Monday 5 November 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Nov 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Nov

Geoff Freed — November 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hi Folks

Starting off with a 10 min. mind blowing video that takes one beyond the imagination……. An interview between Coast to Coast and Gordon Duff.

Published on 22 Oct 2012 by Alexandra Bruce

'In one of the most exciting interviews about the alien presence on Earth today, George Noory of Coast to Coast spoke with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of'

There is a great controversy going on and I feel a deliberate confusion. In November 2012 1 blog we get the Vimana story and all the leaders rushing to the cave in Afghanistan and presumably after the 'ancient' technology and then we are told from the above link with Gordon Duff we have got light speed technology already and for some time. This was also confirmed by 'the skunk works black ops personal' on numerous occassions.


This process of divide and conquer causes confusion and unless one has a sharpened intuition then logic takes over and the most compelling 'argument and evidence' takes hold. The logic will always choose 'inside the box or known and so called tried and tested theories'; however we live in times now when all old paradigms are breakingdown and we need to trust the unknown, become inspired, not through a juxtaposition of old digital graphics rearranged to seemingly look new, pristine, at a best a makeover.

So we need courage, we need to hold fast, we need to question, take into the silence and deep quiet and let go of all preconceptions and then let the deep feeling of 'inner knowing' whisper and sally forth. Here is a trap, the 'ego' the collective of the distant and present past, the library of graphics and logic can conjure up a very plausible imitation of the inner knowing. Experience is needed and discernment.


The arrow of inner alignment, to boldly go into Inner Space, to become an Innernaught, to explore inner space, to fly past planets, moons, stars, galaxies of the mind all the conditioning, programmes and space debris that is the jumbled mind, the inner dialogue, the incessant stream of thought and come into clear space. Here the awareness alone is with Itself and all is well.

What bold steps do we need to take? The equality of humankind, this means no matter how learned, wealthy, a leader or not, one recognises one's humanity and has respect, dignity and divinity. To have available to everyone everywhere free energy technology harmless to nature and the environment, to have free energy transport, to have a warm comfortable dry habitat, to walk the Earth without fear and trepidation. To not have lords, overseers who are brutal and exacting, to be generous, compassionate and warm, to have no wars or exclusive possessions and politics, banks with profit and taxes abandoned. It can be done and when education is based on these lines, religious ideology synthesized to One God, One Humanity, One Planet or for Atheists One Life, One Humanity, One Planet in which we share our commonality, humanity and that Death is what we look to in a final glory and closure of a wonderful warm loving Life while our brief sojourn on the beautiful Earth Mother Planet comes to its magnificent finale.


This 7 min video could and should usher in a new world era. Help to make it so.
Mobile phones do cause brain tumours, Italian court rules
24 October 2012
Mobile (cell) phones do cause brain tumours, an Italian court has ruled, a decision that is expected to open the floodgates to class action suits against manufacturers and network operators.

Italy's Supreme Court in Rome has concluded there is a direct causal link between extensive mobile phone use and brain tumours after hearing evidence from two doctors, oncologist Angelo Gino Levis and neurosurgeon Giuseppe Grasso.

They testified on behalf of businessman Innocente Marcolini, 60, who developed a tumour after using a mobile phone for up to six hours every day for 12 years.

In their testaments, the doctors said that mobile and cordless phones damage cells, making tumours more likely. All children and those adults who use the phones extensively are especially at risk, they say.

Mr Marcolini developed a tumour close to the area where he consistently held the phone. Although the tumour was benign, it threatened his life because it had spread to the carotid artery, which carries blood to the brain. The left side of his face has been left paralysed, and he has to take morphine drugs every day to ease the pain.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified mobile phone technology as a class B carcinogen, and urges restricted use, especially among children.

After the hearing, Prof Levis said: "The court decision finally officially recognises a link. It will open not a road but a motorway to legal actions by victims."

The court ruling remains controversial, however. Some scientists maintain a link between mobile technology and cancer has not been established, and several extensive studies have also failed to find a connection. Most of the studies have been funded by the mobile phone industry

Courtesy of WDDTY

2 mins of another Plasma free energy device. This seems to be popping up a lot, is this going to put pressure on the energy rogues who are extorting undue prices on the population? If so watch out for all those selling 'so called energy saving devices, especially solar panels which are too expensive and do not work well' there are some DIY ones on the net that are very easy to build and cheap, a little research will find that simple turbines working with solar panels in climates that are not sunny work well. The use of dark glass in paces and photo voltaic cells and them latest ideas on cooking ovens in lined boxes, parabolic dishes, and reflective materials all ready for the off road and line should it occur.

