Sunday 5 February 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Feb 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Feb

Geoff Freed — February 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Fig 01

Hello Friends

In the 70's I spent a year at Findhorn, and it did not look anything as above, yet it has developed into this amazing place. Elsewhere in blogs I have described the various impressions of my stay and so forth.

One of the highlights was the visit of Dr Marcel Vogel
Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM's San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics.

In the 1970's Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies.

Marcel's research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.


Marcel led the group into plant communication and telepathy as did Cleve Backster as in the Book 'The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, the bible of this early research.

looks at this for 10 mins about plant communication.

The above then led me recently to Professor Stefano Manucuso in Florence Italy and Dr Frantisek Baluska in Bonn in Germany at their research facilities. About the technical research with pictures.

What follows are my research notes over the years and updated as the years passed by.


Figure 3 Human Brain Denditrites.

How many roots have a single Rye plant got 13,815,672 and at root apex 11,483,271 as you will see in above link?


Figure 4 Typical root system in a plant. This is not necessarily a rye plant.


Figure 5 Tree roots, similar to human brain dendrites.

The early research by Dr Cleve Backster and Dr Marcel Vogel showed that THERE IS A CONSCIOUSNESS transfer between plants and between humans and plants and visa versa.

This showed me a neuronal network, an internet of COMMUNICATION and the purpose INFORMATION. Shared information. This comprises of signals, codes that facilitate growth, protect, survive, propagate, and evolve. Evolvement through shared intelligence. The Universe has this in Its 'dendrites' and plants can interface with the Universe. How is this so; 1) By resonance. 2) By magnetic vortex and frequencies. 3) By consciousness.

So this vast Internet exists to co ordinate all the units and served by the ' net of Universal Communication and Information' a vast Cosmic Internet in so called' silence and invisibility' to the human senses, although some sensitives may catch glimpses of this or rather be aware of them.

Humankind may only perceive the solid form, the logic, the solid. Behind or deeper is the molecule, the atom, the sub atomic particles and so on to? The Uniform Field, Zero whatever! This is the so called base line, a crude analogy, this is the intelligence behind, beneath, in front, everywhere which way. It is this intelligence of everything expressing Itself, its unique sameness through Its Network.

This explains non locality, how an identical electron can be in two places at once-over vast distances, as if they were the mirror image of the other. It is joined by the information field.

This then infers that humankind should be able to tap into this vast field of information.

The ego or the separated mind has its own agenda, its programmes, conditioning, and brain washing through cultural, political, commercial, religious indoctrination, an addiction that separates and causes non communication, albeit limited and to its own kind. It has limited sharing and so growth is stunted, or merely a variation on a theme.

The average mind is constantly thinking, buzzing, either consciously or unconsciously, so it is not 'open' or quiet enough to pick up or 'listen' in the stillness to the deep communication of the Universe. 'Be Still and Know we are a Node, a point of contact like a computer on the net'.


Figure 6 Our Brain as a node in the Cosmic Universe Internet.

What programme we surf or log into, the choice is up to us?






It could be said that Life is a pulsing dynamic field of potential expressing Itself through Information.

This information is carried via fields of energy, frequencies, vibrations which in turn are picked by aerials, antennae, which download to the expressions of whatever form they appear as.

Following on from this what of my so called flesh body? Nature is the INFORMED FIELD that produces Its Forms, and our bodies are linked or tuned to it, and we should be in coherence with her information field.

Nature and we are just a differing frequency as are all her co habitants and we interface through our DNA in order to receive and give an exchange of by communication that is facilated through a common internet of Information. It would seem that Nature is linked to us for the common enhancement, nourishment and care, and we should reciprocate by nurturing her with love, respect, and being aware of her needs. Our bodies in their natural state are in trust and in tune with nature.

It follows that when a distortion is Nature occurs by pollution, noise, chemicals and so forth, the field becomes distorted and we become distorted and dysfunctional.

In order to smooth the distortion it is needed to cultivate the quiet mind, a mind a rest, and in that stillness there is a dynamic, a potential, the realm of all possibilities and probabilities.

Can we be still, quiet, alert, present, aware to 'catch' the Divine Prompt, should it be there for our use and communication?


