Tuesday 5 December 2006

Breakdown or Breakthrough - December 2006

THIS ARTICLE could well have been named 'To Be or Not to Be'. Many people have rang, e-mailed or written to share the way that they feel and to take care and comfort from each other. I have always believed that we are each others teachers and we teach that which we want to learn. Many are sharing they are concerned about the breakdown in society, the world environment and that they have lost 'faith' in the emerging new consciousness, many have feared health breakdowns and so forth. The internet is full of joyous and uplifting 'ascension' stuff as one friend put it, and the conspiracy 'stuff ' denouncing the emergence of a new consciousness as the 'elite' fooling the masses as a ploy or smokescreen to the new world order run by powerful governmental influences backed by multinational power merchants.

Some scientists and doctors went recently to the House Of Lords in the UK to denounce Homeopathy and yet Russian Physicist named Koroctov has proved with the GDR instruments its effectiveness and also the use of meditation. Then there was October 17 06 when a letter and e-mail, faxes and phone calls announced that a blue magenta energy from another dimension was flooding the Earth. Then there was a follow up which said it was all a load of rubbish. My view was that I definitely felt this energy many days before, so did many others, some said I picked it up from the collective unconscious ( scroll back to REG ) article and that the internet is the collective unconscious made conscious. Well the palpitations of my heart were raised and so many others felt the same. So was a massed induced event by auto suggestion or a pick up from the collective or a genuine energy phenomenon? I guess this is where intuition, and then comes the argument was it genuine intuition or fools gold, a kind of subconscious belief filter which fools or imitates intuition? This then leads to does one want to believe this information or is it a cop out from what is

really happening? This dilemma is in the world today, for instance in the same week as scientists and doctors lobbied the Lords, two eminent Professors said The flu vaccine was a waste of money and was not effective, yet the fear of not having one and the advertising on TV and the trains and public places is prolific.

Reverting back to the 17 October, a friend of mine reminded me that many years ago that famous guru's and my own 1967 writings said that the metabolic rate would up step and that it would cause palpations and hot sweats ( which many have reported as well ) so did I or was I responsible for ' programming ' people years ago? Is the whole ascension programme a pipe dream? Are the conspiracy people correct? Are we all on the path to unstoppable global warming, spiralling crime, in the hands of the multinationals, the elite, a burnt out planet with a few elite and the rest of us slaves ( scroll back to article on ' barrier seven '. These confront us in every day issues now. See also the end of an era and related articles.

There is a point that conspiracy people have, and that is that we should point out the asleep ones that they should add their voices to protest ( in a non violent way ) and protest through the correct channels, and not hope that someone else will do it. The event of taxing people for environmental purposes may wake many up, however the super rich will not be touched by higher fuel taxes and the like.

There are some promising things happening in the energy prospect, helium 3, eneutronic energy research and such things as quantum fluctuations all being researched and a race to find the free energy, its bang on time. Recently six scientists in a DVD named 'Icons of The Field' can be purchased from the 'What Th e Doctors Don't Tell You' all tops their field many of them being ousted by the stuck in the mud outmoded 'dead' on their feet boffins and corporate fear of loss of income and power, stated we are light beings temporarily inhabiting a human body. One of the scientists from the USA said he borrowed a phrase from his Russian Colleague and said that most of medicine and science today was " bullshitski " how apt.

Over the last few months I have had health scares, workshops cancelled, strange dreams, erratic sleep patterns, wonderful insights and real scary occurrences I've lost faith, found faith, been uplifted, felt down, u and around so to speak, yet behind this all I feel the 'slide' the window I look through is changing, my view of the world is clearer. I feel the paradigm shift, I know I am not fooling myself, there is a feeling in my deepest strata that I am not who I was, and there is a profound shift. My personality is dissolving; the bullshitski of me is dawning, melting. This is not age related, I can see it in other people as they are ejected out of their comfort zones, I see young people looking for the answers to global warming, racial tension, mindless killing in the mid east. Deaf Politicians, the same old rhetoric, bleating monotonously like sheep, vague promises, backtracking, knee jerk laws, fear messages, all looking for the answer in the 3d world of illusion, the matrix of advertising, glamour and corruption, a world based on mammon, that rots and decays with time, and the bed rock of deep inner peace and ones connection with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness. We are crying out for a different fresh way of living, this will not be found in our present systems of thought or assumptions .It requires a step of huge courage, a brave new world, a massive leap into unknown territory. Just for instance on one of the many issues, to recognise the one Creator of All Life, not the prophets who brought it to our notice, to recognise all prophets that they all say similar things and give credence to them, to allow freedom of religious worship and rituals as holy and not to put our religion or way as the best or the only one, to go beyond tolerance to acceptance. Another instance, can we learn to share wealth, can we put love, respect, care and genuine compassion before selfish endeavours, can we reach out and see another as ourselves, can we green this planet instead of raping it, can we see we are one at a deep fundamental level, can we live be it and not make this a theory a mere words and soft options to mull over and be pipe dream or interesting theory over a glass of wine, or a mere workshop attendance, a lift at the time and a let down tomorrow.

May this Christmas, Chanukah ,Ede, Ramadan, Duwali, Humanistic and Agnostic Wishes for a Brave New World be actionised and fulfilled.

Lots of Love Geoff.