DECEMBER 21 2012

Reviewing all the evidence I feel this is what might happen[ some say December 23 is the day], however; 1) Because of the hype, films, books, rumours and the like, those sensitive will feel it is a high energy day, and the collective will pick it up. 2) It is also a Solstice and the gateway to winter, so the darkest day will usher in High Yin energy, so this will feel 'shakti' to say the least. 3) It is possible there will be hoaxes and attempts to use high tech stunts by playful media people. 4) There is a possibility that the elite so called, the black ops, the Bilderbugs may do a HAARP type number on us, or big subliminal messages on TV, MOBILE PHONE, COMPUTER NETWORKS, and put surges through landlines, masts and transformer cables. Remember my diagrams in back blogs.



Some of you may feel this is negative but I include this so that one may be aware of the possibilities, this network is far , far more advanced but the general systems are roughly the same delivery, try to stay away from hospitals, banks, stations and large malls, hyper markets at this time until next February 2013.

5) ON THE BRIGHT SIDE; A) There will be a lot of activity from the Centre Milky Way, this will stimulate the spiritual heart. B) Many groups will gather around the globe at Sacred Sites, homes, churches, Mosques, Synagogues, chapels, private prayers, all the spiritual websites belting out their messages, the channellers, and the mediums, meditaters, and the Druids, cult groups, witches white and black, new age travellers, gypsies and the like, the energies running through the collective Unconscious will be massive. 6) Be sure to be grounded, eat nourishing food, keep warm, feel safe, if you get high have a friend stand by, get support. 7) ALL THIS COULD BE A BIG LET DOWN , so if you feel let down, or do not trust your vision or feeling, just get centred and keep calm by breathing and knowing 'you move, live and have your being in the Creative Intelligence of the Cosmos'. 8) You may find a big let down, like coming back from a party or holiday and going back to work and the same old, same old. Stand fast, hold on, and know they are just withdrawal symptoms, and life goes on. 9) Nothing is forever, we live in a transient world, all things disappear, and it is like an illusion, it seems real until it is gone. So learn the lesson of just enjoying the moment and releasing it to eternity. Our leaving the planet is inevitable and so hanging on and expectation merely serves to heighten the sense of loss. 10) This lesson may have huge impacts on those that hoard, seek power over the poor and cause austerity measures which are not necessary as there is an abundance of good food, free energy, great health technologies harmless to nature and biology, and so much more. 11) Fear is the controller and love is not the opposite of fear. Love is letting go of fear. Knowing we are transient in our bodies, we have to trust that which gave us our bodies, our Earth, Our Moon and Sun, our Solar System, Our Universe, that which is the Intelligence Behind all Phenomena. 12) Learning this lesson (and don't I know it) Is the key to the new Consciousness WHICH WILL SWITCH ON AFTER DEC 21 2012, IT HAS BEEN BUILDING UP SINCE 2000 years back, and now another switch is to be turned on. [The first switch was On October 28 2011], now we have another, then 2016-17. 2032, 2075. Dramatic changes in Consciousness will ensue.

Access Express | 10/25/12

Threatened Voices: Tracking suppression of online free speech
A collaborative mapping project to build a database of bloggers who have been threatened, arrested or killed for speaking out online and to draw attention to the campaigns to free them...

via globalvoicesonline

5 mins of a trailer for a wonderful future.

This is 55 mins, however, please make some space to look at this, you probably have seen something like this, however, it proves to me everything we know about our history and religion is very wrong.

The only reason I can find which all the academics deny the mathematics, the measurements, the evidence from physicists, engineers, professors, and looking at the pictures, is a vested interest. Religion have to be retold and reprinted, history the same, those in power would be challenged as to our origins, as Lloyd Pye states everything you know is wrong. Loss of prestige, pride, position, status, ego-----yes a massive turn around. This means at first incredulity, denial, fear, emotional upheaval--- in short a new consciousness, renewed mind----courageous, bold, open and yet discerning.

Part 4 of the above.

This beautiful and wonder 4 min video shows what happens in your garden and the photography is amazing. In the early 70's I spent a year in Minorca [I wrote this in an earlier blog this video is not of Minorca] and one of scenes in the above is of butterflies rising from the ground in mass. I was fortunate enough to witness this on several occasions. Two years later when I returned because of the urbanisation they were not there in mass. I had beautiful surroundings, and named rough pathways as Butterfly Lane, Yogi Rock, Prehistoric Garden, Gateway to Heaven, Moon Walk and so on.

Noble Gas Plasma Engine to be Revealed at Power-Gen Conference, Orlando Florida, Dec 11, 2012
October 23, 2012
It will be interesting when you read the link above and the caption underneath how the 'big boys of Carbon based, nuclear based, solar and wind power put up this to fight or capitulate?

'This will have BIG opposition from vested interests who make huge profits from carbon fuels.