Figure 7 The Web or Internet of Life in this small example.

The Divine Prompt is the Source of All Information in the Natural Cosmos and is imparted to the open receptacle of the alert awareness which is empty of local thought which is egoist.

This maybe the holy grail, the chalice which is a mind, a node listening in the stillness and The Source supplies to that node the information that is commensurate and concomitant for its well being and growth. This can be felt as deep inspiration and sent as grace.

Many humans feel the Cosmic Internet rather than get words. It is feel hear, feel know, it is beyond thought and logic and it fills one with a special 'upliftment' that the go can never give, even if dredged up from the memory banks which are always the past regurgitated in the now and is never the future. There is no future for the present is now and now is all there is.


Figure 8 Nature and Us.

Grace is an out pouring from Source.

Surrendering to the Universal Cosmic Internet means 'letting go' of personal thought. To be empty, quiet, still, so that the noisy mind becomes quiet so that the one becomes receptive, a receiver, a cup, an antenna.

IT HERE the Intuition is born, not the computation of stored memory from the ego, the library of the past.

Maybe at the deepest level, the sub, sub strata, the rock foundation of being the Source, the Unified Field, the Source, all the possibilities and probabilities are there as a dynamic potential, not a stagnant pool of a dormant nature. This potential can be accessed as shown by earlier physics as shown by experiments in the book The Tao of Physics.

Many years back a book came out in a simple form before it complicated and revised named 'THE TAO OF PHYSICS' by Fritzof Capra.


Figure 9 Looks like the original

This is taken from one of my January 2012 blog [Post 1].

Many of the scientists had breakdowns as they confronted the 'emptiness' and the fact they could interface with the experiments, yes' mind over matter. The exasperated scientists divided into two camps, the new physicists who have gone on researching into non locality of consciousness and mind and those who cannot get out of their skull, logic and ego and are the reductionism almost not moved on from Newton and the Billiard Ball syndrome, the local mind genre.

Letting go is letting God or if one prefers letting go is letting the Universal Cosmic Consciousness or mind do the computing, this then becomes the natural order of nature. We are part of, a unit of, a node in the network; we are part of the non local mind.

However, the local mind, the ego, blocks out the Divine Mind or Cosmic Internet, or receives data and distorts it for selfish reasons, so blocking the sharing of truth, this then causes a bastardisation of Natural Law and Order, which is always evolving in Its energy and time and may appear to humankind stagnant and not apparent.

It is because the human body as this present in 2012 seems to have a lifespan 0f 0-120 years or so that unlimited eternity is not comprehended and indeed the Universe evolves perhaps in a time span of Its own comprehension and the idea of no beginning or end foreign or at least hard to grasp by the local mind. This begs the question if there is no beginning or end, where or what evolves or expands? This leads onto is all a product of consciousness? Where did consciousness arise in the first place? If it is a Cosmic Mind and we are but a thought in it, we are an idea at most, where and how big is a mind?


Figure 10: I just love the caption" In the beginning there was nothing -------which exploded. That just about sums my view in Science and the BIG BANG [from Feb 2012 Post 2]

In fact that death or demise of the human body, hopefully naturally, can set the mind free of its fear; that is the local environment, habitat and stored mind graphics. This can set the mind free as energy consciousness which then can experience differing environments and scenarios and not limited by former egoist principle or localised Earth tabloids.

One is set free to explore new vistas and not get lured back, seduced by the magnetic lattices, spiral networks of glamour, power, and eroticism which were the domain of the former local networks. Death then takes on a new meaning; it becomes a gateway, indeed a star gate, a rebirth to the unlimited scenarios of Being.

So what then is fear? Fear in the light of the above is the local limited life and experiences in a human body in this example as in contrast to the Cosmic Vast Mind and Consciousness as it were if one is talking in atomic form and not just as a mind. This stored or personal Life achieved by culture, religion, politics, indoctrination, conditioning, grooming, brain washing and programming, that in the terms of death is here today and gone tomorrow, born with the body and dies with it.

