Thursday 3 May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / May

Geoff Freed — May 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Folks

Trusting you are well and weathering the weather [terrible pun] and dealing with the most extraordinary energies of transformation which translate into physical, emotional and worldly events and contortions. Be it Earth shifts, political jostling, jousting or plain lunacy.


Figure 1 At times I have had the most incredible deep insights and felt mind blown and almost a shape shifter. Many have shared this with me.

May I now take the liberty to share one or two of these insights. Many will of have had these, I did on various ah ha's which gave me a deeper understanding and yet these 'repeats' seem to have reached much more significant and deeper levels, hit the spot so to speak.

What are you when all your money has gone and fear has left?
What are you when all your other possessions have gone and fear has left?
What are you when you leave your body and fear has left?
What were you before you were born and where was fear?

Then came the 'flash' 'LOOK AT THE LIGHT NOT AT THE LAMPSHADE' this was a very often quoted as In the 80's at 'Attitudinal Healing' and probably coined by Jerry Jampolski the Founder of Attitudinal Healing. For many years I used this and it was a convenient workshop ploy and cliché. Now it came as an experience at fundamental level.

Imagine a light, like a table light or standing light that had a revolving lampshade. The light bulb/lamp inside shines through the shade. Let us presume the shade is pristine clear and so the light is shining clear undisturbed straight through.

Taking the shade as having tiny miniscule grains, and let us say these are tiny unfinished business from another life, and the shade is the vehicle, the body that is the vehicle to expiate these karmas, or in a kind of similarity as in Homeopathy, a miasm, (in homeopathy) a supposed predisposition to a particular disease, either inherited or acquired.

I often in the blogs likened this to those pads we used to have with cellophane on the top and carbon paper underneath, and when one was finished and wished to erase the input, one pulled the cellophane 'draw' it erased it from the cellophane, but left an imprint or indentation underneath. In Forensics we often looked for indented writing underneath other paper.

fig02Buddha mentioned about these latent tendencies, and if they are large they can be past life flash backs, or their Vibrating [remembering that frequencies are magnetic and electrical, so thereby attracting like programmes to one's own and therefore causing the shade to expand its miniscule 'patches/dots' causing the light to be filtered through these opaque, translucent images onto the screen, which is the energy field of mind. Light unfiltered MEETS Itself on the Screen of Mind, Space is then just a reflection of Itself. Now the space or screen is or has a blotch on it. This blotch if large enough contains a DVD HOLOGRAM which contains emotion, drama, and all the sensory impacts. If it is too small it contains 'BEHIND THE SCENES FLEETING NUANCES AND FLITTING HAUNTING, I CANNOT QUIET PUT MY FINGER ON IT SO TO SPEAK.

Let us now say the shade has no miasm's. Then by the revolving of the shade which represents Life's journey the shade acquires experiences which it stores on its surface and can become so full that the light is all but blocked. However what the LIGHT does do is LIKE A FILM PROJECTOR WITH THE CINEMA TYPE FILM going through it, it projects the now quite 'HEAVY Patches' or DVD's onto the Screen of Mind and now Scenarios that are so real as in a Cinema, with its graphics, sounds, colours, 3D and so on, then one takes the experiences as reality.

The Light which is the Awareness and Life Force loses Itself in the programmed conditioned shade. The Mind then takes the Accumulation of these cameos, these scenarios as Reality and forms Itself into a Separation from the LIGHT and becomes the EGO.

fig03 fig04

The next process one begins to live through the OUTSIDE or what is on the shade. So we abdicate to the outside, we believe the DVD patches are real, and the light is forgotten as the real source.

This then becomes the disempowerment of the Self which is the light, we take the light that projects the film onto the screen as just an illuminator, and actually it is the Illuminated mind. The Illuminated mind is a mind that is aware of Itself without thought, not by suppression or stifling, or imagination, hypnosis, visualisation or auto suggestion. The awareness is the light is the Creative energy.

With the experience of this energy of the Light Within, and begs the question is it within or with out, is it inside the mind or outside? This illuminated mind is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, and is non local. The mind that is limited to the shade scenarios are bound to the shade is egoist, limited and local and is a shallow imitation of the Light Within. The screen at most picks up the filtered messages, images, nuances of past gathered libraries, mausoleums, skeletons, ghosts of the past, so the mind lives in the past, at most mixes, juxtaposes the graphics and what is thought is the past becomes the future and is a restoration or innovation of old material, in other words a makeover.