It will be a big fight! So when this comes out SUPPORT IT... SCREAM AND YELL "WE NEED THIS NOW" They'll be less likely to try to kill it. This is a huge advance for our health and the health of the planet.'

If you thought the scanners at Airports in the USA are dangerous look AT THE NEXT LINE IN LASER ONES TO BE DEPLOYED IN 2013. THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY LINK. 3 mins.

When you know at a molecular level vibration, which are sound, frequencies, alter the patterns of the water droplets, iron filings, sand on a surface, also there are sounds which crack glass and shatter all manners of materials, not alone organic substances and beings. See Emoto, and see German University Professor and Students.

Water -- just a liquid or much more? Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of "memory" by storing information and retrieving it. The possible applications are innumerable: limitless retention and storage capacity and the key to discovering the origins of life on our planet. Research into water is just beginning. [Homeopathy has been claiming this for years and many are saying as in the scilog above the Oceans maybe a retentive hardrive of all memories of the palanet].


Some years back I was shown a way which two or three lasers shone into a room could pick up your TV and Computer screen data when on and also through the glass windows hear and record your conversations. This was in the 70's.

HOW BRAVE ARE YOU? This doctor claims cancers can be cured in 2 -16 weeks and exposes myths about cholesterol and other things. 7 mins.

Whew there's a Whiff

Just lately some contacts have been sharing with me that they have smelt a stench, that of rotting, decomposing, decaying. We did not feel it was pollution, Chem Trails, our bodies, domestic stuff, some also felt a kind of inward decaying, a part of them dying, not a full time to go. The consensus of this was that it was the old paradigm, the thousands of years domination of the dominant suppressive 'blood lines' those that from ancient history have come through to dominate, humiliate, torture, rape, abuse, and as this is tumbling out into the media, and so released from the collective unconscious, the repository of humanities collective garbage and beauty, so some of us may have picked up the stench, the feeling, the signal of the dying old way coming to the surface.

The open gaping wound of the wounded monster of the old, the snarling last gasps at the attempt to claw back its sinister power using its weapons of drones, laser surveillance, austerity cuts to suppress the hunters, the corrupt politicians, bankers, priests, paedophiles, council officials, corrupt food supplies, Big Pharma and Petro all being shown the light and pulling down the shutters and throwing their last gasp at humanity. I feel the monster is in the gangrene stages and soon it will die and as one knows the energy will be released and cleansed by the new energies of transformation.
The Stink of Enlightenment by Jacky Sach & Jessica Faust

Don't get too attached to your spirituality, at home or anywhere else. People who get too attached to Zen are said to have the "stink of enlightenment." The stink of Zen can be understood as "a holier than thou" attitude of self-congratulation. Sometimes people who follow a spiritual path can get very caught up in their own spirituality. They can get attached to their "spiritual glow," and the result can be an attitude that falls short.

You might start to feel the world is a wonderful place. You might see the spiritual light of life everywhere and feel in love with the world all over again. That is a truly wonderful way to experience life, and we are extremely pleased for you. However, don't ever lose sight of the nature of impermanence. A loss can bring you up short, no matter where you are. When we lose friends, family, pets, and jobs, we can feel intense sorrow and loss, but this loss is also a part of life. Acknowledge your feelings. Don't expect that you will ever rise above loss and never feel pain. Courtesy of Jacky and Jessica Faust.
A word of sensibility here, because one may feel these things and the decay, one must be sure to be present and not get 'big headed' or I am not dying with the old I am a New Energy Person on the ascension trail.

Daily News Breaks of more corruption and deceit, yet we have to know 'that yet by the grace of God go I' we all have the potential to be evil, sordid, dominant, dictator and power psychopath, also good whatever that means, I feel harmless in the real sense, not a namby pamby. I certainly have seen in my shadow side all the traits of the shadow, have travelled to hell and back, sometimes I have flinched been shocked, yet being a Spiritual Samurai as it were, have had to painfully face it, look at it, own it, then walk through it, and sometimes mud sticks and I have to retrace my footsteps and face it again.

It is denial that because we meditate, do mantras, practice Yoga, Tai Chi or whatever, and we have flashes of joy, happiness, at last I am free, that this is the end of the journey, it is a glimpse of the freedom that eventually will arrive when the house has been thoroughly purged. So the whole process is one of cleansing, detoxing, watching, waiting, breathing and so on. Just when will this arrive for the individual and the mass, God alone Knows.

I feel there is a plan, an open one, which has a 'no time as we know it' in its clause in the contract. It shifts with the ratio of those who awake to those asleep, and when the greater awakened than those that sleep, the 'plan' shifts forward. It is possible to slow the plan down by the nefarious means however; it is not possible to stop it completely.

Why is this so? Because the drive of evolution will either destroy the block in the end as super waves, the cogs of the Universe turn and in the Universal Cosmic Evolution it evolves for the greater whole than an individual hiccup.

