Thursday 3 November 2011

Born Free Series - Post 3

November - Post 3
Is It Really Happening?

Geoff Freed

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Please take a look at the following three links:
  1. I am still checking out the authenticity of the bases and their elimination.
  2. August 23rd 2011 was almost beginning of the Mayan Calendar 5th Night.
  3. Those of you who remember my UFO workshops will remember I said’ ET will not help us, WE HAVE TO HELP OURSELVES, there are no shining Knights in White Armour.
  4. The only TIME ET will do something is if the PLANET IS THREATENED with a breakage.
  5. They are not interested in us; we could perish as long as the planet is kept intact. THE UFO STORY MY BLOG MAY 2005.
  6. In more recent updates in energygrid from March 2011 onwards I mentioned the the various wars, cyber (in news now), mind wars (digital network), Psychic (very prevalent if bases are destroyed with their mind bending equipment----see diagrams in updates on how the use of electronics and the black helicopters work), So if the equipment is destroyed then they will use HUMAN PSYCHICS. This if the bases are destroyed is the last deployment.
  7. Telepathy wars will be on the level of advanced psychics from either side, one attacking, one neutralising.
  8. I MENTIONED IN updates that the ‘elite’ may be considering a fake UFO attack, a holocaust caused by HAARP like mechanisms, either at October 28 2011 or more likely Dec.21.2012.
  9. DID ET get wind of a fake extreme event and decided to INTERVENE?
  10. Even if the bases are destroyed THEN WE HAVE STILL, STILL, STILL have to change our ways. We can still DAMAGE THE Earth by pollution, GM foods and the like. REMEMBER ET IS NOT INTERESTED IN A WAR LIKE SELFISH RACE. As long, as long, as we do not break the earth or irreparably damage the planet they will let us war and exterminate ourselves.
  11. We are the people we are waiting for; we are our own shining knights in white armour.
  12. All of this said in Blog as above May 2005 and more. Those of you who attended my UFO workshops from 1975 onwards till 1998 will have heard this and more. There is a lot, lot more.
  13. I have the full transcript of 300 odd pages of the ET and the Nurse from the Roswell Incident which is absolutely authentic and this bears out exactly what I have said in May 2005 and before.
  14. The Old Empire(Melchedekans) still have bases on Earth in secluded and inaccessible places, with old UFO (see model in HANGAR 18 old edition—banned after a few weeks although highly successful box office and the HUMAN ALIENS and not the greys or almond eyes), they are the ET behind the elite(not serpents or reptilian), they know they are being monitored see May 2005 UFO STORY energygrid blog.
  15. Many top officials from the Scandinavian Countries and Canada, along with Russian top Brass have openly admitted now with some Astronauts, Technical Bods who air brushed photographs that ET in form and Craft exist which are not look a likes made to fool and hoax people.
  16. A WORD OF CAUSION: A) BECAUSE OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE FINANCES AND THE WALL STREET AND OTHER COUNTRIES PROTEST AND SIT INS. B) BECAUSE OF THE DELIBERATE BREAK UPS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. C) BECAUSE OF THE THREAT TO RUSSIA, CHINA AND IRAN ( I found Russia today ON Channel 85 TV or far less biased and free from censorship than Murdoch TV which is still handling Western News. Russia today has presenters from all over the world, not only Russian.
  18. This like 9/11, 7/9, Falkland’s war, Dr. Kelly, Iran intended assassination of Saudi Ambassador in the USA, and the like is always done as a distraction from embarrassing and damaging news to the so called elite and their minions the world governments and banks with multi corporations, the medical profession in particular.
  19. Many Doctors, bless them, nurses angels in disguise, are secretly waking up. We will need Doctors, Hospitals, nurses and so forth until the new ways are fully implemented(see numerous blogs, updates and so forth on the new free energy apparatus, air cars and others, miracle techno medical cures (Phantom Wave etc.).
  20. As I say this can happen and lets hope all the above is authentic. My feeling is we are on the way. October 28 2011 opened the gate, the frequencies are now at the top of their vibrations and this can cause a tumbling down of structures if used en masse for the greater good that is "A world that works lovingly, respectfully for every one every where."
Well Folks I will be asking the editor to post this soon and I will be writing and posting in the future, perhaps a couple a month under the titles of Born Free, already two in November now, they will appear in the menu at destiny under Geoff Freed Online.