This can lead to questioning ones own existence what is my life? What is life? What is the purpose of creation and my Life? If I am a mere idea or figment of a Cosmic mind, and how big is a mind, I suppose as big as the thoughts within it, and I do not know what a mind is, and on death my mind may not exist as some scientists say that mind/consciousness is a mere activity of electrical impulses in the brain, and there is nothing or no survival after death, then what the heck?

Deep contemplation, introspection and yes thought may eventually lead one to the Cosmic Vastness, the Great Mystery and realise how limited is the small local ego mind and what a localised being I am this leading to a seeming block. It is too big for me to even entertain.


Figure 11 Wow is I that small really?

Following this on another question may arise, who am I really? The small self then becomes aware of its smallness, its limitations, its temporary, transitory existence, its fragility and it may feel exposed, naked and insecure, this is felt as anxiousness [ not particularly about anything an underlying sense of shifting sands and nowhere to rest ones head as it were]. This is an opportunity to surrender to emptiness, not boredom and a blank vegetative mode of mind.

The frightened mind then adopts counter measures to allay the insecurity and starts to build defences around a bunch of thoughts bundled together which it assumes is reality. Then it compartmentalises into My Territory, My Body, My, My, My. It builds strategies and blame, guilt, duty and then thinks in some cases so what I'll be amoral, immoral, a right tight mean vengeful hoarding so and so, after there is no after life, god, or retribution but good old Darwin and the survival of the fittest. One can get into addiction, despondency, depression and all other fantasies and trauma. You name it you can be it.

Then one can come to the realisation to just simply let go, swim into the mystery, go into the Vastness which is ever large, expansive, take a risk of relying on the emptiness, the dynamic pulses and throbbing of life felt in the body and mind when one does let go and one realises that Life is a Mystery and yes I feel Life and eventually come to trust IT.

Trying to grasp this with the logical local enclosed ego mind only leads to exasperation, desperation, hopelessness, frustration and merely trying to box it into a neat formulae or mathematical equation can lead to further trauma, addiction. Yes one can feel that one has sussed the mystery of life, yet then suddenly another theorem another equation and on death it is still unsolved and should one believe in reincarnation one may come back to finish off unfinished business.

One realises the local mind is indeed local, and at best it can play endless intellectual buzzes that give an intellectual high, I understand it all now, I can package this up nicely get my Nobel Prize or Whatever, become a wealthy CEO, I am now the top banana, the man, the King ------- The King is Dead Long Live the King.


Figure 12 When we are caught in a net to free oneself is to become aware that this is an acquired net through false beliefs and a mind which is restless with thought. When it dawns on one that I created the net, then dismantling becomes Life's work. The result freedom.

The intellectual buzz can lead to further the enquiry, the enquiry has to be genuine, not based on previous data, and an open mind may lead one beyond the box, the net. The pain may set in as the temporary massage of the buzz fades, if successful as it were, the drive comes to 'let go'' the nice comfortable interlude diminishes. I must know who I really Am, the pressure builds up, and simmers, it boils and if one is courageous enough, it blows and one is free.

Then one may ask what is free? Who is free? [not the freedom of drug high, intellectual pride, being stinking rich, being in a commanding position, these are mere ego freedoms, they also contain the sense of' What if I lose my wealth, my job, my relationships and so forth?], what or where is freedom?

There is no description on utter pure freedom. It an experience like no other and there is no turning back, and there is no doubt in it. Turning back-------back to where?

The journey never ends or indeed ever began ------what then is fear here?

Let us review the original plant and tree consciousness which prompted the above. They grow silently to our ears; they have surrendered themselves to the network of Cosmic Consciousness, they inherently comprehend, intuitively they are looked after by the consciousness which is the network in action.

Can humankind evolve to this?

Take care and lots of Love. Geoff


Thursday 2 February 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Feb 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Feb

Geoff Freed — February 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Fig 01

Hello Folks

Just recently say over the last three months a great pressure has and is growing me and I writhe, wriggle and sweat like a snake[if it sweats or a lobster carapace], shedding skins. Great junks of what I relate too and relationships to people, possessions, money, my body, health have taken an about turn in some cases and completely lost a sort of pleasant amnesia.

Several folk have shared this with this and it seems that this is a kind 'next mass step'.

