanitation, no clean water, and there are now more people living in slum cities throughout the world. WE MUST VACCINATE TO STOP DISEASE SPREADING ---- like statins which are killers so are some vaccines if have harmful biological warfare chemicals in. More money for Big Pharma and their heads the so called elite. To allay this we have to counter the fear. First identify the fear as represented by the above and then watch it until it subsides, by witnessing it in a relaxed unbiased non opiniated mode. The mind will quieten down and the fear will not be nourished, and like those whom are ignoring the economy, trading amongst themselves, the fear has subsided-----watch how free trade will be targeted as avoiding tax and not contributing to the national debt----local councils will jump into this. FEAR YE NOT. NOW TO THE BLOWN BY THE WIND.

Coming back to my old Sensei I asked him what enlightened people have as their mind set, their state of mind, being much younger in my late teens I put it to him more like' what do enlightened people think? His reply was 'like a tree growing or a dead log' This shook me, I took it to be like a vegetable, a zombie[I kept notes on these things along with the 1967 writings later on {1954 was Sensei till 1958, then Sifu 1959-1963}.

In back blogs I describe the Kendo, oak, brother and mind blow connected to Koan and what it was incidents. All producing minor satoris. O Satori waiting or maybe there is no such thing?

I then queried many things and aspects and after the above experiences I felt completely mad at times, spaced out, foggy, disorientated and many of the so called ascension symptoms or transformation symptoms, kundulini spikes and so on. Needless to say my socialising was almost non existent and relationships difficult, in the main I was extremely content and when turbulent it was and is rough.

Sounding arrogant and perhaps naïve from my NDE I had a 'mission' something to do, to accomplish. I went through the saviour of the world, I was special, and I was right, the healer, the teacher, the lover, husband type thing, the sportsman, the scientist, the religious freak, the martial arts champion, the workshop presenter, and psychotherapist, blog writer spread the Aquarian message of the 1967 writings, research and contact whistleblowers and insert in blogs, go on TV and Radio and so many other things, we all have our stories and dramas and so on.

It was becoming clear that the above were the contents of my mind, my conditioning, my past, conditioning, life's experiences, and the furniture in the room. In fact 'THE SPACE IN MY MIND, THE ROOM THE FURNITURE IN WHICH THE FURNITURE RESIDED IN' was INDEED THE AWARENESS. SPACE WAS AWARENESS, not Cosmic Astronomy Space which is filled with energy ripples and plasma, but the SPACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

This space, this emptiness as Buddha referred to was indeed all around and in us, it is US and there is only ONE US or ME THE I AM. WHEN THERE ARE NO EGOS, THERE IS ONLY CONSCIOUSNESS and what issues forth from this potential. Your awareness is a collective when the boundary of the individual ego is not there. It is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

The next thing that comes into this is the following: with jobs going, breakdown of society, depression, fear which breeds lack of self worth, human atrocities, looking for saviours, gurus, pleading with God, sexual, drug and alcohol, TV, I pads, Kindles, Mobile Phones, these all take one outside oneself, more furniture in the room, clutter, possessions, feeling safe in possessions, the buzz of acquisitiveness, hoarding, addiction.


Figure 4 Animals only gather for survival and do not hoard unnecessarily. They abide by eco-design.

A status symbol living up to the Jones, I am as successful as my possessions, my wealth, my power, I can afford the best, the mansion and swanky car the measure of my power and ego. Yes and one can have all these and not be posses or addicted---there is a trap here are you sure you are not hooked?

WHERE AS many of us collect junk or we may think it is not junk but valuable. So many people collect this because they must fill the 'space', are afraid of loneliness and emptiness.


Figure 5 Many of us gather junk or we say 'this will come in handy someday'. Afraid to face who we truly are, the witness of our lives and not the content.

I then asked the question lately as so many were asking 'what shall I do with my life, what direction shall I go, am I lazy, missed the boat? Is the government right, I am a scrounger, waiting for handouts, and in my case a pensioner and told there are a growing number of us and we maybe denying young people opportunities and so on.

Then came the dawning for me, the flash 'just be like a leaf blown by the wind' where life takes one the wind of inspiration and intuition, go with it, resist not. The wind arises of its own and blows the leaf and then the other dawning,' wherever your arrow lands call it the target' and wherever your arrow lands quickly draw a circle around it, always a bull's-eye', suddenly and quickly, a chunk of debris left my mind, I was clearing more space, it came from the 'winds of change' it blew a bit more fear from out of the dungeon it was imprisoned in. There was a sense of liberation.

