Saturday 4 August 2012

Born Free Series — Post 4 / Aug 2012

Born Free Series — Post 4 / Aug

Geoff Freed — August 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hi Folks

I like sport and what with the European Football bonanza, lots of Cricket Internationals, Wimbledon Tennis, Athletics, The Tour De France, formulae car racing and the Olympics, it has kind of sent me into a kind of 'no more please' yet the standards are amazing. So much the human mind can do and what if the application was put to world peace, transparent financial matters, then truth about medical drugs out in the open and wholesome politics, the release of free energy, the phantom wave to eliminate health problems and UFO revelations, talking of which have a gander at these below.

Our dear friend Nassim Haramein appears in both of them and one is an extended version. One is 25 mins long and the 13 mins. They show artefacts released by the Mexican Government, verified by scientists and much more to come. It would appear we have been visited before by ET.

Nassim and the Sun can be seen on scroll down until you come to Nassim Haramein's video at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library [It is 6 hrs duration however, you can go in 4 hour mark and see the Sun doing its thing]. Remarkably one of the artefacts as in two links above show a UFO moving a comet or object out of the way, and another the Sun repelling an object as in Video by NASA. Did a UFO move the object hurtling towards our solar system by the Sun Zap as in VIDEO?

Many of us shy away from the subject of Death and Dying and we say loving eulogies about people sometimes at their demise and funeral.


Figure 1 Death Star from Star Wars

As Dave Allen a Irish comedian gave out a lovely story. In a village there was a very unpleasant person who had a very large hump on his back [I hope this does not offend anyone I am merely relaying a story and does not mean all people like this as are in the tale], he apparently was vicious nasty and very offensive. On his death his body was laid out and a strap put over him to stop him rolling off and jerking upwards. The priest said 'whilst Shamus was alive he was kind, loving, help anyone, we all be sorry on his passing' Just then the strap broke and the corpse seemed to jump onto the priest's back. The priest exclaimed 'Get off of me you humpty backed little B-----d'

On one of my colleague's funeral it had on his stone 'Under this sod lies another'.

When I was child I often remarked to my parents why it that adults say one thing and think something else. Also the last piece of cake 'Would you like it, no thanks, goes round the room and someone takes it, and you can see some thinking,' well of all the nerve, what a cheek'. It is nice to be honest and sometimes manners and it was drummed into me 'Manners maketh Man.' Krishna Murti once proclaimed' many of us are like gutters with disinfectant that covers the stench'.


Figure 2 Dave Allen in his younger years

Dave [who I once met in an Irish Pub in Cricklewood, London, during my Forensic Days] exposed many dark secrets of the faith he was born into.

So to death and dying. Since my NDE in 1942 I have always wanted to go back to the place where I was when dead, the light, the beauty, the freedom and clarity of mind. It was this clarity and innate wisdom that stayed with me until I was 9. I could feel and telepathies. I knew the double standards. Later on while practising psychotherapy and counselling, I could see the way many of us were taught to 'cover up' feelings, not talk about things, sex, death, abuse and so forth and so it built up into denial, guilt, hurt, darkness of the suppressed garbage, rotting away quietly in the dustbin of mind. It caused the double bind blocker messages. It can be so in denial that people tell others to do what I say and ignore what I do.

It gives licence to those to go to war, it brings in belief systems that justify lying. We see this now with many countries falsifying evidence [Weapons of Mass Destruction] shutting out truth from the news, the internet, campaigns against whistle blowers, religious permission to fight on behalf of God and Kill God's Creation and Children.

We are afraid of the end, the unknown, the fear of not existing. Yet the only thing we really know is one day my days of sojourn in this body will end. Death the abyss, the dark end, or heaven with harps and angels, cloud nine, hell with brimstone and fire.

To dear old Dave again. Murphy and O'Leary where in a car crash and died. When they arrived at the Pearly gate and St. Peter welcomed them Murphy said to O'Leary 'You were a good man you will go to heaven, I will go downstairs to hell, please phone me in six months'. After six months they got in contact. Tell me what is hell like. Well it is packed, so packed, you stand all the time, and it's hot, many girls to have, burger bars, brothels, non ending porn it's great for a while, everybody cheats everyone, there are trillion of us, its so damned hot. What is heaven like? It's peaceful, light, and bright; we put the sun out each day, pull in the moon, and shine the stars, get to see angels, God and the like, it's hard work because there are only six of us!!!.

My favourite workshop of the 70 odd I used to present was pre life agreements. We make a contract whether to come into this incarnation. Some of us to clear the slate from the past or to assist in the process of letting go of this illusion that binds us to suffering and mortality. Then those who die for a cause, suicide, become martyrs and are often forgotten in the mists of time.

For me I know in depth I signed up for this before I came here.

Death beckons for release, for joy, for moving on, not a wish to escape, but to fully enjoy Life and know there is no death. Once one really feels this then Life is so good, wholesome and fulfilling. By fighting the inevitable, denial, makeovers, the wonder longevity pill that never arrives, one invites depression, anger and frustration. Why did God create me to make me die? Yet if one but knew one is part of God where is death then? [This has to be a deep knowing, not an intellectual assumption, or some glib atheistic quote].


Figure 3 Pre Life Agreement. A contract.

Welcome each day as the first day in your life; welcome the end which is but a beginning, not fear and trepidation. A South American friend told me how in his tradition, they pick a place to die when they feel it, dance and make merry. Some Buddhist monks just sit in meditation and pass quietly.

In my Qi Gong training some masters told me never to do or meditate with Qi Gong in a graveyard or a place of death. Yet some Monks meditate in the Cemetery and Morgue.

Life is a miracle and it does not stop by not having a flesh body. Why this sadness at leaving the body. The sweet' smell' of moving on is part of the package, the contract. Heaven and Hell can be experienced here on Earth. One's programming and conditioning determine this.

During the years I found I lost the capacity to grieve and mourn, people said I was hard, seen to much forensic awfulness, cut myself off and hard to reach. Yes I admit to that, and I worked and opened up and have returned to the above in a different light.

By realising the self as imperishable, the body as transient, that life is eternal, one simply cannot die, only move on, then in a way what is there to grieve, mourn. Ramana Maharishi when passing on said people relied on him, he said they have to find themselves, and he then went onto to say, where do you think I am going? I realised there is nowhere to go or to arrive one is constantly where one is and always will be.

The fact is we mourn those for the comfort they gave us, the support, I am on my own, where can I go, what will happen to me, god it's awful the grave, the cremation, so final, what if I am buried alive, what is death like, I miss them so. To be honest as I see it, this is about being selfish, all about me, the loss, and the pain. This is what the ego experiences, the false self, and the real self cannot feel this. I know this will seem hard, and if I have offended anyone my deepest love and care I offer.

Before I came to this deep understanding I grieved the loss of Gilly, My darling Mum, my dearest brother, the searing pain, the feeling of despair, the crying at night, the weeping spontaneously in the day, the utter desolation and emptiness. I know these pains. I realised that being 'in love' was finding a way to not deal to 'lose oneself in another', the real self cannot be found in another, cannot be lost or found, it is.


What we in fact do is fall in love with another's ego; we merely get relief from our own. In many relationships things brake down when the honeymoon is over. One may try and change the other 'I don't understand you anymore; you're not the person I married and so on. In many a counselling/therapy session I heard this and also 'I slept and lived with him/her all these years and never really understood them' many confided in me that love had long gone but she/he were a good person and it is about compromise and security, companionship.

It is subtle the best relationships are when two or three or groups when many have seen the illusion of the false self, the cravings, wishing to be dominant, run the group, be superior, he has PH.D you know, he is Doctor a Chief Inspector, a somebody.

In a social setting many ask me after a while 'what do you do', oh that's interesting where did you get your degree? If I say where and when I am of interest, nowadays, I say I just am retired and do really nothing. Away they go. Me I seem to stay in my space as it were enjoying people and their thing, being at peace. 'You really must dance, you must simply mix, and you must enjoy yourself' I am enjoying you enjoying yourself. What an anticlimax after the party, the event, the funeral, the game do you feel this? No I am enjoying being me whatever that is, I feel the same, the weather may change and that's OK.