Addendum:-The seed of God is in us……Pear seeds grow into Pear Trees, hazel seeds grow into hazel trees, and God seeds into God. I had a huge ah ha out of that quotation, although intellectually I knew this, I had this flash, well I can see the seeds of pears and hazel nuts and so on, I knew that this seed was not from my mother and fathers union, where was it? Then I realised the truth for me it is the real ME beyond my personality, the seed is in deep consciousness, when I realised this I jumped in the air and ran around. Shouting like eureka, it was the most emphatic shake up I have had in many a month and has shifted my perception, causing me to shift at deep level and to see through another slide of reality. A dear friend of mine on hearing this experience said to me when I described the impact an explosion of Light in my mind , she replied well that is the seed opening in you, and I said well how did you know that and she replied it came from the seed in me. May all our cosmic seeds flourish and grow now and forever. GF

Sunday 5 November 2006

True Love - November 2006

DEAR FRIENDS. Welcome and greetings, please may I take the liberty to share a recent to my mind beautiful experience. It has a had a very profound effect in my life and spiritual journey so far. some of you may resonate with this and some may not, for those who do not, and feel it is a waste of an article please bear with me and grant me your loving compassion.

On May 20 2006 I had this experience and have only now had the courage to share it generally other than with a few dear friends. I was just idly sitting when suddenly I had this deep feeling in the very depths of myself that I loved myself unconditionally, I said aloud "I really love you Geoff, I love you so much". I then had this deep extraordinary crying and release and a black spiral mass seemed to fall out of my right temple and eye, nothing physical a sort apparition effect. This is a deep deep heart felt love for myself. Then came the realisation of that part of me that had punished myself for and from my early childhood messages (scroll back) for all the so called failures, not living up to family expectations, poverty, impotency, lack of worldly success, not loved for who I am but for what I do. Of course as a counsellor, a psychotherapist and oriental specialist, lay zen monk (no longer) dealing with thousands of client issues (scroll back) done my own therapy, knew all the issues were opportunities for growth, learning curves and so on, yes I knew this mentally, psychologically and of course developed coping strategies to deal with it. My therapy tutor said "you can never rid yourself of your garbage, your crap, your piles of shit, all you can do is to be aware and recognise your heaps of debris and tiptoe and gentle step around them". This I did with awareness and presence to some extent and lived a really relative happy life with bouts of peace and creative fulfilment. However there was always a missing illusive piece of the puzzle and now I feel I have a glimpse of the piece. Through the above experience the crap seems to fade away and I notice my reactions are different, there are very few reactions now, there is more of a river of peace, not all the time but increasingly so.

This was not a huge ah ha or elation, it felt soft, gentle. I found I had found the love that I have looked for all my life. I have found love in myself. This part of the process of development felt so natural. I realised for the world to be saved it needs unselfish true love, this love has to be felt in oneself, as a pure non emotion but passionate, so that we radiate this love, not by trying but by being oneself in this flow. A love without agenda, clear of giving and receiving love, a love not born from wounds, not a love that demands love in return, not a love that seeks recognition or reward, not a do gooders love, not a charitable love, no it is a love that flows for itself, pristine, pure, primordial. Then came images of the chortling brook, the ripples of sunshine reflected in rivers, the dancing glitters of moonlight in the wavelets in the sea. This I felt as the love in Nature which flows from the creator of all that is.

Since then many of the 'blocks' have fallen away and many beautiful manifestations have come about. I still have my moments of doubt, fear and anxiety yet the turn around is faster.

I do hope that the above does not seem arrogant and egotistical, I merely tell it as it was and is. Thank you for your indulgence, patience and support. Lots of Love and best wishes. GEOFF.

ADDENDUM:- It is love desiring for us to love as It loves. The will of Love is that We share and spread the Joy of Creation and the Spirit behind It. GF

Thursday 5 October 2006

The Radical Shift - October 2006

THE SHIFT IS DEEPLY, deeply serious, a radical shift. The energies that are powering in ( see scroll back for measurements in electron volts ) are now triple to that stated. These are not to do with tetra, mobile, radio, submarine infra sound or electronic fog, pollution or holes in the ozone layer. These are cosmic, planetary and end cycle effects and the subsequent new energies coming in new and powerful sequences that contain vital new information, these are not just random frequencies. It is not super nova eruptions or nuclear waste, virus or additives or any such like.

Those that are attuned to the new energies the shift appears in many ways, to name a few, new intuitive information, fatigue, strange eye focusing, a type of vertigo and other symptoms, and so on, I do not want to dwell on these, so as not to energise them, rather to where they are leading us too, to see them as transforming. In the DVD ' What the Bleep do we Know ' ? a top scientist refers to the process as to a ' rewiring of the brain ' which in turn sends new combinations of neuropeptides to the cells (scroll back).

Folk who are not sensitive to the new frequencies will find they fall back to the old outworn ways, a rhetorical path and they feel ' stale worn out and ' its not working anymore and yet still feeling they are losing their grip on things, fight desperately to hang on ( see Hopi prophesy scroll back ), they are tired of being a sheep and hearing the vain bleating of political garbage, promises and policies that are without substance and wishing someone was brave enough to introduce a global policy that is uplifting fair and altruistic. They almost see through the veil of materialistic living, they are frustrated and cannot leap into the new, so they feel depressed and escape into distraction in drink, crime, sexual deviations and media hype and supply, and then are those who yearn for the 'good old days'.

The radical shift is not violent or terrorist, it is an awakening of consciousness, to feel a loving all embracing yet not emotional sentimentality, an all inclusiveness, not a taught previously indoctrinated idea, but something deeply felt, new, pristine, lived and part of one. This is a paradigm shift and the energies that are running in the infrastructure are now surfacing and they will bring about this radical shift and hopefully stabilise between now and 2008, after that the energies will still occur in increments and surges, but will be more gentle or softer. However, those in relays ( see scroll back ) will get a ' hard Knock ' should there be a stubborn resistance, a hard scrape of the pan needed. The Earth Mother has to go through her process as well so more earth changes will happen, however, these will be in proportion to those who have awakened. 70% awakened 30% changes and so forth. There is a battle for peoples minds and should a slip back occur by the invention of a mind blocking device, it might put back the 2008 to 2012 or 2036 and the last chance 2075, however, this is not looking to be the case so far.