All these were said long ago to me; I understood them intellectually and made sense Zen Wise [paradox does Zen ever appeal to the sense of things?]. They were the 'way of things', the Tao/Dao all very neat and could be compartmentalised and labelled and understood and I got an intellectual buzz and freedom at that moment and the 'crap' returned later with the ego giving me jip for trying to exorcise it. The false enlightenment, the fools gold, the ego mimicry, which at the time I thought was real and the ego then says 'I fooled you that time, there is no such thing as satori, Samadhi, jivan mukti and such like, and yet this is true as well.

I knew there was' nowhere to hang my hat', that my life when so full had for the last five years been getting emptier, not boring or lonely, not because of age, I have always felt young in mind more so than not, not because of retirement and so forth, it seemed part of the 'way of things'. I questioned why so, for what purpose, yes I could see it would lead to emptiness I loved, the quiet mind and yet so many others not on the path so to speak were feeling the same. The difference being I felt at peace with it, just questioning with a kind of non interested curiosity, while others felt not fulfilled, not contributing, uneasy, and not enough money for distractions, so often listlessness, boredom, this vacuum could well lead to depression, possession, joining a cult or sect, or indeed a gang member, or throw-in one's hand and join the aggressive angry people.

The song by the late Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosby came to mind 'I'm busy doing nothing' comes to mind. I guess that is where I am heading. As things become more obviously not important I get to see or feel emptier and this is wonderful for me. I can understand its disquiet ness in others.

So now to the Way Ahead. Well many software programmes [have mentioned the Stock Market one a couple of blogs back that does these nano second scanning of the whole world market and can do millions of small deals in minutes] so there are several programmes like WEBBOT and Cliff High that predict and have repeatedly predicted world events and the mathematics behind them, and are and have been awesomely accurate. NOW THEY ARE SAYING AS FROM DECEMBER 21 2012 [THESE PEOPLE ARE Mathematicians and scientist there are no predictions available, a dip in the graph, a valley].

Does this mean doom and gloom, the end; many say the Sun will do a number on us [See Cliff High on Rense and Patrick Geryl, interview on Camelot], some say we are spinning into a new consciousness [my Stargate theory see back blog], others feel is a crust rotation shift] and so on.

My gut feeling is all this is being controlled by the Universe [for instance Sun Cycles are connected to the 37 days in which Oestrogen and Testosterone are produced and the 11500 to 12000 year cycles[many other cycles, pulses rythyms] in which the Sun twisting magnetic windings 'shift planetary orbits and angles and so exact years are not available and yet can now be calculated, these graphs of the hormones are in back blogs].

So living in the valley, there are no predictions, an era mentally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, in which one should be prepared.

SO GET USED to living with the emptiness of oneself spiritually by witnessing meditation which I have described in detail in many blogs [many physicists went crazy, I personally witnessed this when they discovered the emptiness of the quantum anomaly, Fritjoff Capra. scroll down to read re Capra, and I organised for scientists meditation in which to attract them and called it SAM [Sub Atomic Meditation]. [In another blog hopefully October post 2012 I will go into the Great Separation], psychologically by accept being the witness, mentally understanding the value of loss as a means to gain, physically start eating well and look into 5:2 fasting plan and body repair mechanisms, Tai Chi/Qi Gong, Yoga and strength exercising. I got the urge to strengthen up, I had no money to purchase equipment and then came professional resistance tubes[cheap ones snap and can injure one seriously, a holosync disc 'In the Zone' done during exercising, and help if needed for crazy magnetic, 'Weathering geomagnetic storms
'The Russians have a new take on preventative medicine. In a room at the Georgian Techni-cal University (GTU) in Tbilisi, three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted about the place bathe the room in a powerful magnetic field. The plan is to begin using this set-up for cardiovas-cular patients, particularly those in intensive care, with the coils offering compensatory shielding against an invisible threat—a killer that is more potent than diet, lifestyle or even genes'. Full article here. Schumann Resonance Simulators and EmWave from Institute of Heartmath. [Should the sun do a number on us then we need to get the 7.87 hertz to our brains and hearts with heart coherence with the EMWave and also a solar small panel recharger for electrics.

So the next phrase' hang in there'. How can you hang anywhere in emptiness, space, the awareness of oneself without thought or suppression? If one is in the space of Awareness, one becomes one with it and this is home. One cannot always be in this Space of No Space and in an organic human body identified with this Space, 'the wind of Space or in Space will blow one to action or rest'. This is trusting in the emptiness in Life Itself, which is spewed out from the void.