Should one sit often in the light, the quiet mind, the mind that is not ruffled by the thought, no matter how subtle and seemingly not there, apparent, the breathing shallow and deep, relaxed and at peace, the thoughts, irritations of the body cease by themselves, not suppression, one hears thoughts as it were as loud as a ghetto blaster radio, eventually letting them go their way like drifting clouds, until it becomes quieter, being aware that sleep may come and seeing that drift away not by force, just by letting go then one sees the 'sky' clear the mind quiet, the light shines forth, and one resides in this, in fact that is who one is, the light.

In sitting just in the space of no space, one may hear a silent almost imperceptible whisper, a whisper that is a feeling a knowing, and one realises this LIGHT, this Awareness has Its own INTELLIGENCE. In fact it is Information Intelligence and has feel that is not like anything before experienced, is always unique and fresh, pristine and youthful, it also rejuvenates one in the sense of energy.

IT IS NOT THE SAME as a mind buzz or high. This is false Intuition. So many have been fooled by the Ego manufacturing the imitation of true Intuition. One is divine the other a shallow shady imitation. Many a prophet and wise person have been fooled and advised others of the cunning of the mind/ ego and is a hatful of tricks and magicians conjuring illusions.

The mind/ego will do everything in its power to get one to live in the shade projections, which are the material capitalistic, communistic, fascist, religious, cultural façade. To lure, seduce one away by the alluring graphics, to live by mammon, separate one from nature and throw one into power, crushing, elitism, and reducing many to disempowerment, depression, lack of self worth and illness and disease.

True Self worth is be identified by being THE LIGHT. Being is the Light and with it comes all ones needs supplied and one's wants become non existent. Desire is quenched however needs are met, like nature, simple, at the right time in the right place and self sustaining.


So the wheel of Dharma keeps on perpetuating itself until it is outworked, expiated, until the drama and magnetic hold is broken. This is likened to Prigogine, the tip over point, my Inverted V. The form no longer holds the desire and the ego seeks more thrills, more attractions and diversions to escape capitulating to the Light.

'Stop the World I want to get off'. To stop the never ending cycles, the quest for acquisition, status, power, importance we have to centre ourselves to get off the never ending cycles, seasons, rhythms, impulses. The hurry of deadlines, the importance of social standing and on death, yes one may have this fleeting feeling,' I had a good and wonderful rich Life And have no regrets', if one can lay down one's life in this Earthly form, great, and Karma hopefully, unfinished business will not lure one back into a another wheel as below.

Yes and one can have a worldly Life as long as the Shade is realised as a magician's illusion and one does not take the illusion as reality and perceives the underlying reality.


This underlying reality is formless, it consciousness and is the creative potential.

The light within the mind that explodes in Inspiration, the arrow of true Intuition breaking through the brain and logic into original, spontaneous [as in contrast to impulse] originality. The genius of the dynamic Light within wishing to Express Itself from the purity within Itself.


The ego's assistance in this is to build the inspiration from the materials available and to be faithful to Life Force Blue Print Model. The ego is the handmaiden to the Light.

The brain is therefore the transducer, the translator, the mechanical computer to decode the Light Signals. This is interfaced by the DNA and other antennae.

As there is a constant interchange, an exchange of information throughout the Source, The field of All Information which sources all other fields within fields, which are specific to localised information, it therefore is aware, it knows about everything everywhere, and by that it is constant update, adjustment with reconfiguration.

Now is merely an exchange, a dynamic fleeting nano second. It is an escalator of moving dynamic evolvement; it is a never ending process. This process leads to a form of structure which is intrinsically in itself a moving dynamic in temporary alignment and congruence, then to break up as new information which in its turn breaks it down to chaos then to reform into a different seeming structure, which is the equivalent of death, birth, death, birth and so fourth.

Therefore and thereby, the past is always a flux, a stateless state of modification, this is Cosmic Evolution. To work through repetitive programmes, rote, in a fixed mode holds back information and evolution. This is stagnation, rancid and counter productive to Life.

However, entropy will eventually break down the most reluctant and recalcitrant systems.

This then can ensue to no past, present or future or now.

Every pain can be a sign, a symbol, and a piece of information: (i) Something is out of sync. (ii) Something in the body. (iii) Pain is a resistance to Change, to let go, let flow, keep moving on. What do we tell ourselves, consciously or unconsciously and the internal dialogue, what information do we feed ourselves, and build up energy fields and matrixes?

What a mind may think is the end, say death even au naturale. Or a stuck repeat programme in the unconscious [a field of information or series of interlocking magnetic energy fields, matrixes of information maybe dysfunctional in some cases] like manifesting as illness, disease, cancer and so on, is indeed an information packet.

