Saturday 3 March 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Mar 2012

Born Free Series — Post 3 / Mar

Geoff Freed — March 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again

Hello Friends this a very long document and is a reference that maybe helpful when and if the Sun’s Activity ramps up towards the end of 2012/sometime in 2013/14.

Maybe you would keep this as kind of catalogue of events and first aid. Bless you and sincere thanks.
Weathering geomagnetic storms

The Russians have a new take on preventative medicine. In a room at the Georgian Techni-cal University (GTU) in Tbilisi, three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted about the place bathe the room in a powerful magnetic field. The plan is to begin using this set-up for cardiovas-cular patients, particularly those in intensive care, with the coils offering compensatory shielding against an invisible threat—a killer that is more potent than diet, lifestyle or even genes.

We all live on what is essentially a giant magnet, with its North and South Poles—the two poles of the magnet—surrounded by a donut-shaped mag-netic field. This ambient geomagnetic field, or magnetosphere, is constantly in flux, as it’s affected by the weather and any geological changes on earth— but, most particularly, by volatile changes of the weather in space, largely caused by the furious activity of the sun.

This benign star responsible for all life on earth is essentially a cluster of unimaginably hot hydrogen and helium criss-crossed with a layer of unstable magnetic fields. Not surprisingly, this volatile combination results in periodic volcano-style eruptions that propel gas into space, while vortices of concentra-ted fields—the dark blobs on the sun’s surface that we call ‘sunspots’—pull apart and reconnect to form new arrangements. Despite this potentially anarchic combination, the sun carries out this activity according to a fairly predictable timetable; regular solar cycles consist of 11 years, during which time sunspots build up, discharge and begin to wane.

During the waxing stage, as sunspots accumulate, so the sun begins to hurl its gaseous explosions, such as solar flares, our way. This amounts to a billion ton’s worth of gas and magnetic fields with the force of billions of atomic bombs, all made airborne and aimed towards earth through the electrified gas of the solar wind—and all travelling some five million miles per hour.

This activity not only causes extreme geomagnetic storms in space but also, during moments of intense solar activity, penetrates the earth’s magnetic field. During any given 11-year solar cycle, we can expect to experience two years’ worth of geo-magnetic storms severe enough to disrupt portions of the earth’s electrical power, interrupt high-tech communications systems, and dis-orientate spacecraft and satellite navigation systems.

Profound effects on life

Until only recently, scientists were dismissive of the idea that the earth’s faint magnetic field—a thousand times weaker than the standard classroom horseshoe magnet—had any effect on basic biological processes, particularly as all living things on earth are now exposed to much stronger electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields at every moment of our modern, technologically dependent, lives.

Nevertheless, the latest discoveries have revealed that living things have a small window through which subtle geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields—such as those generated by the earth, rather than the artificial kind generated by technology—have the most profound effect upon all cellular processes in living things. Changes in this faint charge, particularly those of extremely low frequencies (less than 100 Hz), profoundly influence virtually all biological processes in living things and, in particular, the two major engines of the body—the heart and the brain.

The earth’s magnetic activity appears to directly affect our cell membranes and calcium-ion channels, which are vital for regulating enzyme systems within the cell. In particular, the earth’s geomagnetic field appears to target the sympathetic nerves (those originating from the chest and lower-back parts of the spinal cord, and include the ‘fight-or-flight’ response).

Of all the affected systems in the body, changes in solar geomagnetic conditions most profoundly disturb the rhythms of the heart. Indeed, in susceptible people, magnetic storms can bring on a heart attack. Healthy hearts have a wide range of variation in heart rate, but magnetic storms decrease heart-rate variability (Biomed Instrum Technol, 1999; 33: 152–87) and, in turn, increase the risk of all coronary artery disease and heart attack. When geomagnetic activity increases, the blood becomes thicker—sometimes doubly so—and the bloodstream slows down, both of which are a recipe for a heart attack.

In fact, heart-attack rates and cardiovascular deaths closely follow increases in solar-cycle geomagnetic activity (Neuro Endrocrinol Lett, 2000; 21: 233–58), with the largest number of sudden fatal heart attacks occurring within a day of a geomagnetic storm (Solar Physics, 1977; 51: 175–83). One University of Minnesota study found a 5 per cent increase in heart attacks during times of maximum solar activity over a five-year period (J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys, 2002; 64: 707–20).