Be of Good Cheer. Lots of Love. GEOFF

ADDENDUM:- Many old power points and centres are being activated and cleansed, ready to receive the new energies and crisis centres for those who are awakening and need reassuring. For those who like words. The still moon is on its way to its apogee. Politicians like to spout apodictic phrases and maybe we should all partake in an aubade. GF

Tuesday 5 September 2006

Rods of Initiation - September 2006

MANY YEARS AGO I was meditating in a very powerful place when I went ice cold and felt I was dying ( scroll back to 2004 experiences of a similar nature ). I then felt three dark purple clad beings around me, two at my sides slightly to the rear and one behind me. The two side beings held a rod which the one on the left pointed towards the centre of my head above my third eye as did the one on the right. This formed a V, yet open at the apex. The being behind me said something to someone in front of me, I could not see the one in front, this being was cloaked and in the shadow, behind a a large veil. I then felt approval from the cloaked one and then the being behind me brought the rod that was in its keep to join the vacant space in the apex of the V to form an arrow, I then heard these words " these are the rods of Initiation ". Proceeding from this experience it set off a new life cycle in my spiritual journey, I then started out doing many years of workshops, lectures, seminars seeing clients, whilst holding down a full time job. ( 1368 workshops which includes lectures, seminars, 3000 one to one's hundreds of phone calls ) some initiation. This took place from 1962 to 2001. Many people had their awakening at this time as well. It is interesting that I was not given the 1967 Aquarian one until later after the initiation and that prior to 1967 the work was mainly Budo ( Japanese martial Zen Arts and then Tai Chi and Qi Gong). 1984 then really opened up to the Aquarian work so this meant that I did 792 ' new Age ' workshops, seminars, lectures, and about 3000 new clients. During this period a switch in a complete new phase occurred, I was driving up to Findhorn in 1974 when I felt to visit Samye Ling ( The Tibetan Monastic Centre ( see 1967 writings and visited in 1967,68 and 69 ) it was about a 30 mile round return trip to the main road, I got to the gate and was about to open it to drive in, and as if a huge hand, a barrier came and prevented me from going in, try as I may I could not go in, it was then I realised I had severed all connections with cults, religions, isms and felt that I was to be something else, it was on my last visit to Findhorn in 1976 that I informally married Gilly Wells and we started a magazine and group called Universal Approach, these rods of initiation had accelerated me into the Aquarian New Universal Way. The the way is just that, the way.

The world is at this point in its evolution with its inhabitants to take an initiation as above, to find a Universal Way. It may have to come about in several ways, for instance, hopefully through an initiation sort of as above, or through being sick and tired of war, through climate change, deprivation, drought, misery or a gigantic Earth catastrophe. I feel all of these instances may occur perhaps with less drama than it appears to be now. We are accelerating in the energies which are firing up all old Karma and hopefully burn itself out. We have to die to our old ways and the veiled being who stands before us will lift the veil of darkness and we will be initiated into the light and then world rehabilitation will begin. The energies of initiation were strongly injected into the Planets Etheric in 2004 ( scroll back to the pentagrams ) and now another almighty burst at the AUGUST 2006 FULL MOON, many feel the build up to this harmonic Grand Cross Type energy now, with trust and faith hopefully it will awaken people even further and not fire up or fuel up old karma and so burn it off with war and attrition. 2006 is the year of creative Karma ( see scroll back ). Until October hang on to your lifelines and watch for the sleepers to awaken. Lots of Love. Geoff.

ADDENDUM:- Again in the 67 writing that the mind had to be centred in all three Dantiens ( Hara's or energy Chakra Fields ( see back pages ). The energy years ago was Tandem ( Japanese term for lower hara, then in the techno age in the head ( upper one ) now had to be a heart centre opening ( middle hara or dantien ) and so the energy balanced with all three operative. There is a Qi Gong exercise or form I do named The Great Micro Universal Way which helps the channels open to this. GF

Wednesday 9 August 2006

Transformers - August 2006

WELCOME AND GREETINGS. The High frequency energies are extremely powerful at this time and many are feeling the effects as outlined previously. The usual imbibing of energies into the portals ( scroll back ) are now taking in almost full power. The reason for this is to ' burn up ' the remaining dross or piscean patterns that are ingrained, entrenched in cellular memory. It is a bit like the fine encrusting left in cooking pans, those bits that have to be soaked and scraped. The sorting of the wheat from the chaff. This of course exudes into the atmosphere and is picked up by those still tuned into the old patterns and exacerbates their dormant or existing programmes, this we see in the escalation of wars, crime, corruption, pollution and typical of the end of an era ( scroll back ). This is now a process of extirpation.

June 21 2006 was powerful in its vibrations and the still moon ( scroll back ) began to move back along its path in its 18« year cycle going gradually further away from Earth in its elliptical orbit, many could feel this ' pull '. The pull was felt as neck, head, back and chest pressure accompanied by the increased detox caused by increased frequency and change of Yin / Yang at the equinox and the moving into position of other line ups to follow. Detox also overloads the kidneys, liver, thyroid and lymph systems, and as most people who are on the path do some deoxing anyway it is as well to keep well flushed through, drink plenty of water, rest as much as you can, also keep the balance with exercises that help the situation, sometimes these energies cause heart palpitations and fluctuations ( please check with your doctor and if given a clean bill of health, then it is possibly as above, many I know have checked in with their health professionals and been cleared and they feel relieved that it may be extramundane ). July 11 06 was the full moon and the energies were boosted up by a blast through the collective unconscious due the World Soccer tournament and Wimbledon Tennis tournament ( scroll back to see article on REG's ).