Do you not grieve and mourn old so and so. No I celebrate him/she has moved on gone to a space where they may see the illusion and perhaps find joy there. What about their physical presence is it not lonely, loss? Yes for a little while yet it does not alter one's equanimity. Why so? The real self is utter fulfilment, it is a dynamic of inner peace, alert contentment, and one feels complete. Do you not feel love for a person? Not really I see the life and light beyond the conditioning, the programme, I see the bird straining to get out of the cage. The cage is the programming and belief systems that imprison one.

When one is out of the cage and experiences this freedom then one has compassion. One sees the struggles that conditions one.

There is a pop song and its title 'How can I make you Love Me'. The ego self is always looking outside for security, for love, for a reason to exist. When we lean on a partner, a guru, we find we lose the opportunity to find that self that is complete within. This is not the same as obdurate will power, self sufficiency, independence; this is far deeper and is the essential self.

Sometimes people feel nature is hard, the bird that fell out of the nest and is left to perish, the lion cub that cannot climb the mound and after many attempts is left behind, both have to survive or perish. It is the same for humans in a different manner. Too much help or too little, how much is enough or little. Mollycoddle, pamper, hard and unrelenting. Again we are caught up in the duality, the paradox of Life, the Koan of Being.

Here the middle way beckons. Be still, feel your way into the situation. Decisions made from ego are about what is available as a solution 'out there' which is merely a projection from the ego graphic and editing library, and collective world scenarios.


Figure 4 The Knight in Shining Armour going to a Maidens distress

What about the Guru? The Saviour? The Knight in Shining White Armour? Many a therapist, guru, martyr for the cause, do gooders, get their love from their adoring audiences, clients, feel they are being of use, sacrifice themselves, sometimes because they have to get the love they never had, the adoration they missed as a baby, so they form a symbiotic love affair with their clients, it does not necessarily be sexual in the physical but emotionally sexual, the need, the orgasmic pleasure of fixing another's problem, pleasing Mummy, Daddy


Figure 5 The Guru?

To earn my love. How many of us bend over backwards to please our parents, because if we did not we got punished, and how many naughty kids got the attention better so called kids never got, some sensitive children wonder why they are constantly punished, what is wrong with them and the hang ups of their parents are worked out on the kids, so the kids feel their parents know best, it must be there is something wrong or bad with me, what a thing to foist on kids, they are a waste of space one parent told me. This goes onto pleasing Queen and Country, beating my hand on heart and breast 'For Harry and England' the pride in our military [yes they are brave and die for their cause] and if you are into the ego game of war, domination and cruelty, you will line the streets with the coffins coming back, you will cry and all else, big memorials will go up. I seem hard, well KrishnaMurti stated' If every Mother in the World really loved her Son they would not let them go to War' I go further If we found true love none of us would go to war. The war in domestic violence, the rape of burglary, the war with finances to make people homeless, the invasion of countries.

It is not enough to say war is evil; violence should stop because we are frightened it might come to us. This is like forgiveness, as in previous blogs, to merely say this and there is resentment as in forgiveness, we merely tolerate an uneasy peace. To stop war out of fear is only a temporary solution, war has to stop when each and everyone finds fulfilment in themselves, not by doing, but being in that place as it were, where one wants nothing from another or to give to another, from this state of being one is a complete being, and interacts from creativity, intuition [not be confused with impulse and ego prompting that imitate spontaneous intuition]. This works seamlessly like nature and has a natural efficiency and balance. Until the world comes to this we always are wanting. Want is lack, need is natural supply.

When wanting, needy[as distinct from natural need] grasping, grieving and mourning are in a way selfish, we want something or give something and when the object of that is removed, there is a hole, a uncomfortable vacuum, that and drive us to despair, depression and live in memory of the past. What is it I desperately need from others that I cannot find in myself? Here we deal with loss. However staring loss in the face, not moving from it a strange release can come, the hole is covered, not by going to the gym, meditation, TV, a distraction which can become as addiction, walking stick, a god feel factor. One is content to sit in the emptiness, welcome the quiet and still mind.

Who out there can fulfil my emptiness, my void? Who will rescue me? My world is crumbling? I must go to my GP, my Guru, My, My, MY. When we pass over who is my guru, GP, counsellor, therapist then, there? Best to clear the slate now.

Look death in the eye now, watch the fear, perhaps even the gladness to get out of this life, which is an escape, a distraction, look the finality as we are taught to believe, look for the purpose in death and that it is common to us all. We knew this when we signed the contract.

Interesting 4 mins on off the Grid.

The role of Airports that spread diseases in the USA would be the same in most countries. [2mins]. MOST, MOST, MOST VITAL TO READ AND ACT.

I have used a product which is natural and harmless for years Herbal Fibre Blend and Fibre Cleanse sold world wide to literally millions of people. The EU after 25 years of me consuming this has banned the import of these. The reason given for Herbal Fibre it contains a medical herb Cascara Sagrada bark. The other one contains oatmeal. Three of my friends who run natural health businesses have had regular visits or letters banning many products. Slowly our world is being raped and we are as well, raped and abused by restricting choice and false information as above in GM BIO-TECH STUFF. Mind raped, denied of choice and forced to eat what is dangerous. We have abusive officials who are corrupt and evil in their intentions, evil because they ignore the science behind the dangers and go to be with money, corruption and deceit. Their acts will at sometime rebound on them like the bent, crooked bankers and when will the mass of folk wake up and break their foul addiction to power, lust, arrogance, deceit, and blind law breaking?

I know I have had a great Rant but I feel it is near end times.

Take care you are precious and needed. Geoff

Friday 3 August 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Aug 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Aug

Geoff Freed — August 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Folks Yes its back to the same old cherry to start with.

R3-Radio Blackout Storms (Strong) are currently in effect. At this time, there have been no published FAA warnings to high-flying aircraft. The US Air Force has placed a warming to military and civilian satellites to be placed into protective mod. NASA has notified the ISS astronauts to take positions within on-board protective shields. Courtesy Mitch Battross [13-07-12].
NOAA Scale Past 24 hrs


Geomagnetic Storms



Solar Radiation Storms



Radio Blackouts


Related to above. Cause of Global warming on all planets in solar system, activated by large energetic belt solar system currently travelling through and energetic frequencies from Milky Way Centre. [The effects on weather are well known and not so well known on our biology and other organic systems] many back blogs on details. Cause of civil unrest, crime and other extreme behaviours. It may get more severe and frequent as the transformation of our DNA is also exposed to the ascension energies. By ascension and its related physical and psychological implications it is in my view the next step in the evolutionary process and where they might take us?


Figure 1 See how this relates to Paul Harvey below

3 Mins that will astound you by the late Paul Harvey. [1918-2009]
'In the course of writing her books, Brown was asked to join the legal team of Jimmy Keller, an alternative cancer therapist in Tijuana, who was jailed for, as she puts it, "the alleged crime of representing that he had a high rate of cure for cancer."

"He always showed the movie World Without Cancer to his patients, which is by Ed Griffin," she says, "so I read the book World Without Cancer, and it linked the cancer industry—the cancer cartel, basically—with the banking cartel. It showed they had the same roots.

It went back to the Rockefeller-Morgan cartel at the turn of the 20th century. Rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie supported drugs, funded the medical schools, and basically got the homeopathic schools shut down. (In the 19th century, the homeopathic schools were the leading health treatment.)

... I realized in the course of that that if you wanted to get to crux of the problem, you had to deal with banking, because that was actually where they got their power. They got their power from the power to create money."
Read Full Article
NOAA Scale Past 24 hrs


Geomagnetic Storms



Solar Radiation Storms



Radio Blackouts


15-07-12 Power systems: high-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms, long-duration storms may cause transformer damage.

Spacecraft operations: corrective actions to orientation may be required by ground control; possible changes in drag affect orbit predictions.

Other systems: HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora has been seen as low as New York and Idaho (typically 55° geomagnetic lat.)**.

Again not a thing about the affects/effects on biological organisms and you know what is said in back blogs.


The arrival of the CME shook Earth's magnetic field, which in turn induced electrical currents in the ground at Arctic latitudes. Rob Stammes measured the effect from his magnetic observatory in Lofoten, Norway.

Pop star Joss Stone is broke after using her fortune to buy her way out of a recording contract.