Besides heart effects, the sun has a profound effect on the other electrical centres of the body: the brain and nervous system. Scientists in the Soviet bloc discovered that, even in healthy volunteers, electrical activity in the brain is highly destabilized during magnetically stormy days (Proceedings of the Space Weather Workshop: Looking Towards a European Space Weather Programme, December 17–19, 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). Indeed, the nervous system’s signalling itself is corrupted, so that parts are overactivated while others fail to fire (Astron Astrophys Trans, 2003; 22: 861–7).

Geomagnetic activity in space also profoundly affects mental stability: the higher the geomagnetic activity, the greater the increases in general psychiatric disorders (Percept Motor Skills, 1992; 74: 449), the greater the number of patients hospitalized for nervous conditions and the greater the number of attempted suicides (Int J Biometeorol, 1994; 38: 199–203).

There is even some evidence that epileptic fits result from or are exacerbated by geomagnetic disturbances (Braz J Med, 1996; 29: 1069–72).

An early-warning system

The above-mentioned GTU experi-ment was part of BIOCOS (Biosphere and Cosmos), a vast multicentre project begun by noted biologist Franz Halberg and University of Minnesota’s Chronobiology Laboratories to act as an early-warning signal by monitoring the physiological variables caused by the sun and other planets.

The project specifically targets a phenomenon called CHAT (circadian hyperamplitude tension)—excessively high blood pressure during part of the day caused by solar or other planetary activity. During times of geomagnetic disturbance, for instance, heart patients may be advised not to exert themselves or engage in any sudden strenuous activity. Alternatively, as heart infections often follow heart attacks, they could be given antibio-tics as a preemptive strike.

The Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project in the Twin Cities of Minnesota offers ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring so that patients can follow any arterial effects when solar activity is at its peak.

However, it may take many more years before orthodox medicine accepts the notion that, in the more susceptible, biology is controlled not from within, but by the wild and explosive activity of the sun.

Lynne McTaggart
The sun’s activity in the form of CME’s, HSS’s, Space wind, Coronal Hole emissions [sun spots] interact with the magnetosphere. This in turn during a magnetic storm causes the Schumann Resonance [average of 7.8 Hertz], this resonance envelops the Earth, and is the same frequency as our hearts and brains attenuate too. The result when the frequencies are disturbed are outlined above in the article.

By reading the lengthy link below, it explains more of the above and below in detail. Interesting to note in A and E, emergency rooms in hospitals world wise, often EEG readouts are identical or almost identical to the GCI random event generators or GCI data collectors, which are able to monitor and graph the Earth’s Magnetic Field., and the collective unconscious. This infers that the hearts and brains of biological organisms are linked and interact with the Earths Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere, which in turn is influenced by the Sun Activity and the Sun maybe influenced or in resonance with the vast Black Hole at the Centre of the Milky Way.

Many of us are preoccupied with whether or not the recent blizzards, flooding, intense heat waves and other extreme weather are related to global warming. But, what we haven’t stopped to consider is how these extreme weather conditions may be affecting our own health.

Lightning and thunderstorms create very-low-frequency (VLF) atmospherics, or ‘sferics’. These are short, weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the 1–100 kHz range that settle down to a common frequency of 10 Hz, which is tiny compared with the much higher frequencies bombarding us from our computers, TVs and electrical appliances. Nevertheless, growing evidence shows that all living organisms respond to buildups of EM energy from the weather on earth, and that these faint, dampened impulses profoundly affect all of our biological systems—and possibly far more than does the sea of EM ‘noise’ all around us.


The level of circulating sferics largely accounts for what is being termed ‘meteoropathy’, or illness due to the weather. According to German research, some 30 per cent of Europeans are weather-sensitive (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455–68). Those affected react to changes in air pressure, humidity and even temperature. During buildups of sferics, pain is intensified, illness increases, moods worsen and people get the ‘blahs’.

Researchers at the Department of Clinical and Physiological Psychology at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany, have discovered that pain from all manner of sources—scars, brain injury, angina, asthma or migraine—is more intense during high rates of atmospherics, with increases beginning one or two days before a change in the weather (Reiter R. Meteorobiologie und Elektrizität der Atmosphäre [Meteorobiology and Atmospheric Electricity]. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft [Academic Publishers] Geest & Portig, 1960).

