Saturday 5 December 2009

Dismantling the Scaffold - December 2009

FLOATING ABOVE THE SCAFFOLD that seems to resemble my skeleton and what appears to be a covering of transparent pinkish material and strange pulsing pipes and blobs. This I realise is my body. I look around at others and some are floating above their scaffolds and others deeply immersed in their structure. What a strange scenario. Is this some dream or mental aberration? What does this mean to float above ones body, to be spaced out? Is this a sign of delusion, wishing to be somewhere else or is it a progression of a sort?

It seems as society world wise crumbles the foundations are being exposed leaving the building blocks the exoskeletons bare of flesh as it were. The seemingly impenetrable outer material now being seen as vulnerable and defenceless.

My sense of this is that the stand back from the body, the kind of non identity that so many are experiencing is the exposing of the myth of who we really are. [Back blog on my 26 yrs old experience involving my late dear brother and I, and 'I know that I don't know but when I need to know I will know'].

Our bodies are amazing, 98% of atoms go and come in just under a year, a new skin is made once a month, a new skeleton every three months, new stomach lining every five days, brain cells are not there from a year ago and the genetic material which contains many years of information comes and goes like phantoms. Yet our base foundation thoughts and emotions, our conditioning, our cultural background barely in most cases change radically, they are mostly modifications or cosmetically changed, a mere makeover. We are caught in the net of conditioning.

Figure 1 Layers of conditioning and the real 'I ' behind this network of complexity.

It is when this net is being picked apart that the light of who we really are becomes revealed. There is no definition or corporeal being here. It is consciousness in its primal and stand alone propensity. Gradually the net becomes more open and one sees through the spaces and in so doing realises the falseness and illusion. What seemed so real seems now to be a mere film and scenario no longer required.

The floating as described above is the separation and the awakening as to who we really are. This is a temporary event until the time when the scaffold is not needed at all. This we name as death. Those who are immersed deeply in the scaffold this seems the end and terrifying. To those having tasted real identity it is as being dead in the scaffold and yet entirely alive and hopeful. They know innately there is no death.

Perhaps a return to the first paragraph. My perception was that I am gradually dismantling the structure and that a new form is waiting in the infrastructure. The difference being this form has a different mind set, based on the wider spaces in the net so that the messages in the forms of DNA and neuropeptide with transmitters will change the body, the scaffold and its accompanying body parts in subtle and hopefully healthier ways.

This is happening world wide. As the awakening progresses, as the great time clock of the cosmos ticks on, as the planetary alignments, the sun and central sun, all part of the components of the time clock, the mechanical parts as it were, the great wheel turns on the signals and all of the cosmos changes, from the mighty hour hand of the Universe, to the tiny second hand of differing units, us being such a one.

Slowly and some cases rapidly the dismantling occurs and with it the old identity begins to fade. This then can cause a period of chaos throughout all levels of the structure. As these adjustments take place, discomforts, aggravations, seeming illness and some cases severe illness may ensue. Many may choose to leave the planet, others struggle on and yet the struggle has a sense of purpose and not mindless pain and deprivation. They know it is a process and not a mindless punishment by a demented and ruthless God.

This period of chaos I have explained in the tip over theory and Prigogine's theory of dissipative structures. Psychologically, mentally this can seem like withdrawal symptoms and are akin to ascension or transformation stuff.

As I watch the scurrying, hurrying, scampering people below in the street from the perch above my scaffold I see them caught up in this dream of apparent reality. I too get caught up in this mayhem. I see and feel many like myself, wonder and question why I am here, what is life about, is this all it is? The mortgage, the annual holiday, the kids, relationships, is there more? Many turn away from deeper searching and get back into the distraction which this society has a plethora of.

Yet those who pry deeper into the seemingly dark abyss of the mind and its convolutions begin to fathom the meaning of Life. It veers away from accepted standards and logic and yet has a sense of its own volition. Those who feel the attraction, the inner voice, get the courage to go deeper into the depths of their inner space and become innernauts. This is the process of dismantling the scaffold and the outer world no longer holds its seductive glamorous promise of lasting happiness. Here the magic fountain of life is revealed and the patience, perseverance with an intuitive determination pays off eventually.

The outside madness continues. The destruction of the rainforests, huge banker's bonuses, crazy wars and retaliation by terrorism, child abuse, drug and drink issues, yob behaviour, the countless laws to stop the erosion of respect, care and beauty. The ugly face of punitive government, the centralisation of a world, European government, ever increasing big brother surveillance, yet the unrest it causes as both factions battle it out is the very energy of turmoil that can be the catalyst. There is a Yoga that I found that is called the Yoga of Discontent and a Yogi explained to me that a pattern, habit and the like can repeat and repeat until the mind suddenly realises it is outworn and not useful anymore. It is as if the innate wisdom finds a spontaneous gap in the net and shines through and the illusion of the once held reality is dispersed. At some points in my early training with Koan's as per Zen Teacher I felt this sudden vanish of this unwanted material and the saying from Zen felt to be appropriate 'A worn out pair of shoes'. When I lived in retreat in Menorca in the 70's, I used to walk up and down from near the sea to a little village in narrow pot holed fiercely hot lanes with many junctions. Many times I saw these rubber tyre sandals just abandoned by the wayside as they were worn out and not reparable. I wondered how the previous owners hobbled home on such daunting surfaces. In those days I used to walk the lanes and the locals named me 'loco 'and the phrase mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun' seemed to fit the bill. I used to be deep in meditation and oblivious to it. When coming to a shallow sea by a stony beach at times I would just walk straight in and then come out and continue walking. My jeans shorts became very holy [excuse pun].

Then on returning to England a massive chest infection due to the pollution, unbearable noise and the frantic pace of life. Went back to work and it seemed I 'lost' the quality of my meditation and went through a lean time. My meditative ways have since then have oscillated. It seems that I have to experience the 'dross' of life, and believe me forensics can be just that, only to be background conscious of the deep awaiting ananda [bliss]. These apparent periods of infertility and drought are documented in many treatises.

To me these perceived lapses are part of the package of living in the busy world as in a monastery or enclave community. It seems the starkness and the pain are predominant at such times, however when an occasional quiet peak arises then one realises there is a remote awareness watching this almost imperceptible process. It is as if the grinding stones are wearing away the tarnish of the net as above. Some writers have stated that when enlightened it may take years to integrate this and become the 'norm'. Why so? The polishing or grinding off of the grime still clings to delay the eventual shine beneath. Analogous to this the scaffold that is being dismantled even though the witness is free above and yet it is timely still to live in the scaffold but not be of it. So it is dismantled and reconstructed.

This process of reconstruction has to be a material as it were construction and so it is piecemeal. After the entire scaffold is in the 3D world or so called solids and the witness not so.

I feel society is very much into this and the telltale signs are when the repetitions become more rapid and then it comes to the bifurcation [see Prigogine] and it is release or bust. It is in a moment when the mind controller, the sentinel, the ego guard temporarily relaxes its grip and the net expands and hey presto that which is uppermost and pressing is released. If this is spontaneous it is healing and does not return although ghost images are sometimes there but are seen through. If the release is forced by drugs or alcohol and sometimes severe therapy, then the pattern may return in disguised form or cause a trauma which the mind then sets up a defence system to protect a repeat performance.

Figure 2 The everlasting wheel of Karma

Figure 3 Can we get off of the repetitive wheel of Life? Or do we want to?