The singer racked up an estimated £10 million after shooting to fame, and was recently named alongside Adele in a list of Britain's Young Rich stars.

But she reveals her bank balance shrank significantly when she handed over the bulk of her earnings to bosses at record company EMI to get out of her deal in 2009.

She says, "I don't have that kind of money. It all went when I left EMI. I was flat even, down to nothing. I wasn't even down to a million in the bank. What I had left was my house and three flats in Exeter and that was it."

Now Joss insists she is better off without wads of cash, adding, "Money is the thing that people hold over you but to me it was just cotton balls. Don't let it suffocate you. Don't let yourself need it that much. I just thought, 'I'm free. I'll go out and play some gigs and earn my living.'"

A young lady getting the message. Hopefully.


Figure 2 Joss Stone HAVE A LOOK AT THE PICTURES IN AUGUST 2012 2 BLOG OF YOUNSTERS' HANGING OUT' Once again a young life ended. There is a spate of this going on for some time. When in Forensics years back it started and did not hit the news. Drugs, boredom, depression and then the drugs by GP's to aleviate depression, attention deficit, hyper and hypo activitiy, and a host of other modern day activities. Our creativity maybe still active but is fuelled by violent movies, porn, dreary news, weather constant change, GM food, attitives, pesticides, coco caola, fluoride, and so much more. All of these cause addictions, mess up our bio photonic and cell nourishment, in fact we all maybe addicts of some kind. This is the leverage that the so called 'elite ' have on us. Time to Wake Up to the Game. First step---Know we are addicted---- just by admitting it we are on the road to breaking the spell, the dream, the mass hypnosis.


Exclusive Leaked Documents: American Dietetic Association Is Intentionally Using State Legislatures to Block Alternative Nutrition Providers and Restrict Free Speech [the EU is trying by stealth to do the same, AND WITH FINANCIAL ISSUES----IF YOU DO NOT wake up and send on WE WILL BE LIKE SPAIN, GREECE, ITALY, AND ALL OTHERS SUFFERING THROUGH AUSTERITY AND POVERTY—thank you]


THIS IS MIND BLOWING PLEASE VIEW THIS 9 MIN. VIDEO BY A BIOLOGIST AND JANE BURGERMEISTER. AIDS IS A HOAX. WOW. WOW. Only a few seconds and shows the alive, wonderful aliveness of our Sun. The living Great Being. States it was cured by stem cell and bone marrow transplant. See above large letters and compare. Speaks for Itself. YOU might be shocked at how bent doctors are and especially in the UK. I had this out with David----? And he vehemently disagreed with this article, yet my other Doctor friends said yes this is what we might expect Big Pharma to brainwash Doctors into more medication, especially Sttatstatsttins------Ergh Ugh, oyks. Posted it way back, however this beautiful message of 6 mins. Worth is very wonderful.

Another Zen story in my life: I went up to Sensei and asked him if I could learn Kendo [already doing Judo, Aikido] and he asked me why I wanted to learn Kendo [Sword Way]? I replied 'I understand that Kendo is the most dangerous and I wish to conquer my fear and anxiety also I feel most comfortable with a stick? Sensei replied with an instantaneous thump to the top of my head, leaving me dazed. I ran home and I had a slight bump on the top of my shaven head. Incidentally I ran through a grave yard in the dark which I feared to do, I was shaken and confused, and dazed on the bus home.

Again my late Mother came into the drama. My God what's wrong with you now? I said I wanted to learn Kendo and Sensei had taught me the first lesson. She said the usual, Judo, Smoodo, Aiki Kiki, get a decent job, marry etc...

However I was fourteen at the time and had left the very Jewish school, but still went to Budokwai and local Springfield Park Dojo in a friend's basement. Although I now lived in Hendon I went for a while to Stamford Hill to this Chassidic School, as before that time I could not read Hebrew and it was needed for my Bar Mitzvah [13 year old boys initiation in Synagogue, where I was told not only do I have to keep the ten commandments but now there were 613 more].

The first morning as back after the bump on the nut, Sensei jumped out on me in the entrance to school, shouting and threatening. This happened for six weeks at various locations. I got so agitated that I tied cotton to my bedroom window handle and to my bed with tins attached in case he broke in.

Then one Sunday as I was walking down Spring Hill Park Road down a steep incline in order to get to the dojo in Lingwood Road, I felt this ripple in my back I knew or sensed it was Sensei; he was walking in a crouching tiger walk like a ninja. I turned in a similar stance and said rather rudely 'oh no you, you don't, you ****???```!!' Sensei said' Good you to feel me, most important, Japanese sword comes very fast cannot be seen by eye, must to feel' I apologised for my insulting language; he laughed and said once only not again. Then we got into training. No one could throw me or get a wooden boken or shinai [training wooden replicas and training equipment], this gave me the advantage of counter moves.

When I eventually went to work and started psychotherapy and counselling training and teaching Judo/Aikido/Kendo, it stood me in good stead. It brought me back to my NDE at the age of 4 and the telepathic sensitivity until I was 9.


Figure 3 Sensitive Child [not myself]

Then work, relationships, physics and nothing is solid [previous blog] all came in I was still meditating, teaching Judo etc.. Then came a period where I felt to give up all martial arts. I left work at various intervals to live abroad and travel and study. To give up as in last Blog one has to let go, like forgiveness, words are not enough. It has to dissolve no residue. Sensei had said that one day I would give up all martial arts even if they were to design to conquer the false self.

It was then before one of my trips abroad I met the Master Lei Nei Chong and I switched to Tao from Zen, very subtle differences, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Met the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [did not join, story in back blogs] and the parting of Judo etc., was easy the Zen saying 'A worn Out pair of Shoes' and I walked out barefoot so to speak, clean, and dissolved of that. I walked out of the formal Tao and lost myself in other things. The phrase lost myself seemed so apt. I could not meditate, although there seemed to be a modicum of basic awareness. It was if I was aware, dimly and yet was deeply engrossed in the illusion and Maya.


Figure 4 Kendo

It seemed my past had evaporated, I had relationships, one was my lovely partner [we married at Findhorn] Gilly, then there were a succession of lovely ladies, then that ceased and I felt to come back to myself. I had a series of very serious illnesses, and the workload of Forensics, workshops, psychotherapy and healing sessions, teaching mediation, and so forth got to too much and I entered burn out which led to the illnesses. I gave up workshops, lectures, teaching and went into blogs, research and still do lots of meditation and gentle Qi Gong, the chi machine and flexi bar with stretching, juicing of vegetables and a sort of healthy diet.[the burn out was saying to me you have ventured to far from your core, your essence, to attached to doing].

What is the point of the above? We could all relate our drama. I see now how free I was after my NDE. How I was lovely open and sensitive until 9. Then culture religion came into my Life, and the light became clouded and dimmer. Then Sensei and Sifu, the clarity came back, not as naturally as at 4-9 years, this was clarity with wisdom. The sensitivity was blunted by religion, family bust up, trauma, dogma. I had to learn the adult way so to speak to get back, claw back that sensitivity, and yes I did get back that faculty, only to find I got hurt and I cut it off.


One evening Sensei and I were demonstrating Kendo at Acton Town Hall in London with live razor sharp swords. I had grown my hair and it was thick long and curly. The tatami [mat] slipped and as we were doing Kata [a sequence of formal arranged ancient movements of the basic cuts], the sword of Sensei came close to my head and felt like a cut and my right eye went blind so to speak and I felt the blood pouring down my face. Sensei said 'carry on, don't look.' When we got back to the changing room he covered my eye with his hand and said' Be brave, look in mirror', Slowly he removed his hand and when I looked there was a lock of hair covering my eye and in it, stuck there with the sweat of fear. In a back blog I told a similar story from the experiences of Group Captain Cheshire [he witnessed the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and flew Lancaster Bombers in the Second World War]. Sensei said that fear and imagination loses the ability of breathing deeply and calmly and awareness. This was to keep me in good keeping in emergencies.