When sferics are high—say, during geomagnetic storms—blood viscosity (stickiness) also dramatically increases, as do heart attacks (Clin Cardiol, 1985; 8: 149–51). They also increase the pain of rheumatism, migraine, sleep disorders and general tension. Bad weather also appears to have a profound effect on human mood. Violence, accidents (including traffic accidents), suicides and criminal behaviours increase when EMFs build up in the air (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455–68).

Atmospherics can also interfere with concentration. Students make more mistakes on tests when sferics were high the night before. Our ability to react quickly also suffers when the air is heavy with sferic activity.

But why do we feel these faint pulses and not the louder ones? The Giessen group pos-tulates that each of us possesses a biological ‘window’ through which we receive and respond to a specific band of frequencies.

Thus, we are only susceptible to waves that correspond to our ideal frequencies.

Participants exposed to 10-kHz sferics for only 20 minutes show a large shift in their alpha band (7–13 Hz), the wave length of meditation and alert receptivity (Tirsch WS et al. ‘Spectroanalytical investigations about the influence of atmospherics on the human EEG’ [Abstr]. EEG Symposium, Obergugl, February 1994). Other studies have shown an increase in both alpha and beta brain-wave activity (13–40 Hz).

In our human evolution, the brain may have worked best when tuned in to 10 Hz, the frequency of our alpha cycle—quiet, meditative alertness—and the same as the Schumann resonance, the most common frequency of EM waves that encircle the earth.

Keeping time

James Oschman—author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000)—believes that, when we’re in a relaxed or meditative state, the pulse of the earth takes over as our brain’s ‘pacemaker’. Some have even concluded that the Schumann resonance frequency creates our own internal rhythms. When people in an underground bunker were exposed to Schumann-like extra-low-frequency (ELF) waves for a week, they displayed more accurate circadian rhythms than did the controls (Naturwissenschaften, 1968; 55: 29–32).

The Giessen group has also examined reports showing that these low, faint fields can affect cell calcium, as all the important ions of the body are in the low-frequency range. Such interaction affects the delicate balance of melatonin and serotonin, the brain hormones that regulate mood, set our circadian rhythm and may be involved (through the pineal gland) with the workings of a number of the major organs.

The brain uses these oscillating cellular calcium ions to regulate a range of bodily functions. Like the rhythm set by an orchestra conductor, the 10-Hz pulse of the earth’s weather gives us the world’s best beat. As a tuning fork tunes a musical instrument, it may be that we need to be ‘tuned’ by the Schumann resonance to be at our own peak performance.

Also, we may have evolved to pick up these changes in the weather several days in advance to give us enough time to find food or shelter, say the Giessen scientists.

The Schumann VLF fields build up primarily during fair weather. So, it may well be that we humans were designed to function at our best when it’s sunny, and to give in to the impulse to hibernate during stormy weather.

Lynne McTaggart
Medically speaking the magnetic erratic behaviour could be treated by beta blockers, aspirin, and blood thinners as the activity can cause temporary arrhythmias, AF, high blood pressure and viscosity, only to subside after the storm. As above the Russians treat it with Helmholtz Coils. However, the side effects of drugs and the cost to medical authorities could be averted if the magnetic coils were issued to those sensitive to Weather and Sun activity.

emWave from the HeartMath Institute have powerful instruments and techniques for bringing the heart and brain into coherence. Doasone website does focus breathing. Meditation providing it is not [imagery, auto suggestion, visualisation, hypnosis, prayer or imagining a guru or religious figure, chanting], can facilitate coherence.
‘The physical condition of early Astronauts deteriorated severely whilst in Outer Space, away from the Schumann Resonance. The problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth's frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the "natural biological frequency" ‘

‘As the Pineal Gland is affected by changes in the Earth's magnetic field, so is our hormone production. In particular, Melatonin, an important Neuro Hormone and oncostatic (cancer surpressing) agent, is not produced in the absence of the Schumann Resonance in outer Space and its production is throttled in the presence of electromagnetic pollution.

So Melatonin seems to have a very close link with the "Optimum Biological Frequency Resonance". It also has been established that the Schumann Resonance is in some way a "window frequencies" for growth hormone release. If we take on board that the natural frequency is gradually being drowned out whilst our biological systems are still tuned into that frequency, then we must look for ways in which we can tune ourselves back into that frequency. It might be our only chance of maintaining a healthy immune system.