Leading on from these energies of 11/ 6, we are developing into a harmonic ( see back articles ) and a similar grand cross array as in 1999 ( scroll back ). Pluto is lining up with key centres in the galaxy along with Jupiter which had developed a second red spot now joined to the first, so fasten your safety belts. Many of us are grounding and earthing these energies resembling transformers and aerials. Some are infusing and cleansing the ley and power points and so forth. This is it for August 2006. Lots of Love. Geoff. 0208 449 2213 fax/ ans mc on at 09.00 off at 22.30.

Addendum:- The 1967 script mentions we have to have a strong physical body and mentions the fact we need a good deal of protein to ' weigh ' us down, not to be adipose yet firm and anchored. I do light weight training while on NASA recommended rebounder, tai chi, Qi Gong lots of rest and having fun. Be well GF.

p.S. APOLOGIES for the April May and June July, my ancient word processor broke down and so I could not correct anything, I will soon take delivery of a new ( second hand ) laptop which a friend has kindly donated. Hope this is more up to it.

Monday 10 July 2006

Relays - July 2006

AGAIN IN THE 1967 TRANSMISSIONS it mentions a system of energy increments (scroll back) and another fascinating aspect.

As groups grow together, they take their initiations together, groups maybe world-wide and not be aware of each other, as individuals or as other groups. In order to ground and implement the energies, an anchoring process that a group or individual can do, using their physical body as an Earthing Pole, and make the connection in a certain way between Earth and the Cosmos.

and so realigning the brain or rewiring the system. This then causes different frequencies to vibrate and cascade setting up a broadcasting antenna which is the body, this broadcast can be telepathically picked up to those attuned to this level. Conspiracy people feel that certain agencies know of this Awakening and know it is at a subliminal level and so are trying to block this frequency by broadcasting a 'blocker ' vibe. Some people have told me they find meditation difficult after many years of practice. This can be a shift in the paradigm or collective unconscious being breached by the new frequencies, cracks appearing the dam of the old patterns of living. This can be felt as head pressures, due to downloading and booting up of the aquarian information, (once again please check out blood pressure, see a health professional, I know a lot of Osteopaths have told me lots of necks need realigning, check for brain problems and so forth, if all checks out then its probably the new frequencies, check if you are moon or earthquake sensitive and so forth). This process of absorption pushes out during the cascades old toxins from the cells, which were originally the patterns of chemical messengers that were right for that old method of living, this in turn puts extra work on the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the liver, colon and the skin, in other words the eliminative system, a vast cleansing, many have told me of the skin rashes and bloating, so do exercise although feeling tired, detoxing certainly can be a fatigue process. Try gentle exercising, walks, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, rebounding and so forth, drink lots of good quality water. (I've got and dad all of the above). The electromagnetic fields which share the information with the cells, a kind of cellular internet, they have to change their carrier message capacity, and so the Auric fields have to change in order to compensate to the new information. Since there is an interface between the Auric field, the schumann resonance, the ionosphere and so on, deep and subtle planetary and Cosmological influence have to be imbibed too. This procedure is a holistic and wholistic process and all I have outlined is a vast number of wheels within wheels, all working synchronically and in complimentary fashion to one another.

The old self becomes redundant and its core programme which at its functional time was reality to the experiencer, in fact the illusion of reality creates Its OWN experiencer, the witness to its own creation, the ego creates its own reality to be its own experience. When (like the film The Matrix) the illusion breaks down, as is now happening, a new programme can follow, however, those that truly break free, become more illumined more enlightened, and begin to grasp soul ' programmes ' that are in line with the Creators plan for the Cosmos. Cosmic Reality dawns, ego reality wanes. The above can cause a feeling of despair and confusion during the interim period, and so distractions (scroll back) can ensue and one can slide back into the ' world Media Political Drama ' and its attendant digital media broadcasting, as much an addiction as drugs, drink and tobacco.

A relay system is in place. A group or individual may go through an intense period of 'deep information briefing ' and while the absorption period with attendant changes take place, they may be ' out of it ' as it were, then another group/ individual takes over and ' holds ' the anchoring while the others process, absorb and ground. Then the switch clicks in and a vice versa situation follows. The Cosmic Intelligence through a transformer step down process guides this realigning process. (Perhaps more of this later in the year, depending on how the awakening arises and the 1967 dates of 2006, 2008/9, 2112, 2036 pan out, the awakening takes place through the amount of people awakening in proportion to those still asleep). 25% awake, 75% asleep could stretch out the process, however it will happen. Due to the inverse law (scroll back) this is a certain process and will take place no more than say four years either side.

Perhaps by 2009 a majority of individuals and groups would have gone through the preliminary steps of the process of initiation (as above June 2006 article), and a stabilising of frequencies, that is to say the huge cleansing and new information would have done in many cases enough to see the process anchored and the Earth Being more contented with our consciousness's being more in alignment with Its Own. This will feel peaceful and fear would have left us and nature will have a safe passage to do ITS thing without humans endangering it. 2112 may see the 2nd mass human initiation this will be akin to our going through the gate (scroll back June 2006). If we miss 2112, 2036 will give us another chance, I I have heard from a source that another chance could be 2075, I am not sure, what the 1967 paper says is that if we 2036 we may have to wait until another 5000 or so years past--------?????

Each surge of energies bring forth attendant physical changes. The physical being the most dense form of energy takes the most time (which is where dense energy has its roots, more subtle the energy the less time is apparent). A percolation process takes place, the energies arrive as information, pure energy, then it is passed onto the brain to form chemicals, and carrier electromagnetic fields are set up to synchronise the energy information, to over see the synchronicity and distribution, then from the brain new chemicals that in tandem with the information in the form of neuropeptides cascade and saturate the cell receptors and flush out by a 'kind of pulsing kneading process' the old chemical message receptors, this in turn causes changed in the whole anatomy as described in May and June articles. This procedure takes time and so the new information has to be absorbed, anchored and grounded. This may explain why we get the message but it does seem to manifest until some time later. All is well and going according to the Divine Plan. This is a rough outline of the relay of awakening and Its unique and wonderful process of which we are very much a participant.