So the Way Ahead is What? Wait until the wind blows you to where you may hang your hat, until busy doing nothing blows you to busy doing something, until hanging in the emptiness becomes full of the process of being to facilitate doing, and be attentive to the process as it moves between emptiness and the emptiness fullness.

Thank you for bearing with this lengthy tome.

May Emptiness be your refuge and heartfelt warmth to you, Geoff

Monday 1 October 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Oct 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Oct

Geoff Freed — October 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again

Going off the Grid how about this?


One might think that I am harping on about the past, however, this innocuous seeming gentle voiced narrator John Loftus really unveils a trend from 1920, and the cover up by the highest authorities. I came foul of the Canadian CBC on my lecture tour of Cape Breton. When they found out the nature of my lectures and workshops they refused to give me 'air time'. In the video above it sets out the control mechanism from 1920 onwards.

David Icke in his presentation London Rome Beltane:

Yes it is 1 hr 34 mins duration and I have added my views in a back blog. However when I lectured in Rome at the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN] diagonally opposite to the Coliseum [one of 7 buildings around Rome [the seven hills prophesy and legend] I not only did not care for Rome as David explains I felt the ancient 'aroma' as it were. I did care for the food and architecture and some fine caring people there. I was privy to many, many, whistleblowers and at one visit the head of the FAO was on a corruption charge.

Another visit and two food scientists had jumped off of the 18 story high building and I was unofficially told that they gave up at the decisions by the food ministers of the world at a gathering there at that time [I blogged about a funny incident I had with the late Pope John and the helicopter on the roof [two separate incidents]]. This was I was told to do with manipulating food genes and chemical additives to anything and everything [this was in the 80's the forerunner of GM, Chem trails, and other horrors]. The money for these diplomats and like MEP's was colossal another gravy train and as the Italian rep said 'we laugh all the way to the bank' and the German rep added 'and the poor suckers, the Joe in the street he is dumb to it all'. A high ranking Estonian [they were being elected and represented by just one person, and their embassy was a room in a large flat of the representative. She revealed the 'set up' at first she was totally shocked and then she said you either join the mob, resign, or if caught working behind the scenes 'you were feared for your family and your life'.

John Loftus and David Icke as above show the machinations, how it is done. I know from many sources this goes way, way back to Pyramid building time and just before that. See my UFO STORY for the précis and the set up from times of old, also a report I have from the nurse who looked after the ET after Roswell. I have copies and offered them to applicants by attachment. The UFO STORY.

In then UFO Story it is a synopsis and précis that used to take a day or weekend to get through, it attracted the largest audiences. There were mixed results, utter astonishment, anger, walk outs, missiles thrown at me, ridicule by the press, religious condemnation by some priests, historians and various academics threatened me and a degree was taken away from me for discrediting a certain University, the press in several incidents slaughtered me verbally and so on. Yet there were many who said it was the missing part of the jig saw puzzle and made sense, and some said it was so well put together[I do mimicking of well known public figures and accents—I cannot help myself sometimes.]



Figure 1 Both these images are allegedly from Roswell. I feel they are misrepresented. The being is from another incident and the saucer is from a Russian incident which I have shown in back blogs.

That some folk said 'I think you are a bullshitter, but it is a great entertainment and we shall come again, better than the TV'.

It has been said before that these blood lines came through all our history and just adapt to the era they are in. My opinion these are the Melchedecan's I speak of in the UFO story, there was a split and the 'baddies' who caused their planetary split and the 'goodies' are still at it now. The 'baddies' seem to have the upper hand at present, and the 'goodies' are doing their best through the internet, blogs, whistle blowing, and millions of other organisations, meditation groups and so forth. This is Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker, cops and robbers, Robin Hood/Wicked Prince John, NOT, NOT, NOT Cowboys and Indians. The Indians got the same deal by the 'baddies' as in Australia, New Zealand, and British Former Empire and so forth. Attitude is the same, the uniform different, ways of control basically fear and threats, if this does not work, torture, war, genocide, wipe out.

Luckily, fortuitously we have the news about true meditation, energy, frequency, vibration and the knowledge that NO THING IN ITS ESSENCE IS SOLID.

SO by disabling the fear in oneself and then it spreads, the THOUGHT FIELDS WHICH AMASS, which 'collect the particles to atoms to molecules and then appears concrete, solid, begin to separate and crumble' and the fear dissolves.