There is an old Zen story 'a great archer who was champion of Japan looked for more challenges. He was told to go up to the mountain top where an old master Archer lived. The old master said to the Great Archer go to the end of the highest cliff, stand on one leg and then draw the bow and shoot at targets. The great archer was terrified as looked out on hundreds of feet of sheer drop.

After two years he managed it and said to the Master what next, I need to prove my worth, I need another challenge. The Master then said 'go down to the village at the very far north of the mountain and ask to see the wise and greatest archer of all time'. The Great Archer went to the village and went to see this wizened old man and he bowed low and said 'I am told you are the greatest Archer of all times and still are, and presented the old man with his bow and arrows'. The old man looked puzzled, and a bit bewildered and replied' what are these things I have never seen these things before'

The Great Archer left despondent and confused and many years later in a Zen Monastery he realised that his ego wanted challenge after challenge to prove himself, when this passed away and he felt free and went back to the old man, who when seeing the archer, died and the archer took the seat and place of the old man.

Many of the teachings and quotes from the past which I am fond of writing or talking about as example, seem to drop away as if they have no meaning anymore, a huge relief was felt and a pace of no space accompanied it, this was followed by a realisation of 'how spiritual egotistical I am', all the workshops, lectures blogs a wealth of experience.


Yes some insights, some meaningful experiences, yet the word spiritual bugged me. It seemed to me alien, apart from life, a practice, a set of side. Then it blew into me, Spiritual is a cop out, Life is spiritual, what is Life. It is merely living, ordinary living, whatever one does is living and therefore --------? So for me anything from knitting, Qi Gong, watching some TV, preparing food, sleeping, cussing, arguing, feeling deep compassion, it is Life's rich tapestry.

What a relief was felt, and much of the pressure evaporated, I felt dizzy, confused, bewildered as the whole 'effort' to define myself as spiritual which gave me a kind of 'elite' frame of mind, verysubtle, that I was different from the terrorist, yet I have felt rebellion, anger and hate in me.


It is when these moments arise a little voice says, my conscience pricks me' that's not spiritual. You should suppress these thoughts or be aware of these by presence and so forth' I would often feel I let myself down, my image as a workshop presenter, lecturer, 1967 writings, Jewish/Buddhist/ Christian teachings, philosophies, tenets and so forth, KishnaMurti said this, Eckhart Tolle that, Deepak also', it was in that moment it dropped away.

There was a great emptiness and there seemed to be no morals, no religious or spiritual foundations, the 9th wave, the spiritual emails with lovely music and graphics, the predictions, the astrology seems to have no meaning anymore. Phew What a Relief. Nothing to live up to, none to please, just this empty head.

Having no morals or social graces always was a concern to me and I wondered what would be the consequence on 'having no head'. The feeling is empty, dynamic, aware, and yet strangely distant and simmering compassion.

There seems to be more spontaneity and I remembered that I was told the final stage of one's path in Life was to give up all notions of good, bad, spiritual, evil, and just be. There is this 'at a lecture a person said to a teacher' I have given up all my vices', the teacher replied now give up all your virtues''.

So what now? Do I give up blogging? Do I give up all quotes, not read so called' spiritual books', not give the odd lecture and so forth? No. It has to be spontaneous, not subtly contrived. In the moment, if the cap fits wear it.

Does a baby know its spiritual? Does a horse, whale, dolphin knows it's Spiritual? Before conditioning and programming, we are what we are and animals in the wild just instinctively, intuitively live Life.

This emptiness if trusted in the sense it is not contrived allows one to live as spontaneously as is possible in this hectic troubled world. There seems to be more 'distance' as it were between spontaneous action [not impulse] and reaction.

'A Hill was a hill, and then it became something else, until it became a Hill again'


fig04    fig05

This 4 min NASA video sets a puzzle, a really well presented easy to understand, well done.

Another 4 min puzzle well presented. NASA is being a tad more transparent.

Beautiful reminder of our blessings. [9 mins] Thanks Lyn for sending. If you're bored try this simply project. Maybe what we look for or desire is only an escape or search for who we really are. Thanks again Lyn for sending.