Yes we are important and precious, however, the evolution of the Universe supersedes any planet, constellation or individual.

SO THIS IS SOLAR MAXIMUM? Forecasters have long expected the Solar Max of 2013 to be the weakest of the Space Age. It might be even weaker than they thought. As shown in this 20-year plot of sunspot counts vs. time, the sun is underperforming:

Sunspot numbers are notoriously variable, so the actual counts could rapidly rise to meet or exceed the predicted curve. For now, however, the face of the sun is devoid of large sunspots, and there have been no strong flares in more than a week. The threshold of Solar Max looks a lot like Solar Min. NOAA forecasters estimate no more than a 1% chance of X-class solar flares in the next 24 hours. [ As of 06-11-12]. Courtesy of

Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on Nov. 6th. Polar sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives


These are lenticular clouds which are caused by air rising to the top of a mountain, this case Mount Rainier USA and form to Dew Point, when vapour turns to liquid water and produces condensation.

Blind To The Truth: The Eye-Damaging Effects of Statins Once again the damaging effects of Statins. This 8 min video sows a law officer exposing with graphic pictures how the drug trade runs politics and the economy. I have heard similar from many whistle blowers and seen it when in forensics.

This blog maybe rather long as I will only do ONE BLOG IN December 2012.


Helps develop Childs brain Mothers love and loving words.

Well Folks it is a very high energy month. 11.11, 12.12 with an eclipsed Sun, then the long awaited December 21/23 2012. Just one blog in December 2012.

Take care of your precious selves. Geoff

Friday 2 November 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Nov 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Nov

Geoff Freed — November 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.


Hope all is well and those sensitive to the upgraded energies are not getting swirled away in the maelstrom. Scientists resign over cancer research in Texas. More research on Vitamin B12.

40 years I have campaigned over fluoride and yet this 3 min clip almost suggests it's a new issue, however, it is well presented.

Breath taking almost 3 D without glasses.

One minute of a NASA Gamma Ray depiction. If you realise they are saying that one of these rays could devastate Earth. Some say the 2004 Indonesia Tsunami may have been triggered by one?
'The Swift robotic spacecraft was launched into orbit on November 20, 2004 to observe

GRBs are flashes of gamma rays associated with extremely energetic explosions, usually from dying stars and they are the brightest electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe.

One of the GRBs depicted in this clip hit the Earth directly but it was too distant to have a noticeable effect. However, scientists theorize that in the future, a GRB could devastate life on Earth, which they believe has happened in the past.

It has been hypothesized that a close-range gamma-ray burst from within the Milky Way, pointing directly towards the Earth, could cause a mass extinction event on our planet' Courtesy of Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge.

You can see how the FBI and other authorities use false flag and black ops.


Figure 1 About the transformation and Kundalini rising

Many folk have been feeling the fire of the purging, powering surges of the cleansing energies of the Transformation and some eventually to transfiguration.

In some theories the energies travel up the spine and the left and right channels, and some up the front of the body. Say the contrast between Yoga and Ki and Chi of Zen and Qi Gong and so on. I feel at present we are at a world point where many folk are feeling the pressure of transformation.

It is said that shock, illness, accidents, abrupt endings of a relationship such as divorce, parents passing on, job loss, bankruptcy and so on, can cause an energy surge which can 'unblock' a meridian, chakra or flood the nervous system which causes the 'road map' the 'familiar world' to collapse and so alter the brain neurone and synaptic pathways that formed the highways and byways, the routine 'safety mechanisms, the coping strategies' we formerly used before the earthquake, the shattering, or perhaps a less severe event.

The chaotic world today and the media reports will in some cases test one's credibility, for 9/11 and the above FBI short video above; show how the bigger the deception the more likely people will go into denial. 'What bomb and kill our own people? No way. No matter what evidence you show me'. The austerity measures when there is such a glut of money, stinking, filthy rich 10% and 90% on the downgrade, sliding to poverty, until their spirit is broken, they capitulate and become enslaved.



Figure 2 Both these pictures symbolise the Kundalini energy.

However, when one comes to terms with conditions and begins to realise that there is a deeper purpose at work here and takes these powerful currents, surges and symptoms, these breakdowns, one begins to feel and sense a greater 'plan' at work, a clearing, purging, powerful detoxification of mind and body. Rather the mind stuff falling away, causing the body to cleanse itself.

This body cleansing is severe now with many needing nutrients and dietary supplementation and paramount deep meditation, rest and yet when feeling for it quite robust exercise.

Gradually the awakening is gathering and is does it releases more energy into the collective mind and so these waves are causing the building bricks, the very foundation of world humanity hierarchical corner stones, the pillars of our known structures to flounder, totter, feel shaky.