Many times I came home from work and workshops to a lonely home [Gilly and many partners had long gone] they felt bless them, that they could not reach me; I could not let them in. It was partly of my hang ups; however, the main reason for me was 'I had to find myself. Yes it is true we can find ourselves in the mirror of relationships. For me the quest was self sufficiency, however, at that time it was a DISCIPLINE, A WAY, AND INTELLECTUAL and yet A deep felt need, I HAD TASTED THE FRUITS of the bliss, the Cosmic Orgasm. The urge to have someone at home, to comfort me, welcome me was like in a hermit situation in Spain, [described in back blog] lonely isolated, and being lonely and isolated in London can be worse in a way than in nature and isolation. I felt the relief when I broke through in Spain and came back to London, and then I could deal with isolation of living alone, but London brought to me the need for a loving partner. I then went and still are on my own and having been through the withdrawal of a partner [this is not to condemn or judge anyone with a partner, formal or informal, some have their destiny to find themselves in this way, and many do].

Again I had worn out shoes and left all partners, retired early from work, gave up teaching, workshops and all else and live in a simple place, in fact sheltered housing, since there are no wardens due to government cuts, I live on a basic pension and a bit of a works pension[I broke service four times]. The feeling now is that we all have to live through our drama in order for that drama to provide the awakening.

I felt awakened at my NDE; it seemed to diminish when the culture education stuff crept in. I was child like open being. I found it again through the 'Martial Arts' it dimmed with work and relationships, it came back when I gave up all outside pursuits as it were.

Where am I now? God alone knows. The sense of I is dimming, it is gradually becoming awareness without name or label. Enlightenment not possible, there is no such thing. Finding oneself, who is this self when there is no 'I'. Is it scary, if there is no 'I'? Or it is receding fear or attack is nonsense? The reference point to who am I is a distant light somewhere in a foreign land on the horizon somewhere. Is this because I am getting old, senile? Not so. Many have come to this point or realisation when young. Some came into Life with this knowledge I did at the age of 4. Maybe because some of us come in with 'the knowing' in my case from the NDE, how do I get back to this free state, we go through the drama in order to give it up and perhaps assist others in their journey, not through discipline but by experience.

To live in this world and not be part of it[I add materially addicted] is to enjoy the journey, pause here and there and continue, Life will do this whether one struggles or not. Life brought me In and Life will Take me Out.

Wonderful journeys and keep the River Of Life Fresh and unadulterated.

Your friend in Life. Geoff


How Big is Big, how much is enough, and are we all alone and the only Life?

What is a light-year and how is it used?

A light-year is a unit of distance. It is the distance that light can travel in one year. Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More p recisely, one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

Why would you want such a big unit of distance? Well, on Earth, a kilometer may be just fine. It is a few hundred kilometers from New York City to Washington, DC; it is a few thousand kilometers from California to Maine. In the universe, the kilometer is just too small to be useful. For example, the distance to the next nearest big galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, is 21 quintillion km. That's 21,000,000,000,000,000,000 km. This is a number so large that it becomes hard to write and hard to interpret. So astronomers use other units of distance.

In our solar system, we tend to describe distances in terms of the Astronomical Unit (AU). The AU is defined as the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. It is approximately 150 million km (93 million miles). Mercury can be said to be about 1/3 of an AU from the Sun and Pluto averages about 40 AU from the Sun. The AU, however, is not big enough of a unit when we start talking about distances to objects outside our solar system.

For distances to other parts of the Milky Way Galaxy (or even further), astronomers use units of the light-year or the parsec . The light-year we have already defined. The parsec is equal to 3.3 light-years. Using the light-year, we can say that :
  • The Crab supernova remnant is about 4,000 light-years away.
  • The Milky Way Galaxy is about 150,000 light-years across.
  • The Andromeda Galaxy is 2.3 million light-years away.

On that Note Lots of Love and fly high and yet keep grounded. Geoff

Thursday 2 August 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Aug 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Aug

Geoff Freed — August 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again

Staring off with a flash mob or experience, these are events that take place in public places, music, singing, juggling and involves lots of people and is usually merry and joyous. There is also a chap named Matt and the series' where is Matt', its sheer fun and bonding.

This is great for me as it is Russia, my parents were born in Kiev and Odessa [now Ukraine] and so this touched me especially. My parents came to this country in 1913 as babies. My grandmother lived to be a 101 and she had blonde hair that turned snow white, she had Caucasian features and oriental eyes, my late Grandfather looked the double of Stalin. These were on my Mothers side. My fathers parents were amazing, Grandmother was also very Caucasian in her features, and Grandfather a Red headed 'bit of character' with a prickly beard and very religious. I have a heart soft touch for Mother Russia, yet never been there, although know and speak to many Russian Scientists, I love their freedom to go way, way beyond the box.


Figure 1 Not my Grandmother, but similar, as a young girl.

My Grandmothers until late in their years had upright postures, strong bodies and mentally alert. The male side unfortunately passed on quickly and were not healthy. I am hoping I can survive a little longer than they. My late mother was a very healthy athlete and musician at one time. However, the stress of a husband who gambled away a vast fortune and was never at home, which caused for constant moving and different hasty and traumatic situations took her toll on bringing up two kids on her own. However, the lessons I painfully learnt led me into the spiritual path so to speak and so all these traumas were expensive suffering until I realised the blessing they gave me, to be who I am, and not be an inherited pass me down person.

My late brother and I had distaste for my late Father, and I did not see him for years, my role models were my Sensei and Sifu. The Jewish religion in which I was born into and saved my life as in my NDE, in fact all religions had no meaning for me. The bloodshed in the Old Testament left me questioning this wrathful avenging Deity. I found all other religions much the same in their own inimical way. Yet running all through these were the Golden Thread. 'Love thy Neighbour as Thyself', 'Do unto others as you would do unto yourself' and these Universal acclaims seemed beautiful and true.

I became a Judo, Kendo, Aikido, Budo pupil with a Japanese Sensei and School Master F A W Nash who was a well known Judo ka in the early days at the Budokwai in Victoria [later moved to South Kensington]. Many stories of these in earlier blogs, NDE, BUDO and so on. It was here I picked up Zen Buddhism, and used to go to the Dojo at weekends. Later on a Sifu came into my Life and I transferred over to Qi Gong, Taichi and the Tao. Physics then arose and I saw at Quantum levels the Tao at work as it were. And this has brought me to somewhere, a somewhere that is nowhere in particular, a good Koan.

It was here and now I felt 'The Way of Things' which is where all things are. There are no labels, no methods, just then free flowing river of Life, carrying me to where I need to go, the unknown destination we all face.


The key to many psychological facets, the ego hiccups we all experience at times and sometimes lead to extreme trauma and turn into hate, malice, stubborn non forgiving, which turns the body into a bitterness and a mind full of venom and spite, not only can this resentment be murderous, it can turn in on itself and cause serious physical debilities and demise.

My family and many others have had this undercurrent and the Jewish mentality can sometimes be paranoid and the slaughter them and other ethnic communities as well, and the disempowerment this leaves leads to all sorts of mental complications. The Bankers, the so called 'elite' are dumping on us now to this day; the racial, religious, atrocities are world wide. From Australia the Aborigines are again facing land grabbing, the Palestinians walled in, complete destruction in Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Somalia, Tibet and yes here in Europe as the old regimes rise again to dominate the free.

So I realised that forgiveness was the golden Key. Not a few words I forgive you and a shadow still remains and when certain 'buttons' are pushed the old stuff comes back often with a real sting in its tail. Why so? It has lain dormant in the dark recesses of the mind and has grown there waiting to be released and then a trigger, sometimes innocuous sends us into the same old, same old.

When we release let go, there is a dissolving, this then frees us, it can really be felt in the body and can often be a healing of an illness. There in a workshop in Nottingham many years back, I gave out a particular imagery of traumas we experienced and within this sequence a release was called for if possible, not to force, just like honey dissolving in warm liquid, and it was OK if it could not be achieved this time. The KEY was not to TRY, WILL IT, CONTROL IT, breathe, observe, an impartial viewer or witness, relax, let it go the way it wants, feel the pain, the tightness and so on. A lovely lady joyously exclaimed that she had a facial paralysis for many years, this was obvious when you looked at her and of course she was conscious of this, she said, its gone and one could see this. She then related the particular circumstances that caused the paralysis, a painful episode in her life that she clung too and would not release and let go. Are we not seeing this world wide now? Nations doing this to nations and so forth. Bye the way, I do not claim to have done the healing or anything coming from me as a healing energy, it was I supplied the tools; others used them for appropriate means. Those incidents were many in the 37 years of 621 workshops and countless 1-1 sessions. In those years I say over 3000 people, all them I bless as teaching me to let go. On one of the doors of a clinic I worked in the word TOILET, the letter I had been missing and was TO-LET, I then posted up TO-LET GO, and that's what one does in the loo. Constipated Mind = Constipated Body [if not in bowel maybe in chi flow, it can manifest in meanness, lack of money, other bodily or relationships, it is not giving away the false self etc]. This letting go brings real closure and it frees up the other person or circumstances as well as oneself.