When we consider the possibility of a future governed by technology mainly involving pulsed microwaves, the outlook is frightening. But it is only frightening when we chose to ignore the simple fact that we are electromagnetic beings sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Everything depends on the right frequency. The right frequency can enhance, whilst the wrong frequency can destroy’

A brilliant article on the history of Schumann Resonance, diagrams, graphs, and detailed synopsis of the whole spectrum of frequencies.

This link is extensive; however, it covers everything and anything to do with the interconnectiveness and biology. First ¾ of blog shows interconnectiveness and interrelationships of Solar, Earth Magnetic fields.

Thank you for reading this and trust it helps.

Lets Hope The Ride of the CME’s is not as severe as some forecast.

Lots of Love, courage and best wishes. Geoff

Friday 2 March 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Mar 2012

Born Free Series — Post 2 / Mar

Geoff Freed — March 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello and Welcome

You know there is a theme rumbling around in my head; - The Great Spirit gave Life to all and everything and this to me as well. It is a constant puzzlement to me, WHY on Earth can’t I just rest and surrender to this, to that, to IT. Surrender to run my Life without fret or care.


It seems so simple to let go. I know all this stuff about the collective unconscious, the ego, Karma, programming, conditioning, God working His experiences through me to realise He created the Experiences in order to realise they are not Him.

Its like saying ‘ That is BIG G, Big I, gave you or created for you this crap, this illusion, or gave each form the capacity for FREE WILL, except the animals and plants and so on, so you can create your own crap, and so the two of us in tandem can mess it all up until we get sick and tired, worn out of hoarding, power games, loving, hating, being gay, straight, androgynous, god fearing, loyal, evil, materialistic, poverty stricken, atheistic, spiritual, oh for pities sake, the pain, the burden of carrying this mental conceptual luggage.

It is indeed tiresome, fatiguing to carry this round ONLY when one becomes aware of this. Up until the point when one is asleep to the ‘burden’ it is indeed the everyday flotsam and jetsam of living, C’est la vie.


To be carefree without necessarily being exceedingly wealthy, healthy, married, employed, single, a monk, or any particular nomenclature, category or definition.

It is indeed the weariness I feel at this moment, just before 2012 and about three months before. It feels these pieces of Luggage of tiresome, boring, the end of their use and is not the building block of my world, and there is pressure to oust them, this is surfacing from the files of my unconscious subconscious.

A real worn out pair of shoes. These shoes have trodden the familiar path for so long now and I feel to walk barefoot, in fact be bear, naked, pristine, and free.


Lately I stare out of the window at trees and I know somewhere in mind that are a tree, yet I marvel, am in awe of not only the tree, but everything. I feel like a ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’, like a child looking at things for the first time, not having a reference to ‘hook or define ‘the form to’. I do actions, whose hands are these, who put the trees there, how did I get here, and who am I?

Who am I? I am Me. Who am this Me? There is no answer only an intellectual conjecture, a scientific, religious or some gabled gook, an attempt to ‘know that I Know that I Know. To feel safe. Then when the definition, the ‘foundation is rocked’ by some challenge, makes one feel uncomfortable, then one realises who I thought I was, is not so.

If the ‘Who am this Me ‘is really pondered, a Koan, this paradox, this esoteric conundrum, then there is a stultifying ‘void, a kind mind stopper, a shock, sometimes a fear and trembling, heat and cold, numbness’ this silence that can follow, the lack of thought, not the suppression of thought, a kind of still quiet empty, light dynamic, in which one is aware of one’s awareness. Then on recovery delight, freedom, joy and other indescribable adjectives.

This emptiness of dynamic nothingness is pure potential and be equated to the zero potential field of all possibilities and probabilistic computations, either by the Divine Mind or one’s desires. Here one can lose the ability of freedom and become the slave of that which issues forth from the void, rather than the void itself.


Sometimes when in deep quietness and aware of my body I can feel the throb of Life, not just blood pulse, it feels cool, yet warm, flowing, bubbling, like bubbles bursting forth, sometimes like a mild electric current, a buzzing, almost inaudible, yet tangible.

One has to be still, aware and relaxed. It is in these moments, one is aware of the Life Force, the Chi, the mild form of kundulini. It is in these spaces that one can feel rejuvenation, regeneration, resurrection. It feels clean, refreshing, energising and replenishing. It can be lost by anxiousness, ill health, innutritious food, pollution and so forth.

One feels the touch of the Universe, the safety of no safety and the everlasting arms that are not there in form but in feeling. Yet one cannot even demand to keep experiencing this. It is gift of Grace. It is spontaneous.