Figure 3 Staring at disbelief at shattered ruins, part of our perceived reality gone, lost, what was so solid now just empty and in ruins.

At this point we could get depressed, suicidal, what's the use, seek distraction, pessimistic, panic, get ill, and feel trapped and so on.

The saving grace is that one realises all so called solid objects [we know all material things are 99% empty], yet we solidify them to feel grounded, safe, this is solid ground under my feet, I'm safe, secure, nothing can rock my boat. Then bosh, suddenly the tide can turn ill health, accidents, dying people, and war. Why me, why this, where are the good old days, when I was young, or I am young and cannot get a job, I'm called lazy, a benefit cheat, a waste of space as a pensioner and all, the scenarios you can think.

Then the great lesson may dawn, the Universe, the sun, moon, Earth, me, my body is not forever, we have to live with loss, death at every level stares me in the face. The grim reaper appears so large and fearful now.


Figure 4 Hey Reaper I Love you. You are my saviour in disguise

When we face death clearly, we realise the transience of all things, the temporary nature of all things, here today gone tomorrow, the king is dead, long live the king. When we realise the life of a butterfly maybe a few weeks, some insects a few minutes, the life of galaxy a few billion years, we realise that the APPEARANCE of the Universe Itself is transient, we are because it is.

Then something amazing happens. We let go of holding on to that which with us must die, we accept out mortality, not morbidly and sadly, because a DEEP KNOWING ARISES from our depths, not anywhere physically, it comes from the foundations that death brings to us, it reveals our EMPTINESS, our True Nature, that which is beyond all form. A feeling beyond the known, beyond the unknown and there comes a peace, a tranquillity that only death can bring. AND WE CAN DIE TO THIS AND STILL BE IN THE BODY. WE do not have to physically die to let go of the perceived solid that we clung too in our previous road map of reality.

So all the wars, the diseases, the calamities, the suffering has been for what? To show us to let go. A society that does not honour death, not run from it, not promote it, sanctify Life of a body only through validating its demise. Some Buddhist Monks meditate in a morgue or graveyard, whilst my Qi Gong teacher told me not to go there as the chi is stale and dead, I spent time in morgues, hospices, and know that by appreciating a corpse, seeing this still apparently lifeless being had a 'spark' which was and is precious, and where has that gone? [Here we go into the medical scientific thing, ah well consciousness, life comes from the electrical division of cells and on death your light goes out, finish, finito, go pick up a pizza, watch TV, make love, sleep and go to the next post mortem tomorrow].

Well I got something else, I sat and contemplated my ' spark' within me, and at times, a great glow, a knowing occurred and I knew there was a Life within me, that did not die, that was not to be confused with birth and death, it was LIFE in a pristine primordial, form, a potential, a Life Force, a space of AWARENESS that knew Itself and was that which was eternal and yet invisible, unformed, and yet proved ITSELF by indwelling all apparent solid things organic, inorganic whatever, and withdrew Itself when the creative sustained ideal was accomplished.

It is said that the Age of Aquarius is dawning and it is the rise of the yin, Shakti, feminine force is upon us.[many people are feeling this 'cold burning' especially in the nether regions]. This rises from the base, from the infrastructure, from the depths and wishes to rise to the head yang head where they marry, where left and right brain marry, when the bride and bridegroom go on honeymoon, where the process of war very male and yang, the heroes we see on TV, huge heavy guys, now, superwomen guys, battling, growling, snarling, hostile aliens, war, attack. Yet there is a weariness with this, there is a lethargy about this old USA crap, attack, beat up, dominate, cigar wielding 'Dirty Harry' 'The Stiff British Upper Lip' 'The Fanatics shouting, noisy gun totting bearded of all races and dominations', Drones, Civilians and Kids being massacred. THE RAPE OF INNOCENCE. The assault on decency.

Yet the stench of this is the puss of a putrefying open cancerous wound, an ulcerous canker, weeping and now seeping out for cleansing. The Karma of the Aeons of war, abuse power struggles, now worldwide and experienced by many billions world wide through the mass media, mobile phones, TV, computers and so forth.


As the Universe sends these waves of evolution to us here on Earth, its timing is perfection.

Time for clear up, clear the slate. Unfortunately many are still asleep, they watch while eating their takeaway's on TV the horror of the news, not knowing the acid forming silently, while munching on a Big Mac, a pizza, a curry in a hurry, and so on, and just staring idly at it, whilst it sinks in, and then ah well when is corrie on, east enders on. My neighbours bless them hurrying not to miss an episode. Shocking did you see that little girl murdered, did you hear about the latest cuts, do you know they are not doing cataracts or hip, knee replacements for the elderly, I've paid all my life for the NHS and a pension, what are all these foreigners doing here taking our jobs and getting free treatment?