Figure 1 I just love the caption" In the beginning there was nothing -------which exploded. That just about sums my view in Science and the BIG BANG

The above taken from Please support and purchase this online e-book. This beautiful video depicts the wonder of pollination. When I lived in Minorca:

fig07    fig08

Similar to my herdsman cottage. Had side rooms for animals and a balcony with a flat roof. Surroundings not so lush. Did have grasses and stunted trees, an outside loo which used lime to 'flush' toilet and a couple of broken down small barns the home to rats and snakes. The well was housed in a side building. All the buildings were built into the ground rock and so all movements of living beings could be heard and voices carried eerily, especially at night. Now the Island is built up with hotels and other modernisations. Where I lived is now a prime tourist complex of neat rowed holiday flats and houses. Full story of my stay in Minorca Scroll down to Dear Friends. Butterfly Lane was full of butterflies just like in video above. It was a rough path trampled down by me as I walked to the sea or Yogi Rock, where high perched and field glasses I could see on a clear day or night the coast of North Africa.

I went over with £300.00 and came back with £25.00; my rent was half a crown a week [roughly 25p], my food bill about £1.50 and travel to other Islands and parts of Minorca about £30.00.

Figure 2 I had an inspiration said the sun----an ah ah.


Figure 3 Maybe these are the Earth's auras?


Figure 4 Did not leave out the Earth's other sphere.
'The Earth has a magnetic field with north and south poles. The magnetic field of the Earth is enclosed in a region surrounding the Earth called the magnetosphere. As the Earth rotates, its hot core generates strong electric currents that produce the magnetic field. This field reaches 36,000 miles into space. The magnetosphere prevents most of the particles from the sun, carried in solar wind, from impacting the Earth. The solar wind distorts the shape of the magnetosphere by compressing it at the front and causing a long tail to form on the side away from the Sun. This long tail is called the magnetotail .

Some particles from the solar wind can enters the magnetosphere. The particles that enter from the magnetotail travel toward the Earth and create the auroral oval light shows.

The Sun and other planets have magnetospheres, but the Earth has the strongest one of all the rocky planets. The Earth's north and south magnetic poles reverse at irregular intervals of hundreds of thousands of years. In addition, the poles wander over shorter periods of time (hundreds of years).' Courtesy of NASA.
I go back to the Sun/magnetosphere/ Schumann Resonance because of the weather patterns, position of the solar system in its rotation and resonance position to the transition across the Milky Way Centre and other relevant links and patterns. Especially the effect and affect of the fluctuating magnetic fields and its links to our biology. found in many back blogs, it is long, however one of the best.
'The body is a vessel of consciousness, of life… When one dies consciously, one leaves behind the vessel and identifies oneself with that which the vessel holds… and that is God, the life force, energy, call it what you will - the stuff that dreams and the cosmos are made of… Dying consciously, with your eyes open is the way to leave this world alive'.

~Alberto Villoldo
This is what I hold dearly and wish that when my transition arrives I would be afforded a conscious rebirth to that place I came from.

I have posted this many blog back [6 mins] this beautiful wolf and other animals really touched me deeply, and to the lovely healer and carers.

Mars in stunning HD.[3 mins] Really Beautiful. Again thanks NASA.

THIS IS REALLY STRANGE. MAYBE A HOAX, MAYBE COLLABORATION BY CELL PHONE. STRANGE NOISES HEARD WORLDWIDE. Some people are saying it is the trumpet sound as in The Book of Revelation 8:1-13 about the final days, others say it is project Blue beam, a project by the so called elite or black ops, in which they would project by holograms the 'second coming' and inaugurate the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. There is my blog about the financial proposal

This could also be the last ditch to bring in the stricken ailing so called elite. The technology is in place, satellites, HAARP and of course the new digital TV and 3D. I am not sure atmospherics would enable this from Nature. Strange, you might like to feed back.

This is astounding. This village/town/city is seemingly a paradise. Yet the cars, the affluence like other places are polluting the air, taking raw resources from other parts of the world----IS THIS MATERIALISTIC DREAM WORTH IT. Thanks Maurice for sending. It would be nice if they developed the phantom wave medical device from Russia, compressed air cars from India, free energy devices and so forth. UTOPIA of the old energy systems has its drawbacks.