Take care and lots of Love. Geoff

0208 449 2213. Tel / fax / Ans m/c. on at 09.00 off at 22.00.

ADDENDUM: From the amount of Light (which contains information) brought in and anchored, a proportionate amount of density and darkness will be dispersed.

Earthquakes and tsunami in Indonesia in April, Russia (two in Kamchatka) landslides in several countries, massive tsunami in Tonga (May 2006) and so the changes go on, what the Earth feels so do some of us, all is well.

During the last few years John Walker a Homeopath and Radionics practitioner has helped many people and myself, it is not often I mention and recommend therapists, however I feel John is an exceptional person and practitioner. His telephone number is 01707 328643.

Now and again I will mention people who I have contact with who are at the leading edge of the Awakening. (I will not mention anyone without their permission). Feel free to quote anything in the articles, however, I would appreciate a mention. Thank you.

Monday 5 June 2006

Initiation - June 2006

HEARKENING BACK to the 1967 transmission it refers to the aspects of initiation, preparatory to 2006, when the energies would lead to this door or window being opened or offered to humanity. This is part of the package of the awakening, the ascension or New Age and so on.

One aspect is a mini death, not necessarily a physical death (scroll back). This death can be emotional, a relationship, a job loss, a shift in consciousness, a real life changing situation. This is not to be confused with an illness and subsequent healing, this is more a known intuitive level of why the event happened and its source from soul level.

There are signs, precursors, premonitions, a vision that is symbolic (scroll back to my pentagram, tsunami, St. John of the Cross, Buddha crystal and so forth).

There is a phoenix, resurrection, rejuvenation and regenerative cycle.

A new Modus operandi follows.

The initiate meets many who have travelled the same or similar paths. The contents of the experience may differ, however, the result or key purpose is the same. I have been in contact with many over the telephone and fax regarding the above.

The initiate becomes joined into a higher frequency and comes from a like minded group into a soul group. This group may not share like minded interests, however there is a bonding of deeper energies.

Sometime a geographical move occurs.

The old ways of living may fall off. Parties, TV, food, clothes, speaking, old friends, relationships, may not feel appropriate any more. One may seek solitude, quietness, goes off of mundane chat and senseless frenetic activity.

Relationships can go stale, the job not fulfilling, food does not seem to satisfy, one yearns for spiritual upliftment, and things more au naturale.

Our urge to find our true selves and our niche in the world becomes passionate and all consuming.

Synchronous and intuitive knowings ensue.

Manifestations and miracles may tumble into lives.

The initiate arrives at a gate as it were. This can be felt as a barrier, a block, not just a lifestyle aspect. Those that are truly visual can ' feel see ' this is more powerful than words, images, an image arises from the 'feel' like smoke arising from a smouldering fire, and then can move on through process, this is a symbolic key to the journey of initiation. The second stage is a space where the old energy fades, and one feels lethargic, even dying, purposeless. the living desert as opposed to the dark night of the soul. A period of mourning, grieving, sadness. One awaits before the gate in a holding area. The the gate opens and one feels a resurgence of energy. A new life ensues.

The death of the body is the final initiation for a particular incarnation. This present global condition is an initiation for our Planet Being, and we are following in its wake. This is the first initiation from Pisces to Aquarius or from the Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga.

This is a rough synopsis of initiation, there is much more, for instance the 'rods of initiation' Real ET involvement, perhaps in a future write up. This year 2006 is a key year, the year of creative chaos as some have termed it. A year for shedding many old skins.

Until next time, take care of your beautiful selves. Lots of Love. GEOFF.

ADDENDUM:- Sometimes during initiation one can initiate a modus vi ven di. This modus is certainly straining to come through globally now. A real modulus that society needs to embrace now.

Friday 5 May 2006

Opening Up to Cosmic Energies - May 2006

ON 28 FEBRUARY 2006 (New Moon Day) I had a vision of the Tsunami (2004) fissure and all the other subsequent tsunami with earthquakes of yore, that these events were not random, and that an intelligence of a vast nature was behind it, and its purpose was to facilitate Cosmic energies through the fissures in order to reach the core of Gaiai. This vast portal was likened to a lens from the Cosmos to download to the core at 0.300 hrs that morning of the 28th 06. This procedure was a filtering process, it would then radiate through the ley lines, gush up through the intersections which are the power points and interact with nature and in human terms through the soles of the feet to the store house in the abdomen (dantien, hara,) through the root chakra (muladhara) the spleen (svadhisthana) to the solar plexus (manipura). This will flush out the emotional debris and encrustation's accrued over the aeons. Many telephoned to say they had extra bowel movements and detox symptoms (not to be confused with a stomach bug, I had this clearing too). Meanwhile the sideways effect from the lens went through the ether or etheric ley lines to effect the mondula (scroll back) to effect the throat, neck, eyes, sinus and shoulders. many comments and feedbacks on this as well. Particular and peculiar to this were the eyes, focusing, gritty, and sore (please get a check up from a health professional if any doubts, they can be symptoms presenting of illness). This time there were many reports of the 'draylas ' or dreylas, which are like tiny specks like steam or mist particles, these are the components at the molecular level, and are the carriers of Chi or vital force, which equate to the tingling one feels after a Tai Chi or Qi Gong session. They were so strong that I really felt it was raining or foggy. Many reported this as well.