The pressure is like a dam that feels its walls pushed to almost breaking point and then a leak and a plug to stop the leak the water then searches for another weak point and another plug until it collapses. This process of dismantling the scaffold and the collapse of the dam may appear to be random, haphazard and seemingly reckless in its format, and yet under the guidance of the new energies which are hand in hand with the Cosmic Intelligence and plan a seemingly disastrous, headstrong destruction might seem extreme. Yet there is a sense of incrementally and intelligently dismantling. Chaotic, idiotic to the ego and threatening, hence resistance and pain. Yet despite this if one is aligned to the process taking place and although not entirely comfortable it will proceed with or without the ego's permission. Those immersed in the scaffold will not come across this decision. Having said this an event such as job loss, relationship breakdown, illness, accident and so forth could cause the awakening response as a life altering situation becomes the saviour, albeit traumatic in the first instance and seemingly painful for a while afterward, due mainly from the withdrawal symptoms from the proceeding life mind set, the gains of freedom and insight start to prevail.

Figure 4 Murky waters of the mind. When will the world muck clear? When the dam bursts the waters of Life may cleanse the stagnations of outworn ideas held in the collective Mind. TIME FOR CHANGE.

Have just read Dr Bruce Lipton's book the Biology of Belief. Please obtain a copy if you will. It changes round the ideas we are dominated and fixed by our genes and DNA. It suggests that the environment we live in influences the genetic action. I feel this is true. The messages coming from the Universe re light encoded information and then translated into the process as Dr Lipton describes [Dr Lipton does not say that the light encoded messages etc., that is my take], and in the way I have explained in many previous blogs. Dr Lipton does not necessarily subscribe to my explanations as I have explained I have my own take on scientific data. However, I cannot stress the importance of his work and I feel it is one of the most important books of this era of change. I wish every doctor in the world would read this and medical schools take on board his work. A bright light in a dark area of health care.

Again one sees the importance of frequency, energy medicine and the community that is us as a body. A fifty or 60 trillion community of cells that constitute the human body. The astounding fact that they have to work in harmony for health and congruity. The world of 6 billion people, nay five million cannot do this. What astounding rapid intelligence. We have it in us and yet we look outside and take from dysfunctional examples to live by. Yet, yet, the awakening is here, take heart, we shall prevail and the wake up call sounds out, the clarion call of the spirit calls loud and clear. Through the deafening noise, the cacophony of modern noise, the fear of silence, those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, minds awake and crystal clear, will respond to this ancient and yet so new call and will take that step and become another person.

We shall leave behind the grime and detritus, the choking pollution and rise to new heights. Then we shall celebrate that which we have longed, yearned and dreamt about, and it will be so.

Dear Friends the above link may seem sentimental yet I feel for it so much. I wish you Ho oponopono. Perhaps if we as a world and we as individuals could say this from the heart we may yet get world peace. Not just an end to war and poverty, injustice and hurt because it is economical, out of fear or because it is survival. It has to be meant, felt, and acted upon. The version in YOU Tube is the one with the green flower.

In a previous blog I mentioned how the quietness and loneliness of the Menorca retreat got to me. I will repeat this and please forgive the repetition. Menorca airport is named Mahon. When I arrived it had a small runway and a shed for a terminal. The person I was supposed to meet [another story], had gone away and so a Vietnam American War veteran met me instead. To say he was traumatised is not exaggerating.

A man of few words to say the least. [ There was a small island off of the coast which was a desolate and bleak place where several drop outs, war survivors lived and it was not advisable to go there].[see old film 'silent thunder' which took place in the USA but would fit the bill].

We drove to the village and thought this is not too bad. Then we veered off left down these hot pot holed lanes, me in a tie and suit my driver in shorts and thin shirt. I panicked how I will know the way back. I tried to persuade the driver on the way to mark the stones and trees. He declined.

We arrived by foot as the last 100 yards were too rutted by ancient steel cart wheels that the little vehicle could not accommodate and too narrow for any other. Then I really panicked. We were 1½ miles from the village, the house was a single story old herdsman cottage with side attachments for animals to live in, a well which I was assured was safe, oil lamps, and a camping gaz appliance to cook on. The bed was a door laid on orange boxes and a mattress atop. Red tiled floors and lime covered walls. The only other room was a small sitting room with a combination of a rickety table an old brown chair and a sofa that was very old. Upstairs, which one had to climb the outside foothold stairs was a barn type structure for grains that needed to dry.

The barn floor was not to be stepped on heavily, however the floor outside the barn was strong. I stood on this and on a clear night with binoculars could just about make out North Africa. I stood on the roof and then saw the village and so having a good sense of direction navigated eventually to the village.

The villagers named me 'loco' and I used to walk in the burning sun oblivious to the heat and rough terrain. I used walking meditation. Sometimes I came across a sandy or stony beech and walked straight into the sea and walked dry my denim shorts [old jeans cut down] and shirt. My shorts became very holy [excuse pun].

The quietness fell about me and this was so, so quiet it buzzed. I explored my surroundings over the next few days. Had to be careful of the sun at first, burning hot. I walked down a beautiful path, which only my intended host had carved out as he walked to the sea and caves. So many butterflies took off so that the sky was seemingly gone in a cloud of colour and glory. There were mysterious caves high up as if old stone people lived there and high ferns and one could imagine ancient creatures lurking in them. So many other wonders.

The loneliness became sharply in me. The quietness, the lack of running water, bathing only in the sea, cold splash downs with a bucket [after a while I improvised and found an iron bath, put it on the roof, filed a hole in the side, found some old hose pipe, plugged it with a cork, put mesh over the bath to stop flies etc., falling in, the sun heated up the water, pulling the cork out gave me a primitive shower].

I felt the withdrawal from comparative luxury. The quietness and loneliness were freaking me out. Yes I meditated and did Tai chi and Kendo exercises only to feel desperately lonlely. I felt to go home, I missed going to football matches [I had a short spell as apprentice with a pro club in London but injured my ligaments and was advised to quit]. The smell of the terraces the shouting, my companions and so forth, came to haunt me and other attractions.

At one time I started hallucinating and day dreaming, fantasies and so forth. The cacophony inside my head, the din, the quietness, and the loneliness it got to a state one night where I could bear it no more. I rushed down a path which led to a gate that led nowhere, somewhat symbolic, I called this path' the path of no return and the end of the world', I used to watch the sunsets at ground level here.

I leaned on this gate and started to cry and shout, and the pressure became so immense, so tumultuous, that it seemed my head would burst open and I go stark raving mad, the fear and the pain was incredible. Suddenly I let go, god knows how or why, maybe those years preparatory to this had somehow given me some unexplainable strength. The balloon burst. A great peace filled me and I enjoyed the rest of my stay there. [See Prigogine and Tip over].

I feel that this is like the transmutation symptoms many of us are going through and perhaps all of us in the next few years. Yet with all this I still have fears which now seem to be receding into the background. However, it does sort of give me an inner knowing that this is not as important and is not of me.

When my time came to leave this haven the first large plane was to arrive on an improved runway and somewhat improved terminal. It was a TriStar plane. It just about made the runway with its nose almost hanging over the road. Luckily for me there were only three planes a day during my stay as I was near to the airport. One was a small mail plane and the other two were small tourist ones. My local farmer who I rented the cottage from[was half a crown a week, went up to three shillings] took me to the airport, back in my suit and no tie, my taxi being a horse and cart, the horse farting away like mad and me laughing my head off. I came back after having a letter from my late brother, and although seemed well, I sensed a big problem. I was correct in that assumption, my dear late brother's health had taken a turn for the worst, and I had to help the family.

I lost a year's pension off of my job and the home office very kindly reemployed me. Oh how that changed me, back in the cacophony and din of London. The first football match I went to did not excite me, this time it was different, I enjoyed it in a quieter way. There seemed to be a distance between the experience and me. It seems as the years have passed this distance I recognise as the witness, the being above the scaffold. Hardly anything now has the emotional impact as it used too, I realise I am becoming more and more the witness. I still enjoy and partake yet with less relish and addiction. I seem to be able to take it or leave it more with a sort of joy and not 'ah well there's nothing I can do about it', there is not the sadness of loss so much now. To say nothing bothers me is not true. There are ghosts that come to haunt and taunt me; however, I see this as a clearing. This is my process to mop up as it were the finer and deeper bits that stick to the side of the pot. Thank you for letting me share this.