This rhetoric is the internal dialogue, yes why are all the races going hither and thither, looking for jobs, looking for success, while in the end death takes it from them anyway.

What about being a farmer, an herbalist, a nature lover, village life, and solar powered ploughs, hydrogen and compressed air cars, anti gravity free aircraft, linear motor trains, phantom wave health technology. GOOD GRIEF Geoff, your stone cold raving bonkers, THERE'S no profit, I cannot be top of the pile, I cannot dominate, have servants.

So we are in the death throes of the old outworn ways of living, and soon the weary will surrender, not to the elite dominants, but to that spark within, the glory of the Eternal in the finite and yes Death Conquers all only to bring New Life.

Sufi saying 'Glorious Sun Why Are You Setting? Only to Rise Again'.

Be Well. Geoff

Thursday 1 November 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Nov 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Nov

Geoff Freed — November 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Folks

Well we are not far away from that era of prophesised change, either, physical, consciousness or whatever. Maybe the same old, same old as link depicts a 10 minute frank and to the point outspoken narrative. At last we may have the truth about GM CROPS. Well, well, well, the nasty Vit D in sunshine, the Vit C misnomer, how many other bad for you are OK? Cholesterol margarine/butter and many other polarities.

How About Earth Song. Sounds like whales and chirps. NASA 4 mins.


A whimsical feeling came to me, 'I wonder if the whale song and the Earth song are in sync or a communication of some sort'. Whales are often thought of in Mythology as mystical beings, and I have felt dolphins, whales and other sea beings are communicators and guardians of very precious knowledge and keepers of the sea of 'emotions'. My lovely friend Shala Mata does monthly Whale Meditations and native folk have great respect and love for them.

Just lately I have been getting a lot of feelings and thoughts about transfiguration, and the difference between ascension energies, transformation and enlightenment.

These are purely my own feelings and in no way are they meant to be a 'must or dogma'. To me Ascension symptoms and transformation symptoms are the two sides of the coin. When the Kundulini activated by consciousness, the life force begins to unravel, spiral and buzz, it signals the DNA which is at the interface between consciousness/energy/ Cosmic evolution, the Creators Mind in Action, to begin a new process within the individual, being organic or supposedly non organic, to me they all have atoms, particles, just the response is different, but never the less there. So to me everything has receptivity, consciousness which instructs and 'gathers' particles, to atoms, to molecules and form.

The ascension energy then begins to activate the cellular memories through the DNA which then sends the signals to the brain in order to put in place new directions via the synaptic responses and neural networks. Actually it happens all at once, it is instantaneous, and however, to get the picture a breakdown occurs in the description, however the intuition gives the wholeness of it as a process which is seamless and instant.

So to me ascension is the process of altering the DNA, clearing the debris, detoxification, cleansing, mind, body and psychology. The symptoms are well known and listed in back blogs and many sites.


Figure 1 The Mystical energies of evolution begin to reshape the previous energies and upgrade them to a point at the climax of the process.

I feel a climax is reached, a tipping point of consciousness, the apex in consciousness of my Inverted V [see search bar], the dissipative Structures of Consciousness as may be applied to Prigogine, at this point the enlightenment of the mind is reached, where a clear out of all residual obstacles to a complete fearlessness is experienced and is the resident state of mind, not gung ho or bravado. An explosion follows and it is not a NDE more like an implosion. For some it remains in the MAHA SAMADHI, SATORI state of Consciousness and for some they may transit to Transfiguration.


Figure 2 The Mind Clear and Enlightened, a carrier for unadulterated consciousness. However, the body remains in a cleansed and relatively healthy way.

The there may follow a complete transfiguration of the physical body into its Life's essence, the light body. [See back blogs on 1967 writings at Samye Ling and the New Aquarian Resurrect ional Light Body] and the process of reaching this.

However as it is near the 'time' in the process for this to possibly occur I would like to outline the '1967' writings as to this and recorded in many of the 2005 back blogs.

Christmas 1967 at Johnston House as it was then and an old building now transformed See photos of old and new Samye Ling and also Inverted V and much more.

A brief summary and you can see from yellow leaflet in the link above I was onto this in the late 70's and 80's. However, '67' said that there were energies coming in incrementally and that they would be at first three monthly [1967- 1971] then they would be 3 weekly and so forth until 200, the period of 2001 until 2012, 2032, 2072, would see the final stages for many of the process in which the body would seem to glow, seem heavier and yet be lighter in weight, we would look androgynous and yet have the same genitals as male or female, we would not be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, we would procreate by intuitive processes, in other words direct prelife agreements for those wishing to experience an Earthly vista. Many of the etheric sheaves surrounding our bodies would be burnt off during the process, such as the Astral, the Emotional and the Logical, direct perception would ensue, the energy that the sheaves had left would 'fire' the upper chakras and the process of the debris held in these old sheaves would be burnt off by the fires of the transformation process.