Many times in back blogs it was related when for instance a person came for help and was very ill, she came from Australia to the UK to see old friends when she immigrated. She resented her divorced husband in Australia and had not spoken or seen him for 25 years, and did not even know where he was living, total blank out. When she released similar to the above, her daughter sent her a telegram saying that a letter from her ex husband had arrived on that day of her release. The content of his letter was amazing, he felt to forgive and he released his resentment, which he had held despite remarrying, having kids and being happy, however, some deep part of him held this. This synchronicity, this so called co incidence, happened so many times, that I realised there was, is, an energy, a force a vibrations, a frequency, something, perhaps travels through the quantum field, who knows, that this is am joining of SHARED RESENTMENT AND UNTIL its EXTERNALISED and recognised, owned and seen, it lays festering and closure cannot be obtained.

It also showed me scientifically that mind in non local and that the electrons that do this non locally at instantaneous separate locations, indeed show that at the fundamental level, all is one. That what we do to others is mirrored back to us, and if we do not clear the slate now we have to do it again and again, somewhere, some place.


From these examples perhaps we can realise the National, Religious, International, Political, the abuse, torture, raping of lands and taking away human rights and so forth, the collective burying and impacting of these monumental past historical events. The desperate nee for forgiveness, closure, and yet nations, peoples are so entrenched in their beliefs, culture, dogma, fanaticism, that they will defend their 'story' their patriotism to the end, even when it shown to be dysfunctional and then go into blame and denial. So you see a lot of mindfulness, awareness is needed, can we make people wake up? Yes and No. Sometimes a terrible event happens, business breakdown, relationships, world events and so forth, possibly disease and so forth. Who knows what will rock the boat to bring about fundamental release?

A universal understanding we are one. One Earth, One Home, One Humanity, One Life, One Destiny, One Divinity [for Atheists One Life]. Then it goes beyond tolerance, which usually has small residue resentment in it or prejudice, to world that is sharing, caring and compassionate. Your fate is my fate; my fate is your fate. We are family, we are as one another. We live and die under the same canopy.

It becomes obvious that the differences that are held in nations, as in individuals, group, cultures, relationships, where domination or superiority abide, instead of open attentive awareness, there is a hidden a agenda, 'were you listening' 'yes of course' and yet at the back of the so to speak we want to leap in, cut across what the other is saying, and then say 'sorry I interrupted you' or we willing by force hold back.

So the strategising university 'bright' minds in some cases are seduced into the political arena to work out strategies based on the human mind frailties as above and use it psychologically to under mind, separatism.

When I had a very responsible position, my boss told me, divide and rule and then you will be successful, play them against each other. I did the opposite, I got a better work force, harmony and output. The result I was shifted and demoted.


Figure 2 To find ways of releasing. It hurts because it is held and imprisoned in the part of the entrapped mind held in the hand of guilt; hurt, resentment and won't unclasp. Shake hands rather than make a fist.
Europe's nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.

Gradually, it was thought, the supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council of Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities of the Continent. A day would come when governments would be forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, without their having had a say in the establishment of its underlying principles. All they would have to do was to merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and then proclaim a United States of Europe.' From Jean Monnet, Founder of the European Common Market 1952. So Political Union was the original goal and the harmonising of the one world government, and IT HAPPENING NOW.
It is becoming evident that by destroying the Libya, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and so on, eventually the war Lords fight amongst themselves and eventually The West under the guise of the One World Government come in with their ever cunning promises and now the loss of human rights as the former dictators were alleged to have done in those countries now devastated.

Gradually our herbs, supplements, internet freedom, human rights eroded, mad medical decisions, GM food, and some of sleep on, still thinking the economy will get better, the bankers learn their lessons, political cover ups, the old school tie. I am not calling for a rebellion outside as it were. We need a mind inner revolution. Wake up; stop perpetuating the fiscal dream, the dream of communism, capitalism, political and religious domination. Just as the above see through the ploy by being awake, aware, questioning, see how the emotions drive one towards comfort, cosy hypnotic acceptance, breathe, witness and so the energy is cut off towards mindless addictive thoughts which produce emotions and force one to act accordingly.


One often hears the phrase 'I am just an individual what can I do?' You can research those individuals who campaigned and broke the spell of dictatorship and despotism. It just takes a choice, 'I am not a robot I am a free thinking person—or am I?' First free your 'brain/head' then appropriate action arrives. Act from the Quiet mind, not from doing busy frenzy mind, or a sleepy trance of conformity. What is your job as above? True we need some money, ----How much is enough? When is enough greed, keeping up with the neighbours, I must be successful, by whose standards is success measured?

My Mum never put much pressure on me. However, there was a lovely story in which my dearest lovely Mum became my Guru and my saviour. My late Brother and I shared two vehicles this was when I was 26 years of age, 47 years back, Woolf was his name 'We need to sign the renewal forms for our vehicles' When I looked at the forms it said name, for a flash I saw myself in my mind's mirror and the feeling was 'Who is this, I am a temporary form, made of atoms' Then address I felt like putting the Universe, then age and I felt like putting eternal being' Woolf said 'are you alright, you seem distracted' ' Yes' I replied and signed appropriately. This then left me dazed and I felt I had amnesia.

When I got home I said to Mum 'I feel shocked, dazed and I cannot remember anything, it's all hazy' 'Oy Veh[Jewish expression] its all those bangs on the head from those kendo, smendo[there will be several other expressions not spelling mistakes]Judo Smoodo, why don't you find a nice Jewish girl, get married, have children, become a mensh[a respectable Jewish person]be somebody?

Mum I am in trouble I have to go to work and I cannot remember anything. Then she said 'Why don't you do what your teacher told you, sit on the bed look at your belly button, and relax' She looked so worried I did just that. After a while of gentle breathing this came to me' " I know that I don't Know, but when I need to Know, I will Know' Suddenly it seemed my memory bank slid to one side of my head, brain, and I was happy with 'not knowing I had to Know, to have knowledge'.

This has been my 'saviour' and when I was told I had lung cancer and to start chemotherapy I once again did the 'stillness breathing' what followed was appropriate and healing [another sharing perhaps], the same with leaving work four times to do' my thing', and so on, we all have our story and drama, the trick is to let go of it, I do not have much trust or faith, it seems the challenges bring this about.

What is clear now is that I am not enlightened, for there is no such thing in my view. I do not have faith in anything in particular, I do not know if there is a God, yet it feels like there is a invisible intelligence at work behind the scenes, however, I realise by letting go of the above concepts and being in that open, empty, space, breathing gently, aware and feeling free, and yes body pains at times, something else flows in and what that is beyond words but ever so fulfilling.
G1 Minor
Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur.

Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible.

Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine)**.

7th July 2012 Hey Man I am an animal too, and I have a pineal gland and an ethmoid process which is sensitive to magnetic fluctuations. Just so happened on this day the following after pictures and captions below.




S1 Minor
Biological: none.

Satellite operations: none.

Other systems: minor impacts on HF radio in the polar regions
You cannot be serious!
R1 Minor
HF Radio: Weak or minor degradation of HF radio communication on sunlit side, occasional loss of radio contact.

Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals.

The more emotionally the brain reacted to the initial injury, the more likely it was that pain will persist after the injury has healed, he said. A quote from an article on pain research.
EU Proposes to Drop Zero Tolerance Policy

The European Commission has issued a proposal to drop the policy of zero tolerance for unapproved and untested GMOs in food. The proposal suggests setting a threshold below which contaminated imports could enter Europe's food chain.