Figure 5 Similar to my herdsman cottage. Had side rooms for animals and a balcony with a flat roof. Surroundings not so lush. Did have grasses and stunted trees, an outside loo which used lime to 'flush' toilet and a couple of broken down small barns the home to rats and snakes. The well was housed in a side building. All the buildings were built into the ground rock and so all movements of living beings could be heard and voices carried eerily, especially at night. Now the Island is built up with hotels and other modernisations. Where I lived is now a prime tourist complex of neat rowed holiday flats and houses.

Sometimes something amazing comes along. Jaytee Thompson and I met at a week long seminar held in Scarborough last year. I was presenting workshops and one to one's with other presenters. Jaytee and I made a connection. One of those friendships that last and his lovely partner Becky came for an evening and we connected too. Jaytee was a Royal Marine in the first Iraq war [Gulf War] and Becky a serving police officer. So there was a double connection as I have worked with the military and police during my forensic days. Jaytee shared with me what happened as you will see in the insert below. This is a genuine photograph. There were witnesses and this is like no other photographs I have seen. I assure you it has been examined.

You can contact Jaytee at

This apparition is Jaytee's mother's spirit and he will tell you the astounding account behind it. I do not want to relate it second hand. I know Jaytee this is not a prank. He and his partner are feet on the ground people. When I first saw this I felt it was as if the film cocoon were here again. Many film producers I know often go to archives for data. I have investigated plasma from trance mediums and have witnessed phenomena, nothing like this. Jaytee's house has poltergeists and when I was talking to him the other day all manner of things were happening with these phenomena in his kitchen. [This is written 02-11-09]. So here is the photograph.

Well it will be December when posted anything like the Ghost of Marley in Scrooge on the Christmas TV???. !!!. [see addendum in November 2009 blog. Just added] for more photos of Jaytee and dog mystery].

Have a good read of the above link. It's nice to have alternative Maya Data. Some of it ties in with some of my calculations too. Watch this space.

Earth Changes Media Newsletter With Mitch Battros

In This Issue:

- BREAKING NEWS: IPCC Global Warming Scientists Computers Hacked - You Won't Believe Your Eyes

- Mitch Battros Research of the Sun - Earth Connection and 2012

- More Earth Changes Media Links

Check this website a dynamite revelation:
Maya Message #3
2012 - Apocalypse or New Sun?
It is now posted on the Shift of the Ages site

New Video ...

Check these out for another more and very balanced approach by a Mayan Elder. Both short extracts.

Subject: What are we vaccinating or children with? John F. Kennedy's son speaks.

Please send this everywhere, if there are any doubters around you that vaccines are being poisoned with mercury & more to destroy our children's health then get them to watch this.

The swine flu vaccine is also loaded with mercury AS A PRESERVATIVE for pity's sake, they're not even TRYING to cover THAT up. If you are threatened with losing your job if you don't have this vaccine then threaten to take your employers to the European Court of human rights. So what if that puts a black mark against you in your organisation, are you seriously going to risk your health for this? If it really does go to mandatory vaccinations with the threat of arrest then get arrested, DO NOT HAVE THIS VACCINE!!!

Robert F Kennedy Jr reveals the shocking cover ups. You ABSOLUTELY need to watch this

Then there is the madness of the arrest by an army of soldiers swat teams in the US of an Israeli Scientist about to blow the whistle on the Swine Flu debacle. The banks in the UK having won an overdraft battle against thousands of people who were scammed on their overdraft charges, after the very same account holders bailed the banks out in the first place. You have to wonder that the politicians, judicial system, MP's expenses, cracks down on old folk's homes and treatment whether there is just one big conspiracy and all the authorities are in on it. They are so blatant, in your face. Are they desperate? Have they lost all shame and decency? Are the general public so asleep? Will it get so bad that it will awaken all and sundry?

Fear not the kundalini, the transformative energies are at work in the infrastructure and as we have seen above, spontaneous awakenings are afoot.

This scientist spontaneously awakened. Please look at her short video. I have heard that many doctors, scientists and sceptics have been are having these awakenings. What cannot be stopped is this current of energy even if part of the brain is tampered with.

Hackers have broken into a University of Suffolk in East Anglia and have exposed the global Warming myth. See Mitch Battros not only does he give the emails, he exposes the scientists who set this scam up and calls for Al Gore to have his Nobel Prize withdrawn. This then vindicates along with the following my blogs to some extent. More later on in the new year with luck if I can the information from my whistleblowers.

NASA has confirmed there has been a speeding up of Earth [see previous blogs] and they are puzzled and a slight shift in relationship to Sun and Earth. We are having a slightly better' alignment with the central sun' [see back blog on quasars at Milky Way Centre and gamma Rays as Love pulses]. Also the relationship with Earth and Sun, weak Terra magnetic field open magnetosphere so Sun quietens down to not toast us. [See back blog on Themis Project]. This allows more influence of Central Sun so hence the speeding up of Earth and spontaneous kundalini experiences as above.

One of the most blatant acts of indecency that conceals the cover up of world population cropping and governmental conspiracy. See link above this.

Monsanto have withdrawn certain corn strains as they are found to be unsafe [in Canada]. Another awful indictment regarding GM foods. Hold fast folks many other slimy creepy crawlies will surface as the energies of transformation purge relentlessly personal and global scams and foulness. Whoever wishes or desires atrocities against Mother Earth or her loving inhabitants will be sorted out and shamed.

Another laughing Buddha

Innocent laughing is the harbinger of joy.

This link is a lovely rendition and if you compare the look likes as in previous blogs of Edgar Cayce and the like it is very compelling.

Music plucks the heart strings of the soul and awakens passion. The passion and longing for liberation and oneness.[depends on the choice of music]. The voice is the vocal rendition of the soul's longing for unity and to be lost in the arms of the Divine.

Seasons Greeting to You. Have a great time and sing joy to your heart. Thank for your support.

Lots of Love. Geoff

P.S. When the computers at the University of East Anglia were recently hacked, they discovered that scientists have been hiding the truth about global warming, actively trying to suppress any evidence that it is not caused by CO2.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Light as a Carrier of Information - November 2009

THIS IS VERY EXCITING. See insert below to start this off. This is an article from Dr. Mercola's website, the original of which you can find at

How Your Biophoton Field Regulates Your Physical Health

The DNA inside each cell in your body vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work).

This vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA — which occurs several billion times per second — and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single bio photon; a light particle.

That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single bio photon can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other bio photons it crosses in the bio photon field outside your body.

All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body.

This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. This corresponds nicely with the findings in the study above that show your light field ebbs and flows along with your metabolic rhythm.

The information transfer on bio photons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the bio photons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.

The tubulin, in turn, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translatedinside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.

Every living organism emits bio photons or low-level luminescence, and the higher the level of light a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual who eats it.

Hence, the more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is. Naturally grown fresh vegetables, for example, and sun-ripened fruits, are rich in light energy.

The capacity to store bio photons is therefore a measure of the quality of your food.

I firmly believe it's only a matter of time before these truths will become common scientific- and medical knowledge. You can help speed things up by sharing what you know with your family and friends.

This information is given from Dr. Mercola and various sources. I have mentioned this so many times in previous blogs and I write this on the 22nd Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence of this period of the 15th to the 18th of August 2009. Should you care to go back to my blog on the Themis Project [please ignore graphics and pictures, they were an experiment put in after the blog was finished] March 2009 blog. The light we see as opposed to dark is only the refraction and interchange with our atmosphere. Photonic energy carries through the dark of space without the necessary effect that our eyes interpret as light. Again we see below the explanation by Dr. Mercola in even more depth.