Be Well and Take Care. Geoff



PS. Please remember there are still politicians, CEO’s, greedy bankers, GM foods, additives, religious and racial prejudice and the rest.

However, these huge energies are awakening people rapidly. The tipping point is now and we have to be committed and open up so that we can be unity consciousness and the binaural brain.

PPS. For those of you who received a bogus email from me inviting you to join me through Yahoo or Living Well my apologies. I have changed my password. This one is from me.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Born Free Series - Post 2

Born Free Series - Post 2

Geoff Freed

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.


The actual title 'Listen with your Heart'.

This wonderful video above epitomises it all. Just what is meant by heart? Well it is known the heart is more than just a pump, it has its own 'brain' and works with the cerebral brain, the technical details are to be found elsewhere in posts, blogs and updates away back.

When we move away from thinking, which is necessary for everyday tasks and can implement intuition, we may be able to sense that our thoughts are not really us; they are an adjunct to who we are.

When we see and observe quietly watching the kaleidoscope of mind, the cloud shifting of emotional thought, breathing gently and not encouraging or suppressing, neither reminding to watch or be detached, a kind of mind that the Sensei /Sifu termed in Nihongo [Japanese] Muga Mushin[Mind Pervading Body] a kind of scanning, a radar of input. Radar does not have thoughts, it can only scan and the person at the screen decides the outcome and interprets friend or foe.

So heart in this sense is being quiet, letting the input come to you, awareness without bias, listening without opinion, being without influence, observation without outcomes.

For me watching the above video in silence of the mind a natural compassion arose and my body was filled with something beyond love, beyond words and this seemed to be all encompassing.

In Article 1 of Born Free it was said that nature brings to one this compassion and an understanding in a deeper level than thought and that it is transformative. To me this beautiful video had the sensitivity and vibrational essence that goes beyond words. There is a communication that is not thought or word felt, a magical oneness and beauty. The deep essence of who I am and what nature is become one and I knew in that moment what unconditional love is and that which is beyond Nature, that created Nature, that 'spirit, that energy, that consciousness' is throughout Its Creation, and if we are still enough, quiet enough, empty minded enough, we can catch the perfume of It as it drifts through the form of Its expressions and in that rare moment we are one with the all and all.

This to me is listening with the heart. To me the heart in its energetic form is a chalice, an empty receptacle that is filled with Life, the life blood of us and its rhythm is attuned to Nature and is symbolic to the Sun.

Perhaps with the events of the uprising energy the pulse of Mother Earth married to Father Sun and the Great 16.4 Billion Year Pulse wave now attuned and attenuated, transformed to the greater cycles and rhythms of the Cosmic Heart and Pulse, is altering the parameters of blood pressure and heartbeats, and of course the interfacing and modulating of the DNA.

DNA upgrades which are like our computers being sent as the programmes evolve and need configuring. Here we are given the opportunities to be even more still more quiet, to still the media auditory bombardment and electronic fog noise [all frequencies have 'noise', colour and sound, and a musical equivalent, the sound of the sun, Saturn and so forth] a deepening of the QUIET which means our chalices become more receptive and in some strange way larger.


What awareness, what consciousness, what chalice contains the Universe, the countless galaxies, stars, planets, life forms and so forth, and yet we know not a thing is solid. Millions, yea trillions, nay trillions of billions of trillions of energy waves that conglomerate to seem to be solid.

What imagination 'pulls' them together, like a cake mix to form this myriad of unspeakable and indefinable awesome panorama of magical breathtaking magic. A consciousness so vast and yet how large is an awareness?

How large are our minds when we dream? Perhaps there is no size, no anything other than awareness and it has no definable perimeters or boundaries. SO what IS IT THEN? If you could answer this you would kill the Buddha so said my mentors.

Before we get into mind games, we become still and in that stillness one might stumble across a kind of answer in the form of Knowing, it is an instinctive intuitive understanding, beyond words and comprehension. ONE JUST KNOWS.


There is nothing to unlock, it is there, open and naked beyond all form. We came; everything came from that empty chalice, the space that is awareness, in which all form will eventually dissolve, like the clouds to leave a clear sky only to form again.