Sexual intercourse would still be initiated for birth; however, the activity would be minimal. In Very later stages 'Divine Birth' would be initiated.

At this period time travel, visiting galaxies, exploration of the Universe would follow as we would not pollute or contaminate.

See Now 23 to 34 in the link above March 2011 and check the phone number at the bottom of the yellow leaflet [scroll down] and you can get an idea when these were first given. Many laughed and scoffed, yet many resonated with this.

Now we come to the crux. In many recorded instances, some like Jesus have died and can resurrect into a human form, so called solid. Sri Yukteswar to Yogananda, Jesus to disciples and many more. Maybe as in the cases of Sri Yukteswar and Jesus one has to physically appear to die first, I am not sure if this is not the case now. Maybe this is the Holy Ghost, and then the solidification. Yogananda describes that Sri Yukteswar shimmered as in Star Trek beaming in, and then becoming solid. This is mentioned many times in the Life and Teachings of the Masters of The Far East by Baird .T. Spalding and I have heard of Tibetan High Lamas, Native American Shamans and so forth.

It maybe that we can transfigure, which to me means, materialise and dematerialise of the complete human being in its original form without death of the body, but by perhaps a dematerialisation and then materialisation, perhaps by coma, death or something else. Perhaps that something else is as follows in next paragraph.

The energies may at some time be so all powerful and much the human frame so purified that the body will almost be in this resurrected 'state' so the transition from Earthly body to the Light Body, does not need the death of the organs to determine the light body to reactivate itself. Here we can see the NDE's and the amazing Anita Moorjani epic. Perhaps as the collective unconscious embraces the ideas and concepts and then realises the essence of oneself, this will take the fear out of dying and one embraces this as an every day event, such as sleeping and dreaming.



I wish I were the epitome, the example of the 1967 writings and not just the messenger, however I do feel that December 21/23 2012 is a joyous time, a turning point in consciousness, there are glimmers despite the doom and gloom of the media picture and perhaps the energies will rise in a great gust so that the tip over into next step in evolution maybe seamless and painless. 'Change can come in a twinkling of the Eye'.

If one takes the sayings of the bible, for instance 'I am the way and the resurrection and Life' the I am in the case of NDE's certainly in my own at the age of 4 in 1942, did not seem to be personal, I was an awareness, disembodied being, like in many recent accounts of NDE's a collective, yet individual, and like Anita Moorjani came back to a body already manifested, yet miraculously healed, how about the next step, to disappear without death, dematerialise and then rebuild the body. Jesus died and his body was not found until he resurrected, Lazarus was dead and brought back. One's ESSENCE is not the body or personality IT IS THE SENSE AND AWARENESS I EXIST and can and does exist without the body---- I AM. No name no pack drill, I AM. I am an awareness without form, so who am I -------------well-----that would be telling. One is a knowing, a consciousness. Maybe the trick to coming back from invisibility or manifestation is the consciousness and its directive.

USA intended new surveillance the 'blimp' it is updated airship [4 mins]. It is called the sky ship.


97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose And Is Not 'Junk' As Labeled By Scientists

'The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. The bottom line was:

Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.

This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.

This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Garjajev's research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.' A paragraph from the article and this is part of the PHANTOM WAVE. It is real STAR TREK stuff. I went on about this in back blogs and the so called redundant junk DNA. I feel the junk as in blogs is affected by the 'waves of energy and its signal codes to activate the new Cosmic Universal upgrades. These are the triggers and switches.

The Most amazing musical instrument. WOW. 4 mins.

Bosnian Pyramid 25,000 years old. 3 mins. Wow, Wow, Wow.

This 15 min video will show you a great amazing courageous whistleblower. I feel a must watch.


Figure 3 New Planet Found 5000 light years away.
'A planet with four suns has been identified by two "armchair astronomers".

The bright new world, just under 5,000 light years away, is believed to be six times the size of Earth.

It orbits one pair of stars and is in turn circled by a second pair. As a result, a total of four stars light up its skies

A handful of planets are already known to orbit pairs of binary stars, but the new find is said to be unique.'

Just lately so many have shared that the world condition and its conspiracies when looked at factually are completely crazy. To kill your food supply, pollute your atmosphere, kill, rape, and plunder and so on beggars belief.

Many a mystical Master has appeared to be crazy, mainly because they do not subscribe to the 'norm'.
Mark Twain Funny Quotes


12. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

13. Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

14. I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it.

15. I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

16. The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.
Many a time my Sensei and Sifu did seemingly crazy things and it did shock me, the constant laughing and giggling. I thought they had lost it and the stories about their teachers doing apparently absurd things---- until recently I had a touch of this.