Energy Medicine – Ancient Knowledge Gets a Facelift

There is an emerging trend of clinicians who recognize that a far more powerful approach to healing is one that is based on physics and not on chemistry.

Many natural health experts believe that your body is not only made up of tissue, blood vessels and organs. It's also composed of energy, or chi as it's called in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

This energy is circulated through your body along specific meridians, and when points on your skin that correspond to certain meridians are manipulated, the energy circulation and your internal organs are affected. Acupuncture is one well-known modality used to manipulate the flow of your meridians, but there are others.

The term "energy medicine" and modalities such as meridian tapping techniques have become more and more widespread, even though conventional medicine still largely ignores it.

Schematic illustration of experimental setup that found the human body, especially the face, emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day. B is one of the test subjects. The other images show the weak emissions of visible light during totally dark conditions. The chart corresponds to the images and shows how the emissions varied during the day. The last image (I) is an infrared image of the subject showing heat emissions. Credit: Kyoto University; Tohoku Institute of Technology; PLoS ONE

But your body is also surrounded by light, or energy.

As mentioned in the article above, earlier research has confirmed that your body emits light that is 1,000 times less intense than what your naked eyes are sensitive to. (Some people, however, are able to see this emitted light or "aura," and some can even distinguish colors.)

What's really interesting about this study is that they discovered these light emissions appear to be linked to your body clock and the rhythmic fluctuations of your metabolism over the course of the day.

This suggests that you could detect medical conditions with the use of highly light-sensitive cameras.

"If you can see the glimmer from the body's surface, you could see the whole body condition," said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan.

There are other devices that can accomplish a similar feat already, such as electro dermal screening, which measures your electrical skin resistance to gain information about your chi flow.

If an electrodermal screening finds that certain meridian points are out of balance there are numerous non-invasive ways, such as massage therapy, herbal medicine and homeopathy, to bring them back into homeostasis.

Your Biophoton Field Holds the Key to Your Health

Others have explained the existence of light and energy around your body in terms of a "bio photon field."

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses this field in The Five Levels of Healing, which is based on a healing model developed some 12,000 years ago. This energetic model for health has influenced Tibetan medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and Ayurvedic medicine as well.

The existence of the bio photon field was scientifically proven by Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp in 1974.

Your physical health is dependent not only on what goes on inside of your body, but is also interconnected with and dependent on other non-physical levels of energy, such as the energy surrounding your body, called the bio photon field.

In highly simplistic terms, your bio photon field can be viewed as a highly sophisticated computer that processes, stores and retrieves information that is then used to regulate your biological processes.

It is known in biology that every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Many (mostly European) scientists have investigated the organizing principle behind this sophisticated dance.

Dr. Popp also proved that bio photons originate from your DNA and that they are laser-like in nature. He developed the biophoton theory to explain their biological role and the ways in which they help control your biochemical processes.

How Your Bio photon Field Regulates Your Physical Health

The DNA inside each cell in your body vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work).

This vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single bio photon; a light particle.

That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single bio photon can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other bio photons it crosses in the bio photon field outside your body.

All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body.

This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. This corresponds nicely with the findings in the study above that show your light field ebbs and flows along with your metabolic rhythm.

The information transfer on bio photons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the bio photons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.

The tubulin, in turn, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translated inside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.

Have You Ingested Healthy Light Today?

A fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Klinghardt has started using, based on this premise, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways.

For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your bio photons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the actual nutrient!

Bio photon research also puts a whole new spin on the impact of environmental toxins.

Mercury, for example, destroys your tubulins at extremely low concentrations. Remember, tubulins are the light-conductive molecules in your connective tissues, so by disrupting these all-important light transmissions from your bio photon field to your cells to your metabolic enzymes, mercury effectively disconnects the intelligent force that organizes your biochemistry.

All the more reason to avoid those thimerosal-laden flu shots!

Raw Food = Live Food = Healthy Light Particles

Biophoton research also explains the underlying principles of why it's so vital to eat a diet of mostly RAW food.

As you know, without the sun it is virtually impossible for most life forms to exist. For example, we now know that without appropriate sun exposure, you will become deficient in vitamin D, which will have very far ranging consequences for your health. Vitamin D influences at least 2,000-3,000 genes (that we know of), and without sufficient amounts of vitamin D, your body becomes susceptible to a staggering amount of diseases.

But you can absorb sun energy via your food as well as through your skin (although this should not be confused with being able to alter your vitamin D status).

Dr. Johanna Budwig from Germany has stated that live foods are electron-rich, and act as high-powered electron donors and "solar resonance fields" in your body to attract, store, and conduct the sun's energy in your body.

The greater your store of light energy, the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently the more energy is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health.

[Dr. Mercola quoted from]

Back in March 2009 [please ignore modified pictures and diagrams they were part of an experiment added to when blog was finished] I mentioned the light encoded spirals and the messages that turn on the so called redundant or junk DNA and that they came in spirals and so forth this was in regard to the Themis project.

Further more I would suggest you purchase a DVD from What Doctor's Don't Tell You and the works of Dr Konstantin Korotkov from The Living Field Conference titled Icons of the Field. I have mentioned him several times in back blogs and his work is truly amazing. Combine all this with Nassim Haramein's video containing the intelligent sun, Korotkov, Popp, the article insert above, my research into light and encoded messages, Einstein's quote on light, 'matter is energy, energy is light and we are all light beings'. Hail the day when light energy becomes the healing to replace all other techniques, substances and so forth. See my blog on Russian scientist August 2009 breakthroughs with DNA transference and The Field and frequency found heart operation drug use. The Field written by Lyn McTaggart.

Quantum calculations show that we and our universe live in what amounts to a sea of motion - a quantum sea of light. Also referred to by physicists as the vacuum, the Zero Point Field is called 'zero' because fluctuations in the field are still detectable at temperatures of absolute zero, the lowest possible energy state.

The basic substructure of the universe is a field of unimaginably massive quantum energy in so-called empty space - the energy in a single cubic metre of space is enough to boil all the oceans in the world.

Frontier scientists from top-ranking institutions such as Princeton and Stanford in the US and in Europe have come to realise that the Zero Point Field - discounted by physicists, who tend to 'renormalize' their equations by subtracting it out - could hold the key to areas that have bedevilled scientists for centuries.

According to these new theories, all living things, at their most fundamental, are packets of quantum energy constantly exchanging information with this pulsating energy field. We literally resonate with our world.

Through scientific experiments, scientists have demonstrated that there may be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe, just as George Lucas imagined in Star Wars.

Taking account of the Zero Point Field may also provide a scientific explanation for so-called 'energy' medicine as well as many of the most profound human mysteries - from ESP to life after death.

The implications for light, about light about us being quantum packets of energy exchanging and interrelating and yet being uniquely us, yet even further knowing there is the witness to this which is common to all of us, so in a way there is only awareness and no formal body or mind, just an all encompassing Being. This Being is formless and has not yet split itself into individuality. This maybe the Great Beings leggo set, that is packets of quanta. This Being then witnesses itself through diversity which reminds itself of its oneness.

Nassim Haramein sets out the fake calculations that scientists make [click here] by this renormalizing process of calculations. They leave out spin and perturbations and put in a nominal amount and equation. By going into the 'leave' outs we might be able to verify all the aspects healers claim, the tele powers and see that these tiny fluctuations and spins are actually the very quanta that produce the so called super and psychic phenomena. In fact my research has shown when conditions are right the energies of this realm can surface through an atmosphere of resonance. Our brains and the 'realm' interface.

This then throws the true authenticity of the calculations and at such small levels makes it a mockery. Anyway we are far from a calculated energy source. Yes at so called form 3D, that is factual and in the realms of logic. Consciousness wise we are unlimited and only bound by our belief systems and conditioning.