By awareness and witnessing as described so often in back blogs, which is in my view true mediation as in contrast to imagery, chanting, visualisations, affirmations, mantras, yantras, hypnosis, trance, prayer, deliberate will power detachment, and so on, these have their uses and in my view and are stepping stones to the clear bright mind and the dynamic of thoughtless inner peace. [NOT A VEGETABLE].

When talking to the late KrishnaMurti this is what he said 'If you want a mantra I give you one, coco cola, if you say that enough times, you become dull inert and stupid, and you think your enlightened'. It is OK to have a mantra, however if you do not fall off the end into the abyss, the void of the dynamic of essence, then the mind gets stuck, the crutch, the safety of the mantra, the plea to god, it is OK to do this if that is all one can cope with, however, the courage to fall into emptiness, the pit, without depression, suicide, distraction is the mark of the spiritual warrior, not a will power demonic 'thou shalt not', a disciplined hard nut martial art type brick breaking hero dressed in black combat suit and tattoos, bald head[I should talk], neither a sickly sweet love and light smile, positive thinker, limp handshake diminutive shrinking violet, in fact just be in the emptiness and it will take you to who you should be and what shape and non personality one has.




You know I might be just a touch flippant. I have met so many people and that saying 'never judge a book by its cover' has been so meaningful to me. It would seem that the more one becomes in line with the Universal Spirit, then one takes on a look, a demeanour, a natural stance, and one may look like any of the above or a variety of others, in the fashion, unusual to the norm. Ever asked yourself what is the norm? Well the norm for me is basic, when one is without trappings and naked in pristine total everything. Perfection is an on going process.

A lovely message from Astronaut Julie Payette. [8 mins].



Come together and make the statement - enough!
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
- Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)

'You can dam a stream and you can dam a river, but you can't dam a tidal wave.' - David Icke
'SUBSIDING STORM: A geomagnetic storm that began on Sept. 3rd when a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field is fitfully subsiding. The impact at 1200 UT (5 am PDT) induced significant ground currents in the soil of northern Scandinavia and sparked bright auroras around the Arctic Circle.' Posted 04/09/12.
Voicemail Discovered in Nature: Insects Receive Soil Messages from the Past
29th August 2012 / Science Daily

Insects can use plants as 'green phones' for communication with other bugs. A new study now shows that through those same plants insects are also able to leave 'voicemail' messages in the soil. Herbivorous insects store their voicemails via their effects on soil fungi. Researchers from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and Wageningen University (WUR) discovered this unique messaging service in the ragwort plant.

The journal Ecology Letters will soon publish these results.

A few years ago, NIOO scientists discovered that soil-dwelling and above-ground insects are able to communicate with each other using the plant as a telephone. Insects eating plant roots change the chemical composition of the leaves, causing the plant to release volatile signals into the air. This can convince above-ground insects to select another food plant in order to avoid competition and to escape from poisonous defense compounds in the plant. But the impact doesn't stop there ------------------- Courtesy of

Figure 2 Oy! Who you looking at? You look mighty strange to me.
A Small Town REVOLUTION! Filettino (Italy) Declares Independence By Printing Its Own Banknotes


The man who would be king? Mayor Luca Sellari displays Filettino's own bank currency, the "Fiorito," which features his face, at his office in the town.
By David Willey – BBC News Rome

A small town in central Italy has declared its independence and started to print its own banknotes. The authorities in Filettino, 100km (70 miles) east of Rome, are protesting against austerity measures. It has only 550 inhabitants and under new rules aimed at cutting local administration costs it will be forced to merge with neighbouring Trevi.

Town mayor Luca Sellari, who stands to lose his job because of the eurozone crisis, came up with the idea. He created his own currency, called the Fiorito. Banknotes have his head on the back, and they are already being used in local shops and being bought as souvenirs by tourists who have started to throng the normally quiet streets.

The mayor says there is enormous enthusiasm about declaring the independence of the new principality. There has been such an outcry by small towns across Italy at the government move to abolish local councils and merge them with larger towns that Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's coalition may be forced to backtrack.
In the meantime the new Principality of Filettino – complete with coat of arms and website – is suddenly enjoying international fame. TV stations from as far afield as Russia have been running news features about Filettino. This follows on from a few blogs back where the New Drachma in Greece, New Punt in Ireland [cannot declare themselves as independent state by Irish law] and other places are using more bartering and the 'lets' type system. Some businesses are 'starting' to explore this. Some who are already doing this are finding ways to get into the 'fiddles' once the euphoria and honeymoon are over. It seems old habits die slowly.