This down poring, was responsible for an upstep in frequency of an increment of half octave. Other symptoms were the usual heat and flu like disgorging, along with restless sleep, vivid dreams, restless body parts, some dizziness which are symptomatic of old chemical cell receptor terminals shedding their chemical signatures (due to the brain being ' rewired ') hence new composite neuropeptides. The language of the cells is chemical and electromagnetic and the brain changes thoughts to chemicals (neuropeptides) so the language interface is brain to cells chemical, cells to brain in feelings, brain interprets feelings to thoughts through and visa vie to the programming, karma and pre-life agreements. Should one be clear and in soul contact the cleansing and new messages will come though without the slant or conditioning vetting process of the ego and world collective unconscious. The neck point correspond to the Qi Gong point of Ya Men and so on as in Mondulae. The thyroid will produce erratic rhythms (please please be careful and get a check up on this as so much depends on food that is additive dosed even in organics and poor environmental stress (mobile masts, computers, TV, car electronics, microwaves and so on) if one eliminates all the above then the chances are that is the new energies. The above are just some of the many energies of the transformation, (some term it ascension, mutation, aquarian energies, new age, the awakening). There will be a change in time to the human body (scroll back) and even some senior folk will begin some of the changes and feel better in themselves. There is a large stirring in the infra structure, the old foundations are cracking, and the new is peeping through the old outdated formations. Politicians talk about change,their change is to juxtapose and reshuffle, at best a makeover, they feel the change,only they have no idea how to facilitate the new. A dwindling planetary resource and yet not brave enough to make serious change, the money moguls still calling the policies, and yet there are breakthroughs, not just solar panels, organic food, meditation, there is a deep awakenings, the change is here and the time has arrived.

Lots of Love GEOFF

ADDENDUM:- There is a phenomena named the ' still ' moon this is a 18« year cycle, the moon nearest to the earth now. Many feel as though it is full moon all the time, some say that on Feb.8 2006 the earth held still and and did not have its customary wobble. The Yin of winter has now become the lower yang of spring and huge planetary line ups on February 20 and 27 brought in with the above a huge cocktail of emanations --------hang on to your lifeline and fasten your seatbelts.

Wednesday 5 April 2006

The Concrete Mind - April 2006

HELLO. I AM DOING ARTICLES a bit irregularly because of circumstances and commitments, they will be like three short ones or several broken up or rather long.

Fifty five years ago my sensei (Japanese Teacher) a zen master from Kyoto Japan, demonstrated in front of many people how to break a piece of oak with his forefinger (scroll back), and his remark to us astonished pupils and audience was ' I go between the bits ', the bits being atoms. I know now and have seen the incredible events in quantum physics, and what he did I've in a way seen in bubble chambers and scanning electron microscopes. Yet still the fact that he did it with his ' naked eye ' and with the knowledge I have years on, the meditations and insights, the ah ha's, yet still it astounds me, and even harder for me to perform it, although intellectually and feeling wise I know it can be done. Part of my mind baulks, it does not say ' pah, humbug any more, it kind of goes blank, wants to escape or wants to escape, change the subject, another part of my mind avidly pursues this ability, perhaps for powers sake, more for liberation from the limited rational thinking mind, to reach out of the prison of the concrete mundane mind, to reach perspicuity. I yearn for the ' outer yet inner ' orbit of minds encapsulation. I' trapped by the ' gravity of my planetary solar system of my own making. This part of my mind is my ' hard rationale ' this is the concrete mind. This is why I understand why some doctors, scientists, sceptics, religious persons, hard core business folk, resist the so called miraculous, there always has to be a logical or scientific explanation, this is because of their training, culture and conditioning and world populous agreements. Politically if we could move mountains (Jesus quote in bible scroll back --- there would be no profit but each of us would be a prophet ''').

The Aquarian age will see many of us turn and see the that we, at first, will be able gradually to do the minor miracles, which for us will be ' normal '. This will be in the realms of manif stations. Indigo children, Nobuo Shioya (see internet) are on the verge of such things. The new energies will and are breaking down old hard programmes and as such the brain which is a chemical factory (scroll back down) is through its entrainment with the Cosmos (scroll back down to Schumann Resonance and concomitant cycles). (See also the Inverse Law scroll back down), able to do this.

Let us applaud the doctors, scientists, who endure the wrath, mockery and isolation as they are now coming out of their closets and braving to put forward these new yet always been there ideas. Yes the next steps are to collate these ideas to spiritual values, from physics to metaphysics. To know a mountain is only a packed conglomerate of electrons, atoms, molecules,particles is one thing, to rearrange them with the mind is another, and yet it can be done (scroll back down to Founder of Aikido, Morei Uyeshiba). (Scroll back down to Zen Monk who says ' I did'nt do a thing to make it happen '). The Aquarian energies will smash down the concrete mind, and the present turmoil is one of the formats it is taking. There is great hope for the future it will not necessarily depend on technology, it will depend on our alignment with the Source and its commensurate intuitive action after that, which may yield harmless technology and wise generous loving people.

Lots of Love Geoff

Addendum:- over the last few months there have been 57 earthquakes, three huge tsunami, five roof collapses, six avalanche, eight mud slides. NASA official quote ' The Earth's surface is bubbling, we are baffled '. Many of these are only a sentence on teletext and the rest is bird flu, more jabs, terrorism, political mayhem. 02084492213. tele/Fax/ans. off at 22.30 on at 09.00. See you in June or July. Bye.

Friday 10 March 2006

Beauty - March 2006

BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE of the beholder, an old adage. This maxim was portrayed by a series of programmes on TV. There were some who felt the super obese, the anorexic, the pierced, the tattooed and the various other self seen enhancements were attractive and beautiful, and whose to say they are not? Some creatures in nature may seem strange or even abhorrent to our eyes. A friend of mine cringes at an Anaconda swallowing a crocodile, Herpetologists simply love them. Some find same sex relationships, mixed marriages of race and colour, older men with young women and vice versa uncomfortable. TV shows showing all the above plus religious intolerance relationships, are bringing out these previously hidden prejudices and forbidden aspects of living. There is an old saying ' Love is Blind 'and maybe being in ' Love ' is really saying I find you beautiful, although I've often wondered about Being in Love, when we are Love, and how can we fall out of love by the same token?