This also explains when a negative strong disruptive force is present these minute' noisy' frequencies are blocked off and then pushed down. This pushed down feeling is why sensitives feel so awful when in a doubting atmosphere when asked to perform or take part in experiments. In fact it akin to spiritual indigestion.

Babies in particular are sensitive to atmospheres as are animals, plants and sea creatures.

My blog describes Dr Graham Farrants interview taken with the Institute of Noetic Science and the full article is in the link below. We are Unlimited and only bound by our belief systems and conditioning.

Also explained in the 2005 link back blog are some clinical experiences in my work as a psychotherapist which relate to reincarnation or far memory as some like to call it.

Sitting still and slowly sinking into the stillness and feeling a star being a star woman or man. Going out further beyond space and going in beyond the particle and wave, beyond zero quanta. These two seemingly opposites are the complementariness. Coming from or apparently appearing from beyond time, the infinite to the finite. From beyond light and dark to light and dark. The mystery of Life and its appearance and disappearance.

Everything one sees or experiences is not me, us. Even one's body is not forever, nothing is forever than we can see feel touch know or reason. Death swallows all and if we retain that memory it might attract us back to the form we left. If we see that by the tip over or Prigogine bifurcation [October 2009 blog], then we have the possibility or probability to become a higher and more efficient form. So who are we then?

When one is younger, one is aware of oneself, then older and still aware of oneself. The form grows older the witness to the awareness of the form ages not. If one's identity is with the form then one dies with the form. If one's identity is the awareness of the witness, the consciousness, then there is death of the form, which proves it was transient, expedient and in that way illusionary. This then can bring peace and with that a sense of light. The realisation comes that I am not the form and this is a relief and brings a quiet joy and certainty.

The erroneous belief that the form must live forever cultivates fear. Trying to keep this form young by cosmetics, severe discipline is alright to a point. Beyond that the search for ever lasting life in a form body may prove to be a fruitless and wearisome task and perhaps in the way of the Cosmos not intended.

Just as birth was a gateway to a form of experience so death is a gateway or birth to another existence, hopefully of a lighter substance, perhaps more ethereal. This means it can handle more energy, more complex in its abilities and yet simpler so fulfilling Prigogine's and the tip over theories and allowing bio photons to become akin to their origins of light. Light encoded beings that follow closely the patterns of the particle wave inter actions and their endemic DNA which is luminous and less organically bound.

This light body is already around us and as we burn off the need in the course of 3D time for a flesh existence then we simply become more of our auric propensities. As the 'onion' skins of the corporeal body dissolve, depending on the amount of entropy we dissipate and disperse, so shall our next rebirth be accomplished?

I suspect there are many realms of' light existences', just as there are many forms of human incarnations. Each realm has its own 'laws' and yet the witness is there still through these lives as well. Should the witness be able to none identify then enlightenment ensues. Just what these are indescribable and then in the realm as it were of God. The witness is the witness without the need of form or light.

Here is a trap. The ego has its own awareness. It becomes the sentinel of its programmes and conditioning which sets up its subtle attack and defence mechanisms. This is fools gold. One practices awareness, this is OK to a point where the REALISATION of awareness replaces the act of practising of the habit of' I must remind myself to be present or aware'. The habit or reminder disappears not by becoming an automatic response mechanism, but realising I am awareness, presence, and consciousness.

When the quest for enlightenment is not needed and the mind becomes intuitively engaged then questions go and knowing replaces the seeking. Then instant manifestation is accomplished and one has become one with source.

Figure 1: Beyond, behind--before form is Source. What is Source? That is the mystery that drives evolution. Evolution trying to find its own source. This is the Koan and paradox.

My old Sensei and Sifu rolled around in laughter and would have torn up this page or all blogs and used them in a certain room in the flat. Many a time they curled up in unstoppable laugher and sometimes on the floor [I've had one of these and see Mooji, previous blog {the laughing Buddha}]. I do not know what cracked me up or that of the video of Mooji or my teachers. It is a realisation of something that is so simple and yet with no reason. It is realising I suppose that nothing exists and that's OK, it's a label that falls off when the need to know what this label denotes and depicts is fallacious. As crazy at it might seem emptiness once experienced even in a flash is strangely liberating and to some terrifying. It seemed so freeing at the time [oh that word time].

Figure 2: The picture says it all!

In a few blogs back it was mentioned that when in Forensics that a scientist I came in contact with stated that the magnetism suggested in rock samples about the flip of the poles, climate change and small creatures that were deep in Earth start surfacing when a magnetic anomaly is sensed. This is now and has been occurring.

Furthermore the blog on the Themis experiment it showed the effect of the magnetosphere and the North and South Pole with my suggestions of the spirals and the explanation of the messages and encodings from the sun. When there is a lowering of the Earths Magnetic field strength maybe heralding a flip of the Poles magnetically[not physically], then more Solar energy, plasma and the like can enter Earth. I suggest therefore that the encodings are now able to breach even more and get the DNA signals into us, the planet and all things. Some scientists' feel a complete flip is far away as yet, but there is movement, quite startling for some boffins and others a slow decline.

Looking at the diagrams in the two links above we see the similar spinning vortex fields. Strange how scientists leave out spin and perturbations from the particle fields, yet calculates them in Astro calculations and they complain about a unifying theory. Nassim Haramein in his videos explains the lot and this awful admission in the calculations and their significance.

The video shows the Sun pulsing, UFO and the Sun, and the Suns defence against a huge object plus a saving grace from the object. I know the video is 6 hrs in length; however, you can view a few periods at a time. The timer can be moved and indicates the session viewed in minutes and so forth. This is in my opinion the unified theory as is now being recognised and the first part describes this theory. In my view we are looking at the new Einstein and more. He includes metaphysics. I have stated in the future Meta and other physics will be joined in a complimentary form as will be allopathic and natural complimentary medicine. Just when the time line will be for this is a difficult prognosis. It will come when a consensus of minds see the light as it were.

Figure 3: When the mind can float free as this astronaut, the ability to think outside the box. To take on board that which seems outrageous and yet when gone into most sensible. It takes a big open mind, discerning and yet eager mind to embrace new ways.

Where there is space there is room for more and more and yet Krishnamurti's quote' The use of a cup is its emptiness'. The way I see this that to get more information one has to empty the tea to pour in the coffee. This then satisfies Prigogine and the tip over as in previous blogs. The exchange, the dissipative function, bifurcation and entropy. The mind when healthily empty, in the state of awareness without bias, attention without intention, comes as it were, into a low pressure passive mode; this then can automatically pick up high pressure thought activity. This can be seen in telepathy, astral travel and picking up the collective unconscious. True awareness has its own built in discernment. Analogous to this is low pressure weather fronts which attract high pressure fronts, electrical circuits which flow from negative pole to positive pole, water that is at high pressure to flow to low pressure as in plumbing. This interactive flow of Yin and Yang and is a continuous motion in its interplay, its dynamic and is the eternal motion of Life. There is no death only the exchange of one energy form to another hopefully to a higher order. It is the propulsion of evolution. Seemingly erratic and chaotic and yet possessed of a higher intelligence and yet deceivingly simple. Simplicity is so simple it appears complex. It is only complex when the chain is broken up into sections as in mechanical solid physics. Yet left in its endemic native holistic form simple, miraculous and ecologically sound.

When I first started blogs in energygrid I had a fantastic vertigo caused by the Tsunami of 2004. I have mentioned the ethmoid bone and various sentivitys some people have. I am in Yogic terms a vatta, pitta, and in Chi terms lower Yin. So others I know akin to me, and incidentally not of the same astrological sign, some have some Scorpio and Leo[I am a Scorpio], have the exact same 'symptoms' at the same time in different parts of the world and time zones. With this in mind my feelings are with those in Samoa and local area where there has been a further spat of tsunami, floods and earthquakes.