So information is translated or manifested in the gross of forms seemingly solid objects, be they organic 'flesh', plants, rocks, all as seen in nature or the Planet/Cosmos.

It would seem that death and birth are interchangeable and are complimentary to the same process, in fact yin and yang of Life. There is no death or birth it is a constant spiral, a helix of interchangeable permutations and interchanges which are in constantly exchanging information and so the process continues in perpetual motion known as Life Eternal.


Figure 2 Bubble Chamber in Collider

Differing kinds of visual exchange mechanisms, behind these are the magnetic life force fields, the energy matrixes, the morphogenetic fields and the resonance and entrainment set up within these systems.

The so called non connected planets, nebulae and so forth denied by some astro physicists, yet probably endorsed by some quantum physicists are like non local and local consciousness' or minds.

Quantum to Astro is all one entangled system in constant exchanges of information and thereby an organic process of shared --- Life.


Fear then becomes the separation from the process which manifests as the process, Life, evolution.

Fear then acts as temporary block on evolving Life, although Life can continue within fear, however it is limited and controlled, stultifying and eventually leads to death of the fear, however, since this fear is embedded in the matrix of this energy, its nature is to resurrect itself into and reincarnation wheel in order to fulfil its purpose of fear, and will only exchange in its own separate system of limitation and at best a makeover new graphics, the same old, same old.

True evolvement involves the iceberg syndrome, form through the freezing of the particles so to speak, ordered by the energy invisible magnetic spiral morphogenetic information field matrix, only to dissolve, melt into the process sub stream and exchange itself through its gathered experience as an iceberg and adds to the 'history' bank which is shared with the shoal/ whole. This then modifies by shared intent and purpose and so evolves the whole to its next step. The Iceberg will only dissolve when it has served its purpose and like the tip over, Prigogne, the Inverted V it will dissolve into the field of all possibilities and probabilities which are the Intelligence of Creativity and will be modified from the chaos of non activity or pure potential and be ready to spring forth, like the jack in the box or wave from the sea.

Fear then is the lack of trust in the process of dissolving and reforming in original creativity, and not a remake of the old, it is false security and lack of trust in the process of Life. Fear is death without rebirth.

The way which is the process in motion and always is in motion becomes the goal, a goalless goal. Sometimes the process seems destructive, painful, and by trying to change it, running away from it, ignoring, it, denial, suppressing, distraction, we deny the change that evolution may bring, and we may endeavour to be our own supposed saviour from past memory graphics, seemingly for our highest good only to be led astray by wrong or rather inappropriate information.

In a way we block the information feed to the whole, the collective. However, this can be because like a river with a large rock fallen into it, the river will find a way round it, and even in 'time' wear it down and the wearing down may deposit minerals further down for growth and healing.

Awareness of the stream in this analogy is the river of Life and all that is required. Quiet unbiased observation. Then in that quietness which in itself is healing and regenerative and imbibed as is of itself self regulatory. Then one may arrive at something far deeper than thought, logic, or a creative impulse, an arising, a whisper in its own unique way. One knows—it is a knowing feeling, uncanny, magical and is all and everything.

It is not a buzz, a high, an ah ha, it is the way, the process, Life in its deepest communication with its unit in the network of evolution. In that emptiness of the quiet mind, being awareness itself, the personal aside, the process, Life can pour into that 'space' the required 'information'.



Lots of Love. Geoff

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / May

Geoff Freed — May 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again

Trust you are well and riding the transformations.
GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Earth is passing through the wake of a CME, and this is causing geomagnetic storms at high latitudes. Last night, auroras were spotted in more than a dozen US states including Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, and Colorado. Here is what the sky looked like over Grand Portage, Minnesota:


"The auroras were incredible!" says photographer Travis Novitsky. [Posted 25-04-12 and also just gone through Lyriad Meteor showers]. Once you get past the short advert this 4 min video taken by expedition crew 30 of the ISIS of Earth.
Save them before it’s too late: Why the world’s most threatened tribe faces extinction - by Adam Parris-Long


The remote Awa tribe are still largely untouched by civilisation. © Domenico Pugliese/Survival

“The Awá’s forest is being illegally cut for timber, when the loggers see them they kill them,” he says. “Their bows and arrows are no match for guns. And at any other time in history, that's where it would end. Another people wiped off the face of the earth, forever. But we're going to make sure the world doesn't let that happen”.

Another example of the technological, concretised mind set, destroy, burn, and kill, rape, sometimes the medical procedures do too. The connection between say the USA, EU and various petroleum, pharmaceutical and water resources and their attitudes towards nature, show this disrespect for nature and indeed the feminine principle.