When we are still, not trying to be still, not categorising, analysing, manipulating, a deep inner peace arises, the mind is empty, thought has spontaneously ceased, deep inner joy bubbles and pervades our being. We may cry with this, or sigh with this, all seems to be one and harmonious and its right order, and a kind of beauty of a most rare kind is experienced. In this alert dynamic and yet still consciousness, should one be in nature, the street or wherever, trees, objects, animals, people, flowers, seem to 'speak' in this silent eloquent language of love, beauty, and oneness. How different from the cacophony of trains, aeroplanes, loud booming car speakers and music blasting out of their earphones, making themselves deaf by an early age. Yet even in this quiet alertness noise is passed through. Those who allergic to noise can be tense anxious, or those that cannot stand the quiet and stillness need constant music or TV on, and so this can become an addiction, and may lose the 'still small voice within' not to be mistaken for the internal dialogue and spontaneous mediumistic interruptions.

When we are gazing at a beautiful flower, and if our minds are not still, we may go into 'how did this arrive'? Is it evolution, the big bang, God? Then we may drop all this and go deeper into the flower, be still, breathe gently, it maybe our busy minds relax, become empty, and in a rare moment we become one with the flower, and strange mystical peace, joy and beauty fills our mind and body. We have become one with source of our common creator. The flower and I are one. In this consciousness we are love, we are harmless and we are joined at the deepest level of Creation.

This being Ness, this fundamental energy when experienced world wide and consciously adopted by humanity could end strife everywhere. Life and Its manifestations would be respected, fighting would stop, greed cease, religious dogma collapse, politicos redundant, we would still like nature recognise our differences but revel in the beauty of this. There is a tendency for cloning and uniformity, nature has the different sameness. We are beauty and maybe beauty is Love in the Universal sense.

Lots of Love. Geoff

Addendum:- The moon is at the end of Its 18« year cycle or the beginning of the next one. It is termed the still moon, it appears to be high or low and causes large tides, for those sensitive to the moon it will feel like full moon all through 2006. On Monday 20 Feb.2006 it was said by some astrologers that the line up was the same as the tsunami in Dec. 04. On the 22 Feb.06 there was a huge 7.5 earthquake in Mauritius, it rolled along the coast and fortuitously did little damage. Feb.27 06 is supposed to be a huge line up as well.

Sunday 5 February 2006

The Fabric of Reality - February 2006

THE WORLD TURMOIL is a result of a materialistic view of life, and many other facets which will be gone into later. The top surface of Life is manifested in apparent solid form, like the iceburg who allegorically view each other as separate, this by their beliefs, culture, karma and so forth, this kind of narrows their perception, though feeling safe is a form of imprisonment, a mental encapsulation. This is analogous with the world condition today, however with the Aquarian energies pushing it is causing confrontation and breakdown.

The mutual fear and profit can bring nations communities together, this can be a tenuous alliance and when the the threat removed it can lead to former hostilities, unholy alliances. Wealthy nations setting up cruel dictators and then invading them when their purpose is fulfilled or the dictator bites the hand of the master that feeds it to name one example, Sadam Hussein.

The urge to sustain materialism is seen to be a blind pursuit. Humankind is raping the Earth and one another to extinction and pursuing this activity will cause the perishing by the hand of its implication. Warnings now from previous sceptical scientists are being ignored. Intensive farming methods, poultry breeding, pharmaceutical and petroleum companies in conspiracy ploys (there are enough websites that deal with these) all seem to paint a picture of doom and gloom.

Peoples seeking cosmetic surgery, forever to look young, making the plastic surgeon a new icon, the movie stars, the footballers on huge wages, endless celebrity shows all seeking thrills, to be famous, to be recognised, a form of safety and relief from a world of monotony this is the an artificial shift in energy. How so ? Many who feel that life is not fulfilling and have got past the glamour, glizt, distraction and boredom have began to awaken to a deeper reality, like the iceberg as above a deeper level is experienced, the sea level, and here a kind of joining of a joint recognition is experienced, still differences may be realised, a kind of mutual tolerance, well we are all in the same boat.

Going deeper into the fabric of reality and seeing the results of quantum physics as presented by awake scientists, we see that surface materialism is but a tip of the iceberg, even past the sea and into the realms of the unconscious in our analogy, into the collective of current memory, the ego and deeper into past collective and the present collective mind forms. Differences still exist in individual forms as past karmic tendencies, psychic beings and the like. Many now are going to the ocean bed, the zero potential field, the source, where all is one.

In this potential there are only probabilities, possibilities, and we can manifest one of the teeming time lines. Aquarians sense this and in deep meditation join to the bedrock of Life and intuitively know the pattern of energy which translates into thought and will bring through the new forms of living. (Aquarians are not necesarily born in Aquarius, one can be any of the signs and be an Aquarian, it is a constellation shift, scroll back down). Nine-tenths of the iceberg is under water so a lot of mind stuff has to be expunged, felt as toxicity, criminal and abhorrent acts of torture and cruelty. Headaches, joint pains, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, anger, heat, outrage, influenza type symptoms, and yet amazing synchronicities, flashes of intuition (ah ha) deep inner joy can offset the purging and keep one afloat. The brain is being realigned and the body in time will alter to follow the new energy information (scroll back down).

Many false prophets will arise who may use the deep energies for their own advantage, these are the magicians who use the two sides of the force. The Light and the Dark. Many workshop presenters in it for fame and money, mediums who give suspect messages, new so called therapies can be suspect. All are feeling the shift, some in their naivety take it to an impure and clouded part of their mind, this will mean more cleansing, the true Aquarian will not emerge until later (scroll back down).