Some experts are saying that more are expected in this area and I have read that a group of Maya predicted this and also a nuclear confrontation between India and Pakistan. They say we have to change our ways and this will either lessen the devastation or the Earth Being will endeavour to soften the impact as much as possible. Of course the sceptic will argue it is tectonic and natural; however research has shown by the Institute of HeartMath and other institutions and individual scientist's research that the collective consciousness which is linked in a deep way to the Earth's magnetic field can do physical interactions and can deflect or buffer some impact.

I felt this above on the Monday 28 September 2009. I awoke that morning with a sense foreboding, and about 09.00 I became giddy. I had an hour on the bus to St.Albans and felt nauseous, giddy and could hardly walk, this persisted even as I type this on Wednesday 30 September 2009. Emails, phone calls from the sensitive's I know began to come in.

Some psychics I know reckon we sense these events and catastrophes beforehand and travel astral wise to the event, await the calamity and assist those who pass over to realise where they are. I feel there is something in this and I tend to do a 'puja,' this to me is sort of contacting the soul or entity awareness that is still bound to the personality and requesting a being of light to escort this person to a place or guide as it were. Those who are more conscious or aware go to 'special place' where pre life agreements are arranged [see back blogs]. Those who have less awareness or very little other than their personality and are addicted to their Earth body and experiences can become Earth bound as ghosts or instantly reincarnate.[Not the same as enlightened being who intends to inhabit a body, those who have less awareness have less choice]. The proportion of awareness determines the proportion of choice. [November 2005 blog on pre life agreements].

Magnetic fields hold many lattice matrixes together. With the diminishing Earth magnetic field it may be a possibility that the collective unconscious matrix is being disassembled gradually as the swing from magnetic north now veering eastward progresses. Commensurate and concomitant to this the swing may produce a different type of mass consciousness or collective mind. It maybe if the swing continues so that there is a magnetic pole reversal it could result in a complete different mass mind set.

This could also explain why so many are feeling disassociated with their current mind sets and this is changing daily and any attempt to salvage or go back to the old set produces the associated withdrawal symptoms, referred to as ascension or transformation symptoms. It maybe we are not ascending as it were but having differing mind sets as we travel through the new matrixes as the breakdown occur. This being incremental and perhaps quickening as the fields get weaker.

The sun is quiet because it is in resonance with Earth. Weaker Earth magnetic fields allow more entry of Sun energy in the form of CME's. However we are still being bombarded by cosmic energy. This shows the dialogue between the intelligences at work throughout the Universe. We would be burnt up if the sun activities woke up and pounded us at this moment. This is the enigma and anomaly that scientists face. If consciousness and intelligence, spin and perturbations are not factored in then one is left with zilch. [See blog on Themis in March 2009, please excuse inserts pictures they were an experiment to see how blogs could accommodate these kinds of inserts and energygrid space and technology].

Just recently we had a comet zoom by the moon; this apparently is a common occurrence. Also there is another film out knocking Al Gore's environmental film. Many scientists are questioning the carbon emission theory. The truth is out there as they say and to remember truth is a moving finger too. Truth is relative to the moment of truth and then it can change as situations arise. However one's intrinsic truth is the unmovable movable.

Lots of Love.



Jaytee would appreciate your feedback. Jaytee is an ex Royal Marine who fought in the first Gulf War and his partner Beckie is a serving police officer. They are grounded people and are now pursuing a self growth and spiritual path.


Here are the rest of the pics that were taken on the night of Mums first anniversary!…(taken by my best friend who is a serving police officer of 27 years)… there were four of us and when Mark used his new mobile phone camera to take pics… everyones were normal even pictures of him when I took it… yet mine had orbs on them… every time… 2 weeks before my Mother died she called me to her room and said that she had prayed for the Lord to take her… but she would always be around me holding my hand… and when you look at the cocoon image… shes right there holding my hand…

Also the pic of the dog… (you have to look really close at the wall and zoom in... but you can make out faces, and you can see Lukes face his odd grey eye in the wall along with what I think is Mum bending over him… they all died in September… my dog, mum, dad and fiancee…

Hope this helps… let me know if you need anything else my good good friend… lets hope it sparks some debate… and offers some reassurances that we are most definitely not alone… and that the two universes are most certainly very very close… if not interacting…


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Saturday 10 October 2009

Side by Side — From Particle to Article - October 2009

TWO LONG WHEEL BASED tropicalised land rovers were parked back to back to back in a desert, a canvas attached from roof to roof and side attachments forming an oblong tent. I lay on the roof of one of the vehicles looking up at the night sky as the evening turned into darkness and the stars came out as if by an organised light show.

The silence of the desert, my companions inside quiet and meditating, the occasional crack of the contracting sand and salt, as if footsteps were approaching. The heat of the day subsiding and eventually becoming cold. As I lay there I became absorbed in the myriad amazing scene unfolding as it had done and is doing for millions of years. The emerging starry night held me spell bound and as I lay there gazing into the night sky I felt myself going into the night cameo. A slight tinge of fear enveloped me as I began to lose my sense of identity and became overwhelmed. Relaxing into this scenario I became for a while one with this awe inspiring and magnificent experience. Then on coming back to where I was and the shock and excitement with the spaced out feeling as if I were slightly drunk and dizzy.

Figure 1: Infiniteness of space reminds us of our finiteness

The cold became apparent and I went back into the land rover and a special adapted bed across the front seats was my sleeping space. My two companions had their sleeping bags across the two long range diesel fuel tanks by means of planks. All in all a cosy arrangement easily erected and dismantled.

I lay in my warm sleeping bag and thoughts and feelings crowded my excited mind. That starry night, many stars no longer there. How did they get there? Where did I come from? Who am I? Where am I going when I dissolve like an exploding star? I felt so finite, tiny and small, and yet so comforted at the same time. Deep inside I knew I was part of this, and yet somehow separate. It was a side by side arrangement.

Of course my logical mind said "It was a result of the big bang" "It was God that created it all", "Who created God? ". This and many other questions arose. Then again I surrendered and agreed within me to accept the mystery. As soon as I did this a pleasant relaxed glow crept through me and I knew that this is the quest, the journey and indeed this was why I was in this vehicle anyway.

During the course of the journey many wonders and sights were experienced. Then it came, the big question one night again pondering on the roof and sleeping bag. How did the first particle arrive? How did these particles arrive to become articles, forms? Of course the logical mind said evolution. Yet my scientific mind said there is no intelligence in evolution it self forms itself without any need for intelligence or consciousness of itself.

This explanation did not satisfy me. I felt that if I am part of this then I am aware of myself, I am conscious of my existence, whether an illusion or not. The next step in this drama that was unfolding in me, and I might add causing me considerable consternation, as one of my companions remarked" where are you these days, you seem very preoccupied?" I began then some forty years back to realise that consciousness is who I am and what formed the worlds of form. Then the process still ongoing of what is this consciousness, the search for at onement with this consciousness, endeavouring to define this awareness and the constant enquiry of 'yes I know I am this consciousness and I accept I am aware of my awareness and as such consider me a sentient being'.

Yet a nagging question arose. How did this consciousness arise or become manifest in its awareness of itself? My spiritual mentors told me that there was no answer to this and I would know the 'intuitive' answer. In other words the answer was outside logic, the finite mind, and the answer would come intuitively from the inside mind.

Forty years on and flashes of the 'answer' have arrived spontaneously, uninvited, not sought for, and it seems when the mind is not searching, it relaxes, goes beyond the boundaries of its own making. Then a flash, a knowing, no words as such, just a kind of inner glow a confirmation which no explanation could bring, and then peace a flood of tears sometimes. Then being human, whatever that conjures up to mind, and being me, my ego starts up its quest and says" surely there is more to it than that, you are not really satisfied with this?" .