Any attempt to consciously, willingly, contemplate, manipulate, repeat these will only be a mind graphic, another hook to enable the mind to form Itself into a library of experiences and recreate the ego on another platform, which in time becomes another piece of luggage.

Also of Late I have felt that the perfect blueprint, the DNA wave, yes a kind of Universal Circadian Rhythm, a kind of Frequency Pulse for Source, that courses through the Universe, entangled to all forms of endemic Strands of the Blueprint may be ‘out there’ if there is such a thing. For all our circadian waves are in/out/ somewhere/nowhere, so are deeply enmeshed shared human DNA, Heart beats and so forth. So I ash myself, why cannot I tune into the Universal Perfect DNA for me?

What seems to whisper to me is that by being still a gateway a portal is opened and my wishes, desires, wants, thoughts cease and then am co joined or coalesce with the essence, the ‘field of possibilities’ and it here, where is here, here? It is here that the Universe takes over and the DNA of oneself, the Cosmic Circadian Rhythm is automatically imbibed. IT is a case of surrendering, of inviting from and in the Stillness that which the Cosmic Intelligence has in ‘Mid’ for oneself.

The bag of ego, the luggage, the attic of accumulated debris of the past has to be set aside and the emptiness of Stillness, which is awareness, comes through the space of the vacated ego.

This natural Grand Circadian Rhythm Frequency Wave is the regulator of Death, Birth and all else appertaining to any particular form. I guess Let Go and Let Flow. Any attempt to intellectually, wilfully engineer this will be a pale ghost and a illusion compounded by all other illusions.

To Let Go is to realise that holding on is -----?





I guess the Universe Let Go Of Itself to be One of Its Many forms, which is Like giving myself up to be there for everyone, and yet get the benefits if that the correct word to experience the joy of Loving emptying of the Self. It is as if the seed drops to die to be reborn, the dandelion above gives of Itself to be recreated in Its Offspring. Each birth hold the promise of Death which is another rebirth, yet the Underlying Life has no form and is not born or dies yet sustains Its Experiences through inexhaustible renewable perpetual eternal motion; the begetter recycles Itself into the Recipient, who in turn dies to be begot again.


fig10 Often we hear and see Aurora Borealis, this is a 2 min beautiful video of Red Australis Borealis. CLAIM THAT A UFO HAS BEEN FOUND ON THE OCEAN FLOOR BY A SWEDISH SALVAGE OPERATOR. Incidentally I have always had a passion to visit the Baltic Sea and some years back I spent a day with my German friends there and was almost hypnotised by it. I wish I could revisit the name of the town was Laboe.


Figure 1 This a memorial at Laboe FOR ALL the sailors who died in the world wars.


Figure 2 A reminder of a U-Boat and all the advanced submarines that are so deadly and could be so usweful for other purposes. This is at Laboe as well.


Figure 3 Disc at bottom of Baltic Sea. Check this out, a Stonehenge type structure in Armenia, purportedly 3,500 years older than STONEHENGE.





You may click on any of the types of radiation for more detail about its particular type of interaction with matter. The different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have very different effects upon interaction with matter. Starting with low frequency radio waves, the human body is quite transparent. (You can listen to your portable radio inside your home since the waves pass freely through the walls of your house and even through the person beside you!) As you move upward through microwaves and infrared to visible light, you absorb more and more strongly. In the lower ultraviolet range, all the uv from the sun is absorbed in a thin outer layer of your skin. As you move further up into the x-ray region of the spectrum, you become transparent again, because most of the mechanisms for absorption are gone. You then absorb only a small fraction of the radiation, but that absorption involves the more violent ionization events. Each portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has quantum energies appropriate for the excitation of certain types of physical processes. The energy levels for all physical processes at the atomic and molecular levels are quantized, and if there are no available quantized energy levels with spacings which match the quantum energy of the incident radiation, then the material will be transparent to that radiation, and it will pass through.
This will assist in understanding the earlier blogs of the effects of the solar-CME-HSS and so on and the weather, Schumann Resonance and so forth.

These two articles and blog will be a reminder to the above graphs. It will also show the affects of mobile phones and computers which you can work out from the frequencies. Also related to above. I think this lady is amazing, not eccentric. It just shows how far removed the press is from what is real and wonderful.