Many esoteric astrologers are commenting on the Lillith aspect and it is indeed the angry and assertive Yin / Feminine which are being assaulted here. For me the Mother, the Mother principle comes in here, the nurturing, the bonding of Mother Earth and Her offspring all of us who move and live in her energy Field.

This mammon god, the gadget fever, the wasting of natural resources which typify our lust for possessions, which in the end take up space of living, cause clutter and Natures Gifts spewed randomly across the planet as dross, waste pollution, like some drunken person throwing up or depositing their rubbish out of a car window or the like.

It is ugly and an affront to the Universe and Her Creation. It is an assault on the senses. Looking at these photos of these wonderful people, my heart yearns for their respect, for the Earth and all those abused by greed and lust.


Swinging through the forest: The Awa tribe have a spiritual relationship with the Amazon. © Survival
This lust for hoarding beyond what is essential shows the lack of inner resources and they are forgotten. When the outside dries up, where do we look for succour and help? True we need our basic needs from outside, the rest comes from inner peace and content from within ourselves. Watch attentively how the mind craves excitement, entertainment, thrills and junk. When our desires and wants are not met, a kind of madness ensues and our lust, desire becomes a burning issue. Some may kill; make war to ensure their power urges are fulfilled. How far would we / go? Stress and the Immune System.
Meteorite hunters, Jenniskens included, are starting to find pieces of the asteroid on the the ground. These samples were lying in the parking lot of Henningsen-Lotus Park, apparently crushed by a passing car:


The meteorites landed not far from Sutter's Mill in El Dorado County, CA, the same place gold was discovered in the 19th century, triggering the California Gold Rush. Jenniskens likens the thrill of finding these space rocks to finding gold: " I think John A. Sutter must have felt the same way when he found the first gold nugget back in January of 1848."

"The meteorites appear to be CM chondrites," he continues. This would make the sample very primitive, possibly contiaining minerals and compounds preserved from a time when the solar system was very young. "I can not say more as the samples have not yet been analyzed. My main concern now is to recover perishable data of the fireball, such as video security camera footage." Courtesy of
  • When walking on the earth barefoot, free electrons from the earth transfer into your body via the soles of your feet. These free electrons are some of the most potent antioxidants known to man.
  • Lack of grounding, due to widespread use of rubber or plastic-soled shoes, may have contributed to the rise of modern diseases by allowing chronic inflammation to proliferate unchecked.
  • Experiments have shown that free electrons from the earth cause beneficial changes in heart rate, decreases inflammation, reduces pain, promotes healthy sleep, and thins your blood, making it less viscous, which has beneficial impact on cardiovascular disease.
  • Ideal locations for earthing are on the beach, close to or in the water, and on dewy grass. Courtesy Dr. Mercola EASTER ISLAND STATUES HAVE BODIES SEE EXCAVATION AND HATS TOO.
THWARTED ESCAPE: Solar activity is low, with only a smattering of minor C-class flares coming from a few 'active regions' scattered across the solar disk. An eruption from sunspot AR1465 on April 29th didn't even get off the ground. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the thwarted escape:


It was AR1465 vs. gravity, and gravity won. [EH, I TOLD YOU SO- ME BEING DAFT]. IF EVER I HAVE HEARD BULLS—T My goodness get these people back to proper work, producing organic food, giving these people a psychiatric assessment and give the money to the poor in Africa and elsewhere. Collide the Collider.

A frozen Water Mystery. 3mins.

Well this above will tease you.


This is the nearest I can get to Roger Moore’s commentary on Psychontric Weapons.

Michael Norton. ‘ How to Buy Happiness’. A very unique view on money and Happiness.

By architects and engineers. 10 mins. AMAZING THE NORTH TOWER 9/11. AN EYE OPENER.
SUPER MOON: Last night's full Moon was a "super moon," as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. The phenomenon, also known as a perigee moon, is caused by the elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit around Earth. Big, nearby moons like this come along about once a year; they are harmless, beautiful, and, seen from certain angles, very romantic:


VegaStar Carpentier of Paris, France, took the picture on May 5th.

The moonlight was so intense in Veszprem, Hungary, "the birds started singing because they thought it was morning," reports Monika Landy-Gyebnar. "I went out at 2 AM in almost daylight conditions. The landscape was visible in full color, the sky was vivid blue and only the brightest stars were visible. The perigee Moon lit the world with its full brightness."
BIG SUNSPOT: One of the largest sunspot groups in years rotated over the sun's north-eastern limb this weekend. With a least four dark cores larger than Earth, AR1476 sprawls more than 100,000 km from end to end, and makes an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomer Alan Friedman sends this picture of the behemoth from his backyard in Buffalo, NY:


"AR1476 is firecrackler," says Friedman.