Figure 3 This is a 'dying' Tornado in Regan North Dakota USA and this part is called 'roping' out phase.
ANH-Intl e-Alert: What have prostate cancer, Crohn's disease and whooping cough got in common?

fig09This week's eAlert focuses on three important health issues that are often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, over-diagnosed or mistreated. They are also often exploited for the sake of profit and to the detriment of those diagnosed or treated. The health issues – prostate cancer, Crohn's disease and whooping cough (pertussis) – may be seemingly unrelated. But that's only on the surface.

Common threads

There are several common threads running through all of this week's stories. Firstly, they all suggest that the shrine at which the medical establishment worships – one called 'evidence-based medicine' – has yielded precious little to avert the human suffering associated with the diseases. Secondly, all three diseases reflect weaknesses in our immune system, something mainstream medicine, especially at the primary care level, is poor at addressing, And thirdly, we need to address our diet and lifestyles to reduce our chances – or those of our loved ones – of suffering from these diseases. As Plato so aptly put it, well over 2000 years ago: "We have made of our bodies living cesspools, and driven doctors to invent names for our diseases."

The must-see documentary for men over 40

I want to provide a special plug for Peter Starr's amazing documentary, Surviving Prostate Cancer Without Surgery, Drugs or Radiation. It may be only directly relevant to the male readers among you, but given how difficult it is to get information about this subject, absolutely anyone may find the information invaluable to help their loved ones. UK subscribers who have read the Daily Mail today will know that low vitamin A levels are associated with greater incidence of prostate cancer. But, of course, there's much more to it than that. And I'd excuse you if you were confused, because the very same newspaper told its readers back in May that vitamin A supplements, among others, could be dangerous. But this is the same circulating data from the same old misleading studies, repeated ad nauseam.

Around 14% of men suffer from benign prostate enlargement (hypertrophy) during their 40s, rising to over 40% in their 60s. In the UK every year, 41,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 10,000 die from the disease. In the USA, 20 million men are affected by prostate issues in one form or another. You could say it's an ideal business model for the drug companies and the medical establishment: a disease that affects a vast number of people, but generally kills people only slowly, thereby giving a nice, big window of morbidity in which you can diagnose and treat – making lots of money in the process.

Whooping with joy over profits

Our whooping cough (pertussis) story also reveals the way in which data are being twisted for the sake of corporate profit. The problem is rampant, and it's particularly disappointing when you see pregnant women and babies being the target, especially when efficacy rates are proven to be so low.

Crohn's disease – is junk food really the best option in the long-term?

When it comes to autoimmune disorders, especially ones affecting the gut like Crohn's disease, recent science is telling us over and over again that it's our gut microflora that need addressing. You'll remember that we support around 10 times more bacterial cells in our gut than we have human cells in our body — and these bacteria play a vital role in helping us to detect foods that are friends or foes. Well, find out how some people are forced to deal with the issue and make your own mind up as to what makes more common sense.

You can make the world of difference by sharing our stories

I urge you to read each of our stories, and do what you can to share them as widely as you can!

In health, naturally…

Robert Verkerk PhD
Founder, executive and scientific director
Once again if you read the Daily Mail or for that point most newspaeres you see the double message and confusion. [more detail if you get ANH Alerts and Newsletter]
Statins are killers and cause major artery damage, say researchers
05 September 2012

Statin drugs – designed to protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol – are killers, and accelerate cardiovascular problems, a damning new report has discovered. The drugs harden the main arteries, they are a main cause of type 2 diabetes in healthy people, and they accelerate the major health problems in diabetics, say researchers from the Phoenix Veterans Affairs' Healthcare System. In short, the drugs help cause heart disease and death.

They monitored the health of 197 patients with type 2 diabetes and their use of statins. Coronary artery hardening, or calcification, was far more accelerated in the patients who were regular statin users compared to those who took the drugs only occasionally.

Patients who weren't initially taking a statin quickly developed aortic artery hardening once they started taking the drug regularly.

The researchers fear their latest discoveries are but the tip of an iceberg of statin-associated adverse effects. Their database lists 300 adverse effects, including the weakening of the heart and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes by 48 per cent in post-menopausal women.

(Source: Diabetes Care, 2012; epublished ahead of print: PMID: 22875226)
Take care and lots of love. Geoff.