It seems my programming, my conditioning, my ever restless ego still wants the journey and the quest. It seems I have to exhaust every niche and cranny of who I am to come back, to arrive back, at that intuitive enlightening flash and that is the bedrock of my existence and indeed that of the Universe. The particle to article is complete because consciousness has its own reasoning beyond the ken of the ego. It is the compliment to the ego; it is not in opposition to the ego. Because if consciousness wants, wishes, desires to become aware of itself, it has to have an ego to validate the complimentary side, it is indeed the mirror of its own existence.

What then is left to quest to travel on to be Life? It is a constant journey. Consciousness creates forms in order for the forms to be mirrored by a finite form in order for that form to be seen as illusion of its creator so that the complimentary infiniteness maybe witnessed and consciousness once again establishes its own infinite identity through its dissolving of its finite component.

So where am I now? I am no further than forty years ago in the sense I have not solved or want to solve how consciousness arrived and am and is. Why so? Because consciousness is the bedrock for me there is nowhere else to go. I am that. I am the quest that I seek. It seems that I just experience what consciousness throws up and this confirms as I experience this, that I am awareness; this is my true nature and alpha and omega. The journey through finite forms will continue to confirm the illusion of finiteness, the mirror and complimentary to the witness of these finite forms me as the infinite witness or awareness. So the mystery consciousness remains to be the finite mirror form not so to witness presence of the awareness another nomenclature for consciousness. All these are words until one has that flash of knowing.

Then a question. Why one cannot remain in the peace, unformed energy or potential, in the primordial awareness? The only way I see this and it is logic and therefore a view from finiteness. Consciousness which has its own 'logic' wishes to experience itself and so therefore like us built in the image of consciousness, it wishes to live, experience and enjoy its creativeness. Maybe boredom, loneliness urges the creation to spring forth. I did mention several times in past blogs that in some Eastern philosophies the 'spirit of Eternal Loneliness' causes the explosive urge of creation. That seems something I can accept. For out of loneliness we seek companionship and who is to say that consciousness does not have the same emotion?

Further on into the journey there was the living desert. Although barren it felt as though it were a canvas to write ones thoughts on to daydream. There also was this possibility in the quietness and emptiness of visual input to get to' grips' as it were with ones own presence and aliveness. The quietness, the hissing sound inside oneself and then the rebellious mind not liking this emptiness. One night after a few days of this peace my mind stopped its incessant chatter as if the internal dialogue miraculously switched off. It came about as I heard the loud cacophony of sound like today's ghetto blasters, and something inside yearned for the quiet and kept it so for days.

Coming back into the towns and markets, the noise and bustle even with meditation and searching for this quiet I seemed to have lost it. Yet the inside din was and never has been so loud again. It is more of a background hum now, and even in so called retirement in quiet surroundings the inside head stuff is far more in the distance and none interfering. It seems my souls yearns for this and deservedly gets a smidgeon of reward.

One night as I lay on the roof as night began to fall a strange glow appeared on the horizon as I lay parallel to it. Flares of light lit up the horizon; I could not make this out. On using binoculars I realised this was the burn off stacks of an oil refinery. The barren desert, the stars, the eerie quiet, the flares, it all seemed surreal. This reminded me of the illusion of form, transitory, yet so mind appealing and sometimes addictive.

Figure 2: The Living Desert

There are two 'spiritual' experiences regarding deserts. One is the living desert and the other the desolate desert. Both I have described and experienced in back blogs. Many a traveller and pilgrim have found and lost themselves in the desert. Some people cannot abide the absence of noise and substance; I prefer the stillness and sparseness of form. These days I seem to be emptying my tiny flat of its contents. Strange the more I give away the more I found I have stored like a squirrel and its winter cache.

So from this massive journey of mind and miles and to 2012 and this whole concept of whether there might be a critical mass of minds and so tip over the current paradigm [see back blogs on the number of sites and people turning towards a new way]. The forces of lethargy, security, comfortability, entropy and the human condition of greed, hoarding and sheer addictiveness to power and egoism seeking to delay and destroy the new way foreword, I offer a workshop scenario some of us did in the 80's. We called it planetary initiative [have mentioned it before]. It was backed for a short while by the UN, it printed out a planetary passport [I still have this, it is not a legal document], then when the great immigration, asylum seekers and the like started, this passport was discontinued. The dream was that eventually the whole human race would see one another as planetary citizens, celebrating their uniqueness and diversity rather than fearing it and endeavouring to proselyte to a one politic and religion. A similar idea to the one world government, but there would be devolution, and an ethos that what works locally can be shared and ingeniously, inspirationally reworked to other localities because of climate, culture and the like. Local herbal and building strategies along with harmless friendly technology, coupled with adaptability and encouragement to this rather than punishment and large global conglomerates. The reason planetary initiative did disperse is because we wanted it to be an inclusive idea and not top heavy.

Many left and did their own thing. I went into Attitudinal Healing and then from that to the work I do now called Healing Attitudes. One of the ideas that so appealed to me I will show below in a small diagram.
Figure 3: Left side mega crisis. Right side mega solution. Apex synthesis.

An example on left side Pollution. On right side alternative solutions as in new technologies. On left allopathic medicine and complete removal of natural therapies. On right Complimentary medicine including the best allopathic.

As one approaches the apex things get more intense and more critical. Then as the crescendo increases then it implodes and explodes into a third way or synthesis. This hopefully will occur in 2012, or 2036 and 2075. I have a feeling that this is happening now and will complete its second phase by 2012. Apart from Rupert Sheldrake [critical mass, rat experiments, chickens, don't lie, REG stuff, telepathy in Koestler Unit, Institute of Noetic Sciences and Cellular interview with Dr Graham Farrant, all in previous blogs, books by Marylyn Fergusson, Peter Russell, all in previous blogs] I would like to share now a very important theory and world recognised fact now by a genius scientist.

The world scientific community had been to this point of discovery become more involved in closed systems. Closed systems seem to be closed like the contents of a room but over long time they slowly interact with the environment. Closed systems can reach a point when they reach a state of maximum disorder. This state of disorder then reaches a point of entropy which can no longer hold its form together.

Along comes Prigogine whose interest is in open systems. These systems constantly interact with their environment. They change, evolve and grow. Living organisms are of this kind. They are constantly in flux or equilibrium. They take on forms of light, heat, food, air and water and at the same shed their intake in the form of waste, carbon dioxide and various activities, and so are having to constantly adjust to their environment. This entails, healing, learning, growing changing.

Prigogine's study of open systems was to understand how systems of sustainable and increasing order survived in a Universe that tends towards disarray and chaos. He found that open systems took in material but also had the ability to dissipate the entropy back to the environment. He called these structures dissipative structures. He found that all open structures in order to survive must constantly take and dissipate back to the environment; this means a constant flow of energy in and out of the system. In fact the system is the flow. Quantum physicists' of the mechanical branch of this science, uphold this view, that the universe is not one independent thing or set of things, it is indeed one of changing, flowing, evolving, intimately interconnected system of interactions.

These dissipative structures are therefore unstable and live in fluctuating environment but are supple enough to handle variations. The more structured and complex this system becomes the more entropy it must handle, and so dissipate more entropy to survive. This is a major and noted point. If the disturbing ripples, fluctuations, variances increase too much for the system to maintain from the environment and the system becomes more chaotic and entropic internally that is, then the system begins to crack up to the point where a slight touch can bring that system to a crunching stop. This Prigogine calls bifurcation point [split into two branches]. The system then has two ways to go. It goes bust completely and is non existent or it self organises or spontaneously reinstates itself. Amazingly this reinstatement or reorganisation is not associated in anyway it was before, and is not in the least associated or predictable from previous conditions. Like in quantum stuff only the probability is a possibility that an outcome may occur. This is a true quantum leap, a particle, a death and rebirth through quantum fluctuations. The new system then has the propensity to maintain and facilitate the fluctuations, the flow and input from the environment, which had caused the previous structure and system to breakdown. Prigogine's own words" the system escaped into a higher order". Out of the chaos and breakdown of the old system a new ordered system and is more highly evolved. In fact it has the ability to survive in the previous environment more efficiently. However, the same repetitive procedure will follow if the fluctuations prevail and put it in overwhelm and cause the chaos and breakdown. So evolving a higher order and advanced evolution again. The spiral of evolution follows this path.