Indeed, the active region is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Based on the sunspot's complex 'beta-gamma' magnetic field, NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of more M-flares during the next 24 hours. There is also a 5% chance of powerful X-flares.

"This one is going to be fun as turns to face us!" predicts Friedman. He might be right.
With the UK political voting, France and Greece protest voting, maybe the Sun has got the message as well. See GCI and end remark read full article a quote is below. It is in article, please READ IT BIT BY BIT. Thank You So Much. IT IS LONG.

‘This is all the science behind GCI for this commentary.

Another area to be explored in a future GCI commentaries will be whether we are not only affected by the sun and earth’s geomagnetic activity, but if we as human beings, with our consciousness, might actually cause or influence the sun’s activity?

Edgar Cayce, the famous of the 20th century clairvoyant, once gave a reading about sun spots in which he said:

Sunspots, as well as earth changes, are reflections of our own state of consciousness, a result of our own actions, and the boomerang of divine law. Sunspots are reflections of the "turmoil and strife" that we ourselves have created, and our own mind is "the builder." The responsibility for earth changes lies squarely on our shoulders, and how we conduct our relationships with others has everything to do with the changing face of the earth. Earth changes are "adjustments" that have to be made because something is out of alignment. Just as we create chaotic conditions by our own out-of-alignment behaviour, so we can create positive transformation by our loving attitudes and actions." (Reading #5757-1)

Finally, we’ll explore at greater length the effects of changes in geomagnetism and sun-Earth interactions on natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes and violent storms in an upcoming commentary.

With loving care,

Annette Deyhle, Ph.D. and GCMS Research Team’ Thank you Dr Deyhle.
The true message of the Universe is: not to hoard and cause shortage for gain and power over others, abundance, every need met, every want recycled to need if it is needed, compassion and care, respect and equality. To lead as an example to those weaker or fail and to support them and not exact due compensation and profit from them, not to exploit but to share. Perhaps the voting is a message about this.

Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to catastrophic collapse; could unleash 85 times Cesium-137 radiation of Chernobyl; human civilization on the brink’

Learn more:
This is NOT AN EXAGGERATION. GET your Homeopathic remedies as suggested in back blog. This Video emphasises the need to lobby your MEP, MP and Government. CHERNOBYL AND FUKUSHIMA ARE NOT OVER BY FAR.

