Monday 2 May 2011

May - Update 1 - May 02 2011

May - Update 1

Geoff Freed — 29 April 2011

Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history.

EVERYTHING IS ON LOAN, we own absolutely nothing. Our children are not our property, Life gave them to us as a gift. We should like precious orchids, help them grow, not inflict our programming, our doctrines, our conflicting culture and politics on them.

Like this Tibetan Proverb; Friendship is the flower growing by the side of the road. Never try to pluck it or posses it — and it will blossom for you.

Perhaps we need to guide rather than dominate, perhaps love instead of condemn. In their innocence children and our friends blossom in the rain of compassion, the sunshine of understanding and the beauty of unconditional freedom. Unconditional freedom provides a space, a loving fertile fecundity to grow.

Each and every person, animal, plant, insect, fish and all beings, organic and so called inorganic are a gift from Life. They come from seemingly somewhere from the nowhere. An indescribable place that holds all the treasures of the Universe.

Each molecule, atom, particle, particle, wave and so on are units of or packets, yes quanta of love wrapped up or conveyed in unlimited abundance and are the photons of love and it is love as an intelligent energy that formulates Life in the forms which each and every dimension realises and experiences.

It is at this point that we can let go, relax, trust in the stream of Living and indeed know all is well indeed.

What a gift Life is, and to us the human body, so at times awkward, seemingly unattractive at moments, young and then older, yet there is this underlying trust that the body has of the spirit within it, and relies on the mind to sustain it with supportive loving thoughts. Our bodies trustingly like small children believe everything we say to it.

Dear body forgive me for the hard thoughts and blame I said to you. In my ignorance I blamed you for the very thing I should have owned and blamed myself. Yet blaming myself also is not where the situation starts or ends. It is becoming aware of the hurt, the blame, yes the love, being the witness, that awareness which is precursor to wisdom, understanding, that highlights the emotional entanglement which is the beginning of freedom. This freedom breaks the restraints, the tethers, the prison bars of self, the binding ropes of arrogance and egoistic pomposity, and then it leaves us the real self to be who we really are a huge glowing shiny ball of pulsating light—yes a sun and star on Earth. A blazing orb, a replica of as above so below.


Figure 1 Some say we bring over our unfinished business in order to free ourselves of Karma. Others say we make pre life agreements. Others say we are fresh and a clean slate. Whatever the situation, we have a chance to be clear and understanding.

Figure 2 Clear of gunge and flying free. A clear and free spirit.

Hey, Lots of Love. Geoff



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