THIS IS A VITAL 3 MINS OF HUGELY IMPORTANT DATA. Really want to know what space junk and dangerous chemicals are ejected from worn out satellites and so forth and how much is up there?


Expect a Miracle and Lots of Love. Geoff


This came as a surprise to me. I wonder if this 3 min clip will surprise you.

Prof Dean Radin on scientific scepticism in academia. TO ME THIS IS ONE OF THE ULTIMATE NIGHTMARES, TO OTHERS A SAVIOUR FROM BIG PHARMA.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Feb 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Feb

Geoff Freed — February 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again!

What an experience, I would love to have been there. This gorilla experience above shows the affinity that can exist between all organic living lives. Good to see the scientific community going into this field of interaction with biology.


Some of you may have seen this before

However if it is authentic, and not just well meaning this could be the MAIN 2012 implementation.

The Above Breaking News is from the January 2 post. At the risk of being called negative and sceptic I would bring two or three points to your attention.
  1. Many years back the financial advisor to the IMF was applauded as a great spiritual leader as he did Transcendental Meditation and he with colleagues would lead the world to a better financial system and so forth. It got worse and more corrupt.
  2. Then we had David Wilcock announce the end of eight underground elite bases either nuked or ET erasing 60,000 personal and 4,000 arrests. Well you probably read my reply.
As regards NO 1 there has been as is a person going round for years now saying he is the personal or even reincarnated spirit of Count St Germaine and scammed many people, [me of £80.00] saying that the USA Federal Reserve Bank had trillions they were going to dish out to all the 'share holders', some Israeli contacts got scammed of £3,000 ponds each, I was promised £40,000 and they several million.

He was so plausible, then the camouflage became thin and I then alerted those in certain groups, I was castigated, and now thanked and have saved many a group and people of this person.

So it wise to hold awareness and 'watch' this space. Certain Guru, cult and of banker/government do the same ploy. 'Native American saying “White speaks with forked tongue”, and of course all denominations now. The Internet and Mobile phone aiding abetting this type of thing.

I am sure in NO 1 the intention is honourable and well meaning, NO 2 for me the Jury is Still Out.

The rising energy is getting to people in high positions and is pricking their conscience; however, we still have very high officials and religious fanatics who will scupper the boat if needed.

The binaural brain and DNA interface is now expanding causing unrest in resistant minds and the tip over is increasing rapidly. Hence the recalcitrant mind set of the remaining stubborn glory power hungry greedy so called elite want to censor the internet/mobile phone networks, bring in laws of incarceration without trial or jury or even told the so called perpetrators what offence has been committed.

Let us hope that the vast internment stalag type camps or institutions being built by THEMA along Central America are not for prisoners but an 'in case' of the New Madrid Fault Line Collapse. The USA like many other countries are now as suppressive, dogmatic and flagrantly abuse human rights while hypocritically denouncing other countries of the very same thing. When the shift hits the fan to the folk in the street we may see transparency really arrive. IT IS on the way and the crumbling stale bread of the old patterns rolling off the board to the floor to be collected and put on the compost heap for the new growth of now and tomorrow.

A lot of folk have raved over this 23 min video. A LOVELY MESSAGE AND GRAPHICS.


Daily Sun: 09 Jan 12: Solar activity is low despite the presence of several large spots on the solar disk. Credit: SDO/HMI

It goes to show that Ascension /Transformation symptoms and weather [patterns are not always linked to Solar Activity. The ninth wave or evolutionary drive frequencies come from a variety of sources. The Earth's, the Suns, planetary alignments, the solar systems travelling to new areas of space, so becoming influenced by differing resonances, background resonance, moon phases, the shifting tectonic plates and their magnetic impact on the Schumann Resonance and of course Cosmic Consciousness. All quiet on the Western Front, not on your nelly, always something going on, that's organic process for you.


Figure 1 Lovely Solar Flare on Valentines Day.


This was sent to me by Carl Calleman and he feels this is how the waves will develop through 2012.