Sufi saying 'Glorious Sun why are you setting?—Only to Rise again'.

Be The Space That we Are. There is only One of Us in the Universe. The Awareness in you is in Me. When there is a clear sky there is no separation.

To the Seamless totally everything, everywhere, greetings to our oneness.

Like the Jack in the Box, form springs out of the void. The bible quotes 'in the beginning was a void a firmament' many other holy works say similar things.

Perhaps this is amusement for the Cosmic Joker and we take it too seriously.

This is Gods Game, Gods Dream says some scriptures and then who is God?

When confronted with a serious seeming insurmountable judo contest [told way back in a blog] and I was in great consternation, to say the least, Sensei said to me' If you think of winning, thoughts bring fear and many options, the mind buzzes, if you think of losing, no energy, if a draw [hikiwake] a compromise, if you think of I do my best, another compromise.


Become still, breathe, let go and you might find that the solution is CANNOT ALWAYS win, draw, lose, so only necessary to enjoy, only participate that is all.

In that moment thoughts ceased by their own and a strange calm and joy hit me and I won. The result did not exhilarate me, it seemed fun and natural. The result was unimportant, it was a joining with another 'mind' or unknown which did the play and worked through me rather than a mind plan, and the technique used was well outside the box and any repertoire.

It was spontaneous and in a Karate Kid Film, the mentor of the pupil, Miyagi Sensei broke the top of bottles and the pupil exclaimed, "How did you do this?" Sensei "Don't Know, first time".

Many Happy Surprises have a lot of spontaneous fun.


Just two examples of being in coherence. There are other ways as well.

More articles at times to follow tune in and check in to energygrid.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Born Free Series - Post 1

Born Free Series - Post 1

Geoff Freed

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello and Welcome to Born Free and this clip expresses the theme of this offering.

It seems most natural phenomena, animals, plants and us and a plethora of many other parts of life 'have to be managed'. It seems the ego the mad separated mind has to be in control and not allow the 'The Natural Rhythms of Life to Flow'


When communing, walking in nature a still energy pervades and there is a natural blending of colours, sounds, aromas and the graceful movements of animals and birds, insect life, the ecology of co operation, nothing wasted, efficient, yet so simple and economical.

I often wondered why is it so that animals are so graceful, dignified in the right place at the right time. It came to me that they are free of self criticism, natural as a child unhampered as yet by too much human interference, they are not complicated, do not have the pressure of conforming, seeking approval.

Yet they fight for the right to breed and hunt for food, and even in the few cases where it leads to tragedy in most cases a show of might, a fend off is sufficient.

Because nature follows its inherent signals, codes and DNA interfaces, it allows not by control, and even allowing is not appropriate, it JUST DOES ITS THING. It does not have the rules laid down, a system, a penal code and greed. Yes it does have territorial agenda, worked out for food for all and in many cases a built in breeding programme which organises the amount of births per food supply.

Some animals do not breed when there are droughts and a sort of inbred accounting system which intuitively arranges this.

When one lives in a concrete jungle as below and even in less so in some urban areas our minds become concrete, more logical left brained and uniform, even in neatly arranged rows of urban complexes, the rows of uniform houses are still uniform, so our minds become structured enclosed in this type of uniformity.

We become commuters, packed in trains, buses, cars, a few cycling to work wearing face masks. Then we decant into tiny air conditioned offices and make a living either for ourselves or the boss or corporation.


Something in us is gradually dying, other than the natural process of ageing. We become introverted to limitation, our lives become cramped and we may turn to Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, we go to Gyms, yearn for the holidays, the weekend, we yearn to get back to FREEDOM.


The high rise blocks of flats with their passage ways, dark and dingy, their outlook often just looking at a similar block, parents often single, shops full of disgusting cheap additive food and the gangs that rival one another, drug dealers, muggers and so forth.

Is there blame on these people—not to my mind? The social housing scheme did bring homes to many, and then it became a haven for poverty, drab buildings, and a feeling of being in a concrete prison. I know I lived in this for ten years. It was meditation and Tai Chi, Qi Gong and fortunately a good job and presenting workshops that 'lifted me out' of the doom and gloom. [True I had been mediating from the age of 5 through a NDE and had Japanese and Chinese teachers].