Way back I described in a blog a fit of laughing for over an hour and half over an experience which I relayed to my editor and he sent me a short video with someone who had the same experience.

This is the laughing Buddha [7mins].

Lots of things have dropped out of my 'mind' lately, and if I felt a nothing as above and in blog way back, there is more debris gone, the light is shinning more through the lampshade as the scenarios etched or painted on the shade, my body and the conditioning put onto it, the more I perceive the illusion of the so called Earthly reality and form. It is a knowing not a theoretical appreciation, I knew about matter being 99% empty yonks ago, and I got an intellectual buzz, a logical crap buster ah ha. Yet the other programmes, attachments all hauled me back into the job, mortgage, marriage, illness, disease, war, pain, family, God, destiny and so on. Caught in the mind trap.


Figure 4 Mind Traps. Conditioning and Programming, Culture, trauma, upbringing, religion, ethos of country, politics, peer pressures and so on. The rag bag of Life.

And so a few of my friends and I have been feeling this peeling away of this apparent reality. My laughing is coming from deep within, right deep in the gut, everything seems unreal accept the joy, laughter, and the freedom with it.

One day in the local park, I came across these trees, I know them well, they looked so free, growing from Being, the sun shone through the leaves from the back of me to them, a bird singing, the stillness, alone in the park. I giggled, laughed, danced and felt free and completely mad, crazy, yet quietly sane. Mad because I was released from the craziness of the world entrenched view. I wasn't mad the frigging world was.

I started to dance and sing, die, die, everything dies, death, death, the great liberator, how wonderful to die. Waving my arms ecstatically and running knee high up to the chest.

It wasn't a wish to die, it was the release that no thing is forever, everything is transient [this of course I have KNOWN for years and had an intellectual understanding, in which I haughtily felt I was superior to those hooked into the illusion and trying to perpetuate their lives through possessions and hoarding, acquisition] now it was no pride in this, no wish to liberate others, teach, share, just a impersonal quiet yet bubbling rapture. A love of love for absolutely no reason at all.

Now to say this is a permanent experience is to labour the point and exaggerate. Many deeper subtle and terrifying nightmares ensued, and demons surfaced, yet the bubbling mirth arises more and more. The more mirth, the heaviest of the darkness rears its head, trying to enclose me in fear, drag me back to old habits and routines and yes it does at moments however, the turn around is a lot faster.

I am even laughing and feeling these blogs over the years and especially this one are the maddest ever, huge laughter I have to stop.

The above was preceded with me burning all my certificates my NASA, ESA memorabilia, police forensic stuff, healer and Taichi, Qi Gong, Judo, Kendo, Aikido, stuff, I have a few uniforms left, they will go soon. In my flat there is little to say academically or socially who my personality was or is. Residues are still pouring out and the more this happens, I dance, sing, laugh and smile. More compassion wells up in my being, and yet my body aches, and I have been a little sick, it seems a physical clear out.

Transfiguration to me now seems as I was going on about it in a few blogs back to be a process, not of my initiative, but the clearing of the shade/body, lets more light through and that intelligence will reorganise, reconfigure whatever needs to happen, maybe the dissolving of this human frame. That really has me guffawing.

As the jigsaw puzzle [like the maze in figure 4] becomes dissembled, the illusion of the picture being real, the world and our conditioning, becomes unreal, distorted, the network, the pieces of the puzzle begin to make large gaps, the missing pieces let through the infrastructure of Light, Beingness, and then the master jigsaw overseer tries vainly to hold this picture together, and struggles to let it disintegrate. The master puzzle enforcer is the ego held together by the superglue of fear. To let this dissolve may seem madness and yet the light of joy, freedom of spirit, laughter, child like rapture and adventure is worth letting the process do its work. So this kind of madness is spirituality and does not necessarily conform to the present consensus of the world paradigm.

Be Well. Geoff


33 Minutes of probably the most astounding breaking news. Well its up to you to make up your mind. A clue all the Western Leaders have been to Afghanistan lately to view a mysterious cave!!!!.

Published on 30 Sep 2012 by DiscloseTruthTV

What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a "Vimana" entrapped in a "Time Well"

that has already caused the "disappearance" of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been hidden in for the past estimated 5,000 years.

In view of the above I feel this link is vital. It is 51 minutes in length, however, please be patient, it might give you many hours of thought and research, much better than the crass news and media hype. Are you up for it?

3 mins of the last journey of space shuttle Endeavour through the streets of Los Angeles. A true feat of engineering. You can skip add if you wish. Looks like a breakthrough is about to happen in deciphering an ancient script and writing. Could be relevant to the above links. Strange how all these things are coming to light now? Are we in for a 'surprise'?