This is similar to the EU's move in 2011 … they once had a zero tolerance policy regarding GM contamination from unapproved GMOs in animal feed, but last year decided to allow contamination with up to 0.1 percent of such materials. At the time, Greenpeace EU agriculture policy adviser Stefanie Hundsdorfer said:

"If the safety of a GM crop has not been tested in Europe, it should not be allowed. Setting a tolerance threshold, however low, is a sign that Europe is losing control over its own food production to please American exporters. The danger now is that EU countries come under pressure from the pro-GM lobby to also allow GM contamination in food products for direct human consumption."

And, alas, that moment has come, just over one year later. Several GM opponents are urging the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Secretary of State Caroline Spelman to reject the proposals, noting:

"Pressure to drop the zero tolerance policy comes from the US government, the WTO and the biotech industry."

EU Blocks France's Ban on GM Corn

France recently asked the European Commission to suspend Monsanto's authorization to plant genetically modified MON 810 corn, citing "significant risks for the environment" shown in recent scientific studies (Germany has also banned the cultivation of MON 810 corn).

The EU stepped in and blocked the ban, which was an unsettling move to put it mildly, considering that in a leaked cable from 2007, Craig Stapleton, who was the U.S. ambassador to France at the time, commented on France's plan to ban the cultivation of GM corn, and stated that retaliation would occur:

"Europe is moving backwards not forwards on this issue with France playing a leading role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission... Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voice.

... Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory."

UK Also Moving Full Steam Ahead with GMOs

Meanwhile, in the UK the Agriculture Biotechnology Council (ABC) published a new report "Going for Growth," which, according to GMWatch, "calls for GM to be put at the heart of agricultural development in the UK." But ABC is not a government authority; it's a GM industry lobby group that represents the interests of Monsanto, Bayer, DuPont, Syngenta and other biotech giants.

However, the ABC is meeting with key UK government officials to present their case, and reportedly "the industry's push for GM is already being welcomed."

Ironically, around this same time, a leading supporter of GM foods in the UK, George Freeman, has been touting a supposedly "healthier" broccoli that fights heart disease as GM, and using it to show how "GM food can improve health." But it turns out the broccoli, sold under the brand Marks & Spencer is not GM at all, but is produced using natural plant breeding methods!

Freeman, who has received money from the biotech industry, is now in hot water with Marks & Spencer, who has banned GM foods for more than 10 years, and was one of the first UK retailers to put such a ban in place!

This type of thing has actually happened before. In 2008, retired chief government scientist in the UK, Professor Sir David King made claims that drought-resistant crops that have increased yields by 30% were being planted in South Africa – even though the plants were only in a trial period, and effectiveness had yet to be proven. And as reported in the Guardian:

"King has been wrong before about new crops in Africa, claiming that a successful project near Lake Victoria was benefiting from GM technology, before having to admit the crops involved were not GM at all."

GM Soy Linked to Illnesses in Farm Pigs

As you probably know the reason why there's such heated controversy over the allowance of GM crops is due to their many health dangers, and the fact that their genes are capable of transferring to non-GM plants 'horizontally,' which means you cannot contain them. They absolutely WILL contaminate their conventional and organic counterparts, so one day soon there may be no such thing as "GM-free," because everything will be contaminated – especially with the recent approval of GM alfalfa.

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, provides overwhelming evidence that genetically engineered foods are unsafe and should never have been introduced. Smith has documented at least 65 serious health risks from GM food products.

Among them:
  • Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce
  • Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells
  • The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning
  • Many US farmers report sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed GM corn
  • Investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products
There are countless examples of GM crop failures, as well as GM-associated toxicity being observed in animals fed the plants. For instance, a farmer in Denmark became frustrated because his pigs were sick. The pigs had chronic diarrhea, birth defects, reproductive problems, reduced appetite, bloating, stomach ulcers, weaker and smaller piglets, and reduced litter sizes – and they were being fed GM soybeans.

The farmer looked into the effects of GM foods and their associated herbicides, and stopped feeding his 450 sows GM soy, giving them non-GM fishmeal instead. It only took two days for him to see noticeable results -- for the better.


No wonder literacy and the lack of communication are so prevalent. The title taken from these pictures and there are more is 'Hanging out with Friends'.

Off the Grid. There are many people now going off the grid. I saw a BBC 3 documentary by a young women going to Japan and other countries and seeing what young people are up to. The one I viewed was where she saw what a trend world wise was, young people living in well built cardboard boxes, hard to get a job, and most of the work is part time. Internet café's offer small sleeping spaces and many joining together to work part time and share their wages. Then there is the ageing population and the fact that in 2032 people will have to work till they are 80 because of the ageing population and so on.

Nick Rosen above discusses the ways to go off the grid and so on. This may happen sooner than one thinks.

In Japan, because of the social etiquette it is shameful to be out of work, and the amazing thing to do to try to get work and the parental pressure and denial of the times. There is a wood where young commit suicide and the data is being covered up. The presenter says could it come here in the UK and in fact all over the world.

This will shock you when you see this is HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES IN THE UK AND THE USA, the cover up, lazy Brits, and so on. PLEASE WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH.
'Stacey Dooley looks at how the economic crisis has affected young people in Japan. ... Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all ... To find out, Stacey Dooley travels to Greece, Ireland and Japan, three ... new type of homelessness, with many young people having resorted to living in'

Eight key points from the relative risks data
  1. On evaluation of the most widespread sources of preventable risk, smoking still appears the single riskiest activity for a UK citizen: by comparison, you're 797,940 times more likely to die from smoking than from taking a food supplement!
  2. A person resident in the UK is an incredible 293,006 times more likely to die from preventable medical injuries than from taking a food supplement. For herbal medicines, it's a still-enormous 36,625 times!
  3. A spell in a UK hospital poses a similar risk of death to active military service in Iraq or Afghanistan!
  4. The risk of death from pharmaceutical drugs in the UK is 62,000 times that of taking food supplements
  5. Pharmaceutical drugs pose nearly double the risk of death than motorcycle accidents on UK roads
  6. The UK bar chart reveals that herbal medicines and food supplements can both be regarded as 'supersafe', posing no significant risk of death. The risk of death is less than 1 in 10 million people exposed to food supplements!
  7. By contrast, preventable medical injuries in UK hospitals are in the 'Dangerous' category, with a risk of death greater than 1 in 1,000 – along with smoking and military service in Iraq and Afghanistan
  8. UK residents are about as likely to be hit by lightning or to be killed on the London Underground than to die from taking herbal remedies or dietary supplements
Call to action

Please spread this information far and wide! Share the charts and data sources on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, and email them to all your contacts. The more people know the truth, the more difficult it will be for detractors of natural medicine to claim that it is a danger to the public and in need of further regulation or banning

Want to avoid running a risk of death similar to that of a soldier serving in the Middle East? Then take responsibility for your own health, keep yourself healthy and avoid the need to go to hospital! Some pointers on healthy eating and lifestyles are given in our Food4Health campaign.

Courtesy of ANH.
Read ANH STUDY 'ANH-Intl e-Alert: Supplements and herbs 300,000 times safer than hospitals.

In a lighter vain a 4 min cheer up.

The RAF aerobatic display team in the UK is the equivalent of the US Navy's Blue Angels or the Canadian Snowbirds. Unfortunately, due to the very high cost of aviation jet fuel and ongoing aircraft maintenance, the Royal Air Force has had to make severe cuts to their operating budget. Determined not to let the adoring public down at various air shows they have, therefore, come up with a reduced display which, as well as being much cheaper to run, has been turned over to the members of the Drill team of the British Fire Dept in Hampshire, in the south of England . Here is the result. I am proud to be able to offer it to you to enjoy. God Save the Queen!
What a crazy spoof! Only the Brits could pull this off.
*Air Show Spectacular*
Absolutely brilliant!

On that Note Lots of Love and fly high and yet keep grounded. Geoff

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Aug 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Aug

Geoff Freed — August 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.


When the atom was broken and the first atomic bomb exploded it was said by many that the world would never be the same again. In a way what follows has been said before, however, I feel it is coming about right now.

Many spiritual 'lights' at the time said that this had split the veil. I felt a dual kind of meaning at this time. One the benefits if used correctly and diligently could power all sorts of transport and free cheap energy, of course the other side saw the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, atomic plants which were not built with full knowledge and the means of disposing of atomic waste, and we see now even 'safe' plants leak weak radiation.