I got to know and speak to the gangs as depicted below and they felt despondent, no way out. I took a few into the country, they hated it, felt exposed, alienated. I know this seems exaggerated when I told them milk came from a cow, they laughed and said'nah milk comes from a machine, some of it may come from a cow'.


When we passed some urban houses and large mansion type dwellings, they got angry, resentful and sullen.

These gangs had bright intelligent, keen kids, crushed and ignored by society. Many of them said they were 'dead inside' had no hope and just felt they were victimised as dirty, lazy, scroungers, ruffians.

When you look back at the poor houses long before high rise buildings and council estates you see the same conditions, the have's and the have nots.

Interestingly where there have been places where youngsters who are said to be 'persistent violent offenders' and are offered places with farms and animals then a wonderful transformation occurs.

It is not just a case of walking in nature, doing some 'spiritual' practice, neither is it a case of just meditation. It is from the stillness of nature, the imbibing of the energies, the flow of rhythmic practice, the quiet in meditation WHEN THE LEFT CONCRETE brain quietens down and one feels the flow of pure awareness, joy, freedom within oneself that we start to attract ways not by logic and planning, that may arrive later but synchronistic events brought about by the natural flow within.

Concrete jungles be they city, urban or high rise, be they medical dogma, greed dogma, religious dogma and so forth all concretise the mind. IT IS NOT THE BUILDINGS AND INSTITUTIONS it is the mind SET that imprisons us and cannot let us break out. We are trapped by the boundaries of our minds and the perimeters of our thoughts. Imprisoned by thought and robbed by our surroundings of freedom and so we believe the outside set of circumstances, and they are imprinted in our formalitive years and the mind set is projected outward as reality.

There are countless movies, documentaries of people who broke out and went on to other things. Mostly wealth and acquisition.


We can see the finance, food, medical, environmental world systems breaking down and like the so called hoodies, offenders, many of us seek freedom. Many wealthy people I know of frightened of losing their wealth and one multi millionaire I know said' I am getting down to my last 25 mil and I am shitting myself'.

This is not the freedom to be impulsive, destroy, pillage, rape and go on a rampage, get stoned, pissed or become a hermit, run away, bury one's head in the sand—NO this is break out of the world mind set and claim through quiet reflection, deep inner peace the real freedom. FREEDOM OF MIND FIRST not through a mantra, guru, an ism, but sitting still in a quiet place and watch, listen and be. Watch the restless mind, the urge to escape, to distract, to go into fantasy, to fall asleep, to run, hide, OR to even use this quiet place as a sanctuary.

The River shapes its own course, so let the free mind, this quiet mind, this empty mind, this alert wonderful flow of life lead one, like the animals, fish, plants, streams, oceans, insects, reptiles and so on, lead one to find the right place at the right time led by nature and the Life that Created Us Surely Knows and Has in Mind where we should inherently and rightly be.

Nature knows where we fit into the puzzle of Life and will provide if once again we return to be native, ethnic, and surrender once again to rhythms which flow from the Universe to Nature and Us.

How many times have I heard 'I do not who I am, who am I, I have a well paid job and yet I am bored, there must be something else other than this, what is the meaning of Life, who created life, I am broke, I never seem to fit in I am a misfit, I was always different as child from other children and did not feel at home with parents, I always have bad luck, why is it that some people always land on their feet, I am depressed, and countless other statements'. Yes I have had these as well. Some might say I was born spiritual and my family and friends were not.

It has come to my insight that for me these are all ego patterns endeavouring to fit into a world made by ego and not nature.

Deep within us Life, Nature is calling us and it starts with a whisper and then grows loud until we cannot ignore it.

We desperately in some cases try to bury this unease which is calling us back to our roots. In some instances it takes a serious illness, disaster to 'make us' listen. If we continue to ignore this, great tragedies may befall us, even death.

Perhaps now as never before through the internet, mobile phones, fast communications we are getting this clarion call. The unease of us creates false media news, destroys nature, and makes more despair in an attempt to destroy that quiet still voice, to dampen the call of Nature and Life. To fit us back into the madness we are straining to avoid.

So we need to be brave and trust that which we desperately have been trying to distrust. God is not out there. There are no knights in shinning white amour. The quietness of us, the empty cup, and the cup that eventually with trust flows over and abundance which is our needs met is accomplished.

Take care and lots of love.