‘Conventional wisdom holds that Mars's atmosphere is vulnerable because the planet lacks a global magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field stretches far out into space and envelopes the whole planet in a protective bubble that deflects the solar wind. Mars has only regional, patchy magnetic fields that cover relatively small areas of the planet, mostly in the southern hemisphere. The rest of the atmosphere is fully exposed to the solar wind. So the loss could be caused by the slow erosion of the atmosphere in these exposed areas.’


Maybe there was a civilisation on Mars and they did what we are doing, raping and denuding the planet. The Magnetosphere is part of the Earth; everything is related and interrelated in a unique harmony and independent independency.

This oversight of not recognising the links in the chain, the eco systems can lead to a gradual eroding and then when enough units have gone, enough links of the chain sever, then a sudden collapse. A tipping point can be reached, a hundred monkey critical mass in reverse.

It seems many of us are suffering from broken chains, hearts and relationships. This is sad. However, maybe we have to totally breakdown before the mass population wake up.?


Figure 6 How long will it be before the chain breaks --- ecologically, politically, financially and socially?

In my now often repeated Inverted V, we are nearly at the apex and the demarcation and confusion between mega crises and mega solution are indeed so close as to be nearly blending, cancelling one another out and so synthesising into a third and new way, not to the left or right, or middle, but something original and marvellous, a dream perhaps, however, I feel a distinct possibility.

When we view ecosystems, plant wise, animal, atmospheres and so forth they are seemingly different, yet they co exist on every level for the good of the whole. It is not sacrifice. It is serving each other so all benefit.

Service without sacrifice or suffering is indeed compassion and altruism in its deepest and most profound aspect.

Lots of Love, Be well, best wishes. Geoff


NOAA Scales Activity
Range 1 (minor) to 5 (extreme)
NOAA Scale Past 24 hrs Current
Geomagnetic Storms G2 G1
Solar Radiation Storms S2 S2
Radio Blackouts R3

On BBC 2 Tuesday 6 March 2012 there was a programme on the Sun solar flares, CME’s etc., they watered it down to say the least. Look at the above NOAA scale and see what these readings are ?


fig19 Here is a synopsis of the effects and affects of weather and solar weather and storms.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Mar 2012

Born Free Series — Post 1 / Mar

Geoff Freed — March 2012

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

Hello Again

What an experience, I would love to have been there. This gorilla experience above shows the affinity that can exist between all organic living lives. Good to see the scientific community going into this field of interaction with biology.


Some of you may have seen this before

However if it is authentic, and not just well meaning this could be the MAIN 2012 implementation.

The Above Breaking News is from the January 2 post. At the risk of being called negative and sceptic I would bring a couple of points to your attention.
  1. Many years back the financial advisor to the IMF was applauded as a great spiritual leader as he did Transcendental Meditation and he with colleagues would lead the world to a better financial system and so forth. It got worse and more corrupt.

  2. Then we had David Wilcock announce the end of eight underground elite bases either nuked or ET erasing 60,000 personal and 4,000 arrests. Well you probably read my reply.
As regards NO 1 there has been as is a person going round for years now saying he is the personal or even reincarnated spirit of Count St Germaine and scammed many people, [me of £80.00] saying that the USA Federal Reserve Bank had trillions they were going to dish out to all the 'share holders', some Israeli contacts got scammed of £3,000 ponds each, I was promised £40,000 and they several million.

He was so plausible, then the camouflage became thin and I then alerted those in certain groups, I was castigated, and now thanked and have saved many a group and people of this person.

So it wise to hold awareness and 'watch' this space. Certain Guru, cult and of banker/government do the same ploy. 'Native American saying “White speaks with forked tongue”, and of course all denominations now. The Internet and Mobile phone aiding abetting this type of thing.

I am sure in NO 1 the intention is honourable and well meaning, NO 2 for me the Jury is Still Out.

The rising energy is getting to people in high positions and is pricking their conscience; however, we still have very high officials and religious fanatics who will scupper the boat if needed.

The binaural brain and DNA interface is now expanding causing unrest in resistant minds and the tip over is increasing rapidly. Hence the recalcitrant mind set of the remaining stubborn glory power hungry greedy so called elite want to censor the internet/mobile phone networks, bring in laws of incarceration without trial or jury or even told the so called perpetrators what offence has been committed.