The time is now, the clarion call is clear. How will it turn out? That is up to you and I. For the lawn to be green, each blade has to be green.

Lots of Love GEOFF

Addendum:- from the editor of Energygrid. Do not follow in the footsteps of the men of old, seek rather what they sought. (Masters this refers too). If you argue with an idiot someone watching might not be able to tell you apart. See you in March. All this scrolls back to Jan 05. 02084492213. Fax and ansM/c off at 22.30 on at 09.00.

Tuesday 3 January 2006

The Tsunami and Telephathy - January 2006

MAY THE YEAR AHEAD bring change that is the harbinger of a world that works for everyone everywhere. Equality in Life, Quality and sustainable living. The energy of greed and lust be transformed to sharing and reverence with respect for Life and Its manifestations.

Scientists tell us that the Earth's revolutions are slowing down, although the tsunami of 04 did speed it up marginally, although a big knock on motion, plus the 28 mixtures of huge earthquakes and tsunami's not reported. In fact the earth's magma and crust are fair bubbling. The slight ' speed ' up did have a exponential and entrainment factor involved and many individuals sensitive to the Earth's rotations felt it massively (scroll back). The Earth's rotations are slowing down and yet there is significant awakening of spiritual or higher dimensional energies and consciousness, --------- how so?

The Earth as it slows in Its rotation has an Auric Etheric Field which contains a subtle layer of collective memory and fields of memory linked to the Cosmic Memory (the Akashvic Records, see Srimad Baghvad Gita). The collective unconscious can be measured by REG'S (scroll back and telepathy experiments done at Edinburgh University Koestler Unit, and various works like The Field by Lyn. Mc.Taggart and so forth. Looking at the law of Yin and Yang, counterbalances and so forth, as the Earth slows down the materialistic energy will slow too, this brings about a diminishing amount of available energy to feed materialism, greed, power lusts and so forth, in turn the knock on effect of the ' wounded creature ' fighting to the last, hence the political madness of raping the Earth and Its resources to the point of no return if a U turn is not made soon. We know that disasters can be great wake up calls, and perhaps survival will be the turning point, along with new information being fed through Earth's Etheric Field from the Aquarian Energies and so bringing a change in the collective thought forms, a reverse or Inverse law.

Edinburgh University conducted a few years of telepathy experiments under the supervision of Professor Morris. A passer by was invited into a room at the far end of a corridor (a long one with a screen midway) to sit and view a projector screen that showed lovely scenes of nature (another university not mentioned did it with horror or distasteful scenes), the pictures were random, the passer-by was asked to select a scene, concentrate on it and send it out into the atmosphere so as to speak. At the other end of the building another passer by was requested to take part in the experiment, the second passer by sat in a comfortable chair, (we will call the second one the recipient and the first the sender), white noise earphones, and, goggles made out of two halves of table tennis balls painted pink. The recipient was asked to relax and relay any scenes or images that might come into mind. There was a huge success rate exponentially over a period of I believe two years. Then came a startling turn around, after a seemingly saturation point, the recipient would almost immediately get a picture whilst the sender was still pondering as to which they should send, when the sender did select one, it was as the recipient chose. The scientists involved felt it was a morphonogenic field (see Rupert Sheldrake, Harold Saxton- Burr -- Life force fields, fields of energy or magnetic holographic blue prints) and that when a critical mass had been reached it was the ' norm ' for that location. The repetitive experiments had an indelible imprint in the building. Think of religion, political and media impregnation and now see the imprint on the collective unconscious, the web around earth over the past 260000 years and consider the huge effort by the information to turn around the Piscean to Aquarian energies (The Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga, or the end of an era scroll back). Think on about brain washing, reincarnation and the subtle subliminal advertising.

The shock of the Tsunami's, the media satellites, the seemingly miraculous and incredulous findings at Quantum levels (see DVD ' What the Bleep do we Know) and some scientists now not afraid to come out of the woodwork, a void containing possibilities and probabilities, multiple locations, huge breakthroughs in energy medicine by mind and instrument these are slowly although exponentially percolating through society, then there are those stuck in the mud, fearful of change, refusing to even look at the evidence. Comfortable in arrogent power, smug in an ivory tower, frightened to embrace the new and the unknown, and bless them for they fuel the advance because many are feeling fed up with the old and feel stale and not knowing an alternative turn to distraction and escapism. This is the time illness can creep in and horror as more thrills are needed to enhance the boredom of old escape distraction habits, and the media feed this, the pharmaceutical companies thrive on this. Those that feel a new way, seek it are the pioneers of the New Way and they are courageous and bold and have to go on intuition and each support, often ridiculed and reviled.

The Hopi prophesy which states in part ' there is river running very fast with an unknown destination-----we should jump in not hold onto the banks (the old) ----- see who is in there with you and celebrate ------we are the people we have been waiting for. The fact you are reading this shows you are in or considering the change.

There are so many ending cycles,which mean the new cycles begin. The end of the Kali Yuga the 26000 years of out breath, the start of the Satya Yuga the In Breath, end of the 370000 magnetic pole alignment, the end of the 50 year Sun Cycle, the moon wobble cycle, the end of so many other cycles, and the effect they have on our 600 cycles in our Body (see Thalamus and so on scroll back).

Many of us have heard the call and have felt the awakening and the Critical Mass approaches so the inverse law will click in. Take heart it is happening. We are in Armageddon, the flip side is the building of the new, and with the tele powers seen as above, we may see a paradise in many years to come. There are no blueprints available as yet, however many hints are there. Truly a brave new world is beckoning and the way is open should we choose to embrace it.

Lots of Love and Best Wishes. Will meet again soon. Late March for February and March Articles. GEOFF.

ADDENDUM;- Should you have a panache for words have a go at these;- some say fate is ineluctable and that God is ineradicable.