From this we see how the present paradigm and mega crisis and solution meet at the apex. The saturation point, the point of bifurcation, so go into chaos as we now see in the environment politically, morally, religiously, financially and individually, we are approaching maximum entropy and if we cannot dissipate this to the environment, which we cannot it seems, as we keep going around and around the bush, not really changing policies but laundering them to look as though changes have taken place and entropy builds up, there is no exchange just a stagnation of old ideas, a merry go round, this then gives a bifurcation, bust completely or quantum leap into a higher order. Check out this similar idea.

Then the system breaks down and out that chaos then there is a quantum probability of synthesis or the new order as it emerges from the ground base of being. What might this be or when? It might breakdown completely by 2012 or those other dates given, and what might it look like or be? We only have the promise of a probability that is a possibility. That we can be sure of, a new way will arrive, when and where are only in the realms of possibilities and probabilities. Yet it will arrive.
Figure 4: Particles photographed from bubble chamber.
Possibilities from this?

As above Jupiter's scar Venus's pimple, Mars methane, Sun pulsing, all planets having climatic changes similar to global warming. This might be the tell tale signs that entropy is at hand, the breakdown occurring and the input from the central Sun causing an enormous input of energy, which in turn will cause the dissipation to be large in exchange and if not, then bifurcation, the breakdown into chaos. Then the solar system will be caput, or a new higher order will evolve out of the chaotic debris.

This new system according to Prigogine will be able to accommodate more energy and hence input. It will also be able to dissipate it as well. Is this not the set up writers, channelers, bloggers and all sorts of 2012 and similar scenarios write about? Some of the prophesies included in this paint similar cameos. As to the exact time scale? I feel this depends on the amount of entropy this present system can handle. I have quoted in past blogs a kind of formulae. 'The breakdown and or the breakthrough are proportional to the units in this system and the sum of the consciousness of the individual and the whole will be tantamount to the systems health and sustainability as to the survival of the system'. In other words free choice is there only as a delay. Inevitably the system will collapse and hopefully rebuild in a higher structure.

The maximum energy input is coming close as the Sun travels to its appointment and alignment with the Central Sun December 2012 which incidentally is the end of the 11 year Sun cycle C24 which as yet has not turned out to be the 50% higher flares [CME's] although I suspect the Sun is still pulsing

I favour the idea of two differing consciousnesses living side by side and who knows maybe in differing dimensions without them being aware of themselves and those in them not realising the separation. 
Figure 5: The jouney of the Sun across the ecliptic. The nearer the centre the warmer.

Civilisations fluctuate with the Sun's proximity to the Central Sun and it has been shown that certain hormones proliferate and decline with these cycles of heat and cold[see back blogs].
Figure 6: the rise and fall cycles of populace with ecliptic cycles

The Maya understood these sun cycles as did the Egyptians and the various other peoples. The intelligent sun becomes the intelligent central sun becomes the intelligent Universe, becomes the Divine Mind and plan, which is an ever changing scenario and evolutionary journey.

The next diagram shows the relationship between the sun cycles and the hormones, I have suggested before [back blog] that there is also a relationship between obesity and the sun cycle. I feel only 5% of obesity is food, exercise and modern culture, like with global warming we still should cut back emissions and with obesity take a careful look at diet, exercise and the like. It would seem the Cosmos plays a much larger part in our lives than we might have thought.

Maybe the transformations symptoms, to some painful, and to others a hypochondriacally sensitive and lonely confused person because that set of individuals do not seem affected by them. Yet this is not an issue. We have our paths to follow. In my case I realised the 1967 writings were and is my path. These strange anomalies in my life make me search deeper, it is my 'spiritual', sometimes defying logic and common sense and other times so simple and easily understood.

What if we are brave enough to reach outside the known, the box? Would we indeed be lost without hope and desolate? We will never know until we defy logic at times and leap into what may seem a bottomless pit.

So many people have contacted me and I share their feelings, as they feel reality, their very identity, that was and to some extent their reality shift. Indeed it is the shift, truly the shift of the ages. 
And so to the future. Who knows as we go further and further into a real flip, a kind of mental, psychological, emotional roller coaster.

I would advise one not to take the ionising too seriously as in depiction; however, there is a research about fertility in male and female and so much IVF going on. Yet in some places there are huge increases in the birth rate. My feeling is that the warming proliferates the birth rate through the hormone abundance [back blog], whiles the CME's [solar flares and pulsing], and may cause a higher risk of ionisation.
Figure 7: This depicts the journey of 36 years across the centre. A debateable figure.

This 36 year is interesting. I have stated we have a series of windows of opportunity so as to speak, 2012, 2036 and 2075. One can calculate from the grand cross in July 1999 and it comes to 2035, and or from 1998 to 2034. These are near enough to my 1967 information which said 'in 1999 there would be a Grand Cross in which humanity will unleash its filth and degradation into the world, this falling from the cross unlocks the door to the putrid vileness that has been suppressed down the ages of this cycle. A great upheaval will ensue and the healing, purging process will commence, and an alchemic process caused by the heat of the local solar sun will be responsible for this process. A great suffering by many will be undertaken, and they that are left will be cleaned out scrubbed and have to start over, and yet the shift this brings in consciousness will make this non laborious. In fact it will seem a new and pristine world, hallelujah'.

Once again NASA have confirmed what I feel, of course its not the official view and that the Sun is doing strange things [Again see Nassim Haramein video as before at the 4-hour mark], check out this link.

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has uncovered a dramatic find as it captures a new vision of the Galactic Centre disclosing a complex and hostile environment. An area known as "Sagittarius A," contains several mysterious X-ray filaments. Some of these likely represent huge magnetic structures interacting with streams of very energetic electrons produced by rapidly spinning neutron stars or perhaps by a gigantic analogue of a solar flare. [see also back blog on quasars].

Is there a connection, or perhaps a revolutionary find which supports Mayan prophecy of the coming Galactic Alignment, 2012, and Cycle 24's apex (or maximum)? A picture comes together further bringing modern science and ancient text ever more united. As the galaxy's centre comes closer to its alignment with our solar system, could this bring with it continued escalation in earth changes events?

A collection of Chandra pointing has created a single snap-shot of galactic evolution. Surrounding a massive central black hole, we find bright young stars housed in a hostile environment. Scattered throughout the region are thousands of point-like X-ray sources. These are produced by dense remains of stars that have reached the end of their evolutionary trail which end up as white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.

The world of science is coming to a similar idea as Prigogine. See link below and the leading scientist Martin Scheffer of the Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

Figure 8: Wild life signs are telling to change

Another mystery from NASA. Our Earth speeding up.

Well Folks. Have a great time. The energies are powerful and huge. The transformation continues its work of breakdown, breakthrough and build up. 
Figure 9: Have fun!

A really loving and beautiful Hawaiian tradition is Ho' oponopono. Just google in and then You Tube. It brought tears to me and a deep heart felt gratitude.

Lots of Love and Take Care. Geoff

ADDENDUM. At the risk of seeming melodramatic I urge, nay plead with you to look at the following video on YOU TUBE. I believe that the future of Humankind lays in this beautiful interview of a brave courageous and informed lady.