Let us hope that the vast internment stalag type camps or institutions being built by THEMA along Central America are not for prisoners but an 'in case' of the New Madrid Fault Line Collapse. The USA like many other countries are now as suppressive, dogmatic and flagrantly abuse human rights while hypocritically denouncing other countries of the very same thing. When the shift hits the fan to the folk in the street we may see transparency really arrive. IT IS on the way and the crumbling stale bread of the old patterns rolling off the board to the floor to be collected and put on the compost heap for the new growth of now and tomorrow.

A lot of folk have raved over this 23 min video. A LOVELY MESSAGE AND GRAPHICS.

Solar Storms: Impact of a Coronal Mass Ejection

Normal Conditions: Earth's magnetic field typically deflects the charged particles streaming out from the sun, carving out a teardrop-shaped volume known as the magnetosphere. On the sun-facing side, the boundary, or magnetopause, is about 60,000 kilometers from our planet. The field also traps particles in a doughnut-shaped region known as the Van Allen belts.

First Stages of Impact: When the sun fires off a coronal mass ejection (CME), this bubble of ionized gas greatly compresses the magnetosphere. In extreme cases such as superstorms, it can push the magnetopause into the Van Allen belts and wipe them out.


Magnetic Reconnection:

The solar gas has its own magnetic field, and as it streams past our planet, it stirs up turbulence in Earth's magnetic field. If this field points in the opposite direction as Earth's, the two can link up, or reconnect-releasing magnetic energy that accelerates particles and thereby creates bright auroras and powerful electric currents.


CME IMPACT: As predicted by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24 at ~1500 UT (10 am EST). A geomagnetic storm is brewing in the aftermath of the impact, but as this alert is being written it is too soon to say how weak or strong the storm might be. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after local nightfall; the hours around local midnight are often best for seeing the Northern Lights. Chances for a good display favor observers in northern Europe, Greenland, Iceland, Canada, Alaska, and possibly northern tier US states such as Maine, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Check for updates.

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms are in progress? Storm alerts are available from (text) and (voice).

New subscribers may sign up for free space weather alerts at .

Cosmic Look-Back in Time

fig04The finite speed of light means that we must always be out of date, no matter how hard we strive to keep up with the times. Thus, the seemingly simple question - what is happening right now on the Sun? - cannot be answered by an observer on Earth, because it takes light 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun. For distant galaxies, the light travel times are even longer, so our information about the galaxy NGC 6240, which is 400 million light years away, is 400 million years out of date! One consolation is that if astronomers on NGC 6240 are observing our Milky Way galaxy, they are likewise 400 million years behind the times - our times, that is. As Albert Einstein said, "The past, present and future are only illusions, even if stubborn ones."

fig05The time in the past at which the light we now receive from a distant object was emitted is called the look-back time. When astronomers discuss events in distant objects, they take for granted that the actual event occurred earlier because of light travel time. It is similar to finding a series of photographs of a child in a 300 year-old time capsule. We could see how the child was developing 300 years ago, even though he/she would no longer be alive.

In the case of NGC 6240, the predicted merger of supermassive black holes has likely already occurred, perhaps 250 million years ago in NGC 6240 time. But we won't know about it for another 150 million years! See the following sample time line.

NGC 6240 sample time relative to Earth time:
450 million years earlier - Galaxies merged
400 million years earlier - Supermassive black holes are 3000 light years apart (Chandra Observation)
250 million years earlier - Black holes merged

Earth time:
50 million years ago: Galaxies merge Now: Observe Supermassive black holes 3000 light years apart 150 million years from now: Black holes merge For those of you who like a good mystery THE DROPA Stones purported to be Alien, and the result of a crashed spaceship, found in remote Tibet.


Scott predicted 7 years before 9/11. Princess Diana. John F Kennedy Junior and so on, Bali etc. You know some brainless, brainwashed, gutless stuck minded misinformed materialistic madmen keep this destruction of nature and natural things up. What petty minded fearful misinformed bribed by big pharma they are. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. I SELDOM GASP AT VIDEOS BUT THIS, THIS WAS AMAZING, THE GRACE, THE AGILITY, THE ATHLETICS', THE POWER AND ALL ELSE. [Thanks Fif for sending]. The FDA the USA food administration Inspectorate is in a conspiracy with certain companies. What's News there! The way the EU is going banning 220 descriptions and removing herbs and supplements we are just like another state of the USA. That special relationship with USA--- yes its special alright. This beautiful time elapsed Aura Borealis, amazing.