So I enquired from my Homeopath if there is a remedy and I found out from a well known 'apothecary' in Germany and elsewhere there are many. Given that Homeopathy is given such a bad press I am reluctant to reveal my sources but will tell you some of the remedies which can be a 'mixed one pill' of the following.
  1. Ayahuasca- Emerald- Rose Quartz-Plutonium-Caesium-Strontium Met. –Cobalt- Radium Bromide-X-Ray.[you can see why sceptics would balk and freak out at this].
  2. Emerald-Plutonium-Radium Bromide- Spectrum- Rose Quartz- Yellow [minor haemorrhoids by stiff cheeked boffins and diarrhoea brought on by scoffing].
  3. Ayahuasca-X-Ray-Caesium- Cobalt. [Another fit from the medical establishment].
I have 2 and 3. Remember these are subtle energy and as such are not to be taken as gospel or a cure all for severe radiation poisoning. They are useful, especially if subjected to scans and X-Rays. As usual get checked out by a health Professional or Geiger counter. Small doses can build up like fluoride over small constant exposure or inhalation.
I am taking remedy 2 [the bottle comes wrapped in foil, it is to be kept away from all other remedies and left wrapped in layers of foil in order to keep its potency], and I have soft pill 30c, and have been advised just 1 a week], the first one I took knocked the socks of me], I was advised to try remedy 3, only after next week just one and then check in with my homeopath / radionics / douser and sensitive.
Most Homeopaths and shops are cagey about a radiation remedy, so just order the ingredients and ask them to put into one remedy. The medical authorities and government are jumping on any herb, remedy and so forth that say it has medicinal value, and so please do not compromise places that sell or make up these remedies. Thank You.
Recommended are the following organic foods: Almonds, Beans, KELP, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Spinach, BERRIES, APPLE, B- Vitamin [I take mine from Brewers Yeast], Holy Basil [Tulsi Tea], Camomile Tea or herb, Krill Capsules, Vitamins C, D, E complex, Milk Thistle[Liver Clearing], Green Tea, Siberian Ginseng, Astaxanthin and Blackcurrant [From Higher Nature], Prime Selection[I take the Organic Gluten Free, from Safe Remedies] if in dire need Potassium Iodine. It is suggested one starts ingesting these now.
An interesting debate and discussion with some of a group of 500[various scientists, doctors, health professionals, healers, nationalists, lawyers, and many more such as retailers, gym owners etc, all who kind of have the same understanding and similar experiences, experiment way outside the box[not to the point of no return so to speak], mainly around the world, many are the whistle blowers referred to in blogs gone by and present, have noted that five footballers, four died, had heart attacks, a young Olympic UK Lady Hockey Player, a Swedish Olympic Swimmer, also just recently Steve Perryman a manager of a pro team who used to play for Tottenham Hotspur, I knew him briefly when he had a sports shop Potters Bar, Barnet, and in Hyde Park Yesterday [08-05-12] Dustin Hoffman the Film Actor stayed with a young man who had a heart attack while jogging. I suppose these are or have caught the public ‘eye’ so to speak and there maybe many more. However, many of the group felt there were many they knew and some of us have been diagnosed with heart problems [me included], however our doctors and others differ with the GP and Hospital diagnosis and suggested treatments. I will say my piece later on.
Many people are under pressure for many reasons, financially, relationships, and uncertain political world events and so on. This is obvious to many. However, if one studies the following which I have urged many times I use the Em Wave and find it very useful. In this blog there evidence of Geomagnetic Storms and Weather Sensitivity. All these links have a common theme and MAY save one’s life or not to take harmful medication with drastic side EFFECTS. Please, please if you are sure go to your GP AND GET CHECKED OUT. The above is not a substitute for allopathic medicine or GP advice. [Advice about the Schumann Resonance in article].
In the above it becomes clear that sensitive people pick up the ‘vibes’ of another especially THE HEART, a panic attack, erratic heart beat due to stress, storms and so on and so on. Other organs and frame of minds can be felt.
Olympic athletes, professional footballers are under tremendous pressure to succeed, immense money, power prestige, and many joggers [there has been some suggestion and research jogging can be harmful to some, I have never been a jogger, I have been a footballer, martial arts Japanese and Chinese] and am convinced that really heavy training without expert Tuition is dodgy to say the least.
Many people today are told they are obese or too skinny and go on fad diets, food that has had nourishment taken out of it through overheated cooking, micro wave, GM, additives, preservatives, pollution [there has been a dramatic rise in Lung Cancer], so when we jog we are taking in, if we jog in the street say, large amounts of gunk. The reason we maybe exercising are to rid ourselves of stress and worry only to be reminded of it because we are exercising. That is’ I must rid myself of stress, my obesity, my --?
Protesters are preparing to demonstrate as the UK government give go ahead to Rothamsted Research Centre to trial genetically modified wheat.
Figure 1 This doesn’t help the heart either.
Isn’t it strange we exercise to get fit and yet the food and climate take away the benefits? It may be useful to remind oneself of the Swedish, Egyptian and Irish research and from that ‘old’ video ‘What the Bleep Do we Know’ that volunteers went to the Gym, some visualised the exact exercises and diet of the Gym group, and the others were called ‘couch’ exercisers. The results were identical. The brain it seems once it has experienced can do the same inside itself so to speak with the same results.
It is said that Nicholas Tesla and some other scientists, engineers, constructed their experiments and machinery in their minds and did ‘snagging’ tests and when built ran perfectly.
The placebo effect, that famous experiment with arthritis patients. Some had the actual knee operation, others the knee opened up and closed without surgery and both had the same results, the placebo actually lasting longer as it were. There was a lot of criticism over this and some scientists reneged as they were threatened by their labs. In this Dr Dean Raidin said’ that in the bar many scientists come up to him and share their ‘way out’ theories and said they had no one to share them with, Dean then says another comes up to share the same view, and yet they both work next to each other in the same lab, but are scared to be thought of as zany, off the wall and so on’. How far down the rabbit hole will you be prepared to go or just play it safe?


This is a beautiful animation of NASA’S Curiosity Explorer due to reach Mars August 12 2012.
The link above Inspirational Miracle, well how far down the Rabbit Hole did he Go and still is Going? Once one starts the process then--?
The world and its leaders and en masse population need to ‘Go where no person or population has gone before’, be courageous and bold, and go down the Rabbit Hole to share, have compassion.
Maybe our hearts, the world heart needs to open, release the pain of suffering, indignation, injustice, racial prejudice a polluted environment and stifling our children and abusing our elders.
Maybe heart attacks are emotional, and maybe our hearts are cramping up because they want to love, live and be joyful and yet are very often stifled, imprisoned kept uptight, fearful of being rejected, looked upon as weird, freedom is the lack of fear, and the lack of fear is an open loving heart. Open dearest hearts, hearts of the world, join in Love, Compassion and Joyful endeavours.
Lots of Love. Geoff

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / May 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / May

Geoff Freed — May 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again New Science on Weight Loss.