Later I came to see that behind the so called solid atom there are particles and then the particles were indefinable, sometimes minute mass and sometimes a vibratory wave. More holes, rents were appearing in the veil. What is behind apparently solid mass? The concrete wall, the steel rod, the pavement seem to the concrete mind, just that concrete. A great sweet friend sent me Christmas greetings years back and has recently passed over into her light body, and she put this sticker on the back of the envelope which I have kept for years and she has kindly put before it 'To a Sweet Man' Bless you beautiful Daphne you will always have a place in my Heart: "Ingrained and controlled cultural perceptions have led the way to a concrete view of the material world, rather than the more accurate vista that depicts an enormous energy field composed of tiny particles in motion"
It has been found that for a new paradigm of deep significance to be taken in en masse the time for this percolation and absorption is about 40-50 years. It is only now that many are able to grasp intellectually that 'nothing is solid' it is frozen energy so to speak, and some scientists like Sir James Jeans has boldly stated : "The psychiatrist is accustomed to unusual contrasts in life and this book suggests such a one and a pleasant one. Hardly anyone would offhand expect a mathematical physicist to write a book such as this. It is a book that might almost have been written by a poet; at least the author sees the universe with the eyes of a poet, even if, between times, he may busy himself with the mysterious formulae which so few of us know.

The book is both fascinating and commanding, and gives a wonderfully clear picture of how matters stand today in the face of all the recent rapid advances. The universe, to the author, looks more like a great thought than a great machine, and not only that, however the artificer. The Quote from Sir James's book is The Mysterious Universe. Sir James Jeans - 'The universe more closely resembles a great thought rather than a machine'.
Then it seems new discoveries happened and it was found that the Quantum field held all possibilities and probabilities and early experiments were seen to change when physicist's intended to alter the experiment it did, 'Mind over Matter' and in back blogs I described some and that some scientists baulked at this, and some actually had breakdowns. Those that baulked started the reductionism; anything that cannot be measured and so forth or put into maths is not valid or follows the laws of known physics. Very few were brave enough to step outside. Those that have shown the veil can tear asunder.

Actually there was nothing concrete, there appeared to be nothing graspable and the journey from there onwards had to be of a different nature. Einstein had seen that he was inspired and came to the experiments after his deep ah ha's. The nature of that behind the veil was intuitive and not necessarily logical. Even when experiments showed to 'emptiness' or the baffling results, many went into denial, and I witnessed some running like mad, and going mad.

The non solidness of things baffles the solidness of logic. The material mind comes in conflict with deep energy data. Homeopathy decried, and yet as seen in back blogs water memory and imprinting through various sucussions work and this is because the subtle energy fields affect the subtle energy fields of the cells that small is powerful and deals with the building blocks and foundations.

Then gradually we have the next step, the collective unconscious begins to get anxious as many are reading metaphysical books, sites online, workshops and the like, and the mind that attaches itself to solidness, finiteness is slipping, so fear of loss comes in and death is horrific. Finiteness is challenged by death. Infiniteness is a mere figment of a deluded nature.

Suddenly it is beginning to dawn on many sleeping minds, as they yawn and stretch, put on their morning news on the radio or TV, have their coffee and cigarette, then perhaps a cooked breakfast, a sugary cereal, and go to work in a car, train or whatever, there is another realm a mysterious realm, at first ghosts, UFO's mediums, yoga, tai chi, taro, runes, massage and relaxation classes. The first conflict between graft, money, the family and two and half kids. Some start to question what Life is, is there an afterlife and so on. The veil is lifting or holes appear.

Many are now being born who come with the knowledge of the before Earth Life.


Then there is talk about the shift. The shift is the realisation that no thing is solid, it comprises of levels of vibrating waves, frequencies and energy matrixes, vortices, wormholes, black holes, mysterious interacting forces that are transformed and applied to commensurate forms. In fact all forms are but consciousness arranging them in their appropriate wavebands to depict the scenarios intended.

Yet still we are in the creator band of frequencies, the pot, and the machine. The Source, the Light, God has yet to be impressed to the mass as the Divine Principle behind and in, up, down, inside, outside, all and everything, the Invincible immeasurable Infinite Eternal Being.

So the slippery dawning message, here today and gone tomorrow puts the skids under the hoarders, graspers, vainly enjoying things whilst they last and desperately looking for immortality for that which rots, moth and decays. [Desperately holding on to the Euro Zone and currency, no matter who suffers].

So where is immortality? It is letting go of the solid, realising all things are transient, expedient, illusionary. Once this is sensed by the quiet mind, gently breathing and reaching that stillness, something other than the mundane is hearkening, beckoning, inviting. This is beginning to take hold in this world of hurly burly noise of bombing, disruptive cell jiggling music, chemical and electronic pollution and soon the world will wake up and realise the Invisible realms that hasten one onto Enlightenment.

The acquisition of hoarding to make one safe, when the items themselves are only artefacts, may go out of fashion, riches that are downed by a stock market twist, some took their lives when these events happen, the American dream of never ending riches and wealth, and today that country can only make its way by war, corruption and suffering. Even ethnic natives who live simply have a better life with simplicity until the western madness impinges on their dwellings we arrogantly call primitive homes and life styles.

Yet many of these dear sisters and brothers have seen the fallacy of materialism and are trying to get back their land and simply living. This young lady paints heaven and the story about a little boy who says he knows the face of Jesus, all paintings shown to him were not right, until he saw this young lady's one. Do see video of her work. Also reconstruction of the 3D image of 'The Shroud of Turin' in its new form shows remarkable resemblance to the young lady

If this wasn't so ludicrous, that it becomes laughable, it is the sign of the day. Britain is doing the same thing. It is insane.

Dear Jane Burgermeister. Thank you Jane you risk your life over this video. Bless you. WITH the greatest of respect, many others and I have bloged this many years back. Do read website as mentioned in the video, especially about the boy with 3 strands of DNA. However its nice to be vindicated by the scientific community, especially the Western World which is 20 years behind the GDV and Phantom Wave of Russian scientists who are not driven by the same corset of the profit margins and Noble Prize acclaim only or in the pay of 'Big Pharma'.

The magicians trick is the illusion that is it real and mysteriously magic. The magician can then believe he has a power to control the audience, who are baffled and hypnotised. The magician can use these manipulative powers to seduce the many into false beliefs, this done today by digital science, hype, glossy huge TV's, now 3D. So we live in the trick, the illusion and because it is so delightful and hedonistic to the senses, we become addicted.

Those magicians who know how to use the seduction and hypnotic inducement and are selfish, powers seekers and manipulators are the so called 'elite'. In a way they are because they have mastered the power of seduction, mass grooming, know how to trick the masses into addiction.

There is another type of magician one who believes his own tricks as reality and does not realise he is the creator of the illusion and trick. This one fools himself into his own creation whilst the real master knows it's an illusion and uses it for self gain. Here we have those with a mind set 'I know it is all an illusion yet I cannot get to the power that created me the Universe, so I will use it to create my own and rule the world. I will become a king a supreme ruler and since it's all an illusion, nothing is real in essence; no one can be hurt or abused really, because we are illusions, unreal. It is only an illusion that we suffer, hurt, feel rejected, guilty, abused, so s-d them I can just go ahead and do what I like'.

In a strange way there is a diabolical logic in this. The ego, which is the personality, in the terms of the Cosmic Consciousness is limited and transient, like clouds passing by, here today and gone tomorrow, and yet the all pervading blue 'sky of Cosmic Mind' is eternal and all encompassing, in those terms, it would seem the ego personality self is but a passing cloud against the background of an eternal being. This would imply we are taught to suffer, be hurt, to be abused, to be demonic. So in this transient illusionary state hurt, fear and abuse is only an illusion as well. For instance, the Buddhist Monk who sets light to himself, those who lay on beds of nails and a concrete slab put on them and hammered to break the slab and have not even a mark on them, I have seen Shaolin Buddhist Monks do this and more, my teacher tapping oak to break, not been irradiated by Nagasaki atom bomb and many more examples.

The above implications would suggest once we truly breakthrough the illusion we too would have the power of true consciousness. There are some that have relatively broken through but that retaining part of ego still has that manipulative selfish part. Those who breakthrough completely is one with the Universe which is benevolent.