NEW HIV VACCINE BEING TRIALLED, FROM THE RESEARCH IT FRIGHTENS THE PANTS OFF OF ME. When I was staying with friends in East Grinstead there was a spate of big cats sightings and one night we heard a terrific squeal and pounding on the roof. In the morning we found large paw marks on the bonnet and roofs of our cars and on the roof of the bungalow and one very, very terrified cat indoors with a strange mark on the cat flap. The local police were not interested neither were the press. PHPSESSID=chibrp2g8v5t9rjqoee4d9iqf7 A CME HEADING TOWARDS VENUS--- LOVELY AND POWERFUL. Take a gander at these lovely African Road Signs.
  • Dow AgroSciences (a subsidiary of Dow Chemicals) has developed a new generation of genetically modified (GM) crops -- soybeans, corn and cotton -- that are engineered to resist an herbicide called 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), which was a major ingredient in Agent Orange
  • Once the 2,4-D resistant seeds are released, it will mean farmers will be spraying massive amounts of the herbicide onto U.S. farmland; health effects linked to 2,4-D include birth defects, blood, liver and kidney toxicity
  • The 2,4-D-resistant crops are being touted as a solution to Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops, which have triggered the creation of super weeds; however, the new crops will likely only add to the problem of herbicide resistance, while even greater amounts of herbicides are sprayed onto U.S. farmland, exposing millions to their harmful effects.
  • You have until February 27, 2012 to comment on Dow's application for “non-regulated status” of its 2,4-D-resistant corn. This is a rare opportunity to let your opinion be heard that you do not support products that will increase the use of this toxic chemical once used in Agent Orange.
By Dr. Mercola

Agent Orange, produced by both Monsanto and Dow Chemicals, was used to defoliate jungles during the Vietnam War.

During that time, millions of gallons of the toxic chemical mixture were sprayed on trees and vegetation, and the aftermath left hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese sick, with countless numbers of their children suffering birth defects, and a still growing group of U.S. veterans with related diseases ranging from cancer to Parkinson's disease.

Agent Orange was a horrific chemical concoction that never should have been used, and if you want to see some of its effects on children who were exposed in the womb, you can do so here -- but I warn you the photos are very graphic and upsetting.
Agent Orange is no longer produced -- so why am I bringing it up now? There is more from Dr Mercola.

One can now see the desperate plan of those so called elite or illuminati or Bilderbergs or bilderbugs. They are trying to down the internet, poison the food and water, pollute the environment, take away supplements, natural therapies and so forth. Yet like the resistance movements everywhere, it merely strengthens the resolve to clean these old moldy lumps of stubborn rotting flesh out and let in the clean fresh air of natures energy. THE AWAKENING IS CATCHING ON FAST. THE SHIFT HAS DEFINITELY HIT THE FAN.


"The happiest is he who suffers least; the most miserable is he who enjoys least."

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
An experience recently when finishing a meditation. My mind buzzed with fantasies and the usual empty witness was clouded with a pressure, then it changed to a warm syrupy cold/warm [these interior experiences are difficult to put into words], cloud which was black and threatening. I felt sick and frail, frightened and shocked. Then the cloud disbursed gently and completely.


I felt a relief [the last few weeks I have been tense, trapeziums tight and buttocks clenched] a sigh of relief followed. There were a few words I felt, 'Its Ok to fall apart, and you have been trying to hold it together' 'Falling apart is part of a complimentary pair of holding it together', then I had a flash of examples enter 'Krishnamurti told of a man in a high rise building which was set alight, he had to escape through the window at the top. He held onto the gutter which was red hot, in sheer desperation and burns he let go--- it is when we reach the height of desperation we let go'. Then from the bible 'Jesus – lest a seed or grain of wheat fall and die it cannot grow' 'Roshi Raku Uyenishi, my old Zen Master 'Always leave a cupboard empty in your house'.

What followed was amazing this repetitive phrasing' this is for the world. The money-let go, the money-let go, the money- let go this repeated itself many times.

Then rest of the morning was deep yawning, stretching and muscle pain and abdominal discomfort. I had a bout of diarrhoea a night and day before. I felt it was another form of clearing.

Strangely I had changed my diet to a heavy meat and saturated fat, organ meat, it seemed to give me strength and yet there was a discomfort, it was if I needed to build up, build the me up. Now I feel to have a lighter diet and turn back to my juicing and vegetables. Yet to have an occasional organ/chicken, fatty fish.

It seemed that then experience was not only for me but synonymous to the world condition.

Be well and Take Care. Best Wishes. Geoff