This link of 3 mins is absolutely mind blowing

Another 3 min mind stopper of a giant footprint. This is the home site of renowned amazing scientist Rupert Sheldrake. When I was a member of the Scientiic and Healer Network I had the honour of meeting and sharing with him. The following is a small sample of his work,
The work of Rupert Sheldrake, and others, indicates that perhaps we make our way through our lives plugged into a source of information and memory that we are totally unaware of at this point. What could that be? Personally, I'm coming to think it may be in our so-called "junk" DNA. Junk clearly doesn't function as a part of what keeps us alive. Only 5% of our genes do that work. So 95% of us is extremely highly conserved, and yet it does...NOTHING?
This is what mainstream science expects us to believe because they have no explanation for why junk DNA is so carefully preserved by our bodies, yet seems to have no use. I suspect that IT is what is tapped into the Morphic Fields of Rupert Sheldrake. Imagine our junk DNA as the plug that fits into the socket of the universe itself, giving us life and consciousness and awareness and memory. This may not be the entire answer, but to me it's where we should start making a serious attempt to explore. My two cents worth....

There IS something more to conscious thought than what we are alleged to be doing in our brains. How can we know this? Because there are now on record multiple cases of seemingly "normal," or only slightly "subnormal," people dying and being autopsied, only to find that they have NO brain at all in their skulls! Only an atrophied brain stem, if that, yet they lived and spoke and had jobs and paid bills like the rest of us! So if this is true, and it obviously is, then what IS a brain good for? Is it really what we think it is?

THE ABOVE THREE EXPERTS AND TWO LINKS WERE KINDLY SUPPLIED BY LLOYD PYE. STARCHILD PROJECT. Sometime back in 2005 or 2006 I commented and brought a number of proofs with people who live without knowing they have a brain the size of a pea or walnut. There was a brain scan going round the UK in those early days or before 2006 which tested the efficacy of the scanner. It hit the headlines and then religious, fear and political pressure took away any news. These people were to all accounts normal as it were living persons. NOT TO BE ASSOCIATED with the symptoms of hydrocephalus. Should my memory serve me correct a man in Leeds had even a more amazing case, as he had no medical intervention and only found out through the above UK experimental scans.

fig04  fig 04

In so many back blogs I have mentioned there is no junk DNA. Should the word God not be appropriate for you in the above, then substitute your chosen adjective. Many scientists I know prefer Source, Cosmic Intelligence, and Universal Consciousness and so on. I went into many details with chemical, neurotransmitters and peptides, calcium thalamus cycle, brain as a chemical factory, thought and chemical influence, coded signals which activate the so called' Junk DNA' , especially from the Sun and Centre of the Milky Way Black Hole. Like sleeping cells the JUNK DNA would awaken when the trigger code in the form of MAGNETIC Vortices which contain spiral identification formulae and activation codes.

I then mentioned how these codes could awaken dormant DNA couplings and so cause a 'sort of rebellion' old cells addicted to certain codes, which came to them in the form of chemicals and minute magnetic fields of information would have to 'clean out' causing a kind of detoxification and this would and could be a considerable addition to the Transformation and Ascension symptoms. This was all part of the '1967' writings and shared in 2005 blogs onwards. At one time way back Prof Chang and I had a brief exchange of ideas. Basically I agreed with him that Junk DNA could be ET planted in so far as it would be activated when the energies or frequencies were compatible and this would be two fold a) the ninth Mayan wave as per Dr Carl Johan Calleman [not know by me in 2007] or one could just by 'my 1967' time scale. 2) The rising energies, new position in the galaxy by spiralling travel of the solar system thereby exposing all and sundry to new activation codes, thereby like the journey of an Earth probe it has to meet its parabolic and spiral conjunctions. The codes are part and parcel of an evolutionary plan or design. NOT FIXED, FLEXIBLE, due to ego intervention [part of the plan] and will eventually arrive at its evolutionary destiny.

Each of these in Fig 2, being part of the ever increasing journey through the Universe, our Earth a giant Space Ship, a real Mother ship in deed and fact, travelling throughout time and space to an unknown destination until that part of the PLAN is outworked.