Yet perhaps through realising the 'illusion' of suffering, illness disease, it can be 'sword of Pain' that cuts through the dream, clears the mist, a wake up call, the light on the road to Damascus. The light that Paul witnessed on this road, is the light that illuminates the dark corners of the mind that is cluttered in the attic of its past and tribulations.

When a river becomes sluggish it forms sandbanks, gravel and so the living life stream, the river of light, gets trapped, and this river gets stilted, it becomes its own little world, and instead of flowing becomes stagnated and diverts the stream. The river of life/light flows on regardless, ever fresh new and evolving. This is not to say we have periods of rest on the banks. However, to become to comfortable which is lovely to the senses, which only last as long as the body, makes us become sluggish, this can cause the bodily functions to be so as well and a mind slowed down and sometimes senile or dull, depressed. We can become comfortable with the journey. The Universe is a creation in progress and process and as such is constantly like particles on the move, exchanging the Wu Li [particles atoms in Chinese] which is dancing particles, the dance of the atoms. I call it the excuse me dance, this is a dance so arranged that after a short while, usually the male, can say excuse me and change partners. Particles do this they bump exchange and change. There is a book by Dr Gary Zhukov on this title Dancing Wu Li Masters.


So in the Quantum world, which is supposed to be the fount, the foundation, we have this mysterious illusionary debacle. It is as if the whole caboodle is an illusion, a giant thought process as Sir James Jeans suggested. So where is this suffering, this torment to vainly? Why do we hold onto the conjurors trick? This is the lesson we came to Earth to solve. The Koan and riddle, the paradox. If it's an illusion, why do I suffer? How did I become addicted, conned, tricked? Who started off this illusionary Universe? Was it some bored old lonely eternal being, playing mind tricks to amuse him? Maybe there is some truth in that, perhaps it is not him, her, and maybe it is not lonely, maybe it is a mystery and even the cosmic consciousness is attempting to find itself in its own consciousness. Without the mystery, there is no challenge, no creativity. Ah, sweet mystery of Life and for me not likes the song I have not found thee. Yet if I had I would maybe I would be bored too, and in that very boredom is the seed which sparks off Life anew. Or do we settle for the easy chair and just let life drift by in the fog of the news, our favourite football, cricket, tennis or whatever, to lift us out of the dream and to submerge once more into the dirge of life mundane.

A COSMIC COLLISION, 2 mins video.

Hey Folks not only are we getting information from the main stream scientist that a new element found in the sun or formed by it is a DNA interface interacted transformer and the three year Alfie Clamp from Warwickshire has a 3rd Strand DNA and the binaural brain corpus coliseum as back blogged and so forth are we witnessing the first physical signs of the shift?



The above diagrams show that new atoms are being found.

'For the very first time, a NASA spacecraft has detected matter from outside our solar system — material that came from elsewhere in the galaxy, researchers announced today (Jan. 31).

This so-called interstellar material was spotted by NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a spacecraft that is studying the edge of the solar system from its orbit about 200,000 miles (322,000'

For me this is excitng because like said in blog of July 2012 the splitting of the atom punched a hole in the veil of solidness and materialism and has yet to penetrate, percolate and be understood by many, that nothing in essence is solid, so why try to hold onto it anyway? When this is intergrated, deeply and significantly digested and felt at an intuitive level, then the transciency of this transitory existence will be a[appreciated and materialism will be enjoyed in a different manner. Appreciated in the moment and let go , shared, not idolised or worshipped].

The reason it is held onto and attached, obsessed that is to the soldiness of things, is to try to preserve flesh life and put off dying. I need a solid foundation, I am not here forever in this body, I take my body and all solid things as real, and I really know they are not here forever, so I vainly look to shore up the fear and torment of: one day I will die and not be here'. Actually realising that the very flesh body is made of that which is non perishable should be a comfort. I am a recycleable being, not necessarily reincarnated but an energy being of some sorts[see GDV and Konstantin Korotov and Gariev, Phantom Wave etc.].



You may remember the above Arecibo crop circle type phenomena which hit the headlines way back and blogged and mentioned in the now blogged about Nassim Haramein lectures mentioned umpteen times, researched and is NOT A HOAX. It is mentioned in the reply they were silicon based and 3 stranded DNA! Perhaps another proof ah la physicale?


Figure 1 Courtesy of Duane Elgin

It is my view and feeling that all particles that form atoms are organised originally before human interference, by Cosmic Source Consciousness, it is this Intelligence that collates and forms the materials, Gods Mecanno or Leggo set, the clay that organises the Universe and is a NON LOCAL MIND. We as humans do the same by intentionising, scientist at experiments at particle level and the works of Dean Radin PH.D, all discussed in back Blogs. We are a composite of the Universe. As above so Below. As every particle/atom/molecule is at the deepest level in the whole Universe, its information is shared instantly and collectively throughout by the all pervading Intelligence which is consciousness. We are indeed a miniature Universe within the Whole. This is our destiny and journey to realise and abide in the Oneness.

So these new materials found by IBEX AS ABOVE WILL HAVE MORE THAN JUST SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, it will contain messages to the consciousnesses deep inside us, or maybe they are only deep because we cover them with clouds, mists and fogs of conditioning, programming and brain washing.[There is lovely Qi Gong form I do which is called 'clearing the fog to look for the clouds' I amend the name for this article to 'clearing the fog to see the clear blue sky' the uncluttered, unfettered mind].

This will no doubt facilitate more inspired ah ha's, insights and intuitive knowing. So science will see it as a material of left brain logical meaning, and is important, because the astrophysicist is gradually becoming to understand the Quantum anomalies and the Quantum realms to the very large. Both are converging into non locality and consciousness to a 'thought form Universe' in which Consciousness is the all pervading principle, intelligence guides by information and the overall guiding factor is omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
for Duane Elgin

Of all the many stories that we hear
Of how the world began and what it's for,
Some meant to fill us with respectful fear,
Others to teach us rightly to adore,
The one that presently makes sense to me
Proposes that the Cosmos is alive,
Informed throughout with vital energy,
The Source of our intelligence and drive:
Our consciousness is Cosmic Consciousness
At heart, far deeper than our senses know,
Which only recognize what nerves express,
Not what the soul perceives and visions show.
If life on fragile Earth is to survive,
The Cosmos then must teach us how to thrive.
Dearest Friends Take Care and Much Love. Geoff



Please listen to this SENATOR in the USA. Please spend 25 mins listening. What he is saying is happening in EUROPE, creeping into the UK. With the banking crisis as it's in the UK and the cuts to child care, elderly care, I know because I live in sheltered housing, education, and like the Senator says, the wealthy are getting wealthier as the poor get poorer, and the middle class is evaporating. HEED THIS NOW AND LOBBY, FORM GROUPS TO PRESSURE POLITICAL OPINION.

The next stage of the occupy movements are arising. Not so much open staging protests at streets, because the police are corrupt, why so? Morally you do not beat INNOCENT PROTESTERS; you have a right to hold peaceful demonstrations. Whistle blowers should be allowed to reveal corruption, brutality and dishonesty. WHY NOT? Ordinary citizens are jailed for the same crimes as the 'elite'. The occupy movement is going into education, medical etc., and small groups going to meetings at the Town Halls, School Boards and the like where very few attend, and quietly and within their rights to speak out and vote on the local elections and write, this is now taking hold. SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL. It has to start from the infrastructure, not so much jobs, although important, it has to start within the mind set and consciousness first.

Some of the military and police are corrupt because they know they are morally inept, hard hearts, yet the pay cheque is paramount. Without the military, security forces and police, the corrupt judiciary who flaunt truth for clever excuses and behind the scene bribes or threats give ludicrous and downright disgusting shameless decisions and politicians not wanting public enquiries which will or would expose their lies and deceits. SHAME ON YOU THE LEADERS AND SO CALLED SAVIOURS OF OUR RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES.

We do need police, security forces, and honest doctors. People of integrity who will keep a check on corruption, who will honour their vocation, who will care. Politicians and the wealthy to share and give some of their massive wealth to help children, schools, the elderly, to know that rewards are more than wealth and fiscal acquisition. AS THE SENATOR SAYS 'HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH'.