Disgusting behaviour of contractors in Iraq.
Meat-eaters more susceptible to super bugs after banned antibiotic found in animal feed

People who regularly eat chicken and other meat are unwittingly making themselves more susceptible to antibiotic-resistant 'super bugs'. Poultry farmers are illegally using a broad-spectrum antibiotic in animal feeds that was banned for agricultural use in 2005.

Only a small fraction of the poultry makes its way onto the shelves – the majority is used in feeds for other animals, such as pigs and cattle, which throws open the possibility that all meat eaters may be consuming the antibiotic.

The antibiotic, fluoroquinolone, was banned because its over-use was increasing the possibility of a resistant super bug – and yet it was found in eight of 12 samples of animal feed tested by officials.

Although the discovery took place in the US, there is every possibility that poultry farmers and feed manufacturers are using the antibiotic globally.

Fluoroquinolone is an important antibiotic because it is in the first-line treatment for serious bacterial infections.

(Source: Environmental Science & Technology, 2012; 46: 3795-802)

Tea and apples protect the brain from Parkinson's and dementia

Eat plenty of berries and apples, and drink red wine and tea – that way you are far less likely to suffer from Parkinson's, the neurological disease that affects movement. The foods are rich in flavonoids, bioactive compounds that also protect against heart disease, hypertension (raised blood pressure) and dementia.

Flavonoids seem to protect the neurons in the brain, which could reduce the risk of Parkinson's, dementia and even possibly Alzheimer's, according to a major new study.

Researchers profiled the health of around 130,000 people, 800 of whom had developed Parkinson's over the previous 20 years. After analysing their diets, the researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that a flavonoid-rich diet reduced the risk of Parkinson's by around 40 per cent.

(Source: Neurology, 2012; 78: 1112-3).

The great mammogram con

Pauline was in very bad shape the day she went to an alternative healing centre near her Liverpool home. Just days before, she had been subjected to 12 mammograms and 21 biopsies all in one day at the local hospital, which left her bruised and in pain. She was angry at the arrogant and cavalier attitude of the doctors, but she was also very frightened. At the end of the stressful screening process, 60-year-old Pauline was told she had stage III cancer—the stage before it is terminal—in her right breast. The doctor recommended immediate mastectomy, or full breast removal.

She didn't believe the diagnosis; she hadn't even felt any lumps in the breast. Instead, she decided on a second opinion at the healing centre, which had recently started to offer thermographic screening. Doctors discarded thermographic screening back in the early 1980s and, in the UK, it is used only at airports for lie detection

Obama promised to keep medical marihuana as a genuine medical aid. Here is another politician's broken promise.

ARCTIC MIX: Something magical is happening around the Arctic Circle this week. The blue midnight skies of spring are intermingling with the gray snow clouds of winter--with a dash of green cutting through the mix. Anne Birgitte Fyhn photographed the phenomenon last night from Ringvassøya island, north of Tromsø, Norway: Strange whilst Obama and the FDA break up organic Amish Farms and some states forbid home growing produce the above thrives? This one will blow your mind, a quote to whet your appetite:
'The decades long assertion that our solar system would soon enter an electrically charged life altering photon belt around the Sirius star system has been regularly dismissed as pseudo science–NASA speak for "conspiracy theory". Despite periodical scientific validation it has been continually pushed aside by mainstream science.

Until now.''

This is dynamite at Last some of my whistleblowers have sent this to NASA disagreeing with Climate Change and its cause. REMEMBER some people believe NASA stands for Never Answer Anything Seriously.

This is beautiful and informative and yes by NASA, they do some things really well, and the text below describes the video and other points.
'LYRID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is approaching the debris field of ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on April 21-22; a nearly-new moon on those dates will provide perfect dark-sky conditions for meteor watching. Usually the shower is mild (10-20 meteors per hour) but unmapped filaments of dust in the comet's tail sometimes trigger outbursts 10 times stronger. [video] ' [Video link above as well].


Beautiful butterflies and humming birds.

Wonderful paintings of a mystical and wonderful culture. Those that walked the Mother in reverence and humility.


fig03 - a most humbling 3 mins. How big is we/you/us/me?