Figure 2 Imagine this spiralling and going in a round or ecliptic circle, like the planets and Earth .Moon around Sun.

fig07 fig08


Figure 3 The above images conveying the ideas of parabolic and spiralling vortices. Many similar in back blogs. in FACT EVERYTHING SPINS, SPIRALS AND ENTANGLES. THE EBB AND FLOW, THE YIN AND YANG, THE COSMIC DANCE, THE INTER RELATIONSHIPS AND INTERDEPENDENCY, the ends and beginnings, the Birth and Death'

So to 2012, these inter acting waves, the 9th, the June 6 2012, December 21 2012, the 26,000 year one, the 12,00 year cycle, they are all rhythms, cycles, frequencies, orbits, parabolas, all these are but frequencies, vibrations, energies, which weave their tapestry and are shaped by Billions. Trillions, Billions of Trillions and Trillions of Trillions of interactions and are all within the field of the witness or pure consciousness which provides the backcloth, the screen which it Witnesses Creation and us eventually as Its co creators, until we dissolve into that which has no form and until it starts again, or does it?


Figure 4 Another Black Hole


Figure 5 A black Hole as seen by those who see disaster

Many people who feel the end of the world is nigh, not because of a great Tsunami or such like, but because of the breakdown in finances, war, drought, floods, disease and so forth see this in Fig. 5

However in figure 4 where is states 'Black Hole, called the event horizon, it spirals down to the tip which is named the singularity. I see this as the parabola as above, we spiral down to the singularity which is the end of form and is the witness.

The witness in all of creation is but one, a singularity, there is no separate entity or consciousness than that, it is pure consciousness. The event horizon is aptly named because it contains the many trillions of billions of forms. This is the play of the Universe to gather up its materials, which are merely interplays of frequencies, which are information codes to inform and build, create and experience, then to breakdown and reuse, a giant macro recycling mechanism.


Figure 6 Maybe a black hole is a Diablo.

Maybe on reaching the Centre, pure consciousness it spews out in a contra spiral rotation, the opposite to drawing say clockwise as it were to counter clockwise, so forming a 'Big Bang', [there are theories of black holes sucking in debris and white holes ejecting matter], to me more like an AH AH! And the explosion of an Idea, See, an Inspiration and this causes waves, ripples and so the first blueprints to be worked out into billions of new forms. The AH AH! MAYBE THE EQUIVALENT to 'In the Beginning there was a Void, -----the word -----became form' 'In the beginning was the word [sound some say OM and other sacred words and perhaps where it says and became flesh it became form, no offence to any religious or belief systems, these are merely my conjectures, and I further feel it was not a violent explosion but a pressure wave], I say AH AH!

And this form Says Bye for Now. Lots of Love. Geoff


Hey Feeling strange well the glancing CME on Jan 22 2012 could be one explanation, plus the New Moon following.
The Jan. 22nd CME also disturbed Earth's ionosphere. In Atlanta, Georgia, radio engineer Pieter Ibelings monitored a 4.5 MHz CODAR (coastal radar) signal as it bounced off layers of ionization along the US east coast. "The moment of impact can be clearly seen on the CODAR radar plot," he points out:


"The CODAR transmitters are located all around the coast and are used for mapping the ocean currents to a distance of about 200 miles," Ibelings explains. "These signals also propagate through the ionosphere so they can be picked up all around the world. The signals are almost perfect for ionospheric sounding since they are linear chirps. I capture the chirp with a receiver locked to GPS both in frequency and time. I then de-chirp the waveform so I can extract the time of arrival information at my location."

The CODAR echoes show ionization layers shifting vertical position by some hundreds of kilometers, changes that surely affected the propagation of HF radio signals in the aftermath of the impact. More information about Ibelings' observations may be found here.
Many of my back blog show the effect of these solar phenomena.

NOAA Scales Activity
Range 1 (minor) to 5 (extreme)
NOAA Scale Past 24 hrs Current
Geomagnetic Storms G1 none
Solar Radiation Storms S3 S3
Radio Blackouts R2 none
AS of New Moon 23 rd. Jan 2012. May I suggest reading this up again about the weather and solar stuff. Thanks.

This is not the same as Vitamin D which is essential and probably the most important vitamin of all. Sensible sun exposure is essential.