This short link shows the force of the CME and the above as well. Fortunate it was not Earth directed. Many of us have been campaigning for years to ban fluoride for over 35 years.
The explosion, which registered M1.7 on the Richter Scale of solar flares, was not Earth-directed, but it did hurl a CME into space. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have analyzed the trajectory of the cloud and found that it will hit NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft, the Spitzer space telescope, and the rover Curiosity en route to Mars. Planets Venus and Mars could also receive a glancing blow.

Using data from SDO, Steele Hill of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center assembled a must-see movie of the event. It shows the explosion unfolding at 304Å, a wavelength which traces plasma with a temperature around 80,000 K. WOW related to above and photograph below.

e Silent Time Bomb Now Affecting 1 in 54 Boys in the US

And the statistics become even more alarming. In the last 5 years, the CDC reports an earth-shattering 78% increase in diagnosed occurrences. Plus more... a reported 110% increase for Hispanics and 91% for black children. What's the cause of this disorder and is there anything you can do?

Big Surprise - Whooping Cough Spreads Mainly through Vaccinated Populations From Mercola.Com

Treat cancer patients with alternative medicine, say EU groups

The European Union (EU) – often seen as the scourge of alternative medicine – may suddenly become its champion. It is considering a call to include CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies in the care – and treatment – of cancer patients.

Two European Parliamentary groups – MEPs Against Cancer and MEPs for CAM - are campaigning for the European Commission and parliament to "actively support" the integration of CAM practices into Europe's healthcare services, especially for the care and treatment of cancer patients. The two groups – headed by MEPs Sirpa Pietikainen and Alojz Peterle – are also calling for more funding for research into alternative cancer therapies.

The call follows a meeting with some of Europe's leading alternative practitioners who explained to the two groups how they are already integrating CAM therapies into their treatment of cancer patients.

A survey recently revealed that a third of cancer patients throughout Europe are already using CAM therapies in some part of their treatment.

(Source:' Courtesy WDDTY.

Drug giant fined $1.1bn for downplaying drug's risks

Drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson has had another hefty fine for downplaying the risks to its antipsychotic drug Risperdal (risperidone). An Arkansas, US judge has levied a fine of $1.1bn, which is added to the $485m penalties already imposed by other states.

The company and its subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, were sued by the state of Arkansas for misleading doctors about the safety of the drug.

In 2004, America's drug regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ordered the company to highlight the drug's dangers.

Risperdal increases the risk of death and stroke in dementia patients, and can lead to seizures, major weight gain, diabetes and increase blood sugar to fatal levels in other patients – but it's debatable just how much of that was ever relayed to doctors.

The drug has been used to treat schizophrenia, autism and bipolar patients.
(Source: BBC, 11 April, 2012).

Bionic big business

A recent survey of American hospitals shows that, in nearly a third of cases, stents placed in a non-emergency situation to keep blocked arteries clear are not only not necessary, but likely to be causing potentially fatal harm.

What's worse, US government-sponsored evidence from five years ago warning of the limitations of the procedure have been largely ignored by doctors, who have come to view stents and angioplasty as a lucrative, insurance-paid, bread-and-butter part of their practice.


This 3 min video SHOWS A NEW WAY OF A SOLAR PANEL------OOOOH!!! Wow.

If you doubt your sanity have a look at this SECURITY FORCES have contracted a company to Hack games, books and the like, and 2 other developments. Amazing rotating view of the flight deck.

The link above shows you everything.




Fig01: Watch out Julian they are after you. Now I wonder who they can be. Beautiful 4 min video of the Northern Lights[Aurora Borealis.

THIS 4 MIN VIDEO OF OSPREY'S FISHING IS PHENOMENAL, AMAZING AND TERRIFIC. HAVE a peep at this animation that estimates CME's and so on.

These links tell an amazing story. Again the Pleiades, this very important as the festivals coming up in May 2102 refer to this:

This link tells of the police sting and a Museum Scientist who recovered the above disk from the black market in Basel Switzerland and authenticated its age and the like.

We are constantly finding that history is now telling a different story to those who wish to impose religious blocks or other agenda's. Usually to suppress with a view to manipulation and servitude of the masses.

This last link shows the comparisons of bronze and it is definitely European.


Figure 2 The Nebra Disk


Figure 3 Pleiades as near as the disk. Remember disk shows the sky about 3000 years back. WHAT MESSAGES DO THESE HAVE FOR US TODAY?

This 4 min video explains in a simple lovely way what the Higgs Boson is.
"It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware." - Albert Einstein
